The "fatherwords" in english language. Automatically translated


February 2, 2025

Candlemas 2025

My children, today there is a special vibration on earth again. February 2 of every year has a special energy and anyone who has the opportunity to do something special on this day should take advantage of it. Every now and then there is the opportunity to get married or engaged on this day or otherwise - as I said - to do something very important and meaningful, because the protection of Mother Mary is also felt particularly strongly on this day as an additional force. From today on, the light will be much more firmly anchored on earth. Everything will be fine! Amen.


February 1, 2025

The new February energies

My children, today, February 1, a new energy begins that the sensitive among you will immediately feel. Everything is freer and apparently easier. Blockages are released in all people who are open to it and allow it. Furthermore, the energies flow better if you believe in it intensely and integrate it into your life. A lot of hope energy is projected into the month of February by many people in the world and depending on how strongly you believe in it, it can happen. A lot always depends on the way people think and act, because what they live, think and do has a very big influence on their lives. Everything will be fine! Amen.


January 31, 2025

The end of January

My children, the month of January ends today and with it a lot of chaos and confusion. But some good changes have also begun. Starting tomorrow, the energy will change completely, but more about that tomorrow. You, My children, who are loyal to Me, know how to help yourselves in tricky situations and if you have to pay large amounts that are not justified for a service that only takes a few minutes, such as towing a car that is stuck or has other problems, please always remember that you received quick help first and foremost and that these people also have to live off something. But if the price is clearly too high, you can ask that the money you paid too much be returned to you in other ways. In other words: Don't be upset or sad if something happens to you that you didn't plan for. It is often a learning process or you are sometimes brought together with other people that you would otherwise never have met or would have met in a very difficult way.  Remember: spiritual logistics sometimes take paths that are difficult for you to understand. Everything will be fine! Amen.


January 30, 2025

January is coming to an end

My children, this week is quite something in terms of changes in the world. Those who consume news on the Internet that does not come from public broadcasters will learn much more than anyone else who is also dependent on television. You should be aware that many changes are planned this year. You, My extended arms on earth, are in the fortunate position of helping to support the good in the world through your voluntary prayers, light transmissions and cries of victory, by helping to anchor the light ever more firmly on earth. Everything will be fine! Amen.


January 29, 2025

If you are looking for solutions

My children, many people are currently suffering from a lot of aches and pains and don't know how to get better. As I have often told you, the burdens of the past are coming to light more and more and want to be resolved. That is why it is very important that you hand over to me in heartfelt prayer everything that is burdening you and at the same time forgive everyone who has ever done something to you from the bottom of your heart. This also applies to previous incarnations. But it is just as important that you ask forgiveness from all life forms to whom you have done something. Most problems from previous lives are there. It is often not done all at once. That means: Ideally, you should go into heartfelt prayer with me as often as you like and consciously let go, forgive your tormentors and ask forgiveness from everyone else you have done something to.  The souls that have not yet reincarnated, but with whom you still have to resolve, are often not immediately ready to let go and forgive. This can take days, weeks, months, or even years. You have to be patient and know that everything will be fine if you have deep trust and, above all, perseverance. Everything will be fine! Amen.


January 28, 2025

Think of your animals too

My children, at the request of many of you through your heartfelt prayers, I would like to speak explicitly about animals today. Many of my children who are loyal to me and who are working around the world, including you of course, are firstly very fond of animals and secondly have one or more pets. I would like to talk about pets today first, with dogs and cats being the most common. But horses, donkeys, birds, chickens, geese and hamsters or guinea pigs, to name just the most important, are also very often kept as pets and a close bond is built with them. Some of you also support animal shelters or have taken an animal from an animal shelter into your home to give it a loving place. There are also animals that are disabled or handicapped and they often only have a chance of having a good life if they are loved. When a pet becomes a real member of the family, it is important that you also respond to its needs.  Even with so-called guard dogs, it is important that you look after them lovingly and show them that you love them and that they are doing their part as a guard dog within the family. Now that I am going into this topic in more detail, I would like to tell you again how important it is that you not only stock up for yourself, but also for your animals. People who love animals and take them into their hearts always have a close connection with Me, even if they often do not do so consciously. As for the other animals that are often kept in factory farms, such as pigs or cattle, to name just one of these poor creatures, you should also include them in your prayers. The best thing to do is to pray for all animals on earth, that they are helped to have a life worth living. Everything will be fine! Amen.


January 27, 2025

An extraordinary week

My children, this week, which is also the last of January 2025, is going to be a tough one again! A lot will happen - even on the physical level. For many worldly-oriented people, the changes will be almost unbelievable. But those who don't get their information from the Internet and only watch public television won't notice much, because the other side is still strongly represented there. This of course means that every voluntary good deed has immense power to continue to anchor the light more firmly on earth. Everything will be fine! Amen.


 January 26, 2025

The world is bubbling

My children, those of you who are sensitive have already sensed that something is happening on earth. You, as My extended arms on earth, are helping to guide this process of change into calmer channels through your voluntary good deeds. The fact that things are bubbling is partly because the other side is naturally trying to cause as much harm as possible, but the process of change is continuing step by step without being able to be stopped. Anyone who now thinks that everything is only going smoothly is mistaken. Because the other side will not give up that easily. Despite all this, you should remember that you are always protected and looked after under My protective cloak and that your voluntary good deeds are still immensely important. Everything will be fine! Amen.


January 25, 2025

How important comprehensive prayers are

My children, most of you pray deeply with Me several times a day. In addition, there are also voluntary, good deeds, which pleases Me greatly. Now some of you have asked in your heartfelt prayer whether there is a kind of comprehensive prayer that can include everything. Well, everything is not possible, since I have given you free will and there are also people on earth who do not want you to pray for them or do good to them. When I say comprehensive prayer, that includes everything that is voluntarily possible on earth. That means: If you pray, for example, that a healing energy may flow to all forms of life on earth, which is possible within the framework of the free will of the respective form of life and the willingness to receive it, then you are doing everything right. Especially now in these revolutionary times, more and more worldly-oriented people are realizing that what they have done and how they have lived so far has not been their fulfillment.  If these people now ask for help in prayer, for example, or to be shown a new path, they often open themselves up to your help through your good deeds and prayers. Everything will be fine! Amen.


January 24, 2025

Feeling stress in the body

My children, when something annoys, depresses or burdens you, it is often first noticeable as physical discomfort. Very often you then have a stomachache or a feeling of fullness or headaches, in a worse version even migraines or other aches and pains, which are meant to show you that something in or about you wants to be resolved. I then recommend that you first find inner peace, as far as possible, and then pray with Me fervently and hand over to Me everything that depresses, moves or burdens you, so that it can be changed. Many of you then think that this is it, but that is by no means the case, My children, because now your process of letting go begins.  Step one was to give Me everything that was burdening you and step two is to forgive, to let go and often to change your way of thinking about it so that the cause, i.e. the trigger, can be found or changed or resolved. I will give you an example now: Your soul would like to get rid of old attachments, burdens or newer problems. As soon as you are confronted with the issue, there is either a reaction in the body, such as stomach ache, or you try to push the issue away from you. What is important now is that you face the things and resolve them together with Me. First in the spiritual realm with Me in heartfelt prayer and then in the worldly realm so that your body and soul feel better again. Remember, My children: I am always at your side and help you. You just have to let it happen. Everything will be fine! Amen.


January 23, 2025

A lot will happen

My children, now is a time when a lot will change in world events. As always, a lot of things happen first on a subtle level and then gradually emerge in the physical world. It is very important that more and more people wake up and realize that what has happened on earth so far had a lot to do with lies and deceit and brought people into dependence. Freedom is one of the greatest goods that people have and this will once again become more important. You can now sense that worldly-oriented people still have great problems with the new energies of 2025 in many cases. Much will drag on until mid or late February 2025, but after that many of the worldly-oriented people will be much more aware than before when it comes to specific topics.  You, My helpers on earth who are faithful to Me, may always lovingly give worldly help when you are asked to do so, such as voluntary assistance to friends, relatives and acquaintances or even to the neighborhood, etc. Everything will be fine! Amen.


January 22, 2025

Healing water springs

My children, at the request of many, through heartfelt prayer, I will speak again today about the topic of water, but specifically about healing water springs. There are many healing water springs around the world, but only a few have become relatively famous. Whether it is in the thermal area or in the radon area: everything is good for the body, as long as it is not exaggerated. Some of you rave about Heviz, the largest natural thermal lake on earth in terms of natural temperatures. Others about the hot springs in Iceland and some of you also about the radon caves in Austria and Germany, for example. Of course, there are also many places that have a healing water spring and can therefore sometimes call themselves "spas". The most famous place in Germany is Bad Wörishofen in the Allgäu, where one of My children achieved many healing successes with the water cure. A lot of time has passed since then, but the healing treatments there and in many other villages and towns that work with healing water treatments have remained.  My writing channel here received the impulse from Me in heartfelt prayer this morning to deal more with the topic again and will soon provide you with an energy image free of charge that will help you in a subtle way to supply your body with healing energies that have been blessed by Me. If, for example, you take normal spring water and place this water in front of you, ideally in a glass bottle or glass, you can hold your hands over it and say the following: "I bless, cleanse, activate and energize this water in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit so that it does me good and helps my body to heal or stay healthy. So it is and so be it. Because JESUS CHRIST IS VICTOR, JESUS CHRIST IS VICTOR, JESUS CHRIST IS THE VICTOR!" If you do this in close connection with Me, this water will be transformed in such a way that it does you good.  Thermal water and water containing radon have an immediate effect on the subtle level and the body absorbs what it needs and transforms it into the physical body as quickly as possible. Since everything that has a subtle effect is the same everywhere in the world, you can, for example, look at a photo of a radon cave or a thermal spring, then pray with Me, hold your hands over it and then ask Me that the purest healing essence of this cave or spring now flows into your subtle body, from where it is then transformed into the physical body. This means: You do not need to travel to Hungary, Iceland or other special healing places, but you can also use a photo, for example, in a heartfelt prayer, to make the corresponding healing energy flow to you. For all those who cannot yet practice this because they think, for example, that they do not yet trust themselves to do it, My writing channel Johannes will soon provide a corresponding healing image for everyone here.  Remember, My children, you have many more opportunities to heal your bodies if you open yourselves to the possibilities that I give you or have given you from birth. Everything will be fine! Amen.


 January 21, 2025


My children, solidarity between you, My children who are loyal to Me, is immensely important! It does not have to be physical, but can also be verbal or via email or the Internet in general, and if you hear that some of you are having financial problems, you can help them or pray for them so that help comes. Every heartfelt prayer is heard and supported by My guardian angels, assigned to you by Me, within the framework of the respective life plan. It very often happens that My children who have aches and pains are first allowed to release old burdens and attachments from previous lives before healing can occur. But if a different way of thinking is now required, it often also requires giving in and rethinking in this regard so that the healing process can be initiated.  If you hear of brothers and sisters who are ill, you can pray for them on the one hand that they heal quickly, but on the other hand also that they learn to recognize what has caused these little aches and pains so that they can get to the cause, understand it and be prepared to change their lives accordingly in order to be able to get well again. Many of My children have problems with their legs and feet. This is very often because they are carrying a heavy burden of a subtle or physical nature with them. This can be, for example, old burdens in the form of land, houses, or things that they brought into this life from previous lives. The soul more or less insists that the person recognizes what they still have to let go of so that they and the soul feel better. This insistence of the soul - within the framework of free will, mind you - is very often shown in the fact that the person is repeatedly confronted with similar things. In your colloquial language, you would understand it as a "hint."  Other signs from the soul are often that friends, relatives and acquaintances consciously or unconsciously point out the issue that needs to be resolved, or the person reads it in a book, hears it on television or is confronted with it in some other way. If the person is now ready to work on this old pattern, recovery and healing can begin very quickly. People who are stubborn and unyielding can often be seen by the way they walk crookedly and have a stony look on their face. That is why solidarity also means that you can consciously help your siblings by speaking to them lovingly about the issue or telling them in some other way, first finding the cause of the problem and then giving help if they ask you for it. As far as financial matters are concerned, it is always good to be generous and helpful if you can and in doing so you help your siblings. Everything that you do for good always comes back to you in amplified form in different ways. So don't be surprised if those who only do negative things also get the corresponding responses.  Everything will be fine! Amen.


January 20, 2025

Many events

My children, you probably already suspected that a lot will happen this week. The other side is trying to prevent some things, but many people around the world are praying that things will get better now. You, as My extended arms on earth, are the loving leaders who, in conjunction with My angels sent to you, help coordinate the prayers and healing missions of worldly-oriented people, because your strong, voluntary good deeds link your prayers, light missions and cries of victory so that they really flow to where they are needed. Everything will be fine! Amen.


January 19, 2025

Time outs are important

My children, many of you use Sunday to pray more intimately with me and also to take longer time outs. In the past, Sundays were completely planned out, but nowadays you often enjoy the opportunity to organize your Sunday as you would like to use it, free from restrictions. If you now say: It doesn't matter which day I take time out, I say to you that it is very important to also use Sunday for inner peace and spiritual connection with me through heartfelt prayer, because on this day there is more peace and contentment worldwide than on other days. Everything will be fine! Amen.


January 18, 2025

Stand by your things

My children, I would like to remind you once again how important it is that you stand by yourselves and the things that you do voluntarily every day. This means: If you are put under pressure and are otherwise negatively threatened or attacked, you should not give in and you should not be afraid. You, as My children who are loyal to Me and who do good things every day, voluntarily, are always protected and looked after under My protective cloak, through heartfelt prayer. The more good you do voluntarily every day, the more will come back to you as a response. If, for example, you see or hear about painful things somewhere, you can immediately give them to Me for transformation in heartfelt prayer. For example, my writing channel here cleaned a bullfighting arena where a lot of suffering and tragedy used to happen. He was guided there by his guardian angels.  What he accomplished in purification together with Me in heartfelt prayer, you can also accomplish. I will help you and am always at your side, My children. With this example I wanted to show you that so much can still be purified and resolved on earth. Do not be afraid to pray for injustices and bad things so that they can then be resolved in heartfelt prayer with Me. Everything will be fine! Amen.


January 17, 2025

Old burdens want to be released

My children, your old burdens want to be released as far as possible, because your souls want to be freed from these old burdens, some of which you have already carried with you for several incarnations. Be aware that now is a time when you have the opportunity to let go more than was previously possible. You always have the opportunity to hand over to me in heartfelt prayer everything that is burdening you, that is worrying you and also where you feel that now is the right time to let go, because your soul is urging you to do so in a certain way. It wants to use the opportunity to finally let go of old burdens that have been burdening you for a long time. Everything will be fine! Amen.


January 16, 2025

More and more worldly-oriented people are waking up

My children, even the majority of worldly-oriented people have noticed that something is happening on earth, but most worldly-oriented people cannot imagine how big these changes will be. You, My children, who are loyal to Me, are, as always, the pioneers of everything that can come. You are in the fortunate position of recognizing and seeing through many things that can happen on earth. There is still a battle going on on earth, but the light will always be stronger than the darkness and with every day that passes, the light becomes stronger. Everything will be fine! Amen.


January 15, 2025

The second half of January

My children, the second half of January begins tomorrow and with it a lot of good will flow to all people who are intimately connected with Me and always do good, voluntarily. Remember, My children, that old attachments and burdens from previous lives and also from this life can now be released or are currently being released. That is why many of you keep having aches and pains or even constant stresses that have very often come about as a result of the release of the burdens. Have faith, keep working on yourselves and remember that by doing voluntary work for the earth and its life forms, you are also doing good to yourself, as a resonance. Everything will be fine! Amen.


January 14, 2025


My children, when you leave the house or travel in your car or on public transport, please pay more attention to consciously placing yourself under My protective cloak, entering your aura and also activating a Faraday cage around you. Be mindful when you are out for work or going shopping, for example. The divine protection that I give you cannot be compared to anything else and always helps you within the framework of your life plan. Everything will be fine! Amen.


January 13, 2025

A week full of surprises is coming

My children, there are many surprises coming this week, which were also triggered by the fact that you have done so much good, voluntarily. Much harm has been prevented and much negative has been mitigated, and there are also some wonderful surprises in a positive sense. The new year will still present many unusual things that people do not expect. Everything will be fine! Amen.


January 12, 2025

Winter is not the same as winter

My children, it has snowed in many parts of Germany and of course also in Austria and Switzerland. You can see how much people are influenced by the public media when they get upset about the fact that it has snowed in January and that the ground is partly frozen. This is quite normal for the part of Europe in which you live. Many of you still know the 60s, 70s and 80s very well and can also remember how cold it often was in the winters during this time. Well, through this word "global warming", people were fooled into believing that there would no longer be cold winters. For many people, a winter is not just a winter, but also a climate change.  This means: You live in a region where there used to be four seasons, but nowadays the weather has been manipulated so often and so much by the other side that the four seasons can no longer occur. Whoever says that there are areas in Europe that do not have these four seasons is right, because in some areas of southern Europe, for example, this is not the case. Nevertheless, you, My children who are faithful to Me, manage to voluntarily dissolve many of the manipulations through your heartfelt prayers, light transmissions and cries of victory, so that the weather can return to normal again. Everything will be fine! Amen.


January 11, 2025

Enjoy the weekend

My children, many of you keep asking Me in heartfelt prayer whether it makes sense to do more spiritual work on Saturdays. Of course that is entirely possible, but I am happy about every day on which you voluntarily do good things. At the moment the weather is not exactly inviting for long walks, unless you love this wet and mostly cold air. More and more of you are now feeling how the new energies are being adjusted in your bodies. In your immediate environment, some of you have already seen and felt that these worldly-oriented people often lose strength. As I said, you can recommend to them that they let go of the old year, with everything that goes with it, and accept the new year. Everything will be fine! Amen.


January 10, 2025

Turbulent times are coming again

My children, turbulent times are once again upon us. Much of what has been resolved in the subtle realm is now coming to a transformation in the physical realm. This means: Since the public media still have to write what the other side dictates to them, the exact opposite of what is true is often found in their media. But if you read or listen carefully, you will also see truths between the lines, because they also have to report these - even if they are partly hidden. This means: "Nothing is as hot as it is cooked" and threats are often just hot air. You, as My children who are loyal to Me, now know how you should behave and you are the first to notice when something energetically happens on earth again. Everything will be fine! Amen.


January 9, 2025

Changes in the world

My children, the changes that begin this year have now partly become public knowledge. Changes always begin in the subtle realm and then later have a material impact. You, My children who are faithful to Me, will continue to have a great influence on this because you do so much good in My vineyard every day, so diligently and tirelessly, in a voluntary manner. Everything will be fine! Amen.


January 8, 2025

The events are moving forward

My children, a lot will happen this week, some of which will also be announced in the secular media. Since this year is different from previous years, many secular-oriented people are no longer able to understand why this or that happened. The other side will of course continue to try to cover up or misrepresent many things through the public media, but the truth will gradually come to light. Everything will be fine! Amen.


January 7, 2025

Everyday life begins again

My children, after the Christmas season, the turn of the year and the Rauhnächten, everyday life is now gradually starting again for many worldly-oriented people. Be aware that you, who are already able to accept and process the new energies well, have a clear advantage over most worldly-oriented people. If you notice that friends, relatives and acquaintances of yours are having problems with the new energy, which is shown, for example, by them having a cold or suddenly getting strange pains or, for example, symptoms of tiredness or weakness, you can recommend to them, for example, to lovingly let go of the old year and accept the new year. Remember that a lot will still happen this month. You have the strength within you to do a lot of good. Everything will be fine! Amen.


January 6, 2025


My children, today, January 6, is a special holiday in many countries, because it is the day My birth is celebrated. Those of you who have the day off today or can take the time to pray intensely and deeply can, voluntarily, do a lot of good today, because on these special days, the other side tries to cause a lot of disruption. But you know: The light is getting stronger and stronger! Everything will be fine! Amen.


January 5, 2025

The first Sunday of 2025

My children, the first Sunday of the new year brings you a lot of energy on the one hand and on the other hand the peace that you urgently need in order to process the new energies and pass them on, voluntarily. Remember, My children, there is a lot going on on earth right now and that is why it is important that you give yourselves time out and breaks so that you can do these important works, voluntarily, in My vineyard, fulfilled and full of energy, which are so important right now. As My extended arms on earth, you have the opportunity to do a lot of good. Everything will be fine! Amen.


January 4, 2025

There is still confusion

My children, the new energies of 2025 are still causing a lot of confusion in the world. Most of you, My children who are loyal to Me, have already gotten used to the new vibration. It is important that you consciously and clearly accept the new energies, even if there may still be problems with implementation here and there. A lot will change on earth. How strong it will ultimately be depends on you, My children who are loyal to Me, and your voluntary, good deeds in My vineyard, which you do so wonderfully, for the most part every day. Everything will be fine! Amen.


January 3, 2025

A lot is changing

My children, in the year 2025 according to your calendar, a lot is changing on earth. On the one hand, people will be confronted with completely new energies that they first have to digest, and on the other hand, they still have the option of accepting or rejecting these new energies. In other words: Those who accept the new energies will find that they are doing better within the framework of their life plan. Those who reject the new energies, however, will realize that this was the wrong path. Of course, you can change your mind at any time and also find your way to Me - e.g. through heartfelt prayer or other positive, good things. People's energies will change - one way or another - and people who are ready to adapt will feel that the new energies help people to see everything more clearly and consciously, to become more determined, and that many things that were previously rejected or put on the "back burner" are now finally being started.  Furthermore, wishes and ideas can be realized more easily - within the framework of the respective life plan. The topic of health is also becoming more important, so that people are dealing with this topic more consciously and intensively, because they are less and less tolerant, very often develop allergies and they have no choice but to deal with the topic of nutrition more intensively. Everything will be fine! Amen.


January 2, 2025

The new energies

My children, some of you will have felt it immediately and many of you only now during the course of the day. You now have a completely different energy on earth and some of you are still not able to cope with it. Anyone who did not consciously say goodbye to 2024 and warmly welcome 2025 on New Year's Eve may need a few days to fully get used to the new energy. The new energies are beneficial for all people who are good-hearted. For everyone else, it will take time to adjust. Everything will be fine! Amen.


January 1, 2025

The new year begins

My children, the new year begins and with it many resolutions from people who hope that they can come true. I told you that the old year was full of difficulties and problems for many people. Well, the year that is now beginning has a completely different vibration and each month brings different things, such as changes in world events, in politics, but also in people who can imagine it. Positive affirmations and ideas are very important and some of you, My children, have already mastered this technique quite well. Since so many people are eagerly looking forward to the new year and have put a lot of energy into it, a lot will happen accordingly. Remember, My children: A large part of what happens in your life is your own responsibility, through your way of thinking and acting - both positive and negative. But the positive outweighs the negative by far for almost all of you.  That is why it is so immensely important that you continue to do your wonderful work in My vineyard every day, full of joy and voluntarily. Everything will be fine! Amen.


December 31, 2024

End of the year 2024

My children, today the year 2024 ends. In many countries around the world, firecrackers and rockets are still allowed to pollute the air and unfortunately this is also used as an opportunity to commit terrible things under the guise of New Year's Eve celebrations. I continue to recommend that you stay away from these popular entertainments, pray intensely during this terrible time if possible, send light, celebrate the cries of victory and generally have good thoughts and do good things. Every time you say, think or shout "Jesus Christ is victorious!" something good will happen on earth. Since many of you voluntarily celebrate this cry of victory several times a day with full fervor, this has enormous effects on earth and you too will receive good things in return. Everything will be fine! Amen.


December 30, 2024

Take care of your teeth

My children, at the request of many through heartfelt prayer, I will speak today about the subject of teeth. Many people around the world have problems with their teeth. This means that many illnesses, aches and pains that people have are caused by problems with their teeth. Some of you use coconut oil or pure, blessed water or baking soda with a little water to clean your teeth. These are three options that are possible if you brush your teeth regularly. Most toothpastes are not recommended because they do more harm to the teeth than good. But it now depends on which tooth is affected and what effects this has on the body. You should not underestimate this issue and have your teeth examined because many aches and pains disappeared immediately after the tooth or teeth had been treated.  I know that the subject of teeth is very sensitive and some of you are afraid of going to the dentist, but there are more ways and means to test which teeth are affected and which are not. This is a serious subject, please do not take it lightly. Everything will be fine! Amen.


December 29, 2024

The last Sunday of the year

My children, today's Sunday is the last Sunday of 2024 and should therefore be used energetically, for example to say goodbye to the old year. You can of course do this on New Year's Eve, but you often don't have the time or leisure to do so. The Sundays of the year are very good for regularly finding inner peace and also recharging your batteries in a place of your choice. In the past, Sundays were, so to speak, pre-programmed for many families. Religious people went to church on Sunday mornings, then there was the obligatory family meal and the afternoon was often spent together.  In today's fast-paced world, many things have changed, but you should still treat yourself to inner peace regularly, and not just on Sundays, and important, heartfelt wishes such as deep inner peace, peace inside and outside, peace in the family and relatives, peace in the country of birth or homeland and of course world peace are wonderful wishes, light transmissions and ideas that help you to do good in a voluntary way. Everything will be fine! Amen.


December 28, 2024

Traveling between the years

My children, many worldly-oriented people travel a lot between Christmas and January 6th, but it is precisely during this time that air travel or long journeys by car are very limited, because many planes are cancelled or delayed, many motorways are overcrowded and traffic jams are often inevitable. Some of you, My children who are faithful to Me, are also on the move. Remember: to be prepared, to always have enough fuel in the tank, not to forget food and drink and when travelling by air, always place yourself under My protective cloak and not to take any complications too seriously, but always remain calm, because if you are under My protective cloak, you are protected and looked after. Most of you stay at home or visit friends, relatives and acquaintances in your area. During this time until January 6th, you should be careful from dusk onwards and always place yourself under My protective cloak, through heartfelt prayer when you leave the house.  Everything will be fine! Amen.


December 27, 2024

Preparing for the New Year

My children, Christmas is over and the New Year is upon us. It is important to let go of the year 2024 and say goodbye, because with the year 2025 a completely different vibration will come to you and also to the worldly-oriented people. There will be many changes and full of joy, some of you will start the year with new energies and your financial problems and worries will also be transformed into something positive. Everything will be fine! Amen.


December 26, 2024

Christmas in the heart

My children, today on the second day of Christmas, which is not celebrated everywhere, I recommend that you keep the positive, healing energy of the contemplative, spiritual Christmas in your hearts, so that you can use the vibration of this healing power at any time and send it to all life forms that are receptive to it worldwide. Remember, My children, it is always the connection with Me, through heartfelt prayer, that moves you forward in life and lets you go on the right path or find your way back to the right path. Everything will be fine! Amen.


December 25, 2024

Christmas 2024

My children, I am very happy when I see how loving and hardworking you were on Christmas Eve and how you continue to send your voluntary, good deeds out into the world so gently, lovingly and yet purposefully and meticulously. This Christmas is different for many of you than the previous ones, because loving family members or friends and relatives are either no longer with you - from a worldly perspective - or they have had themselves pricked and so the contact is no longer as close or has been broken off completely. Be clear, My children, that I am always with you and your guardian angels are always looking after you. None of you are alone! The other side is trying to disrupt Christmas again this year, but those who are intimately connected to Me in their hearts will always receive everything that is important for life on a subtle level. Depending on your spiritual development, it will then be transferred to the gross material world quite quickly.  Everything will be fine! Amen.


December 24, 2024

Christmas Eve 2024

My children, a very strenuous year for many people reaches its first climax today on Christmas Eve. What is meant, however, is the peace, quiet and contemplation that a large proportion of worldly-oriented people have been taught, provided they were raised Christian. However, since many Christian values are unfortunately being increasingly suppressed in these fast-moving times, it is immensely important, especially for My children who are faithful to Me, to maintain this tradition. Being together with loved ones has become much more difficult since the "C" vaccinations, because in many cases there was a real rift within the family because a large proportion of you listened to Me and avoided all vaccinations and tests. But I am happy if you, My children who are faithful to Me, despite everything, spend Christmas Eve together in quiet and contemplative unity and are also connected in spirit with My children who are alone this evening.  Of course, it is very sensible to continue to pray for all friends, relatives and acquaintances who have had themselves jabbed - for whatever reason. You, My children who are faithful to Me, do so much wonderful work in My vineyard all year round, voluntarily, and this will of course continue to be given back to you as positive feedback. Remember that it is about symbolism and that the majority of Christians around the world celebrate My birth on December 24th and 25th. Everything will be fine! Amen.


December 23, 2024

The storm before the calm

My children, you all know the phrase "The calm before the storm," but today it is exactly the other way around. When I say "The storm before the calm," I mean this hectic, stressful hustle and bustle that affects many people before they can find some peace and quiet at Christmas. You too should be careful not to get drawn into this chaos, because you should always try to maintain your inner peace. Everything will be fine! Amen.


December 22, 2024

Fourth Advent 2024

My children, today is the fourth Advent and it would be nice if you used this day again to be able to go into silence and do a lot of good voluntarily. The four Advent Sundays in particular are wonderfully suited to sending good things out into the world in deep humility and yet full of confidence and joy, since you know how valuable and healing these spiritual works in My vineyard are. It is precisely this voluntary nature that shows how important these spiritual works are to you and how valuable these positive effects on people, animals and nature are. As a rule, you, as My children who are faithful to Me, attach great importance to doing good and rejoice in all the good things that happen. Everything will be fine! Amen.


December 21, 2024

Avoid Christmas stress

My children, today's Saturday, before the fourth Advent, is pure stress for many people. If you absolutely have to go shopping, you should go at lunchtime or do this shopping at a later time. For many people it still seems that they want to buy Christmas presents at the "last minute", so to speak, or something festive to eat for Christmas Eve. Many worldly-oriented people also adopt their parents' patterns for Christmas. You, on the other hand, My children, who are faithful to Me, have found your own way, largely in silence, of preparing for Christmas Eve. This silence is a wonderful contrast to the great stress that prevails in your vicinity in the vast majority of cases of a worldly nature. Why not occupy yourself with things that bring you joy. Everything will be fine! Amen.


December 20, 2024

Healing powers in nature

My children, many of you know that nature provides many healing powers and you also know for the most part that there is at least one plant on earth that can cure every disease. Some of the plants that the other side did not like were tried to be eradicated, but as long as the plant exists in spirit, it is still alive. In other words: These plants can be energetically radiated into your body just through your imagination. Through heartfelt prayer, you can ask that everything you need now be radiated into you, as part of your life plan. Furthermore, there are also many healing possibilities in the animal world. People are always looking for the optimal aid for themselves or for their loved ones, e.g. the purring of cats or the singing of whales or dolphins.  If you fully open yourself up to the healing power of nature, then, in connection with Me in heartfelt prayer, miraculous things can happen if you are open and receptive. Everything will be fine! Amen.


December 19, 2024

All-round protection

My children, you should have all-round protection not only within your four walls at home, but also when you are out and about. If possible, avoid anything that emits too much radiation and is harmful to your health. I know that most of you have a "mobile all-rounder", but you can also de-interfere with that. The many public and hidden masts ensure that humanity is becoming more and more exposed to radiation and this is a creeping danger because it slowly creeps into the body. Only those of you who are so extremely sensitive that they immediately feel all the radiation around them are optimally warned. Many feel pressure or pain in the head or soul as the first warning sign. There are many warning signals, but most are ignored. It is best to avoid all cars or two-wheelers that are powered by electric batteries, because this radiation is extremely harmful to your body.  Those of you who are very sensitive and electrosensitive can feel these rays from afar. Therefore, it is sensible to renew your protective cloak with heartfelt prayer or the victory cry "JESUS CHRIST IS VICTORIOUS!" whenever you are brought out of your inner center. I protect you within the limits of what you want and allow. Remember: especially now in the run-up to Christmas, a busy supermarket or other shop is full of people who all have their mobile all-rounders switched on - most of them have a modern device that also allows the most up-to-date options, so that after a visit to such a shop you feel as if you are totally overtired or you feel tired and exhausted - unless you are protected and looked after under My protective cloak the whole time. Everything will be fine! Amen.


December 18, 2024

Your guardian angels help you

My children, you have more guardian angels around you than you can imagine. If you get into situations where you could fall or twist your ankle, many guardian angels are immediately there to help you. Even if you have not previously placed yourself under My protective cloak through heartfelt prayer, you will receive help. But if you have prayed heartily beforehand, the help is greater. This means: All of My children who are faithful to Me are under special protection if they believe in Me and trust Me. But if accidents do happen anyway, worse things are always prevented. The fact that these accidents often happen is because you did not listen to Me, because I always warn you in advance. But since I do not interfere with your free will, accidents or minor mishaps can also happen. Despite all this, worse things are always prevented, unless it is written that way in your life plan.  Nevertheless, it is sensible that you always consciously place yourselves under My protective cloak through heartfelt prayer, because then you will do everything much more consciously and also listen better when you receive warning signals from your guardian angels to avoid this or that on this or that day, to name just one example. Everything will be fine! Amen.


December 17, 2024

Don't let the Advent season be ruined for you

My children, the other side is trying to ruin the holy Advent season for you by confronting you with things or situations that you normally don't want anyway, and especially not during Advent. I repeat it again: Everything that moves or burdens you, you can hand over to Me for transformation in heartfelt prayer. I will help you in the way that is possible within your life plan. Above all, don't let yourself be unsettled and know that you are always protected and looked after under My protective cloak through heartfelt prayer. Everything will be fine! Amen.


December 16, 2024

The last week of Advent

My children, in this last week of Advent you can, as often as you like, send My light and My love full of joy into the world, into receptive hearts. Most of you still know from your own childhood how wonderful the last days before Christmas were, when cookies were baked in the oven or other treats for the upcoming Christmas. Those who would like to remember this will usually have stored the good and positive sides of this anticipation of Christmas from their childhood. If you now send this anticipation out into the world through heartfelt prayer, it will go into many receptive children's hearts and delight them - even if these children officially have little or no Christmas, this joy that you send out will be stored in their hearts and even the smallest worldly joy can bring forth radiant and shining children's eyes at Christmas. That is why it is so important to believe in the power and energy of Christmas and to share it through heartfelt prayer.  Everything will be fine! Amen.


December 15, 2024

Third Advent 2024

My children, today on the third Advent, you again have the opportunity to go into your inner center and pray with Me, to send light and to celebrate voluntary work in My vineyard in a loving way. I know that this Advent season is different from previous years, because this year many things not only appear more compressed, but are. In other words: You, My children who are faithful to Me, feel the fast pace of life that you are currently subject to even more intensely than the worldly-oriented people. Try to continue to find inner peace every day of the month of December, because you need it more than ever. What you have done voluntarily so far can hardly be put into human words, because so much positive is happening in the subtle realm, which then gradually has an impact on the physical realm as well. Everything will be fine! Amen.


December 14, 2024

Quiet days in Advent

My children, some of you have private worries at the moment or attempts are being made to disturb your inner peace through attacks. Anyone who maliciously attacks My children who are loyal to Me during the holy Advent season or tries to deliberately harm them - even through slander or false testimony - will receive a response relatively quickly. You, My children who are loyal to Me, also know that you should avoid worldly contact in shops or large events as much as possible during the Advent season. Everything will be fine! Amen.


December 13, 2024

Go with your feelings

My children, when you have questions or problems, you usually turn first and foremost to friends, relatives and acquaintances to get their opinion. But your first thought should be about yourself. Go within yourself and into your inner center and feel what your first impulse is. If you are unsure or do not know how to deal with it, you can hand it over to Me in heartfelt prayer for change and help. Remember that every person is different. Not everyone of you is a fighter and loves the challenge. You are welcome to seek other advice and opinions, but ultimately you have to decide what you do. Stay calm and know that I will always help you, for your good and for the best. Everything will be fine! Amen.


December 12, 2024

Avoid the cold

My children, it has become colder in many parts of Europe. Make sure that you protect yourself well from the cold, because if you are too careless, this cold can creep into your bones. You should heat your home in such a way that warmth comes into it, but also ventilate it sufficiently, because this is very important. Those who heat with wood and coal should watch out for fine dust. Even in the south of Spain it has become colder and some of My children there now have to heat out of necessity, even though they didn't want to. I recommend that each of My children make sure that their feet are always warm and, if necessary, that regular foot baths ensure good blood circulation. The head and neck area should also be well protected, because this is often carelessly neglected. You should never ignore the cold, but take appropriate preventive measures. A warm tea can also help wonderfully to warm up the body.  Some of you, My children who are faithful to Me, sleep in the cold in your bedroom. I recommend wearing a hat at night or a hoodie. Some of you use one or two hot water bottles at night and are delighted that they can fall asleep much more easily. I could give many more tips, but the most important thing on this topic has been said now. Everything will be fine! Amen.


December 11, 2024

You feel better

My children, you often have hurdles in front of you that you are reluctant to overcome, whether of a professional or private nature. But when you have everything behind you, you will usually be relieved and feel better. If it drags on, then there are other reasons for it. Often the inner discomfort must first be overcome, and very often you receive support and help: on the one hand, of a worldly nature, e.g. from friends or relatives, or on the other hand from the spiritual world. Once you have taken the first step, after you have handed over to Me in heartfelt prayer what is burdening you for transformation, help very often comes from people - even from whom you would not have expected it. Everything will be fine! Amen.


December 10, 2024

You can do more than you think

My children, even if you sometimes don't really want it, you can usually do more than you can imagine. Try it out! Start with smaller things and try to do some manual work. It can always happen that no craftsman is available at short notice or the power goes out, in which case it makes sense if you can do a lot of things yourself. Above all, don't be too critical of the work you have done, "because no one is born a master," as an old saying goes. Be versatile and flexible, because firstly that keeps you young and secondly you can then step in or help out when the need arises. Everything will be fine! Amen.


December 9, 2024

Problems can be solved

My children, in addition to yesterday's FATHER'S WORD, I would like to say a few more things about heartfelt prayer, at the request of many: If you have given Me your worries and problems through heartfelt prayer, that does not immediately mean that miracles will happen or that solutions are ready, because even spiritual logistics can only help as far as it can be done without interfering with free will. In other words: Help will happen, but the person seeking help should also let go after they have handed everything over to Me for transformation through heartfelt prayer. At the same time, all hatred, all anger, all rage, etc. should be transformed into a kind of letting go, with the knowledge that My divine justice always takes place - within the framework of the respective life plan. Everything will be fine! Amen.


December 8, 2024

If you need help

My children, if you need help, please turn to Me immediately through heartfelt prayer. Especially in times like these, it is very useful for you to know that the other side is trying to harm My children who are faithful to Me. Continue to remain firm in your faith and trust in My help and above all in My divine justice, because this comes when you ask Me for it in heartfelt prayer. If you are forced to make payments that are not legal, you can just as easily ask Me for help and things will often happen that cannot be put into words. When it comes to payments, there are very often generous supporters and patrons, or money flows from projects in which you have invested, which you no longer expect, or which flow at the right time, down to the day. Everything will be fine! Amen.


December 7, 2024

The body needs warmth

My children, in summery regions or even at home when it is midsummer, there are often days when the warmth provided by the sun is more than sufficient. In the other months, however, there are sometimes very few sunny days, so you need another solution to get the warmth that the body then needs. If, as I said, you live in the south of Europe or in an area that also has plenty of warm days, you don't need these aids that I am now listing so often. On the one hand, there is the red light lamp mentioned several times, or an infrared heat cabin, which helps the body to simulate the warming and healing power of solar energy. On the other hand, there is the possibility of heating up your house or apartment so that it seems to the body as if it were warm outside. Foot baths or full baths can also help the body to soak up warmth when it urgently needs it. There are also extreme situations, such as:  For example, a sauna session, which cannot be recommended to everyone. Some of you have the option of heating the water using your solar panels. Remember, My children: every body needs warmth at a certain time, the more the better. Everything will be fine! Amen.


December 6, 2024

A gift day for the children

My children, today's so-called "St. Nicholas Day" goes back to a long tradition, but over the years it has expanded into a commercial "XXL experience" just like many other originally simple days. When you were children, most of you received a little something on "St. Nicholas Day" and were happy about it. Nowadays, everything has reached a dimension that could be defined as "extremely exaggerated". That is why I recommend that you build up a counter vibration today by finding inner peace as far as you can and continuing to do a lot of good in My vineyard, voluntarily. Everything will be fine! Amen.


December 5, 2024

The inner and the outer world

My children, especially in the run-up to Christmas, many people are very stressed because, for example, they are still looking for gifts for their loved ones or are still very busy at work. All of these activities are part of the outer world. The inner world, on the other hand, is your place of retreat, where you can pray intimately with Me, do voluntary work in My vineyard or generally find inner peace to gather strength for the day or for the next time. You can give Me problems and worries from the outer world at any time through heartfelt prayer for transformation and ask Me for help - this of course also includes divine justice if you need it. Everything will be fine! Amen.


December 4, 2024

When you are on the road

My children, there are always requests for heartfelt prayer on the subject of traveling or simply being on the road. Anyone traveling by car, camper or even on a two-wheeler should protect themselves just like pedestrians - or when you travel by public transport. Before every trip, you should always place yourself under My protective cloak and also give thanks that your guardian angels always look after you well. Now, in the colder months, it is just as useful as in midsummer that you take certain things into account: having drinks with you, with the main focus being blessed water, is just as important as something to eat and, if necessary, a change of clothes. The tank should be filled up if possible, the most important functions of the car should be checked beforehand and a positive mindset that everything will be fine is also always very helpful.  During the journey, you can, as often as you can, voluntarily distribute positive affirmations - either spoken out loud or quietly, prayers, sending light or celebrating the cries of victory, so that you can fill a journey with meaningful, good deeds. But even at home, before you leave the house, you should be wrapped up in My protective cloak through heartfelt prayer. You see, no matter what time of year it is, protection and precaution and an appropriate mindset are always very important. Everything will be fine! Amen.


December 3, 2024


My children, I have often told you how important it is, on the one hand, to live in the here and now and not to mourn the past, and on the other hand to have perspectives for the future. I will give you an example: Some of you put a certain amount of money "in the bank" every month, as the saying goes, or invest money that you do not need in gold or silver, or help in other ways where help is needed. Having a perspective makes sense because this is a goal that is being strived for. But you should not put yourself under pressure, because it is not always possible to have the energy and money for it every month. Many of My children, who are loyal to Me, have achieved their goals in the long term in this way. People should always have goals in life, otherwise they can all too easily fall into slackness or just live their lives without a goal in life and without a purpose.  But you, My children who are faithful to Me, do have goals and plans in most cases and try to fulfill them sooner or later. Everything will be fine! Amen.


December 2, 2024

December energies

My children, as I have already told you, the energies in the month of December are very different from those in November. From the first of December up to and including Christmas, the energies will be gentler - for all children who believe in Me. Worldly-oriented people, on the other hand, will find this time stressful and, to a large extent, difficult, as they are usually too busy with commerce. The more a person opens up to the spiritual, the more likely he is to find this pre-Christmas period pleasant and stress-free. Everything will be fine! Amen.


December 1st, 2024

1st Advent 2024

My children, today's first Advent marks the beginning of Advent, right on time on the first of December. Finding peace is an important phase, but also having the certainty that you will always be helped if you ask for it sincerely. Today's first Advent is ideal for making yourself comfortable at home, in addition to the heartfelt prayers and voluntary, good deeds in My vineyard. Enjoy the first Advent very consciously, My children. The energy of this month is very different from the November energy. Some of you who are very sensitive will feel it immediately, while for others it will take some time. Have faith! Everything will be fine! Amen.


November 30, 2024

November ends today

My children, today is the last day of this year in the month of November. For many of you it was unpleasant, wet and cold. December, which is just around the corner with its cold gates, has already been partially transformed, as many of My children, who are faithful to Me, have already averted or greatly weakened disasters that were planned. Today is the last day of November energy and an opportunity for you to continue to do a lot of good in a voluntary way, so that the first Advent on Sunday will be a day of inner peace and balance for you. Everything will be fine! Amen.


 November 29, 2024

Home is where the heart is

My children, today is a good day to stay at home if possible and do a lot of good, because your voluntary, good deeds in My vineyard are especially important today. The battle between light and darkness is particularly intense today! You are protected and looked after under My protective cloak. I recommend that you once again avoid the constant bombardment and brainwashing called television as much as possible and listen more to your intuition. I have been training you for many years and most of you have developed well in that time and you can very well separate the wheat from the chaff. Everything will be fine! Amen.


November 28, 2024

Actors and jugglers

My children, each of you knows what an actor does. There are not so many jugglers anymore, but in earlier times they entertained people on the one hand and created an illusion on the other. Nothing else is happening on earth at the moment. The majority of politicians and those in power are actors, jugglers or illusionists who have been controlled by the other side for a long time. The comparison of puppets hanging on strings is often quite appropriate. However, it should be mentioned that most worldly-oriented people also only lead a kind of "puppet-like life", since their lives were shaped by early childhood influences from their parents, daycare, kindergarten, school, vocational training or studies, etc., so that they consciously have to live their lives in a direction that was wanted by the other side. You, My children, who are loyal to Me, are largely different.  You have not allowed yourselves to be pressed into pre-made boxes, but have gone your own way - knowing that you are always closely connected to Me. You have resisted temptations that could have made you rich and famous, but for that you would have had to break away from Me. All of My children who are loyal to Me and who have remained steadfast know what I am talking about, because the temptation of the other side comes in every life. You are strong, My children! You are firm in your faith, My children! You see through the lies and deceptions of the other side and offer peaceful resistance every day in the form of your voluntary, good deeds in My vineyard. There is still a lot of negativity and darkness planned by the other side this year, but your voluntary, good deeds prevent a lot. I am issuing another recommendation that tells you that you should only leave the money in the account that you need for the relevant payments. But there are also so-called politicians who mean well for people and are enemies of the other side.  It is immensely important that you stick together and help each other, as I have said many times before - because only together are you strong. The strength of the individual can accomplish wonderful things, but as a whole there is a strong thrust, a real bulwark that the other side cannot counter. Everything will be fine! Amen.


November 27, 2024

Don't worry

My children, many of you are currently worrying far too much about a wide variety of things. In some cases, your income or pension is too low, in others, there are health problems, but the housing and political situation is also very troubling and worrying for some of you. I say to you once again, My children who are faithful to Me: Give Me everything that burdens you through the heartfelt prayer for transformation - and if you do this heartfelt enough and then let go, you will receive all the help that is possible within the framework of your life plan. As far as financial situations are concerned, I can well understand that it can cause some people sleepless nights or restless times. Especially when payments are due that go beyond the normal amount. It is bad enough when beloved partners die, but when the children then demand their inheritance and you don't know what to do, it can become quite a burden.  The same applies here: let go, trust in Me and My angel helpers and be certain that financial help will come here too, even if it sometimes seems like a miracle. Everything will be fine! Amen.


November 26, 2024

Keep Peace

My children, how are people supposed to create peace in the world if they can't even do it in their family, their circle of friends and relatives, or at work, for example? You know that every person is unique. Since every person has been given free will by Me, there is also the possibility that they do things that their fellow human beings don't like. But since everything you do can generate both positive and negative resonances - depending on what is done, every person also receives corresponding resonances. I would like to ask you to give in sometimes in order to get peace, even if you are right, because the majority of worldly-oriented people do not know how highly sensitive you already are and therefore also feel the negative vibrations of people who absolutely want to be right. If you can't stand that, just give in and you will get your peace of mind.  Some of you, however, are such extreme advocates of justice that you fight constantly just to get what you are entitled to. But I tell you, let go and ask for divine justice and it will come. This can happen immediately or at a time when you no longer expect it and the way in which this justice comes about can be completely different to what you imagined. Be aware that I will always help you if you ask Me and that all of My children who are faithful to Me are always under My protective cloak, within the framework of what is possible within your life plan. So start with peace in your heart and try to pass this on to your family and all the people you know and like by setting a good example for them. Everything will be fine! Amen.


November 25, 2024

Don't let yourself be defeated

My children, it is immensely important that you always place yourselves under My protective cloak through heartfelt prayer, because dangers lurk everywhere in the form of so-called "energy vampires". Since your vibration and energy are for the most part much higher than that of worldly-oriented people, they very often try, consciously or unconsciously, to drain your life energy. This can take place through a banal, simple conversation or through sometimes heated discussions, excitement of all kinds or in various other ways. Be aware that you should always pull in your aura, envelop your body, mind and soul, e.g. through heartfelt prayer with Me, and thereby automatically be girded with My protective cloak. The so-called "subtle Faraday cage", named after Mr. Faraday, also works automatically on you, your loved ones and also on your house and property, including car(s), if you ask for it.  The withdrawal of the aura is also an important factor, because some of you already have an immense aura. So if you notice that you feel weak and powerless, you should first connect with Me through heartfelt prayer and then ask that everything that has docked itself to your aura be released. Everything will be fine! Amen.


November 24, 2024

Memorial Day

My children, today's Sunday can be used to remember all those who you feel are doing well. Many of you remember your ancestors or your deceased loved ones and friends and send help and healing to all people and animals around the world who can use this help. I also recommend that you think about the causes that can make people and animals sick. There are cell phone towers, wind turbines, power poles and many other things that disrupt the healing and recovery process for many people. You can also pray for this and you know: your voluntary, good deeds in My vineyard always meet with a very strong response. Everything will be fine! Amen.


November 23, 2024

The home sweet home

My children, you know the expression "home sweet home" very well, but in the younger generation this expression is no longer so well known. When I say "home sweet home", I mean the place where you feel most comfortable, where you are at home and where you are overcome by the feeling of comfort, warmth, contentment, joy, connection with Me and many other things that you like. In earlier times, people did not have so many opportunities to simply move if they no longer liked where they lived or to explore the world in a mobile home, for example. Some of you now say that you do not have just one "home sweet home", but several where you feel at home. This is of course also possible if you are intimately connected with Me in each of these places.  That means: Feel inside yourself and then connect with Me in heartfelt prayer and you will quickly find out where you feel most intimate and at home. If this place gives you strength and you find peace inside and out, you have found the right place. If you have two or three such places or locations, such as in a caravan at a campsite or on the road in a mobile home, to name just two possibilities, you will find that you then look forward to returning to your "sweet home". Everything will be fine! Amen.


November 22, 2024

What you like

My children, very often we receive requests for heartfelt prayer about what you like. Some of you have told me that they are very often dissatisfied with their work or living situation. They are also very sad that a large number of their friends, relatives and acquaintances have been injected and that most of them have changed for the worse, as these negative substances in these injections can also change people's nature. You are welcome to pray for them, but you can only help if they are also willing to accept help. If you have the feeling that you can no longer cope with your living and working situation, you are welcome to hand it over to Me in heartfelt prayer for change and I will help you on the one hand within the framework of your life plan and on the other hand to the extent that you are willing to accept help. Of course, the old burdens and karmic things that still need to be dealt with must also be taken into account. Everything will be fine! Amen.


November 21, 2024

Be careful when shopping

My children, the other side is luring worldly-oriented people, and sometimes you too, with particularly reduced offers. Don't fall for them straight away and if you really need something new, compare carefully and only buy things that you really need. Especially with very heavily reduced special offers, worldly-oriented people tend to buy more than they actually wanted. If it's about conscious stockpiling and it's also used up, it makes sense in some cases, but if it's just sitting around because it was cheap, it's better to avoid it. Some of you are currently reorganizing your stockpiles and have wisely labeled them with the expiration date so that you can immediately see what should be used up first. Everything will be fine! Amen.


November 20, 2024

You have the strength

My children, you have all the strength within you that you need to live peacefully and calmly if you stick to certain things: Your life should be relatively free of stress, negative thoughts, negative actions and people who are not good for you and who are constantly trying to drain your life energy. A large part of you, My children who are loyal to Me, are not yet able to completely break away from the people who once meant something to you. These can be friends, relatives, acquaintances or even (former) colleagues. If these worldly-oriented people take a completely different path in life than you, you will find it increasingly difficult to communicate with them or simply to be in their midst. Since your energy is much higher in the vast majority of cases, they will consciously or unconsciously try to drain your life energy, which can harm you or really drain you. You will feel more and more intensely which people are good for you and which are not. Everything will be fine!  Amen.


November 19, 2024

Cleaning up sets you free

My children, at the request of many in heartfelt prayer, I will address this topic again today. You know that it makes sense to clean up. But I will explain again why it is important at this time in particular: On the one hand, you will get order and then know much better where everything is and on the other hand, you will have the good feeling that you are feeling better, because cleaning up usually also means letting go and sorting out things that you no longer need. On top of that, you now also have the opportunity to update your supplies and, if necessary, throw away food that has gone bad. Your souls rejoice every time you clean up - both internally and externally. Everything will be fine! Amen.


November 18, 2024


My children, when you walk through the city or in shops, you should isolate yourself as much as possible from the foreign energies of your fellow human beings, because this is very important, especially in the run-up to Christmas, which has already begun, as many shops are already offering a large amount of Christmas items. Isolating your own energies makes sense insofar as you can focus completely on yourself and your energies. Many of the people who have been pricked send out a negative energy that the sensitive among you can smell, feel or even perceive. It can also be seen in the aura. This is not meant to be a demarcation, but just a well-intentioned protection for you. Some of you will enjoy the run-up to Christmas because you can isolate yourself from all the Christmas hustle and bustle and only go out of the house to shop when it is necessary.  If you consciously isolate yourselves, My children, you will also have more time - voluntarily - to do a lot of good every day, which is urgently needed everywhere. Everything will be fine! Amen.


November 17, 2024


My children, I keep hearing your questions about cryptocurrencies in heartfelt prayer. Now that some of you have become involved there, I would like to say something about it today. As with many other things, it is important to separate the wheat from the chaff. You know that there are many currencies in the world and some of them are already quite close to collapse. For this reason, some of My children who are loyal to Me have invested additional resources in gold and silver coins, as well as cryptocurrencies. It is quite understandable that people try to invest their savings in such a way that they can survive a collapse of the monetary value system. Without judging it, I say that I will always help My children who are loyal to Me, and I am happy if you do the same among yourself, as far as you can. Cryptocurrencies are of course also objects of speculation and you should know exactly when you get involved that you can make profits, but also losses.  I know that it is not easy to live on earth and you still need money energies of various kinds. Everything will be fine! Amen.


November 16, 2024

When wishes come true

My children, requests for wish fulfillment keep coming through heartfelt prayer. There is nothing to prevent wishes from coming true if they fit into your life and are feasible within the framework of your life plan. Making work easier, helping and opportunities to do good for yourself, your family and other people, animals or nature are all quite possible. It is permissible to create things and opportunities that make life easier so that many things are possible with further development in a spiritual way that were thought to be utopian 20 years ago, for example. Everything will be fine! Amen.


November 15, 2024


My children, many of you know this: You feel exactly what you should do because you trust your intuition. Therefore, do not act too quickly, but first feel what your inner self is saying. Especially when buying a car, an apartment or a house, you should listen carefully to what your inner self is saying. Then you can ask Me for an answer to this question in heartfelt prayer, if you want to. Remember that larger purchases and purchases should first be considered and many of you have gotten into the habit of sleeping on it first, as the saying goes. As far as intuition is concerned, you feel very precisely who has your best interests at heart and who does not. Everything will be fine! Amen.


November 14, 2024

It's getting colder

My children, most of you have already noticed that it is getting colder and it has also rained a little in the south of Europe. I would like to give you a few important tips, as questions about heartfelt prayer to Me keep coming up in this regard. It is of course sensible to put winter tires on your car and that the tank should be as full as possible when you drive longer distances, as the weather may mean that you need enough fuel, such as in a long traffic jam. Shoes and possibly a change of clothes, a wool blanket, a thermos flask with warm tea/coffee, something to eat and also the opportunity to help others who need help. In the last century, many drivers had a spare canister with them and a roll of toilet paper for emergencies. Today, in these fast-moving times, many useful things have simply been abolished. I can only warmly recommend that you always dress appropriately for the weather.  Protect your head, your back, keep your feet warm and change your clothes as quickly as possible if they get wet. The issue of heat in the house/apartment is also very controversial again this year, as fewer and fewer people are heating with wood and coal because the regulations have become stricter. Interestingly, more and more pensioners or freelancers who can afford it are driving to the south of Europe for three to six months to spend the winter there. They usually prefer a mobile home or a long-term rented holiday home. The healing effect on the body in the warm south of Europe through the healthy sea air should not be underestimated, my children. In this case, those who can afford it can do something for their health and at the same time escape the often wet cold in Germany and the surrounding countries. Everything will be fine! Amen.


November 13, 2024

Mutual willingness to help

My children, I am very pleased that you want to help each other and that some of you are already doing so. It is immensely important that you have more trust in your intuition and in your spontaneous ideas. Those of you who always let me guide you voluntarily, without turning on your ego, will find that life can be much easier. Even if you hurt yourself once, thank me for the experience you have had and afterwards you will find that the healing process takes place much faster. But those who get angry and annoyed will notice that everything is dragging on. You regularly have experiences that also show you how far you have already developed spiritually on the one hand and where you still have learning processes on the other. Everything will be fine! Amen.


November 12, 2024

Freedom Thoughts in November

My children, since the energies flow differently every month, now, after the first upheaval in the world, the flow of freedom is different than last month. This means: You, as My extended arms on earth and lighthouses, now have a greater reach when it comes to voluntarily sending energies, because more and more people are waking up after the election in America and are gaining hope that everything will turn out for the better. Everything will be fine! Amen.


November 11, 2024

Another eventful week

My children, you can certainly imagine that much of what is happening politically this week is coming to light through various channels, with the other side still trying to maintain its power. But as the light is getting stronger every day and more and more of the terrible deeds that the other side's henchmen have committed are being revealed, you can imagine that this week may also be very turbulent from a public perspective. You, My children who are faithful to Me and extended arms on earth, continue to be My beacons who, voluntarily full of love, joy and enthusiasm, send My light, My love, My healing power and everything else that I give you, spoken in My name, out into the world so that they continue to flow into receptive hearts and in this way also help to ensure that the power of the other side diminishes and melts away every day - similar to snow that the warm sun hits.  Everything will be fine! Amen.


November 10, 2024

Thinking ahead

My children, if you hear on the Internet or elsewhere that another catastrophe has occurred in this or that country, it would make sense for you to react immediately and, as part of your voluntary, good deeds, send spiritual help there. By thinking ahead, I also mean that you regularly send helping and healing energies to all areas that are prone to disasters, because these critical situations will remain there as long as no serious improvements are made there. In Spain, for example, so much negative has been done in recent years to get the water that had previously been well dammed back to flow again - with devastating consequences, as you have already noticed! My writing channel here, like some of you, immediately prayed intensively for help and rescue and the next extreme, artificially created rain front was averted. The power of your prayers should never be underestimated, My children!  You have a lot of strength and energy within you, which you can send out every day in a meaningful and helpful way through your voluntary work in My vineyard. Everything will be fine! Amen.


November 9th

A historic day

My children, when the number 9/11 or 11/9 appears, memories are awakened in many people - some good and some not so good. The so-called "GDR" was "liberated" back then and many people celebrated reunification. Now, after 35 years, the reality is different. In the former GDR there are many more people who want a free Germany again. But you, as My extended arms on earth, have for the most part the attitude that freedom and peace should prevail on the whole earth. That is why you pray for all forms of life on earth and, depending on your attitude and life plan, many people and animals are also reached. On the one hand, it is nice when you are happy that the country in which you live can improve.  But on the other hand, you should think globally and send your voluntary, good deeds, light transmissions and cries of victory out into the world so that they are received wherever there are receptive hearts. Everything will be fine! Amen.


November 8, 2024


My children, questions keep coming up about heartfelt prayer regarding tinkering, inventions and improvements that make life easier and can also help in many ways. Some of you are just trying it out for yourself or have helpers who are testers in this regard. I would like to encourage you, My children, to believe in your dreams when you see or are shown helpful inventions or tinkering. There are still an immense number of things on earth that most people know nothing about and some of which have already been shown in so-called "science fiction films". As far as the plant and animal world is concerned, it is almost

unimaginable for many worldly-oriented people that many of them are quite intelligent.  Cats and dogs, for example, are not only endowed with a certain level of intelligence, but also have a kind of “country cunning,” as people call it, and adapt to family members and are therefore also part of the family, if allowed. Pets play a very large role in the inner peace of many people when they are fully integrated into family life. Everything will be fine! Amen.


November 7, 2024

The light is stronger than the darkness

My children, many people are now very happy, but it has taken a lot of strength and energy to stop the other side from continuing their dark game. Nevertheless, it is still extremely important that you do as much good voluntarily as you have done so far, because the other side continues to try to cause harm wherever possible. But since you know that the light is stronger than the darkness, your voluntary, good deeds will be carried out with a lot of joy and love. Everything will be fine! Amen.


November 6, 2024

The power that is in you

My children, you have much more power in you than you can imagine. I have endowed all of My children who are loyal to Me with special abilities, as you know. Each of you has one or more talents, some of which you already use or will use soon. People usually experience life on earth the way they manifest it for themselves. In other words: The famous saying "Everyone is the architect of their own happiness" also applies here in most cases. So it is up to you to pursue the calling that is good and right for you, regardless of how much money you can earn with it. Everything will be fine! Amen.


November 5, 2024

The calm before the storm

My children, today you can once again work in My vineyard full of joy and the knowledge that your voluntary, good deeds are doing a lot of good, because it is once again absolutely necessary. When I say the calm before the storm, you will certainly be able to imagine what would happen if so many people around the world did not pray fervently, just like you. Have faith in yourselves and the knowledge that you, as My extended arms, can do so much good. When you consider what a heartfelt prayer alone can do, think about what thousands or millions of prayers are able to do when they are spoken heartfeltly and come from the heart and ask Me, your FATHER in JESUS CHRIST, to help.  Then millions of guardian angels and helper angels will become active on earth and during the storm an intense battle will take place that the other side did not expect and you will be part of My worldly angel helpers on earth. Everything will be fine! Amen.


November 4, 2024

A week full of surprises

My children, this week is full of surprises and for most worldly-oriented people there is one "head-shaking moment" after another, if they even notice what is happening on earth. The other side still has the worldly media under control for the most part and a lot is kept secret and misrepresented there. You, as My extended arms on earth, should be aware that a large proportion of worldly-oriented people would not understand it at all if you told them the truth, because due to the constant brainwashing to which they have been subjected every day, the real truth is not even included as a possibility in their thought mechanism. Everything will be fine! Amen.


November 3, 2024


My children, the closer the US election comes, the more excited people are. This election is occupying the whole world and you, as My extended arms on earth, are largely working intensively on a voluntary basis to send more peace and balance back into the world. If a large part of humanity would look more within themselves and listen to what their heart and soul recommend, things would look completely different on earth. The excitement is constantly increasing and all of My children who are loyal to Me are now working constantly on a voluntary basis. You will soon see why this is so. Everything will be fine! Amen.


November 2, 2024

November energies

My children, many of you are already waiting longingly for me to give you a preview of the month of November 2024 and its energies. Well, yesterday was already much softer and gentler than in October. Those of you who are sensitive have largely already felt it, but that does not mean that the whole month of November will remain like this. There will be a mix of soft and harder energies. You, My children who are loyal to Me, have quite a big influence on what the energies are like in your environment, because your voluntary, good deeds, which you mostly do every day, automatically send good energies back to you and these also radiate out into the environment. If you now pray for your village or town, for example, help will come within the framework of the respective life plans of the people or animals living there. Children are often protected and looked after by Me in a kind of oasis and life goes on normally around them.  This means: Worldly-oriented people are often surprised that you, as My children who are loyal to Me, were spared in an area where so much chaos would otherwise have arisen. That is why I tell you again and again: Your voluntary, good deeds, which you lovingly perform every day, cannot be outweighed by anything from a worldly perspective. Everything will be fine! Amen.


November 1, 2024

The power of the weather

My children, through the serious disasters that first affected France and now Spain, you can see on the one hand how strong the power of the weather is, but also on the other hand how dangerous it is when the weather is manipulated and deliberately used as a weapon. You, as My children who are faithful to Me, are always protected and looked after, even if you live in regions that can be affected by storms. I would be very happy if you immediately prayed for people and animals of your own free will and also sent light to where help is urgently needed. All life forms will then receive appropriate help as part of their life plan. Everything will be fine! Amen.


October 31, 2024

It's beautiful at home

My children, in previous years I have repeatedly given you suggestions and advice on how you should behave on the last day of October and the night that follows. Since requests for heartfelt prayer have come again this year, I am happy to address this again today. Well, you know that the other side starts playing a lot of pranks and other dark rituals once it gets dark, and that is why I recommend that you stay at home and do not get involved in what is happening out there. Home is usually the best place to be!  Enjoy the evening in peace and harmony if you can, and I would be very happy if this evening, especially, you would send out your heartfelt prayers, light transmissions and also the victory cry "JESUS CHRIST IS VICTORIOUS!" into the world as often as you can, very intensively and voluntarily, because on days like these it is immensely important to do so much good in My vineyard. Everything will be fine! Amen.


October 30, 2024

Exciting days

My children, many people around the world are excited about the upcoming presidential election in the USA. You, as My extended arms on earth, have also largely put the corresponding energies into it. It always makes sense if you continue to do a lot of good worldwide, voluntarily, so that there can be a change of thinking on earth. Everything will be fine! Amen.


October 29, 2024

Birthday Children

My children, today I would like to pass on a FATHER'S WORD to all birthday children in general. As a child, you often look forward to your birthday, because you usually get presents and it is something special to have a birthday. However, the older people get, the less they enjoy their birthday, because as they get older, in most cases they feel how quickly a year passes and the ravages of time are gnawing at them. In other words: A large part of humanity has problems with getting older, because they have been persuaded by the secular media that with age, aches and pains almost automatically occur and that regular visits to the family doctor are part of everyday life. But I tell you, My children: Age is just a number and those who feel young - inside and out - live life as best they can without a doctrine from the other side.  Anyone who is intimately connected to Me knows very well that there are only a few important things on earth: the intimate connection to Me, your FATHER in JESUS CHRIST, absolute TRUST IN GOD in My help and My protection and various worldly things that are essential to life. All of today's birthday children can look forward to having their wishes fulfilled within the framework of their respective life plan. Anyone who now says: I would also like to have a wish fulfilled on My next birthday, all you need to do is ask Me and it will happen within the framework of your respective life plan. Everything will be fine! Amen.


October 28, 2024

October is coming to an end

My children, this week will once again be very intense, with ups and downs in politics, but also in many cases among worldly-oriented people. You, as My extended arms on earth and lighthouses, continue to radiate so much good into the world in a voluntary manner, through heartfelt prayers and light transmissions, that this continues to be a strong counterbalance to the dark efforts of the other side, who are making their last effort to continue to keep humanity in check. But they did not expect that in such a short time, so many worldly-oriented people would wake up and realize that what is being shown and said on television or in other worldly media is not the truth, but mostly the exact opposite. Everything will be fine! Amen.


October 27, 2024

Freedom Thoughts

My children, many of you are free spirits and love to decide for yourself what is good for you and what is not. That is why it is very useful to keep reminding yourself of what is really important in your life. For most of you, the most important thing is your close connection to Me, and only then comes the worldly. When choosing a career, most of you prefer to accept a lower salary, but in return you have more freedom and satisfaction at work. Those who come into a lot of money now will also share it with the people who are dear to them. Money energy is not a negative thing if it is used sensibly. Always be aware that you are the architect of your own happiness. Everything will be fine! Amen.


October 26, 2024

Have understanding

My children, most of you have a relatively similar timetable for your life when you reach a certain age. In earlier years, many of you were often relatively experimental and full of enthusiasm in your free time. Those of you who still consciously live your inner child have not forgotten this experimental joy of life and have not let it die down. I recommend to you, My children, on the one hand to have understanding for all people who cannot get out of their rut in life and on the other hand to feel inside yourself and see what your inner child wants.  Try to get some variety in your daily routine so that your life doesn't follow a set pattern, as the saying goes. Be inventive, creative and do spontaneous things that give you joy. But at the same time, be understanding for all those people who simply don't want to or can't get out of this rut of everyday life. You are free spirits, My children, if you allow it, even if it's only to a small extent within a hobby to begin with. Everything will be fine! Amen.


October 25, 2024

Animals can be a great help

My children, at the request of many of you through your heartfelt prayers, today I will speak very specifically about your faithful companions, pets. Well, cats and dogs are the most common pets, followed by birds and smaller animals that are kept in cages, etc. Animals that live in the house/apartment often have a very close relationship with family members and also feel joy and sorrow very deeply. However, since dogs and cats are completely different, you should think carefully in advance about whether you have the opportunity to integrate these pets into your life and how much time you have to invest without taking additional free time into account. In other words: Anyone who gets a cat or several cats should know that cats like to be the center of attention and therefore need a lot of attention. Furthermore, there are some that like to go outside and others are pure house cats. Cats are very cuddly if you show them a lot of love and affection.  Dogs, on the other hand, are often used as guard dogs and usually don't have a great life. However, if the dog is part of the family, it also wants attention and needs regular exercise. Therefore, it should be clarified in advance whether the family members are prepared to go for a walk several times a day, whatever the weather. I would now like to say something general about pets: No matter which pet/animals you decide to have or have decided to have, it is always your love and affection that counts, because the animal/animals can sense very well whether your love and affection comes from the heart and they will always send it back to you with love many times over. Everything will be fine! Amen.


October 24, 2024


My children, today I would like to make you aware that, as far as you do it as part of your voluntary work in My vineyard, you are sending an important form of energy out into the world: Consciousness! In other words: Many worldly-oriented people are now increasingly feeling that what is being told in the worldly media is not true and is very often twisted truths, which can also be described as lies. These people would like to reach for a lifeline, but they don't see one. You, My children who are faithful to Me, can now be this lifeline that sends consciousness in subtle form, which then flows to the receptive hearts of people who have opened themselves to it in order to find a way to step out of this perpetual cycle of "being foggy". If these people absorb even a fraction of this subtle consciousness voluntarily, it can be a kind of "quantum leap" in their spiritual development for some.  This means that the more of you who send this voluntarily through heartfelt prayer, the more will awaken worldwide in a relatively short period of time and trigger a great shift in consciousness. When a certain percentage is reached, positive changes will occur worldwide. Everything will be fine! Amen.


October 23, 2024

Dissolving old attachments

My children, right now, in these times, you, as My children who are faithful to Me, are still confronted with the things that want to be dissolved. I recommend that you tackle this, because it is actually quite simple how you can let it go with Me in heartfelt prayer. My writing channel here, dear Johannes, has just told Me that he will go into this in detail in today's podcast. Everything will be fine! Amen.


October 22, 2024

Matters of the Heart

My children, you are often depressed by things that you hear but do not know personally and that move your soul or your heart. For example, if some of you are in financial distress through no fault of your own or have bottlenecks and you hear about it, it is quite natural that your heart will then speak up and want to help. If you follow this up, you will usually find that you then feel better. Money energy should always flow and not be hoarded too much, unless you hold on to your money in order to realize a larger project, such as another car, another house/apartment, etc. What also moves your heart is the fact that there are still so many people or life forms on earth who only want evil and are careless with other people's lives. In this case, it helps if you ask Me in heartfelt prayer for divine justice, which will happen as far as possible within the framework of the respective life plan.  My children, listen to your heart and feel the situation and then you will know in most cases how you should react. In addition, you can of course always ask Me in heartfelt prayer in all situations and you will receive the appropriate answers in one way or another. If many of you have similar questions, I will be happy to answer them in one of the next FATHER'S WORDS. Everything will be fine! Amen.


October 21, 2024


My children, I would like to remind you once again how important it is to

achieve satisfaction in your life. Unfortunately, only a few people manage to be satisfied with themselves and their surroundings. If you want to change something in your life, you should first be satisfied with what you have and then you can look inside yourself and check what should be changed. If, for example, your apartment or house is too small or too big, you can discuss this with Me in heartfelt prayer. Anyone who, for example, is drawn to faraway places for whatever reason can of course also speak to Me about it in heartfelt prayer or tell Me a wish. Many of you are, on the whole, satisfied with the life you are leading now. However, the wish for world peace is very firmly anchored and is often presented to Me in heartfelt prayer so that it may come true.  But since you know that I only intervene in absolute emergencies, you are welcome to send My light, My love and My healing power out into the world through heartfelt prayer and, for example, through the transmission of light - spoken in My name - so that it reaches receptive hearts. You see, My children, you can initiate many things yourself, because I always stand behind you in all your good deeds. But I do not intervene, but help you with advice, inspiration or other forms of help. If, for example, you ask for divine justice, this will also be done, taking into account your respective life plans. Many of you have wonderful ideas about how to improve and beautify the world, which you can of course also send out into the world through your voluntary transmission of light, so that people who have the financial means to implement it can receive it if they are receptive to it.  You see, if you are happy with yourself and your life, you can more easily realize your wishes and goals with Me in heartfelt prayer, if this is possible. Everything will be fine! Amen.


October 20, 2024

Laughter and happiness drives away sadness

My children, even if sadness reigns worldwide, especially in November, as the often rainy weather and the various days of mourning affect many Catholic believers very much, a remedy that the Catholic Church has strictly forbidden helps: laughter and happiness! Since many of you lived as monks/nuns in previous incarnations, you often had/have great problems with the issue in subsequent lives. Even in this life, some of you only manage to show happiness with difficulty, as you still carry the weight of your previous monk/nun incarnations as a burden. I tell you now once again, My children: You may let go of everything old that burdens you from previous incarnations and prevents you from living your current life, with all your new tasks. Furthermore, you always have the opportunity to hand over to Me in heartfelt prayer everything that moves, burdens or disturbs you.  As part of your life plan, I will help you to support your old burdens in connection with forgiveness, letting go and pardoning in all forms of life. Joy is also part of a fulfilled life. My children, who are loyal to Me, should, if possible, enjoy nature, enjoy details of all kinds and also be able to do good every day full of joy and love, and only if it is done voluntarily. Everything will be fine! Amen.


October 19, 2024

Healing silence

My children, the more the other side symbolically "rattles its sabers", the calmer you should become and go into inner silence, because where you are intimately connected with Me through prayer, you will recharge your batteries and get energy and help and everything you need. If the noise and hustle and bustle of the secular world becomes too much for you, you should seek out a healing silence. This could be, for example, a walk in the forest, a heartfelt prayer with Me, a calming bath in the tub or even a walk in the rain. Many of you know how relaxing the rain can be. Feel inside yourself and let yourself be guided as to what you would like to do. Everything will be fine! Amen.


October 18, 2024

When sleep is lacking

My children, whether due to the full moon, unrest in world events or other disruptive factors: If you lack sleep at night, you should try to make up for it during the day if possible. If that doesn't work, just ask Me in heartfelt prayer that you receive special deep sleep phases to compensate for the lack of sleep. But you can also take "short naps" of a few minutes during the day - for example during breaks or in quiet moments when you can withdraw. Some of you also manage to supply the body with enough oxygen through relaxing meditation or gentle walks that you can then get enough sleep again the following night. The fear of the dark, which used to burden many people, is now replaced by the constant bombardment of TV, radio, Internet or the "mobile all-rounder".  Some of you have a blessed candle burning in a fireproof container at night or have soothing, harmonious sounds playing, such as the gentle sound of waves, birdsong in the forest, streams, etc. This means: Each of you decides for yourself or in your partner how best to spend the night in order to get enough sleep. The most sensible thing is always to pray deeply with Me - just before going to sleep or lying in bed. Everything will be fine! Amen.


October 17, 2024

Take a look at yourselves

My children, many of you spend several hours a day, voluntarily, doing good and working in My vineyard. But some of you also forget to take care of your own health. Certainly, a lot of good comes back to you through the many voluntary works, but you should not neglect your body. As you know from Me, you can get everything your body lacks in subtle form through heartfelt prayer with Me. But how quickly this is transferred to your physical realm depends on various things. That is why it is sensible to eat healthy food and some of you also take nutritional supplements. That is why I advise you to check your own body again and again. Whether this is done by a doctor, a naturopath or you yourself through your sensitive way is up to you. Everything will be fine! Amen.


October 16, 2024

A stormy week

My children, by storm I mean both, weather-related and political. On the one hand, hurricanes are created through targeted manipulation of the weather, and on the other hand, they are directed in such a way that they are deliberately intended to cause disaster in certain places. Weather manipulation has been on the decline for some time, but for some time now more and more people on earth have been waking up and questioning the whole thing. In addition, many websites are helping people to work more consciously on themselves and on the environment. The American election is approaching and there will be a lot of turbulence. You, My children who are loyal to Me, know that everything you do for good, in a voluntary way, always flows where it should flow. That is why your daily good deeds, of a voluntary nature, are so immensely important and valuable. The light is getting stronger day by day - and you, as My lighthouses who send My light far out into the world, have a big part in that. Everything will be fine!  Amen.


October 15, 2024

Healing from nature

My children, you know that there is at least one herb for every ailment and pain. Many of My children who are loyal to Me are already working with herbs or subtle substances to help themselves or others, if they have permission to do so. I have now been asked several times through heartfelt prayer to mention a wonderful remedy that not only protects and strengthens the heart, but also some other parts of the body. It is about Strophanthus. I will ask My writing channel here to talk about it in more detail in the new podcast. Since it is becoming increasingly difficult to get good medicinal herbs, it is a good option to obtain them legally, for example homeopathically in the form of globules. I would like to remind you very briefly that when My children were open to the topics, I have always guided them so that they discovered the right medicinal plants for the benefit of humanity.  The other side continues to try to ban many medicinal plants because they cannot make a profit from them and of course to keep humanity as dependent as possible on tablets and other pharmaceuticals because in their eyes only a sick person is valuable. You, My children who are loyal to Me and extended arms on earth, are also My beacons who send My light and My love, spoken in My name, out into the world far into the country in order to voluntarily reach all forms of life that are receptive to it. Everything will be fine! Amen.


October 14, 2024

Pay attention to your habits

My children, many of you, like worldly-oriented people, have certain habits that you don't even think about, but simply do almost automatically. In principle, there is nothing wrong with that, unless it is disturbing for the rest of the family or friends and colleagues, or it harms you. One habit that you should pay attention to is, on the one hand, to chew well and eat slowly when eating so that the salivated food can be absorbed well, and on the other hand, to listen carefully to your body and pay attention to when it is full. If you don't do this, you may feel full, have a stomach ache or even feel unwell and feel the urge to lie down or feel generally unwell. It is therefore very important that you pay close attention to everything you do, how your body reacts to it and where it urgently advises you to stop immediately or take a break.  This can be so extreme when eating that you actually leave the last spoonful of food on your plate because you have been told that your body is full. If you now go through the day more consciously and do everything more consciously, you will find that you see or observe much more beauty and uniqueness in nature that you might otherwise have missed. But even in your daily interactions with your family, you should make sure to treat each other carefully and consciously, because you should treat your fellow human beings the same way you would like to be treated by them. Everything will be fine! Amen.


October 13, 2024

October rest

My children, I would like to remind you once again that on days when you have free time, you should use the opportunity to do a lot of good in a voluntary manner. Your wonderful work in My vineyard is so immensely important, because in October in particular there is often a lot of unrest in the world. You can always and at any time find inner peace for yourself and pray deeply with Me on the one hand and know on the other hand that your voluntary, good deeds always give a response.  Anyone who would like to enjoy today's "October peace" should look for a free place of their choice, whether inside or outside. This means: Anyone who would rather go out into nature will find a place to pause, enjoy nature and pray deeply. Anyone who would rather stay in their house/apartment because of the weather can also experience this intimate peace there. This is even possible when driving by car, for example if you pull over to a parking lot and enjoy the inner peace there and recharge your batteries with strength and energy through heartfelt prayer. Everything will be fine! Amen.


October 12, 2024

Pay attention to your surroundings

My children, I would like to make you aware that you should also pay more attention to your environment and lovingly include it in your heartfelt prayers when you feel that help is needed there. It is indeed the case that every person who consciously pays attention to nature and asks for help to be given there is doing something good. The same applies to your neighbors or friends and relatives. Check there too to see if the environment needs help. Make sure that you park as far away from electric cars as possible, because on the one hand they emit negative energies and on the other hand they are extremely dangerous because the batteries can catch fire. And once you have seen on the Internet how intensely such a fire can burn and of course can also set other cars or buildings on fire, you will notice that the surroundings should also be observed very carefully here.  Some of you are already intentionally parking far away from where no other car is parked, in order to be protected from these electric cars. You are also welcome to clean meadows, beaches or other places if you feel the urge to do so. Often it is an inner inspiration that drives you to do good in this way and very often you find imitators who either help or start their own project in this regard. Please walk through the world with your eyes open and feel free to spread My blessing, spoken in My name, to animals or trees, to name just two examples. Everything will be fine! Amen.


October 11, 2024

Need for sleep during the day

My children, due to the increased vibrations to which you are exposed every day, the need for sleep has also increased for many of you. Since the USA is a few hours behind in time, some of you cannot sleep through the night and are therefore so tired during the day that you long to make up for the lost sleep. So if you have the need for sleep, My children, then lie down if possible. I know that those of you who have a job that has fixed working hours should try to go to bed earlier in the evening if possible so that you are rested and fit in the morning. It is always helpful and sensible if, in addition to praying deeply with Me, you also ask for deep sleep phases so that your body gets the rest and energy it needs to function optimally. Everything will be fine! Amen.


October 10, 2024

The light is getting stronger and stronger

My children, I would like to briefly point out to you that the light is getting stronger and what effects this is having on you. In rare cases, headaches, stomach upsets, nausea, vomiting or even listlessness can occur. This has to do with the fact that your bodies first have to let go of old blockages, false information that was deliberately spread by the other side, e.g. via television or various other worldly media. Your bodies are now cleansing themselves in one way or another in order to be ready for the new energies, because absorbing them on the one hand and integrating them on the other requires strength on the one hand and the willingness to want it from the bottom of your heart on the other. So if you suddenly feel symptoms on special days that you don't normally have, the best thing to do is to go into your inner center and pray deeply with Me. Then you will feel that the absorption of these new energies can take place more gently and easily. Everything will be fine! Amen.


October 9, 2024

The energies are rising

My children, if you feel tired or physically weak, it is very often because your bodies cannot absorb the new energies that I send to earth in bursts so quickly. They come to you first in subtle form and are then integrated into the physical body to the extent that you can cope with it. If you now feel that you cannot integrate the high energies immediately, then try to lie down or take another break and go into deep prayer with Me. After just a few minutes you will feel that the energy absorption is then gentler and your strength returns and you feel better and fitter again. Everything will be fine! Amen.


October 8, 2024

Mutual help is often necessary

My children, financial bottlenecks can often occur at the moment and help is sometimes needed. Anyone who has more than enough to give and would like to share this will automatically receive many times more back through the law of resonance, but this can also happen in stages. If help is needed and you can help, be it financial, physical or other help, you should do so. I will give you an example now: Some of you give every beggar you see a small donation and also ask him whether he might need other help. Another example is spiritual help, for example when you notice that disasters have occurred and you immediately pray for those in need and seeking help so that they can be helped on the spot. There are many ways to help and your voluntary, good deeds in My vineyard are an important part of it. Everything will be fine! Amen.


October 7, 2024

October is tough

My children, you have now survived the first days of October quite well. Some of you are still suffering from fatigue, but in most cases this will soon subside. You, who are on earth as My children, faithful to Me and extended arms, are full of joy that your voluntary help is so effective and that many of the negative things that were planned have been averted or are being averted. Furthermore, you will notice that there are days in this month that you can cope with well and master without any problems, but that worldly-oriented people have problems with. In other words: If you feel that help is needed in your circle of friends and relatives, you are welcome to pass this on to Me in heartfelt prayer. Everything will be fine! Amen.


October 6, 2024

Pay attention to the weather

My children, the so-called "freak weather" is increasing worldwide and is causing some of the worst storms and having devastating effects. To find out the causes, you have to take several factors into account. First of all, there is the large-scale weather manipulation program of the other side, which is, however, sometimes drastically restricted by you, My children who are loyal to Me, and many other helpers on earth. Another factor is that there is not only personal karma that befalls the individual person as a resonance to things he has done, but also group karma or city karma and also country karma, although often only certain areas are affected. But that does not mean that in an area that is hit by karma as a resonance, all life forms get something, but only those that are involved. So it is quite possible that hurricanes, for example, hit a house that is supposed to be hit due to karma and the house next door remains unscathed.  You see, My children, that all people who do good, even if they do not always pray fervently with Me, can be spared just as you, My children, faithful to Me and extended arms on earth, who daily, voluntarily, do so much good to help the earth and all forms of life that are receptive to it. Everything will be fine! Amen.


October 5, 2024

Prayer is not the same as prayer

My children, I would like to address an important topic today: Many worldly-oriented people dutifully go to church every Sunday and also on major holidays and believe that such prayers, which are very often not spoken sincerely, help them to make up for their bad conscience and possible things that have happened during the week. Well, only those who pray sincerely with Me will be heard, because prayers that are simply spoken for the sake of the spoken prayer fade into the air or are absorbed by the other side. Yes, you heard correctly, My children: The other side very often lurks over churches when services are taking place and everything that is not spoken sincerely and from the heart in prayer does not take the direct route towards My FATHER's house, but can be intercepted by the other side.  That is why it is so important, My children, that you pray fervently with Me or celebrate the cries of victory and/or the transmissions of light. If you are out and about privately and have previously placed yourself under My protective cloak, for example through fervent prayer, you are protected and looked after. It is advisable to formulate the victory cry "JESUS CHRIST IS VICTORIOUS" before visiting a shop or supermarket in order to protect yourself from any negative or very low vibrations in that shop. Often, just entering the shop increases the vibration there, just through your presence. Everything will be fine! Amen.


October 4, 2024

Golden October?

My children, with the beginning of the month of October, many of you, but also of the worldly-oriented people, wish for a golden October. In other words: People long for warmth, security, peace and freedom and to be able to enjoy nature outside in the fresh air. You can decide for yourself how "golden" October is in your region. Your voluntary, heartfelt prayers and light transmissions have more influence on the weather than most of you can imagine. But since this is not so well known, many people flee from your countries, as far as they can afford it, e.g. in a mobile home towards the south, to spend the autumn and especially the winter in warm climes. Some of you, My children who are faithful to Me, live in regions where the sun shines for over 300 days and enjoy living without cold and winter.  So you see, My children, that it is very different how and where My children find their happiness. Everything will be fine! Amen.


October 3, 2024

Day of German Unity 2024

My children, today the Day of German Unity is being celebrated again in Germany, although I do not want to talk about the pros and cons, but rather about the opportunities that are offered to you today. Since most of you have a public holiday in Germany today, you can use it wonderfully to do a lot of good in a voluntary way. I would like to give you a few examples: This day is ideal for taking long walks and paying special attention to nature, as long as the weather is good. After a heartfelt prayer with Me or the victory cry "JESUS CHRIST IS VICTORIOUS I", you are welcome to send My blessing, spoken in My name, out into the world, because today in particular it is very important. In rainy weather you can do good from home or from a place that can be visited with dry feet. This is even wonderfully possible in an indoor swimming pool or an all-weather zoo.  You see, My children, you have many possibilities to combine wonderful things. Everything will be fine! Amen.


October 2, 2024

Many people are tired

My children, the new energies are so strong that many worldly-oriented people feel that they are not getting enough sleep and are tired quite often. But you can also feel tired because your bodies still need a certain amount of time to adapt to the new energies. You should not go to bed too late, although it would be ideal to sleep before midnight. I know that some of you love to stay up well after midnight because then you have the leisure and peace to meditate, read, pray or even do work on the computer. Try going to bed earlier, My children. Especially now, in the transition to the new energy, your bodies are longing for sufficient sleep. Of course, this can also be made up for during the course of the day if it is possible for you. Listen to your body - I give you this well-intentioned advice. Everything will be fine! Amen.


October 1, 2024

The new October energies

My children, today is changing a lot on earth. On the one hand, the vibration and the flow of energy, which seems relatively hard to worldly-oriented people from their point of view, but is gentle and sensitive to you, My extended arms on earth. On the other hand, a lot will happen in worldly events. The other side is trying everything to provoke a great war, but you, My children who are loyal to Me, are voluntarily managing to stop this through your work in My vineyard, together with the large host of My angels, who are led by the primordial Archangel Michael, on the one hand, and to bring more and more light to the earth on the other. Everything will be fine! Amen.


September 30, 2024

September ends today

My children, today also marks the end of the vibrational increases that I sent throughout September. Some of the worldly-oriented people accepted them, but the majority of them tried to reject them because they couldn't cope with them at all and had a correspondingly difficult month. October will be completely different. There will also be a transition phase here. Everything will be fine! Amen.


September 29, 2024

Angel power

My children, today is a special day of the year. With the help of the primordial archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, you have very strong support today. In addition to your guardian angels, they are helping you particularly intensively today. As far as angel power in general is concerned, it should never be underestimated, because what My angels, who are loyal to Me, do for you every day cannot be put into words. But worldly-oriented people also have their guardian angels, of course, as you know. I am always happy when some of them wake up again, break free from the hypnotic twilight sleep of the other side and start to find their way towards My FATHER's house. The corresponding guardian angels then also rejoice with joy. Everything will be fine! Amen.


September 28, 2024

Windy times

My children, autumn has begun and with it windy times are coming for people. In the south of Spain it is still very hot - despite the wind, but in Germany, Austria and Switzerland different weather conditions are to be expected. As far as the windy times are concerned, the whole thing also relates to the world events that are currently underway. My children, you should be aware that wind also means purification and everything old and disturbing is swept away. But wind is also important because the wind brings movement into the lives of lazy and comfortable people. The wind of transformation and change sweeps away everything old, stuck and superfluous. You will notice that in October a lot will change in world events. Everything will be fine! Amen


September 27, 2024

Strong energy is flowing today

My children, today a strong energy is flowing to all of My children who are faithful to Me, which, if gratefully accepted through heartfelt prayer, can also be used for healing purposes. This means: You, as My extended arms on earth, have the opportunity today to do a lot of good in My vineyard in a voluntary manner, knowing that everything will immediately come back to you as a response and that you can help all receptive souls on earth. Everything will be fine! Amen.


September 26, 2024

The healing power of sea water

My children, My writing channel here was consciously guided by Me to the sea today in order to receive today's FATHER'S WORD there in a grounded manner. I will now transmit the sound of the waves and the wonderful, healthy air in a subtle way to all of My children who are loyal to Me and who are open and receptive to it. Those of you who have the opportunity to go to the sea regularly should also use it. As an alternative, I recommend that all other children get real sea water, which you can also buy, go into the intimate silence and then let healing energies flow into their bodies with Me in heartfelt prayer with a bottle of sea water in your hand. Everything will be fine! Amen.


September 25, 2024

Sufficient sleep

My children, in times like these, not only do many of My children who are loyal to Me often not get enough sleep at night, but also many worldly-oriented people who are waking up. There are several reasons for this: Firstly, you are far too busy with the worldly issues that are happening in the world and secondly, you do not find inner peace before you go to sleep. If you pray deeply with Me and then hand over all your worries and problems to Me, you can then sleep peacefully and extensively in most cases. But there is something else that you can learn: Some of you, such as My writing channel here, are so sensitive and delicate that you notice events even in your sleep, even if they are very far away in the world. The fourth reason why you wake up at night is that you feel the urge to urinate and therefore have to get up at night. The only thing that helps here is drinking in good time and not too much before you go to bed.  The following applies to all of you: If you wake up at night for whatever reason, it is always a good idea to have a quick heartfelt prayer with Me, which in most cases will then enable you to fall asleep again. Everything will be fine! Amen.


September 24, 2024

Knowledge of human nature

My children, many of you have also acquired a certain kind of

knowledge of human nature over the years and your innermost being often signals to you how you should behave. Well, a large number of your German politicians are trying to drive the country into ruin and you have largely suspected or even known it long in advance. You have now often asked Me in heartfelt prayer what you can do about it. I tell you again: I only intervene in absolute emergencies, but you, as My extended arms on earth, are allowed to do helpful good. On the one hand, there is the voluntary work in My vineyard and on the other hand, of course, your daily conversations, telephone calls and also thoughts that you send out into the world in this regard.  You know that the other side is afraid of the awakening of the German people and is doing everything in its power to keep them on the ground. Many politicians have said and are telling you this bluntly and anyone who is interested will also find corresponding quotes on the internet and in books. I have now deliberately addressed all of My children who are loyal to Me and who were born in Germany or in the German-speaking area, live there or have since found another home. All of the other children who are loyal to Me are also very often aware of this issue, because reports about it abroad are very different from those in German lands. Those who carry peace in their hearts will always send it out into the world in a heartfelt way through good deeds and they will reach exactly where they meet people who are ready to receive it. Do not worry about Germany, My children, because the German-speaking area is under special protection, just like other areas and countries. Everything will be fine! Amen


September 23, 2024

Be creative

My children, some of you have often told Me in heartfelt prayer that, as the end of the month approaches, you often have to improvise a lot to create appropriately tasty recipes. I would now like to address this topic, because creativity is something that you should not only use on certain days, but can generally integrate into your life. Some of you keep looking through your supplies and what is running out is "composed" into a tasty stew. In other words: Be creative when eating and let this creativity flow into your entire life and involve your relatives and friends when you meet to "exchange ideas". This can be done verbally in a conversation, but also over the phone or via the Internet. You will be amazed at how much creative energy can flow if you allow it.  Everything will be fine! Amen.


September 22, 2024

Home on Earth

My children, you keep asking Me in heartfelt prayer where your home on earth is during your incarnation. Well, this question is quite easy to answer: Home is where you feel at home. That means: Some of you have several places where you feel at home and completely satisfied, others only have one place and a few do not feel at home anywhere on earth. These are very often a kind of globetrotter or are traveling in a mobile home, looking for the right place to live. I tell you, My children, that you are always and everywhere at home if you carry Me in your heart and are intimately connected with Me, because life on earth can be quite exhausting or difficult for worldly-oriented people.  But you, My children who are faithful to Me, feel at ease wherever I am with you, because then you feel the peace and harmony that you need to live this life in peace on the one hand and to spend it with the people you love or are friends with on the other. Everything will be fine! Amen


September 21, 2024


My children, in most cases your bodies signal to you when they want to be cleaned and then start to practice it. This means that frequent visits to the "little room" are then a normal cleaning and do not involve anything bad. But cleaning does not only take place inside you, but also in external events. This includes not only personal hygiene or care, but also cleaning your apartment/house, your car, possibly your property and also your surroundings. In other words: You automatically sense which people are no longer a good fit for you. This affects many people who are pricked and who simply can no longer cope with you and your ever-increasing vibration. Many people are already avoiding you because of this and you are often told: "Why have you changed so much recently?"  Well, it is true that through your close connection with Me and the knowledge of how you should behave in the "C-time", you were able to avoid all the "prick madness" and thus remained free people. You have consciously developed further and further through the regular vibration increases and, as is now happening again, freed yourself of all clinging things through conscious cleansing. The gap between the worldly-oriented pricked people and you is getting bigger and bigger, as you have often noticed. Everything will be fine! Amen.


September 20, 2024

Healing water

My children, I have often told you how important and valuable blessed water is and how you can get it easily and yourself by holding your hands over the water, connecting intimately with Me and saying: "I bless this water in the name of the FATHER, the SON and the HOLY SPIRIT." If you have aches and pains, you can use this water internally or externally to get relief and possibly healing. This water causes your body to cleanse on the one hand and on the other hand something that worldly-oriented people cannot imagine: an intimate connection with Me! In other words: Anyone who consciously follows the spiritual path with Me in intimate connection will automatically have their body change. This does not happen overnight, but in the long term it is like this.  Through the blessed, energized water, with My healing vibration, My child, who is loyal to Me, will automatically become purer and healthier if he or she allows this. Everything will be fine! Amen.


September 19, 2024

Your body is your friend

My children, I have often told you how important it is that you have a good relationship with your body. Many people who are overweight or underweight do not have an intimate relationship with their bodies. First of all, you should learn when and how much food your body needs so that you have a balanced diet and feel completely satisfied. As everyone has certain habits, it is very important that you first analyze them carefully and see if you feel comfortable. There is no perfect recipe for everyone: As everyone is a unique individual, it is not possible to say in general terms what is good for them and what is not. If you start to talk to your body as your best friend, you will find that it is willing to show you what it really needs and what it doesn't need. Try to establish a much more intimate connection than you have done so far. In other words, if your body becomes your best friend from a worldly point of view, it will tell you exactly what it needs to live happily, contentedly and healthily and, of course, it will also tell you how it can let go of all the toxins, excess fats and similar things that are still in the body in order to be free and happy. Those of you who are underweight are very often sad, lonely or afraid of gaining weight. They have put their bodies on an emergency frequency in order not to get into a situation where there is too little food to nourish their bodies. Often these are old patterns, promises or even prohibitions from previous incarnations which, if they are not deleted, are automatically continued in the next life. That is why I have often recommended that you hand over to Me for transformation everything that has to do with oaths, curses, promises, vows, curses and similar things that have been spoken about you or that you have spoken. Of course, this also includes the work of forgiveness and letting go, which we have already talked about at length. I have just recommended to My Writing Channel here to refresh these topics again in today's podcast, as otherwise it would go beyond the scope of this FATHER'S WORD. Now let's get to the secret of how everyone can achieve their ideal weight: First of all, as I said, a person must establish an intimate, friendly relationship with their body. Then he sits down and writes down everything that is bothering him, what he would like to change and what his idea is of how he would like to live in and with his body in the near or near future. Once this is done, he discusses it intimately with his body and asks it to tackle this project together with him. Since the body is intelligent and wants to keep the person alive, it encapsulates all toxins and stores them in certain depots. If you now arrange an agreement with your body in a loving way that it will toxins daily, little by little, it will do so. You should also eat consciously, always in consultation with your body, and only eat what you can tolerate and what you want to eat. If you are now underweight and want to gain weight, you need exercise, sufficient oxygen and should engage in physical activity and/or sport to gently stimulate muscle building. If you want to lose weight, you can convert excess fat into muscle by exercising or through the physical work you do every day. However, this can only be achieved through constant contact with your body, which you can do through subtle or verbal communication. As I said, if you see your body as your friend, it will help you in all matters if you agree a precise program with it.

You should always make sure that you never overtax yourself and your body, but that everything is done gently and in harmony with Me in heartfelt prayer. The reason why this FATHER'S WORD has become particularly long today is because many of you have recently asked Me to speak in detail about this topic. Everything will be fine!  Amen.


September 18, 2024

Time outs are important

My children, I cannot tell you often enough how important time outs are for body, mind and soul. The moment you notice that your body urgently needs a break or rest, you should listen to it and consciously allow it. Anyone who is still working should become flexible in this regard and make sure that time out can be taken, even if it is just a lunch break or you can retreat to the "little room". Some of you have perfected this to such an extent that you manage to recharge your batteries and energy in a few minutes' break by consciously connecting with Me in heartfelt prayer and taking a short sleep phase in which you then get all the energy you urgently need, because, as you know, space and time do not exist for Me and I can stretch time in you as I wish. In other words: Even if you only sleep for a few minutes or seconds, you can be rested and fit again afterwards. Everything will be fine!  Amen.


September 17, 2024

All of My children who are loyal to Me are unique

My children, as most of you have noticed, the new week is tough. You have been confronted with energies that were or are challenging, but if you stand under My protective cloak in heartfelt prayer, you are protected and looked after. Always try to ground yourself and be as centered as possible. You know: As in the big, so in the small. The more light-filled energy you radiate outwards, the better it is for the earth. Many people think that they cannot achieve much as individuals, but they are very much mistaken! Every good deed, every good thought, every loving help and everything else that comes voluntarily from the heart is part of what makes you, My children who are loyal to Me, so unique. Everything will be fine! Amen.


September 16, 2024

An important week

My children, there are some important events this week, but only some of them will be made public. As far as physical symptoms are concerned, you have the opportunity to do a lot for your health this week. It is a good time to look within yourself and find out exactly what the trigger or cause is, or was, what is bothering you or keeping you in a state of illness. If you pray deeply with Me, you will find out for the most part what the cause of your ailments was and how you can give it to Me for transformation in heartfelt prayer and have done the work of forgiveness and letting go beforehand. Everything will be fine! Amen.


September 15, 2024

A new phase of life

My children, a new phase of life is now beginning for some of you. Before this incarnation, you agreed that certain things would happen to you, which will now happen. Be it a new relationship and/or a change of residence, a new job or even new life tasks. My angels will help and guide you as far as you allow it, because in any case it will be an improvement in your situation or living conditions. Everything will be fine! Amen.


September 14, 2024

Weather phenomena

My children, if you notice or hear or it is announced in the worldly news that storms of various kinds are coming, you are welcome to ask with Me in heartfelt prayer that, within the scope of what is possible, these can either be averted or at least mitigated. If My writing channel here, for example, prays fervently for the countries that urgently need rain, this is also a possibility for nature to regenerate. If you want to imitate him, it is important that you always formulate it in such a way that only the amount of rain that the country can cope with comes down and in as gentle a form as possible. Rain songs can be helpful, as can prayers and wishes. Everything will be fine! Amen.


September 13, 2024

Once again it is Friday the thirteenth

My children, to get straight to the point: Please stay away from superstition and similar things that only want to scare you. If you are connected to Me through heartfelt prayer, a Friday on the thirteenth day of a month is nothing negative and you are just as protected and looked after as on the other days. Some of you were born on the thirteenth of a month and so today. For many of these children, thirteen is therefore a lucky number. Some of you also see it this way: I had twelve disciples and that is how the number thirteen comes about again. Well, you know that what happens to each person is what they believe in. Anyone who has moved away from Me must expect that the law of resonance will react differently to them, the human being, than to you, My children who are faithful to Me. Everything will be fine! Amen.


September 12, 2024

The here and now is important

My children, it makes no sense to dig too much into the past, or even to think about what the future will bring. Of course, you can formulate and arrange the wishes you have in your mind, but do not neglect the here and now. Wish fulfillments are possible at any time if you formulate these wishes clearly and work them out in detail in your mind's eye. Then you can let them go with the knowledge that everything that is possible will come. Those of you who have now invested in crypto, for example, and have made a lot of money as a result, are welcome to fulfill their wishes, but should invest a certain percentage in social or other projects that benefit other people, animals or nature. Be assured that many things are possible on earth if you do everything consciously and in connection with Me through heartfelt prayer. You should always be grounded in the here and now, because that is an important basis for it. Everything will be fine!  Amen.


September 11, 2024

The day that will be remembered

My children, September 11, 2001 caused shock in many people and the majority of humanity is still naive enough to believe the other side's absurd lies that two planes could bring down two huge buildings, with the third building, which was hardly talked about, collapsing seemingly out of nowhere. As long as humanity believes such lies, it is difficult for it to awaken globally. Since 23 years have now passed and this is one of the other side's favorite numbers, I would like to ask you to carry out your voluntary, good deeds in My vineyard with particular intensity today. Everything will be fine! Amen.


September 10, 2024

Your loyalty is priceless

My children, I would like to tell you how valuable your loyalty to Me is. You, as My extended arms on earth and lighthouses that radiate My light everywhere in the world, have already resisted many temptations and have not allowed yourselves to be bought with money and jewelry. Through your deep love for Me, you are able to do a lot of good on the one hand and on the other hand, through your voluntary, good deeds, you receive in response much of what you desire - within the scope of what is possible. Everything will be fine! Amen.


September 9, 2024

Valuable help

My children, many worldly-oriented people have no idea that there will be major changes and restructuring on earth. If you are asked for advice on why you are behaving differently, for example, you can give valuable advice and tips. Starting with the sentence that the most important thing on earth is absolute TRUST IN GOD, because without trust in the love and help of Me, your FATHER and CREATOR in JESUS CHRIST, you could not live a God-pleasing, peaceful life and there would be no meaning for you without the knowledge that only through the intimate connection with Me, your FATHER and CREATOR in JESUS CHRIST, can help be passed on to other forms of life and corresponding good deeds can be voluntarily exemplified and passed on. Everything will be fine! Amen.


September 8, 2024


My children, I have often told you how important solidarity is among My children. Many of you have felt that a close connection between each other is good and important.  In some cases I have arranged it so that My children who are loyal to Me receive what is known as "backing" from others of you when it comes to important tasks. A lot will happen on earth in the near future and it is planned that you will find each other and possibly even establish a community together where you can live as self-sufficiently as possible. Those of you who already have a garden or at least a balcony have the opportunity to grow and bless everything, spoken in My name. Some of My children who are loyal to Me have also been brought together and, just through their strong love for one another and their heartfelt prayers with Me, are helping to do a lot of good on earth in a voluntary way. My children, if you have a strong love for people, animals or nature, this will inspire you even more to do a lot of good on earth in a voluntary way. Love in particular inspires people and they are then more receptive to reception from the spiritual world.  I therefore recommend that you let go of the grief that you still feel and hand it over to Me for transformation, so that you will be freer to do even more voluntary, good deeds, because these are urgently needed on earth. Everything will be fine! Amen.


September 7, 2024

Let it be done to you according to your faith

My children, some of you will know this sentence. The more intensely you trust Me and believe in Me, the more will come true. You live your life in seemingly pre-determined paths, because you were born into a family, went to school and then, as an adult, took a path that many of you do not necessarily like. Only when you consciously walked with Me at a certain point did you realize through your strong faith in Me and My healing power that, on the one hand, there is indeed free will and, on the other hand, you felt that you can let yourself be guided for your own good if you asked Me for it in heartfelt prayer. In this way, on the one hand, you have found your purpose and, on the other hand, you now live in a way that is a joy for you.  For a few of you, the old routine is still there, but the new life is already in sight. So you see, My children, what happens to each person depends on who they trust, what drives them and ultimately how their faith in Me exists. Most of you have relatives who have fallen into addictions, do not believe in Me and have had great problems in the past or now in this ever-increasing energy. Your daily, voluntary prayers, sendings of light and cries of victory also help to cleanse the earth and send souls who are floating around after earthly death into the light. Everything will be fine! Amen.


September 6, 2024

The forest gas station

My children, some of you keep asking through heartfelt prayer whether a visit to the forest is good for the body on the one hand and can bring healing on the other. Well, a visit to a forest is always associated with positive energies and is good for the soul and the body. You should make sure that you breathe in consciously and deeply first and then breathe out so that the healing energies of the forest air can do you good. But when I mean forest, I mean a real forest, not just a small collection of trees. There is a way that you can look on the Internet via aerial photographs to see where there are corresponding forests near you. Such a visit can also help to solve blockages and problems and to recharge your energies.  There is also the relevant term "forest bathing", which describes it very aptly. If you are lucky enough to have a stream or a small lake integrated into it, this ensemble can emit a lot of healing power for body, mind and soul. If you live very far from accessible forests, you can also use your imagination by watching a video of a forest walk and imagining that you are in the middle of it. The more intensely you imagine it, the more strongly you will feel the healing power of the forest. Everything will be fine! Amen


September 5, 2024

Difficulties with the increase in vibration

My children, some of you have asked Me in heartfelt prayer why you are often tired. Well, that is partly due to the gentle but steadily increasing vibrations. Even if the increases in vibration are gentle, they still happen daily and your bodies therefore have to adapt a little every day. The worldly-oriented people do not notice it as intensely as you sometimes feel it, and yet they feel changes in the form of lethargy, physical limitations of a gentle nature, tiredness or even a lack of desire to cope with everyday life normally. However, this increase in vibration is enormously important for your further growth process of a spiritual nature. Those of the worldly-oriented people who are now ready to go along with this, as these people now find their way to Me, will find that there is an inner awakening, because nothing is more beautiful than realizing that there is something else in life than constant worldly bombardment and loneliness.  Those of you who can share the deep love you have for Me with a partner will gradually feel more and more of this high energy within you, which I am gradually giving to My children who are faithful to Me, because some things will change on earth. Everything will be fine! Amen.


September 4, 2024

physical limitations

My children, some of you tell Me again and again in heartfelt prayer that you are sad because you have physical limitations of various kinds. Well, these limitations are very often remnants of karmic resonances that you brought with you from previous lives. If you pray fervently and describe your worries and problems to Me and then, after you have let go and forgiven, give them to Me for transformation, you will find that things often get better. Just consider the vows and oaths from previous lives, which, if they are not dissolved, have an influence on you. For My children who are faithful to Me, the monk's and nun's vows play an above-average role. The moment you dissolve all oaths, oaths, curses, promises, etc. with Me in heartfelt prayer and hand them over to Me for transformation, your life can change very much for the better.  The vow of poverty alone, to give just one example, causes many people to despair because they have great difficulty in earning money and making ends meet in this life, as the saying goes. After this vow was canceled with Me in heartfelt prayer, this situation also improved. Everything will be fine! Amen.


September 3, 2024

Stages of development

My children, some of you have asked Me in heartfelt prayer why there is such a big difference between My children who are loyal to Me and the worldly-oriented people. Well: That is quite easy to explain. Most of you have worked your way to the spiritual state that you have now over several previous lives - partly through remembrance and always feeling deep in your heart that there is only one way on earth: Together with JESUS CHRIST at your side! The worldly-oriented people, on the other hand, have largely been unable to resist many temptations and sins and have therefore fallen into dependencies of the darkest kind.  But there are also rays of hope on the horizon: A large number of worldly-oriented people who have realized that the path they have taken so far was the wrong one are now finding their way back to Me - sometimes with difficulty and step by step through experiences they have had as a result of the law of resonance, and others by waking up and seeing through the addictive system. Anyone who consciously avoids the television for the most part and only watches a few specific programs that give them pleasure will notice how their life will change. Avoid advertisements, news programs and everything that has a manipulative effect on people and you will notice that this alone will sharpen your own senses and you will be able to think more freely and clearly. Most of you hardly watch any television programs anymore and if you do, it is only for specific purposes. You can also, as My writing channel has recommended here several times, put a light shield in front of your monitors or television sets so that only good energies come through.  I recommend that you always wrap yourselves under My protective mantle of fervent prayer when you wake up in the morning, when you leave the house, when you go to work and also whenever you are no longer in your center, because the other side is just waiting to annoy you.  Simply say "JESUS CHRIST IS VICTORIOUS" three times and you will be protected and looked after. This has just as much effect as a heartfelt prayer with Me. Do you now understand why your level of development is for the most part much more advanced than that of worldly-oriented people? My children, who are loyal to Me, have lived through difficult and hard times in previous lives and partly also in this life. Despite everything, you have always been sure of your faith and deep trust in Me and My healing power and I have always guided and led you. Of course, it has not been easy for you to live on earth, where there used to be so much darkness. But through your heartfelt prayers, sendings of light and good deeds, carried out voluntarily, you have anchored My light, My love, My healing power, My divine justice and My blessing on earth bit by bit, so that the darkness had to retreat again and again. Everything will be fine! Amen.


September 2, 2024

New Energies

My children, some of you felt the new energies at midnight sharp with the start of September 2024. These will last throughout the month, although there will be ups and downs. Whether and to what extent the worldly-oriented people will be able to adapt depends on their willingness to open themselves to the spiritual laws and then integrate them into their lives. The energy increases gently from day to day. Everything will be fine! Amen.


September 1, 2024

September begins

My children, as I have already indicated to you, September of the year 2024 begins with new energies. You, My children who are faithful to Me, are coping well with this and are happy that a lot of healing energy is flowing. The worldly-oriented people, however, will not only have problems with it, but will also have difficulties, because from their point of view a lot will change on earth. Therefore, pay attention to your friends, relatives and acquaintances who are following the worldly-oriented path and how big their problems are. Many of them cannot cope with it at all and there will be a lot of resonance. The wheat will continue to be separated from the chaff and you, My children who are faithful to Me, are realizing more and more how important the intimate connection with Me is in intimate prayer and through the cries of victory.  Whoever keeps saying "JESUS CHRIST IS VICTORIOUS!" will continue to be protected by Me and will bring about much good on earth through this cry of victory and often also a resolution or resolutions of negative things. Everything will be fine! Amen.


August 31, 2024

Summer ends

My children, for most people today is the last day of summer, because for them the first of September is often associated with the beginning of autumn. The higher temperatures in many areas prove that this is not the case. Today this extraordinary August energy, where people had to go through ups and downs, also ends. As I said yesterday, September has completely different energies and those born in September will cope well with what is coming, because those born in September very often have extraordinary abilities. Everything will be fine! Amen.


August 30, 2024

The month of August is coming to an end

My children, this month was full of ups and downs for many people. You, My children who are loyal to Me and My extended arms on earth, have achieved so much good through your voluntary, good deeds on the one hand and have also helped to avert much misfortune on the other. The month of September will have a completely different vibration, but you will cope with it much better than the worldly-oriented people. Everything will be fine! Amen.


August 29, 2024


My children, I have often told you how important this imagination is for your life. On this occasion, I would like to point this out to you again, because it gives you the opportunity to do a lot of good - not only in your life. If, for example, you now imagine a peaceful coexistence on earth worldwide and you let this arise again and again in your mind's eye, it is part of what others also manifest and this spiritual manifestation wants to be realized as quickly as possible in the gross material energy. This can of course also be used for your private life. In this way, you can, for example, create a suitable house, a suitable car or even a suitable job in your imagination, which can also be manifested with intensive imagination. Whether it works out exactly as you want it to depends, of course, on various things that have to fit together, similar to gears.  But because this is often the problem, many projects get stuck in the middle of manifestation. Often all it takes is a little push, a moral or spiritual support, to lubricate these symbolic gears with a little oil so that they start running again and the idea that you have had for many years becomes reality. Do not despair, My children, if it does not work immediately, but try to express your wish even more precisely and in more detail. Everything will be fine! Amen


August 28, 2024

Strong intuition

My children, you are connected to everything that happens in the world, consciously or unconsciously, because you are continuing to develop spiritually. This means: Those of you who are very sensitive will become even more sensitive and all of My other children who are loyal to Me are now also beginning to become more intuitive in their specialty. You can sense in advance when bad things are planned on earth and can then immediately enter into heartfelt prayer with Me and send your voluntary, good deeds there as a counter-vibration. Everything will be fine! Amen.


August 27, 2024

Free from Fears

My children, many worldly-oriented people are afraid of the future and also of the manipulated news that is often broadcast in the public media to keep people intimidated, oppressed and full of fears. You, My children who are faithful to Me, are freeing yourselves more and more from the worldly fears of the worldly media, because you know on the one hand that most of it is made up and on the other hand that the light is becoming stronger and stronger. Try to go through life free of fears and worries, My children. I will help and support you as far as possible within your life plan. Everything will be fine! Amen.


August 26, 2024

Name energies

My children, I am repeatedly asked in heartfelt prayer why you have certain first names or nicknames or are given other names by the spiritual world. Well, in most cases the parents are given the name of the future child during pregnancy. But if they don't listen, this child is often given a suitable nickname or is given the corresponding name by the spiritual world in the course of life. Many of you also have two or three, in rare cases even four first names. Since each name has a vibration and meaning, you can choose for yourself which name suits you best and how you would like to be addressed accordingly. Nicknames or abbreviations also have a special meaning and should not be ignored lightly. Let's come to your last names: It is very common for people to take their partner's last name when they get married because they are unhappy with their own last name or because they have been bullied or teased because of it.  This is an option that is absolutely fine if the person concerned feels better afterward. This means: You can decide what you want to be called if you have the option to choose. Some of you have already received spiritual names from Me and can use them if you want. Try it out and see what works best for you. Everything will be fine! Amen.


August 25, 2024

Identification features

My children, I would like to explain to you, at the request of many, through the heartfelt prayers, how you, as My extended arms on earth and beloved children, can recognize one another. First of all, there is the smell: some of you will have already noticed that the body's own smell that you have and emit after you have washed yourself is very similar. In other words: you recognize one another by the smell! Furthermore, eye contact is very important. Many of you only need to look at one another or smell the other's scent and know exactly that there is recognition. Very often this connection that you have from previous lives is very intimate and deep and this connection usually shows itself very quickly. Most of you, My children, know one another from previous lives and would immediately recognize one another if you met in this life. My writing channel here also has personal, closer contact with some of you and there, too, recognition was immediate.  Your souls decide in a split second through the aura whether you like or dislike someone, or whether that person is neutral towards you. A good example is the pedestrian crossing light: the people coming towards you can either walk past you relatively closely, or they can avoid you or you can avoid them. The same applies to the queue at the checkout: someone standing in front of or behind you radiates a vibration and you react to it. Some of you have often found that you could not stand their vibration and left your seat just to avoid being confronted with this unpleasant vibration.  If you notice, My children, that you have problems with the energy of/or the people around you, then immediately wrap yourselves under My protective cloak in the heartfelt prayer or the victory cry: "JESUS CHRIST IS VICTORIOUS!" spoken at least three times, although this can also be done in spirit and you will notice that you feel better and that you can better tolerate the foreign energies around you. Everything will be fine! Amen.


August 24, 2024

Deep connection

My children, you often meet people with whom you feel recognition and/or a connection or even a deep connection from previous lives. You know that the eyes are the mirror of the soul and often just one look is enough to recognize, because on a soul level the recognition is there immediately. Sometimes you are surprised that this deep connection is not only maintained in worldly life, but is even strengthened. You, as My extended arms and lighthouses on earth, radiate My light out into the world and when you are in pairs or in a group, it is even more intense and effective. Everything will be fine! Amen


August 23, 2024


My children, today I would like to talk about a very important topic: security. Feeling secure is something that humans and animals normally have in common. However, special life circumstances can lead to a lack of security for years. You know that, standing under My protective cloak through heartfelt prayer, you will constantly receive this intimate and subtle security from Me if you ask for it. But security can also happen in other ways, e.g. through nice conversations on the phone, good books, suitable music or even a relaxing bath, to name just a few. You, My children who are faithful to Me, are always protected, looked after and secure under My protective cloak through heartfelt prayer, if you allow it. Everything will be fine! Amen.


August 22, 2024

Inner peace calls you

My children, the more the world is divided and in apparent unrest, the more your body calls you to inner peace through your soul level. The more the storm rages, the calmer you should become. You, as My extended arms on earth, are My lighthouses that voluntarily radiate My light all the time. The world needs you as a calming pole when it is stormy outside. Everything will be fine! Amen.


August 21, 2024

The summer restlessness

My children, I deliberately call it the summer restlessness because it is also present in many of you, My children who are faithful to Me. It is a kind of inner restlessness that very often occurs on hot days or in a phase when you are on vacation for a long time or, due to the heat, do not really know what to do on these days. The fact is that many people, especially when they are on vacation or unemployed, have little or nothing to do with their free time. If the financial aspect is then added to this, that you would like to do something but cannot afford it financially, sadness, resentment or inner restlessness often builds up. The best thing for you, My children who are faithful to Me, is to go into heartfelt prayer with Me and to hand over to Me everything that burdens, saddens or moves you for transformation. You will then notice very quickly that this restlessness or sadness is transformed into joy or inventiveness.  Some of you, My children who are loyal to Me, live in hot regions of the earth and know exactly what I mean. They can learn to accept their chosen place of residence as it is, even if there are days when the sun shines very brightly. You in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, where most of My children who are loyal to Me live, have completely different worries: the constant change in the weather, with sometimes extreme drops in temperature or increases in temperature, can also lead to inner unrest. As I have often told you, in most cases you have the free choice to live where you like, although of course you often have to clear away a number of obstacles of various kinds beforehand. But since you have free will, you can discuss this with yourself and your soul and of course also with your family and friends and then decide what you want to do, when and how. Today's FATHER'S WORD is a little longer than usual, but it was important to Me to explain this situation again in detail. Everything will be fine! Amen.


August 20, 2024

The energies are flowing more strongly

My children, since the full moon, which you have felt for the most part, the energies have been flowing more strongly on earth. The gap between the worldly-oriented people and the people who pray deeply with Me and believe in Me will continue to grow. Imagine it as two slopes in the mountains, with a wide gap in the middle. It is becoming increasingly difficult to get from one side to the other. However, for those who are willing to give up their old life and continue on their path of life with Me at their side, spiritual bridges will be built to be able to overcome this gap, which is constantly growing. You, as My extended arms on earth, are also symbolically building bridges for people who have only half-heartedly found their way back to Me and who, through your subtle help, are now finding their way. Everything will be fine! Amen.


August 19, 2024

Excitement and calm

My children, even if there is so much excitement, stress, hecticness and panic in the world, you should find inner calm as soon as possible through heartfelt prayer, because there you will find your inner peace and harmony. Since you know that you are under My protective cloak, through heartfelt prayer, nothing can happen to you. Everything will be fine! Amen.


August 18, 2024

Sunday rest is a balm

My children, due to numerous inquiries in heartfelt prayer, I would like to say something to you again on this topic. You have free will and can do what you want. Most of your bodies and also your souls want a longer break at least once a week or ideally a day off. This is very often Sunday. If you now tell your body and soul after the heartfelt prayer with Me, e.g. on Sunday, that you are going into inner rest, this will be a balm for both, because in inner rest you also have enough joy to, for example, do good things in My vineyard. Everything will be fine! Amen.


August 17, 2024

Strengthened into the weekend

My children, many of you have been able to recharge your batteries this week, in one way or another. Those who have done this can now go into the weekend strengthened, and those of you who did not have time to do so will now receive a lot of strength and energy from Me through heartfelt prayer if you fully commit to it. Everything will be fine! Amen.


August 16, 2024

Peace in the heart is more important than ever

My children, as you have noticed, it is very easy to be happy and joyful if you have the impulse to do so and allow it. But those who constantly think only of the negative and thereby send out fears will notice that this way of thinking is more harmful than positive, so listen to your heart, My children, because that is where I reside and I am also constantly connected with you if you allow it. You see, My children, I help you in all areas of life if you let Me participate. Everything will be fine! Amen.


August 15, 2024

Assumption of Mary 2024

My children, Mother Mary sends you loving greetings and is with every person who calls her fervently through prayer. Today, many Christians are praying with me and asking Mother Mary for help or protection. Mary is just as happy as I am if you continue to send your voluntary, good deeds out into the world today, because they are urgently needed. Everything will be fine! Amen.


August 14, 2024

Summer breaks

My children, even if it sounds unusual to some people, summer breaks are extremely useful and important. In other words: The unusual heat can also be difficult for many people, so that work is not always as easy as it is on cooler days. Take the breaks you need, My children. Even worldly-oriented people need breaks on hot days. Everything will be fine! Amen


August 13, 2024

Your loved ones

My children, I am repeatedly asked in heartfelt prayer how one can help one's loved ones. Well, those who are open to the spiritual path or are even already walking it have little or no problems in this regard. Show your loved ones how much you love them, give them a hug and live your life as best you can with daily, voluntary good deeds. Everything will be fine! Amen


August 12, 2024

Gain new impressions

My children, if you feel like you're "going crazy," you should go out and gain new impressions. A short vacation or a day trip is often very helpful to get your mind off things. Visiting friends or relatives can be just as relaxing as a trip to the seaside, for example. Feel inside yourself, My children, and then you will notice when it is time to gather other impressions again. But anyone who says that they are tied to their house/apartment is welcome to take a mental journey. With a little music from the vacation spot you feel like you're on or corresponding photos or videos from the Internet, you can also go on vacation from home. Everything will be fine! Amen.


August 11, 2024

One week before the surprise

My children, you know that many things that happen on earth do not come to light in the world press. That is why a large part of the good things that happen around the world this week will hardly be known. Thanks to your voluntary, daily work in My vineyard, a point has now been reached where a lot of bad things can be averted, which will then be partly transformed into good things. That is why it is so immensely important that a large part of My children, who are faithful to Me, do so much good every day, voluntarily and full of joy, with the certainty that this has such a great impact on world events. You, My extended arms on earth, will also experience small or larger miracles this week if you are open to them. Everything will be fine! Amen.


August 10, 2024

"Bread and games" distractions

My children, the Olympics are coming to an end and have captivated many people. Some of you also enjoyed watching these sporting activities. But so that the worldly-oriented people continue to be busy every weekend, the "Germans' favorite sport" has started again. Without these conscious distractions, people would feel much more intensely that a lot is happening on earth that they are not aware of or are deliberately being kept from them. Conscious distraction from world events or regional events was already used very deliberately in ancient times. The worldly-oriented person does not want to spend his free time doing things that would burden him or that do not interest him.  Since the other side knows this, something is always being initiated worldwide to keep them busy, to distract them or to keep them from waking up from the artificially created "twilight sleep" that is mostly created by the public media. You, My children who are loyal to Me, also have the task of continuing to do good things every day in a voluntary manner so that more and more of these people suddenly wake up and question their previous lives, which they have spent in "twilight sleep". Everything will be fine! Amen.


August 9, 2024

Do not let yourselves be unsettled

My children, I have often told you that it makes a lot of sense to avoid worldly media of all kinds and, above all, not to believe all this. It is the other side that is behind it and wants to keep people in a panic. If you want to know what is really happening on earth, go within yourself and come to Me through heartfelt prayer under My protective cloak. Since the other side always has to say everything it intends, it often presents it very cleverly in its so-called "Hollywood films". They have to tell the truth, but they often hide it very cleverly. You, as My extended arms on earth, notice very quickly what is truth and what is not. They are planning a third great war, which in reality could take place completely differently than they intend. It is up to you, through your daily, voluntary good deeds, to prevent worse things from happening and to let My light on earth grow ever stronger. Everything will be fine! Amen.


August 8, 2024

Healing energies are flowing very strongly today

My children, today is August 8th and on this day particularly strong healing energies are flowing for all children who believe in Me and trust Me. I am talking here about all children worldwide who are connected to Me through heartfelt prayers. You know that the life on earth of every single person depends very much on how intense their way of thinking and acting is. In other words: Those who always strive to have good and positive thoughts and only see the good in every situation have it much easier than the many skeptics who always bring out everything negative. I will help you if you ask Me for help - through heartfelt prayer within the framework of what is possible. Every person on earth who does good and also thinks good is entitled to good things. On the one hand, this can be abundance, which can be interpreted and lived in different ways, but also a self-chosen different situation. People receive what they send out as a resonance.  Everything will be fine! Amen


August 7, 2024

My children are under My protection

My children, there are often so-called bad news that are deliberately spread by the government to make people afraid and panic. My children who are loyal to Me, of which you are also a part, are under My personal protection! I help them within the framework of what they themselves allow. In other words: If you allow abundance into your life, it will come. But if your thoughts and thoughts revolve more around poverty, that will also determine your life. You have the choice of how you want to live. What you radiate out into the world will also come back to you. I know that those of you who have a lot will also share it with those who have little. Everything will be fine! Amen.


August 6, 2024

Everything that makes sense

My children, in these turbulent times, which is actually very untypical for midsummer, I would like to tell you again what makes sense to stock up on. In addition to food that has a long shelf life and enough water, you can also stock up on all the things that have a shorter shelf life but that you would like to have. Cash in small bills is just as useful as coins or other valuables of various kinds. Also remember that summer doesn't last forever and you need something so that you don't freeze in the winter. Things that you can exchange are also very

useful. Everything will be fine! Amen.


August 5, 2024

Patience and trust

My children, in heartfelt prayer, you keep asking about the fulfillment of various kinds of wishes. I have often told you that patience is a virtue and that you will receive help. The fact that this help sometimes takes longer than planned is because the free will of man is respected. If you are promised that you will receive help, it often depends on the patience and willingness to wait that you show. Just trust that I will help you and that you will receive help at the right time. All of My children who are loyal to Me, who do good things every day and are intimately connected to Me through heartfelt prayer, receive everything that is maximally due within their life plan. If this is, for example, a bigger house or a better car because it is important for their future career, help will also be given in this regard. It is important that you think positively and do not limit yourself too much in your wishes and way of thinking.  Everything will be fine! Amen.


August 4, 2024

Inside or outside

My children, with the high temperatures that prevail in some parts of your lands, you should follow your inner feeling as to whether you tolerate spending the day inside or outside better. Many of you also have fans or air conditioners to keep the heat in your house or apartment under control. Everything will be fine! Amen.


August 3, 2024

Water is an elixir of life

My children, especially now, when the temperatures are so high in many places, it is important that you not only drink enough water, but also blessed water if possible. All of you who pray for the blessing for your water or bless the water in My name in heartfelt prayer feel very well how valuable blessed water is for the body. Especially on days that are very hot, the body not only loses a lot of water, but also many minerals, vitamins and trace elements, as well as some things that it urgently needs. But if your water has been blessed by Me, it contains everything the body needs to be fit or to get fit. Everything will be fine! Amen.


August 2, 2024

The wait is worth it

My children, many of you keep asking Me in heartfelt prayer if and when something will change on earth. Well, the first changes are about to happen. What can initially only be perceived in a subtle way by some of you will spread more and more over time so that it can gradually be perceived in many different ways. You, as My extended arms and lighthouses on earth, radiate My light out into the world more and more strongly so that the darkness must give way more and more, because when My light illuminates something, the other side gives way. Everything will be fine! Amen.


August 1, 2024

August begins

My children, with the month of August, other energies begin to work on earth. A lot will change and for My children who are faithful to Me, this will be mostly beneficial. Bottlenecks can be resolved if there is enough trust in God and the knowledge that help will always flow if there is absolute trust in Me and My helper angels who are provided for you. Everything will be fine! Amen.


July 31, 2024


My children, midsummer is often perceived as being divided. While some love it, others are happy when it is over. Especially in the southern countries of Europe, it is very intense and violent this year. But you know: most worldly-oriented people cannot be pleased. They very often have something to complain about with the weather. But you, My children who are faithful to Me and extended arms on earth, know that there is no coincidence and that you live where you were led or where you were apparently led of your own accord. You have the free choice to live where you want if you can reconcile it with your family and your financial situation. I will always help you if you ask for it sincerely and your guardian angels will support your projects if they are in harmony with your path in life. Everything will be fine! Amen.


July 30, 2024

July ends tomorrow

My children, the month of July ends tomorrow and with it a very intense phase. August will be different and you, My children, can again do a lot of good things voluntarily, as you are already used to. Do not let the heat, the worldly news and private things get you down, My children. Things are looking up for all those who firmly believe in Me and My healing power and trust in it. Everything will be fine! Amen.


July 29, 2024

Listen carefully to your body

My children, your body tells and shows you exactly when you should take breaks and for how long. Breaks are always useful. Most of your bodies regenerate relatively quickly if you give them the time to do so. You can also combine the timeouts or breaks with heartfelt prayers, sendings of light or cries of victory. Everything will be fine! Amen.


July 28, 2024

Helping hands

My children, you know that when you help one another, a lot of good things happen. I would like to motivate you to send help wherever you feel that it is needed. This can be done in many different ways, for example through heartfelt prayer or through physical or financial help and donations. You will then feel how the help can be given or carried out voluntarily. Everything will be fine! Amen.


July 27, 2024

Uplifting Thoughts

My children, despite the great sadness over the passing of friends and relatives, you should have uplifting thoughts. Life goes on and so do your voluntary tasks. Everything will be fine! Amen.


July 26, 2024

Saying goodbye

My children, saying goodbye can sometimes be very difficult, but if you have the certainty that the person you love is doing better where he or she is now, it can also be a great comfort. All of My children who are faithful to Me are always connected to Me, whether in this world or the next. Everything will be fine! Amen.


July 25, 2024

Be strong

My children, at this time the other side is trying to weaken you and convince you of things that are wrong. Stay strong and trust, because if miracles can happen, much more good can happen on earth. Everything will be fine! Amen.


July 24, 2024

Trust in your own strength

My children, every person on earth has certain powers and energies within them. For most worldly-oriented people, it mostly refers to the so-called "IQ" or also to the so-called "country cunning". But you, My children who are loyal to Me, have energies within you that worldly-oriented people have no idea about. Those who firmly believe in Me and trust Me will notice that in tricky or even dangerous situations there is often help or that you even grow beyond yourself, something you never thought was possible before. These are then sometimes things that are then referred to in worldly terms as MIRACLES. Everything will be fine! Amen.


July 23, 2024

Wonderful things

My children, many people pray and ask for a miracle. These happen every day, but most people do not see these wonderful things. Miracles come in small and large sizes. Keep praying for miracles and where they can happen, they will happen. Everything will be fine! Amen.


July 22, 2024

From a higher perspective

My children, if you could see worldly things from a higher perspective, you would see many things differently or think differently about many things. But since you are quite limited in your way of seeing and acting on earth, some things are difficult to understand and comprehend. You, as My extended arms and faithful children on earth, are therefore always presented with different perspectives and situations by Me in order to understand why some things happen in this way and not otherwise. Everything will be fine! Amen.


July 21, 2024

True joy is immensely important

My children, many people think they know how to be happy. But true joy in life that comes from the heart is something completely different! Rejoice, My dear children, that many people are now finding their way to Me and those of you who need help are getting it. Your heartfelt prayers play an important role in this. Everything will be fine! Amen.


July 20, 2024

Do not grieve

My children, even if it looks as if the other side could gain the upper hand again in some parts of world events, it is still not the case. The light is getting stronger and the number of people waking up is also increasing, because the TV program can no longer do much against the energies of the light. Everything will be fine! Amen.


July 19, 2024

If the worldly-oriented people knew...

My children, as you have been trained by Me, you already know how to interpret many connections and situations correctly. If the worldly-oriented people knew only 10% of what you know and, on top of that, knew how they were lied to and deceived from start to finish by the public media, there would be uprisings in your countries. People will wake up and then those who have lied to and deceived people can only try one thing: run quickly and hide, otherwise things will get intense on earth! Everything will be fine! Amen.


July 18, 2024

Check your stocks

My children, times are coming when prices will rise exorbitantly and it makes perfect sense to check your stocks again and to increase them if you have the space. I've already told you that stocks can be seen as a kind of "savings account" because prices will inevitably continue to rise. But it makes perfect sense to stock up on the things you like and not just things that are currently on sale. Everything will be fine! Amen.


July 17, 2024

Enjoy your free time

My children, in summer it is often the case that many people spend their holidays sluggishly and quite lazily. But I would like to motivate you to do good and still enjoy your free time, because summer is often quite short in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Simply combine your free time with good thoughts and good deeds, which often only take a few minutes, and you will notice how good it is for you. Also think of all the people and animals who are suffering, and include them in your heartfelt prayers, sendings of light and cries of victory. Everything will be fine! Amen.


July 16, 2024

Come into trust

My children, there are always situations in which you are asked the question: Do you have enough TRUST IN GOD or do you fall into panic or other fears? If possible, anyone who is in hospital should pray fervently themselves and if this is not possible, you can pray fervently for this child of Mine and protection will be established. Interventions of various kinds can also be mitigated and, above all, improved through fervent prayer, because all of My children who are faithful to Me are under My protection - within the framework of their life plan. This is sometimes changed or extended in a positive sense because other tasks or situations arise. Remain calm and have complete trust in Me and My healing power. Everything will be fine! Amen


July 15, 2024

No fears or worries

My children, no matter what scenarios are mentioned in secular media or elsewhere, do not be afraid or worried if you always pray deeply with Me and are thereby under My protective cloak. Anyone who is now in the hospital and cannot pray independently is automatically under My protective cloak if this child has always prayed deeply before. Your prayers for these people, who you either know or who you pray for without knowing them, always arrive and are always helpful within the framework of the respective life plan. I take care of all My children who are faithful to Me! Everything will be fine! Amen.


July 14, 2024


My children, today naturally brings with it a great distraction in the area of bread and games. Tomorrow and the next few days you should be especially good and always refresh yourselves, when you are no longer in your center, by placing yourselves under My protective cloak through heartfelt prayer. Everything will be fine! Amen.


July 13, 2024

A lot is possible

My children, when your loved ones are sick or have problems, you usually turn to Me first in heartfelt prayer. If someone comes to the hospital now, you can pray not only for that person through heartfelt prayer, but also for the doctors and other employees there and also for a spiritual cleansing of the hospital. A lot is then possible. Everything will be fine! Amen


July 12, 2024

The heat can be pretty intense

My children, as beautiful as summer is, the summer heat can be pretty intense and is not good for everyone. Anyone who lives in areas like My Writing Channel here with his family must also make sure that they have cool places and opportunities to stay in the height of summer. It is indeed nice to enjoy the sun, but too much sun can also become a strain. But anyone who also creates shady places in this regard can also take advantage of the benefits of a warm summer. Everything will be fine! Amen.


July 11, 2024

Miracles happen again and again

My children, remain trusting, be patient and know that I am always with you if you pray fervently and have faith. There are certain ways to receive healing. What you call miracles are forms of help that happen, among other things, through intense prayers or because it was written into the life plan. Everything will be fine! Amen.


July 10, 2024

Activate summer energies

My children, it is important for most people to be able to absorb the good gifts that flow through the summer energies into their bodies. This means: avoiding summer completely and thus also sunlight is not a good idea, because the body needs - when it is there - this very valuable and partly healing energy of the sun, because your bodies have problems if they only experience cold seasons. Even peoples who live in cold zones make use of the days when the sun shines. Everything will be fine! Amen.


July 9, 2024

In your home

My children, for most people there is no nicer place than in their own home or room. Of course trips and vacations are nice, but then being at home in your own four walls - almost priceless! In other words: Where you live and where you are drawn should also be the center of your life, from where you can do good things every day in a voluntary way, because the world needs it. Everything will be fine! Amen.


July 8, 2024

You grow through your tasks

My children, especially at this time, many of you feel that you have tasks of a special kind. Whether it is helping in your own home, with your partner or other things. Know: You grow through your tasks! But even those of you who are left to your own devices notice how you are growing internally! You will receive help of all kinds if you ask for it, although heartfelt prayer should be the first choice! Everything will be fine! Amen.


July 7, 2024

Ups and downs

My children, the "bread and games euphoria" has been dampened for the time being and many worldly-oriented people are finding peace again. As beautiful as some sports are for many people, they should realize by now how much lies and deception are often involved. The manipulation of the weather could be mitigated somewhat, because the more intensively you do your voluntary good deeds, the more you can influence the just consequences. Everything will be fine! Amen.


July 6, 2024

Help always comes

My children, whoever needs help will get it if they pray deeply with Me. But of course the help also depends on the respective life plan. You, as My extended arms on earth, can also be helpful - but please without interfering in the life plan of the respective person. You will then feel where your limits are. Everything will be fine! Amen.


July 5, 2024

People are in vacation mode

My children, despite the great joy for Germany in the "bread and games scenarios", a large part of the people are in so-called "vacation mode", because what else can you do in the summer when the children and the parents are on vacation at almost the same time. Even the sometimes wet and cold weather cannot keep people from their vacation mood. You, as My lighthouses and extended arms on earth, are needed here, because when questions come up about certain topics, you can give answers within the framework of what is permitted. Your voluntary daily good deeds - even when you are on vacation yourself - are still so immensely important, My children. Everything will be fine! Amen


July 4, 2024

The world is looking at America

My children, today is the so-called "Independence Day" in the USA and the world is looking there. It is important to know that with your voluntary prayers, sendings of light and cries of victory, you can accomplish much more than worldly powers. Everything will be fine! Amen.


July 3, 2024

What do you want?

My children, some of you are moaning about the cold and sometimes wet summer and cannot understand why it is cold in Germany, for example, right now. Well, what do you want? If you want heat that lasts longer, you either have to go on holiday to warm countries regularly or move there, as some of you have already done. You know that the other side tries to influence the weather almost every day and sprays its stripes in the sky. There are tools to counteract this, which you have already heard about. You know: "Every person is the architect of his own happiness," says an old German proverb. It will never always be the optimal weather for people in normal circumstances, there is always something to complain about. In other words: You, My children, have the opportunity to imagine the weather the way you want it to be when it is different outside. Be creative! Alternatives are always possible! Everything will be fine! Amen.


July 2, 2024

No summer slump

My children, this year there is no so-called "summer slump" as was often practiced in the past. On the one hand, there is simply too much going on in the world and on the other hand, the other side is trying to continue to install negative things in order to top the procedure of "C". You can therefore, every day, full of joy, voluntarily, prevent this as far as possible - through good deeds and work in My vineyard. Everything will be fine! Amen.


July 1, 2024

July Summer

My children, today marks the start of the month of July. As you know, it is mostly known as the "holiday month" in popular parlance and the children are also very happy because in many places they have summer holidays. As you know, it is always nice to have a holiday and then be able to enjoy your free time in peace. As I said, the other side is trying to prevent this, but your voluntary good deeds are helping to prevent it or at least mitigate it. Pay careful attention to what the so-called politicians are planning to do again to further restrict people's freedoms. Everything will be fine! Amen.


June 30, 2024

Make use of today's Sunday

My children, with today's Sunday, June 2024 and its energies come to an end. Starting tomorrow, there will be a different energy that will seem familiar to many people at first, because it has summer joy stored within it. Only the pressure from the other side that resonates this year is foreign to most people, because they want to have their peace and quiet in the number one holiday month. Everything will be fine! Amen.


June 29, 2024

The last weekend in June in 2024

My children, the month of June is coming to an end and actually many people are now prepared for summer and ready to go on vacation or have already arrived. Politicians will continue to try to intimidate people and restrict their range of movement. You are My pioneers and extended arms on earth, My children, and help to thwart this and at least contain it for the time being. Everything will be fine! Amen.


June 28, 2024

Something is moving

My children, this weekend is very moving and a lot is happening. Your daily good deeds, which are carried out voluntarily in My vineyard, are once again so immensely important that you cannot imagine. The light is getting stronger and the darkness must continue to retreat. Everything will be fine! Amen.


June 27, 2024

Healing Consciousness

My children, you are repeatedly confronted with situations that show you that it is immensely important to have strong trust in Me and My healing power, because what often happens in worldly life has nothing to do with what you experience in the intimate connection with Me. Consciousness can have a healing effect or can be designed to be healing if you are aware that most of what you experience and live through in life are resonances to things that you wanted to become conscious of or that you were forced into. In other words: you are responsible for yourself and your body from the time you take your life into your own hands. So if you focus your consciousness on healing and regeneration, you will notice that many things in your life change for the better. Everything will be fine! Amen.


June 26, 2024

What it means to be a child of Mine

My children, you notice again and again - often quite intensely - how important it is on the one hand to be a child of Mine, who walks the spiritual path with Me voluntarily, and on the other hand to see from your relatives and sometimes also your friends and acquaintances how differently you think, act and work. You think about your fellow human beings, the animals and also the plant world, you are interested in a clean environment and also that everyone is doing well where they are allowed to be. Everything will be fine! Amen.


June 25, 2024

You decide for yourself

My children, from a certain age you largely decide for yourself how your life will go. On the one hand, you have brought with you a lot of knowledge and many instructions from previous lives and on the other hand it is your free will and the intimate contact with your soul that guides, directs and leads you. You, as My children who are loyal to Me, have almost all had the desire from an early age to work closely with Me in this life and to do good of your own free will, because that is deeply and firmly anchored in you. Some of you only came back to Me later, but deep within you you feel the intimate connection to Me that has always been there and is never lost. Everything will be fine! Amen


June 24, 2024

This week will also be very turbulent

My children, the last week of June 2024 will also be quite turbulent in terms of world events. But some of it will not be made public immediately. You, as My extended arms on earth, are in the fortunate position of being able to work voluntarily in My vineyard as often as you like, because then you are protected and looked after on the one hand and on the other hand you do so much good, which is also immensely important at the moment. Everything will be fine! Amen.


June 23, 2024

Summer Sunday joys

My children, this Sunday you should consciously look within yourself and try to enjoy the summer joys on this Sunday - no matter what the weather is like where you are. It is summertime and your bodies are looking forward to beautiful, quiet days. You can always mentally let these appear before your eyes, pray deeply with Me, do good things voluntarily and then enjoy the summertime. Everything will be fine! Amen.


June 22, 2024

Summer also means joy

My children, many worldly-oriented people complain about the sometimes bad or rainy weather on earth. It also affects you to some extent. Just try to see the summer energies as joy and harmony, because summer is actually there for you to draw strength from the warmth of the sun and if it is missing, you can get spiritual energy and joy if you imagine it internally, because your body cannot distinguish whether it is reality or imagination. In this way, many healings also take place, because the power of imagination is very strong. Everything will be fine! Amen


June 21, 2024

People don't want change

My children, the majority of worldly-oriented people don't want any change in their lives and want to continue living as they have been used to since childhood. But the changes are coming faster than most people would like and you, My children who are faithful to Me, know about it on the one hand and on the other hand you are diligently helping to make it happen voluntarily. Everything will be fine! Amen.


June 20, 2024


My children, many people are celebrating the solstice outdoors today or tomorrow. But I recommend that you first go into the inner center, pray intensely and then do good in a voluntary way, because that is the most important thing on earth at the moment. Everything will be fine! Amen.


June 19, 2024

Behind the scenes

My children, major world events very often serve to implement worldly changes behind the so-called "scenes", which are then presented to people in a finished form afterwards. This time, however, is different, because many people have awakened and you, with your daily good deeds of a voluntary nature, can also prevent or at least weaken or question many things when they become public. Everything will be fine! Amen.


June 18, 2024

Many aches and pains

My children, right now many people have aches and pains of all kinds. There are various reasons for this: On the one hand, old karmic things that are long overdue are being resolved, on the other hand, there is a regular increase in vibration that makes many of you tired on a regular basis, and on the other hand, there is a good, light energy on earth that is the counterpart to the dark energy that is unpleasant for you and that your bodies sometimes shy away from and withdraw from. This is where heartfelt prayer and voluntary good deeds help, which of course also come back to you as a response. Everything will be fine! Amen.


June 17, 2024

A week full of distractions

My children, not only are the "bread and games" distractions in full swing, there is also a lot going on politically in the world. Distractions are always deliberately set so that the common people do not notice what is really going on on earth. But through your voluntary good deeds, worse things are prevented every day, My children. Everything will be fine! Amen.


June 16, 2024


 Day off

My children, today's Sunday can be seen as a day off for many of you who found the week too stressful, because the body and soul always need time off. During this time you can do wonderful voluntary good deeds, because these are still absolutely important every day. Everything will be fine! Amen.


June 15, 2024

Summer in the Heart

My children, some of you have asked Me what you can do if the summer is not as warm as you would like. Well, you can imagine summer in your heart and also produce the warmth via red light lamps etc. and simply imagine that the warm sunlight gently floods your bodies. Some of you are also on your way to warmer climes to spend summer days there. There are various possibilities. Everything will be fine! Amen.


June 14, 2024


My children, starting this weekend, the "bread and games distractions" will take place again and many worldly-oriented people will not notice the so-called worldly changes in the law that are deliberately taking place at this time. The other side deliberately chooses certain days, times or times in general to harm people. Your daily good thoughts and voluntary work in My vineyard can prevent or at least mitigate a lot of negative things. Everything will be fine! Amen


June 13, 2024

A lot of work

My children, as My children who are faithful to Me, you often have a lot of work to do now when worldly-oriented people come to you and ask for help. Be assured that it is always good to offer help within the scope of your possibilities, but remember that you are only answering questions and not forcing anything on them. As more and more worldly-oriented people are waking up, it is almost a shock for many when they experience how real life on earth works. Everything will be fine! Amen.


June 12, 2024

The power from within

My children, every person has received powers from Me inside their body that they can use. However, since most worldly-oriented people know nothing or very little about this, these healing powers mostly remain unused. But you, My children who are loyal to Me, know about it and are now starting to use these healing energies. Your body must listen to you when you tell it consistently and purposefully what it must do, because it is a part of you in this life. Everything will be fine! Amen


June 11, 2024

Talk to your body

My children, most people do it now and then, unconsciously, to communicate with their bodies. But they rarely do it consciously, even though it is the easiest way to get healthy and stay healthy. Praise your body when it has done something particularly well or when you have recovered, to name just two examples. Go into deep prayer with Me and also talk to your body, My children. Everything will be fine! Amen.


June 10, 2024

Seeing the good

My children, I have often recommended to you to only see the good things and to filter out only the good for yourself in everything. You have the choice of watching terrible things on TV or good things, although it would make more sense to avoid this box completely and instead attract beautiful things into your life that make you happy and content. Everyone decides for themselves how their life will go. Everything will be fine! Amen.


June 9, 2024

Sundays to recharge your batteries

My children, it is a good opportunity to use Sundays to recharge your batteries and gain strength if you have the time, because then you can start the new week on Monday with increased strength and, at the same time, do a lot of good through your voluntary good deeds. The world needs a lot of good every day, My children! Everything will be fine! Amen.


June 8, 2024

Summer weekend

My children, it is getting summery warm in many parts of the world, although of course My children who live in the south of Europe or on other parts of the world have been enjoying the summer warmth for a long time. Well, the warmth has some advantages, but you should still make sure to go out in the sun with a hat on and always drink enough water. Everything will be fine! Amen.


June 7, 2024

Things are looking up

My children, even if it sometimes seems that things are not moving forward... Things are moving forward, step by step! Some days it is barely noticeable, other days it is even more so. You help daily, through your voluntary good deeds and work, in My vineyard. Everything will be fine! Amen.


June 6, 2024

Don't be afraid

My children, today there is fear in many places, but it is absolutely unfounded. The other side is known to practice a number cult, but that does not apply to you. You are protected and looked after under My protective cloak - through heartfelt prayer! Everything will be fine! Amen.


June 5, 2024

Healing Consciousness

My children, I have often told you how important correct and conscious thinking is. Through conscious thinking and acting, you can repair many aches and pains within your body, because I have equipped all bodies with self-healing powers that are able to repair themselves to a certain extent if the person thinks and acts consciously and is in close connection with Me. Everything will be fine! Amen.


June 4, 2024

Help is needed worldwide

My children, you keep hearing that there will be escalations worldwide if things go the other way. But as more and more people around the world are waking up and praying for peace and taking to the streets, these people need spiritual help and support - for example through your heartfelt prayers and light transmissions. If you send out the victory cry "JESUS CHRIST IS VICTORIOUS!" several times a day around the world, that is a tremendous help! Everything will be fine! Amen.


June 3, 2024

A Stormy Week

My children, the coming week is stormy in many ways. Both in terms of the weather in some regions and from a spiritual point of view. Therefore, always wrap yourselves well under My protective mantle of fervent prayer, My children. Everything will be fine! Amen.


June 2, 2024

Weather phenomena

My children, you have already noticed that these gigantic masses of water are not of natural origin. Through the many prayers, light transmissions and cries of victory from My children, much of what would otherwise have been much more intense was mitigated. Everything will be fine! Amen.


June 1, 2024

June is starting

My children, as I already indicated to you yesterday, the month of June will start much more directly and without major detours. But with it comes strong help for all of My children who are faithful to Me and for all people who believe in Me. Everything will be fine! Amen.


May 31, 2024

May ends today

My children, today marks the end of the month of May this year and also the fickle energies of May. June will be much more direct, but you will soon notice that. All of My children who are faithful to Me will have no problems as long as they are under My protective cloak. Everything will be fine! Amen.


May 30, 2024

Much excitement

My children, there is still a great deal of excitement in many places on earth and your inner peace and composure help to ensure that the situations do not escalate. You see how important the voluntary tasks of you, My children who are faithful to Me, are. Everything will be fine! Amen.


May 29, 2024

Continue to remain calm

My children, despite the very often noticeable unrest in the world and the sometimes creeping desire to sleep a little during the day to balance out the inner unrest that often arises at night, you should remain in inner peace despite everything or try to strive for it. Everything will be fine! Amen.


May 28, 2024

Wake up

My children, even if some of you are more tired than usual this week, it is still useful to stay awake or even wake up when a lot of spiritual energy is radiated in. Everything will be fine! Amen.


May 27, 2024

It continues to be exciting

My children, the last week of May this year will again be exciting from a spiritual point of view, because some things will go much better than the other side imagined. Your voluntary good deeds will help with this as always. Everything will be fine! Amen.


May 26, 2024

Satisfaction in life

My children, it is often the smaller things that make people unhappy. Worldly little things often confuse worldly-oriented people or make them angry and sick. This is exactly how it pleases the other side. You, My children, do not let yourselves be disturbed so easily and be happy about little things and see the joy everywhere if you look properly. The flower by the side of the road is just as beautiful as the smile of a person or the loving look of an animal. Satisfaction has less to do with money than with the certainty that through your intimate connection with Me everything you need to do a lot of good of a voluntary nature will flow to you. Everything will be fine! Amen


May 25, 2024

Have a nice weekend

My children, this weekend, which is also the last weekend in May this year, should be special for you, because the May energy has a lot to do with growth, strength and power in nature and if you take part in it, some of this energy will also flow to you. Everything will be fine! Amen.


May 24, 2024

Life is full of joy

My children, even if it may not always seem that way, life is still full of joy if you allow this joy to flow into your life and integrate this joy. I deliberately say the word "joy" several times so that it is better anchored in your memory, because without joy, love, cheerfulness and many other good things it is difficult to live a good life. You can decide for yourself whether you want to live a good, loving, joyful life or not. The choice is yours! Everything will be fine! Amen.


May 23, 2024

Have confidence in yourselves

My children, you often have too little confidence in yourselves and in the strength that comes from within you. When you connect intimately with Me in prayer, a lot of energy flows to help you overcome seemingly difficult situations. Everything will be fine! Amen.


May 22, 2024

Life holds many joys

My children, how often have you asked yourselves what the meaning of life is and how you can feel joy in this world full of violence and hatred. Well, My children, part of your voluntary task is to feel joy, to live joy and then to send it out through your heartfelt prayers and good deeds or thoughts during your voluntary work in My vineyard to where it is urgently needed. Everything will be fine! Amen.


May 21, 2024

Everything is wonderful for many of you

My children, I keep hearing from some of you in heartfelt prayer how wonderful it is for them when they rely completely on Me and My guidance through the guardian angels at your side. That is what it is about, My children: building up the fullest trust and knowing that you are always protected and looked after under My protective cloak through heartfelt prayer. Everything will be fine! Amen.


May 20, 2024

Whit Monday 2024

My children, on today's Whit Monday, which is rarely celebrated because in many countries today is a normal working day again, you have the opportunity to continue to do a lot of good through your voluntary work and good deeds in My vineyard. It is urgently needed on earth! Everything will be fine! Amen.


May 19, 2024

Energies always flow (Pentecost word)

My children, some of you keep asking in heartfelt prayer why you sometimes seem to lack energy. Well, there are various reasons why the energy sometimes drops: be it heavy bowel movements, excitement, arguments, annoyances, etc.: energy is released there that must first be built up again. But know, My children: energy always flows! At all times! The amount that flows, however, depends on various components. Today is Pentecost and the Holy Spirit is particularly strong and everyone who wants energy today will get it particularly intensively - within the framework of their respective life plan. Everything will be fine! Amen.


May 18, 2024

Diversionary maneuvers

My children, bread and games are now being ended to a certain extent, but there will be more additions in the next few weeks so that worldly-oriented people continue to be well distracted and occupied. The gigantic effort that is being made there alone shows how important this conscious distraction of the masses is to the other side. Everything will be fine! Amen.


May 17, 2024

When you wake up at night

My children, it happens every now and then that you cannot sleep well at night or that you wake up in the middle of the night. Some of you are restless and toss and turn. The 

simplest thing is to pray deeply with Me and perhaps drink some blessed water or get up briefly if your body demands it. A heartfelt prayer in the middle of the night will do you good and in most cases you will be able to go back to sleep. Everything will be fine! Amen.


May 16, 2024

Warmth and tiredness

My children, on days that are significantly warmer than you are used to on average, the body has a protective function in case it gets too hot or otherwise too much. In addition to sufficient water consumption, tiredness often comes with it and signals to people that it, the body, needs rest and relaxation. Whether it is time for a nap or the body just rests depends on the situation. Then give it the breaks it needs. Everything will be fine! Amen.


May 15, 2024

Everything happens for the best

My children, even if it sometimes seems as if little or no help is coming when you have asked for it, it is always for your own good. In retrospect, most of you will see, feel or even experience this. The financial freedom that so many of you desire often comes to you in unusual ways - and sometimes with interesting messages and advice. Everything will be fine! Amen.


May 14, 2024

Memories of earlier spring days

My children, many of you still remember earlier warm spring days and how you were often outside. Back then there was usually a certain kind of lightness that you stored in your soul. Just remember this lightness and bring it out now when life seems too difficult or too stressful. Use the power of memory to do good things for your body, but without disappearing into the past. Good things can be brought out as protection or as help. Everything will be fine! Amen.


May 13, 2024

A May Week

My children, it could be a typical May Week if it weren't for these discrepancies in the world. But you, as My extended arms on earth, are happy about the blooming nature and that the temperatures are finally pleasant again and try to make the May Week as pleasant as possible for most people through your voluntary good deeds in My vineyard. Everything will be fine! Amen.


May 12, 2024

Living together peacefully

My children, it is indeed not always easy for you, as My children who are faithful to Me, to agree on everything. That is why it is so important that you try to adapt to one another, because the most important thing is to live together harmoniously in love for Me, your FATHER in JESUS CHRIST! Only in this way can you do a lot of good and also help to strive for worldwide peace on earth through your voluntary work in My vineyard. Everything will be fine! Amen.


May 11, 2024

It always gets better

My children, even if it seems that some of you have to go through a deep valley, it will always get better. Karmic burdens are very often intense, but when they are resolved, you often feel almost like you have been reborn, to use this expression. Everything will be fine! Amen.


May 10, 2024


My children, you are often more or less forced to adapt to situations in life, even if you don't always like it. Be it at work, in neighborhoods, sometimes in your circle of friends and very often in laws that seem absurd to you. Some of you have therefore left your home country to live where they like it better. But despite everything, life is full of adjustments and those who think that everything will only go the way they want it to will notice that without adjustments you are often alone. You, as My children, are pioneers in this regard and should set an example of what it is like to live in a community that is adapted and still have the feeling that things are going the way you like. Consideration is an important word here. Everything will be fine! Amen


May 9, 2024

Dreaming Thoughts

My children, I deliberately chose the expression "dreaming thoughts" because it is the easiest way to describe what many people do. They dream their way through a large part of their lives in their thoughts and no longer notice what is wishful thinking and what is not. You, My children who are faithful to Me, should also use the power of dreams and visions, but with Me at your side - through heartfelt prayers, everything will be controlled in a targeted and optimal way in order to get the best out of it - for the good of all - in a voluntary manner. Everything will be fine! Amen.


May 8, 2024

Doing good

My children, you keep asking me in heartfelt prayer what it means to do good. Well, that includes almost everything that you can do that is positive and good. But you should also control your thoughts in this regard. Just keep saying: "JESUS CHRIST IS VICTORIOUS!" and you will find that only good energies and thoughts can last. Everything will be fine! Amen.


May 7, 2024

Being able to accept help

My children, many worldly-oriented people and some of you also find it difficult to accept help because they think they can do everything on their own or are too proud to accept help. I don't just mean physical aches and pains, but often other types of help, such as a cleaning lady or other types of help. Anyone who notices that they need help is welcome to take advantage of it. Many of you trust in Me and My healing power for the most part in this regard. But worldly help should also be taken advantage of when it is needed. Everything will be fine! Amen.


May 6, 2024

Health is a priority

My children, if you have to work and your body can't, don't force yourselves to do the work anyway, but say frankly and openly that it's not possible. Your health is a priority! You can't always keep every promise or commitment when your body needs time off or simply takes it. Everything will be fine! Amen.


May 5, 2024

Living joy

My children, it is always important that you remember how valuable joy is in your life. Anyone who can be happy from the heart allows a lot of healing energy to flow into their body and also to their soul. Everything will be fine! Amen.


May 4, 2024

Not every Saturday is the same

My children, even if it feels that way to many people in a certain way, not every Saturday is the same. Worldly-oriented people very often have their established rituals that take place every Saturday as far as possible, but you, My children who are faithful to Me, for the most part do not see it the same way as they do. Through your daily, voluntary good deeds, a lot of good is done every day of the week and that is especially important now, in this phase on earth. Everything will be fine! Amen.


May 3, 2024

You will receive the strength you need

My children, you keep asking questions about the heartfelt prayers regarding energy and strength. Well, you will receive everything you need if you organize your daily life accordingly. Of course, if you eat unhealthy food, you shouldn't be surprised that it contains less energy than healthy, fresh food. I always help you, but your life plan will only be changed in special cases and old burdens can now be dealt with. Often they have been carried through several incarnations without being properly worked on. If you work deeply with and on yourself, you will receive a lot of strength and energy from Me every day. Everything will be fine! Amen.


May 2, 2024

It is greening and blooming in many places

My children, despite the often tense situation - which is only being fooled by the public media - you are happy that nature is now beginning to turn green and bloom in large quantities. The light is becoming stronger and many worldly-oriented people are now awakening from their "twilight sleep" that was artificially created by the other side. Everything will be fine! Amen.


May 1, 2024

May energies 2024

My children, this year's May energies begin gently and spring-like for all people who believe in Me and also for all other people who do good. But those who have negative thoughts and do corresponding deeds will receive strong resonances in a short time. The light-filled May energies of spring are full of juice and power and you can use them if you want, My children. Everything will be fine! Amen.


April 30, 2024

April ends

My children, today the month of April ends and, like every year, I recommend that you stay indoors at night and not take part in any May celebrations, as the other side will also be up to all sorts of mischief once it gets dark. When you are at home, you are protected and looked after. Anyone who has to leave the house, for example to walk the dog, should wrap themselves well under My protective cloak. The new May energy begins at midnight in winter time, but is only really noticeable at dusk, as there is a battle between light and darkness in the darkness beforehand, which My children, who are faithful to Me, always win if they are well protected and looked after. You are welcome to pray for everyone who is outside that night. Everything will be fine! Amen.


April 29, 2024

A week of differences

My children, the month of April is coming to an end and so are the differences in vibrations and energies. Something will happen this week in this regard and you will feel it, My children! Each month has its own energies and when the so-called "month of joy" begins on May 1st, other, gentler energies will also begin for My children who are faithful to Me. Everything will be fine! Amen.


April 28, 2024

Sunday weather phenomena

My children, as some of you have already noticed, the weather is very often changeable on the weekend and especially on Sundays, when many people have the day off, there are regular weather phenomena in the world. You, as My extended arms on earth, can change this for the better if you continue to do good things voluntarily every day and add the vibration: "Natural Weather" to the energy transmissions. Everything will be fine! Amen.


April 27, 2024

Only let what you want into your life

My children, you decide for yourself who or what is good for you and what you want in your life - and what you don't. Some of you keep asking in heartfelt prayer whether it would be bad if you could avoid people you no longer get along with, e.g. relatives, or simply no longer want to see them because their attitude and way of life are completely opposite to yours. Well, you are free to choose which people you want to be with and which you don't. Everything will be fine! Amen.


April 26, 2024

Little by little

My children, when you do something, it should be done in peace and harmony. Little by little, so to speak. Hecticness and stress are the wrong companions. Anyone who manages to maintain inner balance while working will find that it is good for the body, mind and soul. Everything will be fine! Amen.


April 25, 2024

Calm is better than excitement

My children, it is always important, no matter what is happening around you - or what seems to be going on in the world: you should always strive for your inner peace and maintain it as often as you can. Everything will be fine! Amen.


April 24, 2024

The cold weather

My children, the recent weather phenomena, including the extreme flooding in desert regions and the icy cold in Germany and Austria, to name just two countries, were deliberately perpetrated by the manipulations of the other side. If you now specifically send healing energies there through heartfelt prayers with Me, it will have positive effects. But if many people send corresponding healing energies there, the weather can change again quite quickly. You can always ask for help in heartfelt prayer with Me and also send healing energies, which then, as far as possible, also have positive effects. Everything will be fine! Amen.


April 23, 2024

Praying together

My children, if you are asked to pray for other people or animals, you are welcome to do so, because if this heartfelt request comes from the person's heart, the need is usually great. You, as My extended arms on earth, can always send help when it is requested. Then pray with Me in heartfelt prayer and help will come, within the framework of the respective life plan of the person seeking help. Everything will be fine! Amen.


April 22, 2024

Pay attention to your experiences

My children, pay more attention to the experiences you have in the near future. You will receive help from various directions if you pay attention and allow it. Everything will be fine! Amen.


April 21, 2024

When your bodies are tired

My children, it happens again and again that your bodies suddenly become tired, seemingly out of nowhere. If you can, lie down for a few minutes and give your body this time out, because it needs additional time out every now and then due to regular vibrational increases. Everything will be fine! Amen.


April 20, 2024

And the weather again

My children, many people find it hard to believe that it has snowed again in Germany, when in the past there was often snow even in April. Then there are the extreme weather conditions worldwide, which I announced to you some time ago. The weather weapons that the other side has should not be underestimated, but your voluntary prayers and good deeds have already prevented many things and will continue to do so. Everything will be fine! Amen.


April 19, 2024

Absolute trust in God

My children, as always, it is absolutely important that you have absolute trust in Me in everything you do or think, because if you have absolute trust, I can help you intensively and support you. My helper angels on earth are always on duty to do good, to help and to save! Everything will be fine! Amen.


April 18, 2024

Voluntary Services and Help

My children, there are always situations in which you are confronted with different people, animals or other things. Your voluntary services or help will be highly appreciated, even if it is just the thirsty worker from the neighboring field who asks you for a bottle of water, which you are happy to grant. Everything will be fine! Amen.


April 17, 2024

Continue living your life like this

My children, do not allow yourselves to be influenced by worldly events of various kinds, but live your life as you see fit. Fear is a bad companion, My children, and that is why you should be or become free of it. Your life, in close connection with Me, is the best thing you can do. Everything will be fine! Amen.


April 16, 2024

Inner peace wins

My children, despite the many turbulences in the weather, but also in the rest of the world, I tell you: Only in inner peace can you win in the long run! Most of what is being presented to people is lies and deception, and "wars" only take place for the frightened TV audience. Hollywood techniques and tricks make many things seem real that are in reality just "rotten magic". Don't be deceived and regularly go to your inner center in heartfelt prayer with Me and then you will experience what it means to be protected and looked after. Everything will be fine! Amen.


April 15, 2024

The illusions continue

My children, what you see on the world stage is only an illusion. They are deliberate false reports to scare people and create the illusion of danger. The best thing you can do is not to watch TV and to regularly connect with Me in heartfelt prayer in order to voluntarily do good from there, which is urgently needed in the world. Everything will be fine! Amen.


April 14, 2024

Enjoy Sunday peace

My children, today, Sunday, it is still quite turbulent in many places, but you have learned, My children who are faithful to Me, that you are also able to switch off and find inner peace through heartfelt prayer when things are hectic outside. In inner peace, you can then, on the one hand, switch off and, on the other hand, do a lot of good voluntarily, which is so urgently needed on earth at the moment. Everything will be fine! Amen.


April 13, 2024

Your energies

My children, some of you already know about the power of your own energies and use them regularly. This means: You, as My children and extended arms on earth, can help to do good things voluntarily every day and thanks to your energies, you also have the strength and endurance to hold out for a longer period of time. You will then receive a lot of energy and other good things back from Me as a response through the heartfelt prayers. Everything will be fine! Amen.


April 12, 2024

The weather is going crazy

My children, this weather this weekend and beyond is quite unusual and has consequences. Since it has been cleverly manipulated by the other side, you are welcome to send a counter vibration now: Just keep saying: "JESUS CHRIST IS VICTORIOUS!" and you will see that this has a great impact on harmonizing the weather. Everything will be fine! Amen.


April 11, 2024

Not all food is the same

My children, it is immensely important, as far as possible, to ensure that you eat healthy food. If there are disruptive factors in this regard, try to continue to bless your food in My name, because if you are intimately connected with Me in prayer, everything that is not so good will also be cleaned and blessed so that you can still tolerate it well and it will do you good. Anyone who eats healthy food from the start and has previously asked Me for the blessing in heartfelt prayer or has blessed it in My name through heartfelt prayer, do it in the way that is best for you. Everything will be fine! Amen.


April 10, 2024

Fear is a bad companion

My children, no matter what the worldly-oriented person hears on TV, it is first and foremost a truth for him unless he has understood how lies and deception keep people in fear and dependence. You, My children who are loyal to Me, are for the most part free from these manipulations and go your own way with Me free from fears and extreme worries. This path has often been laboriously worked out, through many processes of maturity and insight that most worldly-oriented people still have ahead of them. Everything will be fine! Amen.


April 9, 2024

When the energies rise

My children, those who are intimately connected with Me receive daily energies in their bodies through heartfelt prayer and this is how you change, My children. That means: Through the regular energy supply that you receive from Me, your attitude and your awareness of many things also changes. Worldly-oriented people are often surprised by this. Everything will be fine! Amen


April 8, 2024

Another intense week

My children, the coming week is also very intense and you should, as far as possible, place yourselves under My protective cloak through heartfelt prayer. Your voluntary good deeds help to prevent worse from happening! Everything will be fine! Amen.


April 7, 2024

Don't be afraid of the solar eclipse

My children, the wildest rumors are circulating about the upcoming solar eclipse! I recommend that you do not go outside during this time, but rather pray intensely in a voluntary way, send light and also celebrate the cries of victory. Do not be afraid, My children, you are under My protective mantle, through fervent prayer. Everything will be fine! Amen.


April 6, 2024

Spring is coming

My children, the spring fever has largely awakened in people and that means that they are fitter, more agile and more flexible in many ways. The awakening process is also progressing, so that fewer and fewer people believe the lies of politicians and TV presenters. In other words: expect that things will soon be going well on many worldly levels. Everything will be fine! Amen.


April 5, 2024


My children, once again I would like to point out to you how important simplicity is in your life. Most people have accumulated far too many things that they never need. Simplicity also saves you from having to search extensively when something is needed. Some of you have now started to generously let go of what you no longer need and have discovered that you are missing almost nothing. Everything will be fine! Amen.


April 4, 2024

An important day

My children, today is an important day! April 4 should always be filled with a lot of energy and you are welcome to do a lot of good things voluntarily today. The other side works with number symbols and April 4 needs a lot of healing power and support today. Everything will be fine! Amen.


April 3, 2024

When you are happy

My children, you are in control of how you are. If you are happy, you are better off than if you are sad or depressed. Smile a lot and always try to make the best of every situation. If you ask Me for help, you will receive it - within the framework of your life plan. Everything will be fine! Amen.


April 2, 2024

A beautiful day

My children, today can be a beautiful day for you if you do a lot of good and enjoy life, because with the beginning of the month of April a new, wonderful vibration has been ushered in for all of My children who are faithful to Me. The more you work spiritually in a voluntary way, the more beautiful it can be for you. Everything will be fine! Amen.


April 1, 2024

April will be different than March before

My children, you will notice that April has a completely different vibration than March and that many things will also be different in world events. Your good thoughts and good deeds, of a voluntary nature, are once again a key to increasing and improving the vibration of worldly-oriented people, who are increasingly realizing that what they previously assumed to be right and true on a political level was actually wrong and deceitful. Politicians are slowly becoming afraid of their people. Everything will be fine! Amen.


March 31, 2024

Easter 2024

My children, this year's Easter was awaited by many people with great joy on the one hand, because spring has begun, but on the other hand, saddened by the acts of war on earth. You, My extended arms on earth, may continue to do much good voluntarily and when you have time for inner peace, look within yourself, because from there you can do much good. Everything will be fine! Amen.


March 30, 2024

Holy Saturday 2024

My children, today's Holy Saturday is an opportunity for many people to do some shopping before the two days of Easter. You, My children who are faithful to Me, also do this to some extent, but most of you prefer to go into silence so that tomorrow, on Easter Sunday, you can do good things full of joy. I know that it is very important for some of you to celebrate Easter in a secular way. Enjoy it and still do good things voluntarily. Everything will be fine! Amen.


March 29, 2024

Good Friday 2024

My children, today is once again Good Friday and many Christians are mourning Me and are very deeply moved or even withdrawn. My children, you know that I am always with you as FATHER in JESUS CHRIST and all Christians who pray fervently and are connected with Me. Use today if you can and send lots of good energies out into the world and as I have often told you, every voluntary good deed and every heartfelt prayer will arrive where it is needed and at the same time all the good that you send out will come back to you with an increased response. Everything will be fine! Amen.


March 28, 2024

Maundy Thursday 2024

My children, today is Maundy Thursday and it is a day on which many of you are intimately connected with Me through heartfelt prayer. Today it is very important that you have good thoughts and send beautiful energies out into the world voluntarily, because many people need them. Everything will be fine! Amen.


March 27, 2024

Hot temper and anger

My children, when people are very angry or even hot-tempered, you should keep your distance. If this happens in your family circle, you can tell them how dangerous it is and that the other side is diligently helping to fuel this anger or rage even further. If possible, always stay in your inner center or return there as quickly as possible if you have left it. Everything will be fine! Amen.


March 26, 2024

What you like best

My children, if you can, you should eat mostly what you like and what you enjoy best, because then you will also get a lot of energy from the joy of eating. Anyone who always has to eat things with reluctance just so that they don't starve is living energetically on the edge of their sphere of existence. So-called "bad times" are something else: But even then you can imagine that you will enjoy the food in question and that you will get enough life energy through your heartfelt prayers. Everything will be fine! Amen.


March 25, 2024

Holy Week

My children, many of you, like worldly-oriented people, are using Holy Week to make preparations for Easter. I would be very happy if you also did a lot of good in My vineyard on a voluntary basis, because it is very important again now! Everything will be fine! Amen.


March 24, 2024

Intensive Sunday rest

My children, today's Sunday rest is very important, as Holy Week is approaching and you should, as far as possible, stay out of worldly events that do not concern you personally. Find inner peace and recharge your batteries. Those who like can then share this new-found strength voluntarily with all people who are ready to receive it - through heartfelt prayer or the transmissions of light and cries of victory. Everything will be fine! Amen.


March 23, 2024

Be kind to one another

My children, you keep asking questions about the heartfelt prayers, about forgiving, letting go and similar things. Of course you should be able to let go and forgive, because if you don't do that, it will sometimes weigh on you down to the soul level. The saying used to be: "Be kind to one another" and that is still true today, because you should treat your fellow human beings the way you would like to be treated. Everything will be fine! Amen.


March 22, 2024

Joy in the heart

My children, when you feel deep joy, this is also felt in your hearts in a positive way! Joy that comes from the heart always flows to where it can be received. This means: If you do good things voluntarily, full of deep joy, it will flow into receptive hearts all over the world. Everything will be fine! Amen.


March 21, 2024

Have trust

My children, many of you, My children who are loyal to Me, are still very shy about having contact and trusting people who have been pricked. Since some of you are very sensitive, you feel the negative energies in the bodies of these people that have been created by the pricks. There are also many among those who have been pricked who deeply regret having been pricked and if they ask you for help, you are welcome to pray for them and present each individual case to Me in heartfelt prayer. If this person deeply repents and also prays heartily, help can be provided. Everything will be fine! Amen.


March 20, 2024

Energetic Cleansing

My children, many people cleanse themselves daily or at least regularly on and around their bodies, but they completely forget about energetic cleansing or only do it half-heartedly. It is immensely important that you cleanse yourselves energetically on a regular basis, My children, because this will get rid of the ballast that is hanging on your aura, for example. Go into heartfelt prayer with Me and ask Me to energetically cleanse your aura, because that is very important. Everything will be fine! Amen.


March 19, 2024

Increase Energy

My children, it is once again very important that you become aware of everything you do and thereby increase your own energy.  This extra energy will help you cope even on days when everything seems more difficult.  But if you are always connected to me - through heartfelt prayer you will immediately receive help and can immediately send additional energy into helpful hearts on earth in a voluntary manner.  Everything will be fine!  Amen.


March 18, 2024

Spring fever is contagious

My children, spring with all its wonderful facades is downright contagious for many people.  It makes people feel fresh, free and full of energy and energy.  The feeling of being free after the cold winter mobilizes new strength and energy!  Use this power for yourself and for all the good deeds you want to do voluntarily!  Everything will be fine!  Amen.


March 17, 2024

Your body

My children, many people complain that their bodies don't want to be the way they want.  But that's not the case: your bodies can largely regenerate and repair themselves if you are in harmony with them, eat healthily as much as possible, listen to your bodies and try to live in such a way that you only see good things  gets feedback back.  Everything will be fine!  Amen.


March 16, 2024

Healing silence

My children, going into silence can be very important and strengthening for many of you, because “in silence lies strength” is an old saying that you also have. Silence can be healing and if you fall asleep while doing it, it is  That's no reason to be sad about yourself, because then your body needs that sleep. Everything will be fine! Amen.


March 15, 2024

Inner peace is a comfort

My children, in these hectic and disturbing times, when not a day goes by without there being bad news in the world, the inner peace that you should consciously take every day is an important comfort.  When you are connected to me in heartfelt prayer, all ballast is gone.  Everything will be fine!  Amen.


March 14, 2024

Cleaning is underway

My children, there are currently many cleansings taking place around the world by the light side to save the people that the other side has kidnapped.  If you knew what atrocities the other side had committed, you would have trouble sleeping at night.  Anything that burdens you, whether you have heard something or seen something on the Internet or noticed something that has frightened or frightened you, you can hand it over to Me in heartfelt prayer for transformation and purification.  Everything will be fine!  Amen.


March 13, 2024

Spring is coming in many places

My children, it is already green and blooming in many places and people are waking up from the winter lethargy that has often affected them.  With the awakening of spring, the other side also comes up with the idea of making it colder again through targeted weather manipulation.  You, My children loyal to Me, may continue to integrate the weather into your heartfelt prayers and light broadcasts so that the manipulations can be reversed if enough of you send appropriate prayers there.  Everything will be fine!  Amen.


March 12, 2024


My children, when you talk to your fellow human beings, do not try to change them or even influence them - whether this could happen consciously or unconsciously.  Leave them their own peculiarities.  Every person is different and unique!  If people come to you now and ask for help, you can of course provide it.  Everything will be fine!  Amen.


March 11, 2024


My children, 13 years ago today the Fukushima disaster began.  That's why it's particularly important today to send a lot of healing energy into the world through heartfelt prayers and light broadcasts - in a voluntary manner.  Everything will be fine!  Amen.


March 10, 2024

Weather conditions

My children, yes, your prayers and light transmissions have helped, among other things, that it has now rained in the south of Spain.  Remember that there should be rainfall all over the world so that nature can benefit from it.  Everything will be fine!  Amen.


March 9, 2024

Saturday rest

My children, today's Saturday is for many of you a day of rest, relaxation and regeneration after a week that has gone accordingly depending on your attitude.  Enjoy today and partly Sunday for regeneration and relaxation.  Your body will thank you!  Everything will be fine!  Amen.


March 8, 2024

The law of resonance always works

My children, as you know, life has its rules.  Some call it karma, others call it the law of resonance.  Everything that was sent out comes back with amplified energies.  That's why you, My children who are loyal to Me, also feel good when you do so much good voluntarily.  Anyone who still works on something over a longer period of time can work through old resonances or patterns that are pending.  Nevertheless, the resolution process will go faster there too if you continue to do good things voluntarily every day.  Everything will be fine!  Amen.


March 7, 2024


My children, it is important that you center yourself regularly and also realign yourself with Me when you have received too much of the worldly energy.  This centering and alignment works wonderfully through heartfelt prayer and helps you to always remain in your inner center in difficult times.  Everything will be fine!  Amen.


March 6, 2024

Little wonders

My children, you keep asking me about miracles in your fervent prayers.  Well, small miracles happen every day around the world, but often do not find the significance of it.  That means: Many things have already become part of everyday life for people and even the small miracles in nature, such as a flower that works its way up through the asphalt into the daylight, are usually not seen as small miracles.  You, My children, will also experience small and sometimes larger miracles in the near future if you are open to them and send out appropriate energies.  Everything will be fine!  Amen.


March 5, 2024

Whatever is good for you

My children, this week your main focus is on everything that is good for you and from which you get strength and energy.  It is important to surround yourself with things that are good for you and that are healing and energy-enhancing for you.  Everything will be fine!  Amen.


March 4, 2024


My children, you keep asking questions about how far wishes can come true. Well, many wishes have already been fulfilled and many will still be fulfilled.  But: It depends on a few things that need to be mentioned.  On the one hand, your wishes should be realistic and on the other hand, you should be able to let go.  Anyone who now says: "I have already imagined that the wish has come true" and this wish is close to reality, it may be fulfilled quickly or in such a way that it happens for the good of the wisher. Everything will be fine! Amen.


March 3, 2024

Energies from above

My children, today March 3rd you will receive increased energies from Me if you are open to it.  It is a counter-vibration to the energies of the other side, which is once again trying everything to remain in "power" on earth, but the light is getting stronger every day because all of My children who are loyal to Me are on earth together with My helpers  -Angels who do such important work on earth are becoming stronger and stronger, since many of the worldly-oriented people are waking up every day and realizing what a perfidious game is being played. Many of these awakened ones also find their way to  Back to me and are therefore integrated into the voluntary creative cycle of help through the heartfelt prayers. Everything will be fine! Amen.


March 2, 2024

Settling in

My children, many of you need to get used to the new energies of March.  But some have already implemented it very quickly and are pleasantly surprised that March comes with fresh new energy and motivates and supports you in many areas.  So be of good cheer, My children, as you joyfully welcome March with its good energies.  Everything will be fine!  Amen.


March 1, 2024

March is a busy time

My children, with the beginning of March, as I said yesterday, the energies will change and there will be many surprises for worldly-oriented people.  But you, My children who are faithful to Me, know that every month has its differences and you are always under My protective cloak of heartfelt prayer.  Everything will be fine!  Amen.


February 29, 2024

February ends today

My children, the exciting month of February ends today and tomorrow the no less intense month of March begins.  But March brings completely different energies.  This means that you can intensively absorb the February energies today so that you can then start March stronger.  Everything will be fine!  Amen.


February 28, 2024

Maintain inner calm

My children, at the moment it is very difficult to maintain calm and balance on earth when you deal too much with worldly issues and may even get upset about them.  Take note of them if you are interested and hand over to Me everything for transformation that you think should be changed.  Then you can return to your inner peace and get through and endure these days better.  Everything will be fine!  Amen.


February 27, 2024

Keep things in order

My children, it happens very often that you have to look for this or that because you have misplaced it.  Now, if you were aware of everything and didn't allow yourself to be distracted, you would always know where everything is.  That's why, in addition to doing it consciously, I recommend that you keep more order where necessary.  Everything will be fine!  Amen.


February 26, 2024

The weather is changeable

My children, even if some of you don't think it's so good: the weather remains changeable and thus also shows what the condition on earth is like.  Your daily, voluntary good deeds continue to be immensely important, My children!  If you could see how large the proportion of good deeds is in world would voluntarily do good in My vineyard with even more vehemence!  Everything will be fine!  Amen.


25 February  2024

The weather is intense

 My children, as you have already noticed, the weather is currently...  very intensive!  This is not only due to the manipulations of the other side, but also reflects what is happening on earth.  The many fears, worries and problems are also anchored in the weather.  Your voluntary good deeds greatly alleviate the sometimes chaotic circumstances!  Everything will be fine!  Amen.


24 February 2024


My children, you feel it more and more strongly: the intimate bond between you, My children who are faithful to Me. children. The connection to worldly relatives and also to former friends becomes less when they want to continue on the worldly path and have also largely been poked. The true family is the spiritual family, My children! You stick together and help each other when it is possible. All will be well! Amen.


23 February 2024

The energy that is within you

My children, many of you cannot imagine how much strength and energy you have within you. Take a look at how quickly small cuts heal, for example, or how you can help your body to heal aches and pains through the power of your thoughts alone. Anyone who now says that it doesn't work for them or only works very slowly should think about the following: there is a possibility that old resonances have such a strong effect and that the possibility of letting them go and transforming them is not being worked on sufficiently, so that the healing process drags on slowly, because often there is no faith in the body's own healing power or there is too little trust in Me through heartfelt prayer. If you have something like this, go within yourselves and hand over to Me in heartfelt prayer everything that is troubling you and that you would like to get rid of and I will help you within the framework of your trust and life plan. All will be well! Amen.


22 February 2024

Be courageous

My children, questions keep coming from you about fervent prayer regarding a wide variety of things. One question relates to the subject of courage. Well, being courageous is part of life in many cases, but you should still weigh up where courage is appropriate and where it is not. The best example was the topic of "pricking", as I would like to call it. Most of you were brave enough to say no and to accept possible disadvantages. Be brave if you have to and also call on the archetypal archangel Michael for help and protection if necessary. Everything will be fine! Amen.


21 February 2024

Everything that is complicated is also simple

My children, I have already told you several times that everything that is actually very simple can also be complicated. Every device that can cure or at least minimise ailments and aches and pains that runs on electricity works just as well without electricity in a simpler design. In other words: there is power in simplicity - in combination with absolute trust and faith in Me and My healing power. Everything will be fine! Amen.


20 February 2024



My children, in this world, a certain form of perseverance is often required if you want to achieve or get something, because the worldly mills sometimes run or grind slowly and you need staying power and, above all, patience. The same applies to the recovery process in some cases. Often there are still a few "stones" to be cleared out of the way, which are very often resonances from previous lives. Everything will be fine! Amen.


19 February 2024

You decide what the week will be like for you

My children, you have it in your own hands how much influence so-called "world events" exert on you. In other words, you can separate your spiritual and physical activities from "world events" as far as possible, because what happens in your life is largely up to you. Continue to live your life in intimate connection with Me and you will realise that you will always receive help as a response if you do good every day. All will be well! Amen.


18 February 2024

Have patience

My children, it is not always easy for you when you see and realise that your loved ones or friends and relatives are not keeping up with your spiritual development or are even rejecting it. Patience is an important word here and also conscious help with difficult situations or other things. Everything will be fine! Amen.


17 February 2024


My children, many of you have already made preparations and arrangements of various kinds and some of you are still in the process of doing so. Be it in the area of food or other precautions that make sense. It is indeed the case that the other side wants to provoke a war and My angels - with your support - are trying everything to thwart this. That is why voluntary good deeds on your part are so immensely important and are needed every day. All will be well! Amen.


16 February 2024

Do not let yourselves be frightened

My children, time and again you ask questions about world events through heartfelt prayer, and some of you experience inner and outer situations of fear and uncertainty from time to time. It is therefore very important that you, as My extended arms and lighthouses on earth, realise that you are always protected and sheltered. Do not let these fears and insecurities get to you or be talked into them by worldly-orientated people who know nothing of My protective mantle for My children who are faithful to Me. You are protected and sheltered! All will be well! Amen.


15 February 2024

Healing thoughts

My children, each of you has healing powers within you in some way, through your intimate connection with Me. But your thoughts can also help to bring healing or at least a faster healing process. If someone has a severe ailment, for example, you can send help through heartfelt prayer on the one hand and through the power of your thoughts on the other by visualising how this person or animal is healthy, fit and happy again, for example. This also accelerates the healing process if this visualisation is deep enough. All will be well! Amen.


14 February 2024

Let joy into your lives

My children, in order to get through these difficult times well, you should allow a lot of joy into your lives and also integrate it. Things that bring you joy and are good for you will also fill your heart with joy and this will help you immensely in many things. Everything will be fine! Amen.


13 February 2024

What moves you

My children, many things that happen in the world move not only the worldly-orientated people, but also some of you. Well, you can send healing energy anywhere in the world where you have the feeling that healing energy is needed at any time through your heartfelt prayers. My helper angels will then guide it as appropriate - within the framework of the respective life plan of the person concerned, who is open and receptive to it. All will be well! Amen.


12 February 2024

Please remain calm

My children, there is still a lot of unrest in the world this week. You, as My extended arms and lighthouses on earth, may continue to do much good voluntarily as often as you can, as it is urgently needed at the moment. You are always protected and sheltered under My protective mantle, My children. All will be well! Amen.


11 February 2024

What good thoughts can do

My children, most of your ailments and aches and pains can go away if you consciously only have good thoughts and actions every day. You should immediately send away everything disturbing and negative or give it to Me for transformation. Then do your voluntary work in My vineyard and you will realise how good it is for your body, your soul and your spirit. All will be well! Amen. 


10 February 2024

There are no coincidences

My children, as you have often heard from Me, there are no coincidences. So if apparent injustices happen to you or your friends and relatives or were committed in the past, these are often resonances of situations from previous lives that are now being fulfilled. You can always ask for divine justice and then it will be done in the best possible way. All will be well! Amen.


9 February 2024

It's best at home this weekend

My children, on this carnival weekend it makes the most sense to stay at home and for many of you it is the most beautiful anyway, as there is a lot of chaos, fear and aggression in the world on the carnival days up to and including Tuesday. At home you are well protected and sheltered My children! All will be well! Amen.


8 February 2024

Let energy flow everywhere

My children, you have been given the strength by Me to do good and almost all of you do it regularly as part of your life plan. These voluntary good deeds are so immensely important! You can let the good energies, which are very often also healing, flow wherever you want, My children! My angels, who are responsible for distributing the healing and peace energies, will then distribute them to the right places. If you have sent energy specifically to people, animals, plants or trees, it will of course arrive - within the framework of the respective possibilities, whereby the life plan is very often meant. However, this can also change for the better if, for example, a person decides to take the path in the direction of My FATHER'S HEART and can therefore also take on spiritual work of a voluntary nature. All will be well! Amen.


7 February 2024

You will always receive help

My children, I am addressing this topic once again because some of you do not know exactly how protection from Me works. Well, when you pray with Me fervently and ask Me for protection and blessing and stand under My protective mantle, this also includes worldly protection - in addition to spiritual protection, of course. This means that you will also receive help with worldly worries and problems within the framework of your life plan and what is possible. All will be well! Amen.


6 February 2024

I protect you

My children, I would like to point out to you once again that you are always protected and sheltered when you pray intimately with Me and then also stand under My protective mantle. When something happens, it usually has to do with resonances. All will be well! Amen.


5 February 2024

How is something perceived?

My children, you have often consciously or unconsciously realised that people perceive so-called "reality" differently and also see and judge it differently. Some of you have often seen things that worldly-orientated people have not seen and perceived because, on the one hand, their consciousness is not designed for this and, on the other, because they doubt it within themselves and block themselves as a result. You see, perception depends on various things.You, as My faithful children, perceive much more than worldly people because you are much more sensitive and sensitive through your intimate connection with Me when you have opened yourselves to it. All will be well! Amen.


4 February 2024

Peace begins in the mind

My children, many people talk about peace in the world but are not yet at peace with themselves. A person should first have peace in their head in connection with their heart, soul and the rest of their body - only then can they send peace out into the world. For example, through fervent prayer, the sending of light, shouts of victory or good thoughts and deeds, which can achieve a great deal. You, My faithful children, already practise this very often. All will be well! Amen.


3 February 2024

The first weekend in February

My children, there is a lot going on energetically this weekend and it makes sense, if you can, to stay at home and do a lot of voluntary good. Most of this takes place in the subtle realm and naturally also has an effect on the gross material realm. Your good deeds will actively help here! All will be well! Amen. 


2 February 2024

Candlemas 2024

My children, today is Candlemas and this date used to have a double meaning. On the one hand for labour contracts and on the other, of course, for all Catholic Christians. Well, today you, as My extended arms on earth, can do a lot of good voluntarily, because today Mary is consciously connected with all believers on a soul level. All of today's birthday children and also all people who consciously got married on 2 February will also receive additional gentle energies from Mary. The month of February will have ups and downs for people who are worldly-orientated. You, My faithful children, are always protected and sheltered under My protective mantle through fervent prayer or shouts of victory. All will be well! Amen.


1 February 2024

The new energies in February

My children, the new energies in February are quite different from the January energies. Much is happening in February and you, My faithful children, who do so much good every day voluntarily, continue to be protected and sheltered under My protective mantle. The wheat continues to be separated from the chaff, to use this proverb. All will be well! Amen.


31 January 2024

It continues to divide

My children, the division between worldly-orientated people and all children who believe in Me, your Creator and FATHER in JESUS CHRIST, continues. The wedge that has been driven in continues to go down. In other words: don't be surprised if these worldly-orientated people, who continue to be obedient to authority, move further away from you. Everything will be fine! Amen. 


30 January 2024

Free will

My children, time and again you are asked by worldly-minded people about your faith and the issue of interference. You know that all people have been given free will by Me and that this also includes non-interference on My part - unless there is a danger to life if the life plan has not yet been completed. In other words: My angels, who are faithful to Me, always help when it is necessary on the one hand and on the other hand when help is requested and this is possible within the framework of the respective life plan. All will be well! Amen.



29 January 2024

Another eventful week lies ahead

My children, I am pleased that you continue to pray so diligently, send light and also celebrate the shouts of victory, because with the shout of victory: "JESUS CHRIST IS VICTOR!" a lot of good is happening in the world! Remember, you are protected and sheltered, even when the world seems to be in turmoil! You know: Never believe the public media as long as the other side is behind it! Everything will be fine! Amen.


28 January 2024

Sunday rest

My children, I would like to remind you once again how important Sunday rest is for your body, mind and soul and that you should at least allow yourselves some time out on Sundays. How long this time out lasts is up to you, My children. If you take a short nap, healing energy will always flow to you, provided you have connected with Me beforehand. All will be well! Amen.


27 January 2024

Energies are always stronger

My children, the energies you send out every day are always stronger than those of the other side. In other words, as long as you pray fervently, do good and think and act positively in other ways, your energy is far superior to that of the other side. With this knowledge, many of you will enjoy doing good voluntarily even more. All will be well! Amen.


26 January 2024

Work intensively

My children, this weekend you may work intensively in My vineyard on a voluntary basis, full of joy and with the certainty of doing much good. It is immensely important and you will see how quickly positive feedback will come back to you from most of you on the one hand and on the other hand the joy of doing good and being able to help worldwide will motivate you more and more, because the good things you are doing are priceless! All will be well! Amen.


25 January 2024

Sleep is important

My children, if you sometimes get too little sleep at night in these rather restless times, listen to your body when it signals to you that it wants to catch up on this sleep. Sufficient sleep is important in these times! Even if it only seems like a few minutes sometimes, you should allow your body to get it. Everything will be fine! Amen.


24 January 2024

Never give up

My children, I have already told you many times how strong you are inwardly and outwardly when you are intimately connected to Me - through heartfelt prayer. Never give up, there is always help and opportunities to master every situation. Everything will be fine! Amen.


23 January 2024

The abundance is there

My children, there is more than enough available worldwide if it is distributed correctly and, above all, remains free of toxins and pesticides. The light is getting stronger and stronger and even the worldly-orientated people are waking up more and more. All will be well! Amen.


22 January 2024

A good week for innovations

My children, the start of the new week can also be a good week for new things. Whether certain purchases, relocations, changes - also of a professional nature or other things that are important to you. But remember to always protect yourselves well and to be united with Me in heartfelt prayer. All will be well! Amen. 


21 January 2024

Purifications worldwide

My children, worldwide purifications have been taking place since yesterday and your heartfelt prayers, light transmissions, shouts of victory and good deeds are helping diligently. I have often told you how valuable all spiritual work of a voluntary nature is and all will be well! Amen.


20 January 2024

Inner peace should always be sought

My children, some of you do not have inner peace or find it difficult to achieve. If possible, do not let worldly worries or events get to you and if something moves or burdens you too much, you are welcome to continue to hand it over to Me in fervent prayer for transformation. All will be well! Amen. 


19 January 2024

Pray a lot and send light

My children, intensive praying and sending light is still important today, Friday, because the other side is plotting again and fortunately some of it has already come to light. Your voluntary good deeds continue to be immensely important and beneficial. All will be well! Amen.


18 January 2024

Worldwide events

My children, in the worldly media you will find mostly distractions or false news. On the internet, you will find many true things about what is happening in the world on various websites. However, this should not make you sad, but connect you even more firmly with Me through fervent prayers - standing under My protective mantle. You will always receive help if you work spiritually. All will be well! Amen.


17 January 2024

How good it is to drink water

My children, I have already told you several times that it is extremely important to drink enough blessed water. Due to various questions from you about fervent prayers, I will go into this again today. You should take sips of the water and drink it slowly. It should not be cold and you should not be distracted while drinking. Many ailments and aches and pains will go away on their own if you drink blessed water regularly throughout the day, My children. The amount you should drink also depends on your total weight. Many of you drink 6-8 glasses of water a day and do well with it. If you get a dry mouth, this is always a sign of a lack of water. It is a good idea to take a few sips of blessed water before going to bed. Everything will be fine! Amen.


16 January 2024

The body also needs enough water in winter

My children, there is a common misconception that the body needs much less water in winter than in summer. This is not the case, my children! Only during extremely strenuous work or sporting activities does the body need even more water with the energies of fervent prayer to replenish its stores. If you consciously drink blessed water in small sips and distribute it regularly throughout the day, your body will signal to you whether it has received enough water or whether it still needs it. Everything will be fine! Amen.


15 January 2024

With fresh energy

My children, this week you should start freshly energised from the weekend. In the morning, your voluntary good deeds will give you an extra boost of energy so that the day can begin powerfully and you will be inspired to do good. Everything will be fine! Amen.


14 January 2024

A beautiful Sunday

My children, today, Sunday, should be something special for you as My children who are faithful to Me. See it as a day that is there to do good and spread much joy! Smiling and rejoicing from the heart are important things that you should integrate even more into your lives. Everything will be fine! Amen.


13 January 2024

Prayer against the cold

My children, today I want to give you a prayer against the cold, My children. This wish has been brought to Me several times through fervent prayer. You can pray it like this if you wish: Thank you, thank you, thank you beloved FATHER, that Your warmth and protection envelop me through fervent prayer and protect me against the cold and against adversity. So it is and so be it! JESUS CHRIST IS THE VICTOR! JESUS CHRIST IS THE VICTOR! JESUS CHRIST IS THE VICTOR! All will be well! Amen.


12 January 2024

A weekend as balm for My children

My children, the new weekend is just around the corner and it is important for you, as My faithful children, to come to rest, recharge your batteries and energy and then continue to send some of it out into the world in a voluntary way through heartfelt prayers and light transmissions, into hearts that are ready to receive it. It is a fierce battle on earth and you are making a great contribution to ensuring that the light becomes ever stronger and that people who do not know how they can be helped receive help and inspiration from you through the impulses of the light programmes. All will be well! Amen.


11 January 2024

The Germans are waking up

My children, the protests in Germany are awakening many Germans from the slumber that has been implanted in them via television and many other programmes. When the Germans wake up, it's time for the other side to retreat, because they have a great deal of respect for that. Everything will be fine! Amen.


10 January 2024

What is good for you in January

My children, this month it makes a lot of sense to pay attention to the following things: To go out of the house/apartment as little as possible if you don't have to, to replenish your emergency supplies or storage if necessary, to have enough water supplies, to always fill the tank of the car if it is used regularly, to do a lot of good every day in a voluntary way. The month of January is also more suitable for spending little time outdoors due to the cold in many parts of Europe and the world. Make sure you have the right heating material or a way to keep cosy at home. All will be well! Amen.


9 January 2024

A lot is happening

My children, you have seen what happens when large numbers of people take to the streets. But it is deliberate in order to be able to enslave the people of Germany even further. Bottlenecks are to happen and much more. I therefore recommend that you stay away from the protests physically and work spiritually in a voluntary manner. For more justice and enlightenment in your country and for more people in Germany to wake up and realise who and what is behind these staged protests. All will be well! Amen.


8 January 2024

Be attentive

My children, today is the widely publicised protest in Germany and it is important on the one hand to be attentive and on the other hand to see whether it is not more sensible to stay at home and voluntarily do good in My vineyard. All will be well! Amen. 


7 January 2024

The energies are flowing much better now

My children, your energies are flowing much better after the Raunächten than before. The adjustment is largely complete and you will realise that wishes are easier to manifest if they are in harmony with your life plan or if your life plan has changed accordingly. All will be well! Amen.


6 January 2024

Three Wise Men 2024

My children, today, 6 January, is once again the feast of the Three Wise Men. Many faithful Christians are celebrating Christmas today or are otherwise closely united with Me. You, My children who are faithful to Me, should also use today to do a lot of good voluntarily, as it is still very much needed. All will be well! Amen. 


5 January 2024

Things are slowly looking up

My children, the new year is now five days old and the new energies are adapting more and more to you and so things are also looking up. As for the worldly-orientated people, they feel a slight change in their lives in many places, but cannot categorise it. Everything will be fine! Amen.


4 January 2024

When you are in pain

My children, some of you have pain of various kinds. Be it for karmic reasons, as a carry-over from previous lives, for example, or even now through apparent "coincidences". So if you have pain, you can hand it over to Me for transformation in the prayer of redemption if you have done the work of forgiveness with all your heart. All will be well! Amen.


3 January 2024

Acclimatisation period

My children, some of you are still having a little trouble with the new energy and getting your bodies used to it. However, this will subside very quickly if you continue to do so much good voluntarily. Yes, this year the gap between you, My faithful children, and the worldly-orientated people will widen if they do not find their way in My direction. All will be well! Amen.


2 January 2024

The year has begun gently

My children, the year 2024 has begun gently for you if you were intimately united with Me yesterday. The difference between My children who are faithful to Me and the worldly-orientated people is growing ever greater. Many of you have felt it during the festive days with your family or relatives that a gap has arisen. Every person has the choice to walk with Me or to choose their own path. All will be well! Amen.


1 January 2024

New Year 2024

My children, the new year is about to begin with pleasant energies for all people who believe in Me and trust Me. You, as My extended arms and lighthouses, are sending particularly strong good energies out into the world today in a voluntary way so that the year can start with good energies right away. All will be well! Amen.


31 December 2023

The year 2023 ends today

My children, the year 2023 comes to an end today. It has had many ups and downs and the worldly-orientated people have been pushed back and forth, symbolically speaking, as they do not know the spiritual connections and have only partially guessed something. You, My children who are faithful to Me, know about many things and so you were always able to prepare yourselves in good time and put My advice that I gave you into practice. The year 2024 will be very different, My children. I will continue to guide you lovingly, just as you know it from Me, as far as you allow it. All will be well! Amen. 


30 December 2023

Many things will be more expensive in the new year

My children, today you still have the opportunity to buy some things more cheaply than in the New Year. Of course, it varies from country to country, but as your pension is often already in your account, it is easier to buy important things now. Stocking up is always a good idea, my children! Some of you have been comparing prices over the last three years and stocking up on provisions can make a positive difference. Everything will be fine! Amen.


29 December 2023

Tidying up is important

My children, at the end of the year it makes sense to tidy up your house/flat and organise everything so that it can be found again immediately. Clutter should therefore be cleared away as soon as it is feasible, as it will always take you out of your inner peace if you have to look for something that would be there immediately if it were tidy, to name just one example. All will be well! Amen.


28 December 2023

The year is drawing to a close

My children, there are only a few days left in 2023 before the new year 2024 begins. It will be very different from the current year. You are welcome to let go of old patterns and attachments and continue to hand them over to me for transformation in heartfelt prayer. All will be well! Amen.


27 December 2023

Let the energies flow

My children, many of you used the Christmas holidays to recharge your batteries with your loved ones or on your own. This power, also known as energy, is now flowing even more strongly through your heartfelt prayers, light transmissions and shouts of victory, which you voluntarily make every day, and this gives it an increased boost out into the world and reaches all receptive hearts on the one hand, and on the other hand it is a stronger bulwark against the other side. All will be well! Amen. 


26 December 2023

Enjoy the days off

My children, today, the 2nd day of Christmas, is an opportunity for many people to be together with their families or to enjoy it in other ways. Where people are back at work, everyday life is resuming in some cases. However, if you still have some holiday days available, you can use them to enjoy a few quiet days of leisure and relaxation. Your voluntary good deeds are then often even more intense and heartfelt and so immensely valuable, My children! All will be well! Amen.


25 December 2023

Christmas 2023

My children, this Christmas Day is a day of joy and reunion for many families. You, as My faithful children, are always connected to Me through heartfelt prayers and so every day in the intimate connection with Me is a day of joy and the knowledge of doing good every day in a voluntary way, with the certainty that everything will get better and better. Everything will be good! Amen.



24 December 2023

Christmas Eve 2023

My children, today is the Christmas Eve of the year 2023 and many Christians worldwide are celebrating the birth of Me on earth tonight or tomorrow. I, your FATHER in Jesus Christ, tell you that it does not matter on which day I was born, but the energy of the vibration of this unique moment that the original Christians and now also many Christians spend together with Me in love and peaceful harmony. It was not My intention to turn this into a gigantic commercialism with gifts for family members etc., but you know who has ruled on earth up to now. The tide is now turning and more and more worldly-minded people are realising that the path they seem to have taken of their own accord so far was not the right path and are now returning to Me, some of them quite humbly, and I receive them full of love with outstretched arms to press them to My heart again. All will be well! Amen.


December 23, 2023

The anticipation

My children, a certain anticipation of Christmas can already be felt today, especially among worldly-minded people, because they also long for peace and harmony - just as you do. Peace in the heart is very important and is also transferred to the rest of the body. That is why the greater number of worldly-oriented people have only one desire: peace, in connection with the life they knew before "C". You know it will be different. All will be well! Amen.


December 22, 2023

Prayers always help

My children, your heartfelt prayers always help - within the framework of what is possible - within the respective life plan of the person or animal. Even with stubborn ailments and aches and pains, healing will therefore also flow within the bounds of what is possible. All will be well! Amen.


21 December 2023

Gifts for Christmas

My children, some of you have asked in heartfelt prayer whether and what you should give as a Christmas present to bring joy at a time like this. Well, My children, you have free will and therefore also the choice of whether you want to give something and, of course, when. Many of My children, who are faithful to Me, ask themselves this question every year all over the world and very often they then have the corresponding inspirations if they want to give joy with gifts. Most of you pray for your loved ones as well as for friends, relatives and other life forms. These prayers are already very powerful gifts, because if many of these worldly-orientated people knew how much these heartfelt prayers have helped them so far and are still helping them, they would be very surprised or even grateful. You see, gifts can be manifold, My children. All will be well! Amen.


20 December 2023

Spiritual strength

My children, despite the uncertainty that some of you have because of the worldly news, you are always protected and sheltered and full of spiritual strength. Spiritual strength also includes the ability to rise above yourselves in emergency situations and also to be helpful in many ways. All will be well! Amen.


December 19, 2023

No hectic pace

My children, the hectic pace of world events is already taking on intense forms in some cases, but this should not disturb or burden you, because the more hectic things get, the calmer you may become - standing under My protective mantle through fervent prayer and voluntarily performing good deeds with love. All will be well! Amen.


December 18, 2023


My children, many of you are often tired during the day due to the exhausting nights. If it is possible for you, please lie down during the day when your body asks for it. Always listen to your body, My children. This is very important! Everything will be fine! Amen.


December 17, 2023

Third Advent 2023

My children, today is the third Advent of 2023 and many of you are not yet in the usual Christmas spirit of anticipation because there is simply too much in the air. Your good deeds of a voluntary nature continue to guarantee that what is planned can be mitigated or even averted. Continue to remain in inner peace, My children, for it is from there that you can best do good. All will be well! Amen.


December 16, 2023

Maintaining inner peace

My children, finding inner peace is something you should strive for as often as possible. Especially in these times, you should be stable and inwardly strengthened, because the next few days will require a lot of energy. Your heartfelt, voluntary prayers, light transmissions and shouts of victory continue to be a very strong bulwark against the other side. All will be well! Amen.


December 15, 2023

An unusual Friday

My children, today's Friday is controversial in many ways. You, as My children who are faithful to Me, will receive a lot of energized and healing energies today and all people worldwide who believe in Me will also benefit from the beneficial energies. A day on which it is very important to do good, because once again there is a lot going on on earth. All will be well! Amen.


December 14, 2023

Your food

My children, questions keep coming from you about fervent prayer on the subject of food. Well, the fact is that not all of My children who are faithful to Me can afford organically grown food and growing their own food is not possible or only possible at certain times of the year. Nevertheless, make sure that you do not include any chemical substances in your food and then you can bless everything in My name in heartfelt prayer. All will be well! Amen.


13 December 2023

Things are moving forward

My children, many of you have already noticed that the pressure that seemed to be in the air, in the home or even on people has lessened and things are moving forwards or upwards with My children who are faithful to Me. It is also happening with the worldly-orientated people, but more slowly. Those of these people who now find Me in an intimate way will soon feel relief and improvements of various kinds, which are quite normal for you. All will be well! Amen.


12 December 2023

Avoid Christmas shopping if possible

My children, the daily hustle and bustle of Christmas shopping is not for most of you, because you are already so sensitive and delicate that this hectic and unpleasant hustle and bustle disturbs you. I would therefore once again recommend that if you want to give gifts from the heart, you can also give them during the year or get them in good time when there is not so much hustle and bustle. Everything will be fine! Amen.


December 11, 2023

Helping yourself

My children, people often lose the ability to help themselves because they only sit in front of the "dumbing down apparatus" and allow themselves to be entertained on the one hand and told exactly how they should organize their lives on the other. You are different, My children! You still have the ability to help yourselves in many situations and should use it regularly. Everything will be fine! Amen.


December 10, 2023

Second Advent 2023

My children, today's 2nd Advent 2023 is a sign for all My children worldwide who are faithful to Me to do much good voluntarily, because the other side is once again trying everything to triumph after all. But you, as My extended arms on earth, are now so strong that many things can and will be averted or mitigated, as you joyfully do good. All will be well! Amen.



December 9, 2023

Stockpiling is still very important

My children, it is very restless on earth and many rumors are doing the rounds. For you, it is first and foremost

important for you to continue to stockpile and to make sure that you have everything you need at home.

urgently needed. But also think about toiletries and hygiene products or anything that you would otherwise only

only buy in the long term. It's best to make a list and go through it in order. Your voluntary

good deeds will continue to help avert or alleviate the worst. All will be well! Amen.


December 8, 2023

Avoid large gatherings of people

My children, I recommend that you avoid large gatherings of people during the entire pre-Christmas period

gatherings of people throughout the pre-Christmas period and prefer to meet up with friends, relatives and

family members if you feel like it. According to "C", this recommendation has

more important than in earlier times. Everything will be fine! Amen.


7 December 2023

Tidying up and letting go before Christmas

My children, once again it is useful to remind you how important it is to tidy up and

letting go before Christmas so that the old energies can go in the old year. Books and

things that are important to you, you can - speaking in My name - in heartfelt prayer with Me, cleanse the

cleanse them as a whole, for example if they are in a room. New energies will come in the coming year

will come more strongly next year and therefore it makes sense to tidy up and let go of old burdens in the form of

old things that you no longer need. Everything will be fine! Amen.


6 December 2023

A special day

My children, today is the so-called "St Nicholas Day" for the children, although many of them don't even know the

know the background to it. You, as parents or grandparents, for example, have taken part in this tradition in many

cases, so that the children were not sad. Well, today is a particularly good day

to do a lot of good in My vineyard again in a voluntary way, as most of you are doing

do every day up to and including 6 January. I am pleased that through your good deeds

good deeds have averted and will avert so much negativity. Everything

will be good! Amen.


5 December 2023

The cold is unpleasant


My children, some of you have already told Me in fervent prayer how unpleasant this cold and wet weather is.

the cold and wet weather is. You know that the other side is tampering with the weather and your

and your heartfelt prayers can be a counterpoint to this. Formulate it correctly and the counter-vibration will flow. Everything

will be good! Amen.


4 December 2023

Your energies are getting stronger

My children, after a rather difficult 1st Advent, during which some of you had a restless night

had a restless night, your energy will be strengthened. In other words, all My children who are faithful to Me will receive a

energy boost from Me in a gentle way. All will be well! Amen.


3 December 2023

1st Advent 2023

My children, the first Advent of 2023 is characterised by extreme climate situations in many parts of the world.

climate situations. As a result, there is of course also the possibility that you will have more time

to go within yourselves, to pray with Me fervently and to do good in a voluntary way in My vineyard.

All will be well! Amen.


2 December 2023

Pay attention to the weather

My children, yesterday's intense storm and also the heavy rain and snowfall, partly accompanied

accompanied by freezing rain and ice, are a harbinger for December. But as I have already told you

your voluntary good deeds help very much to mitigate or even avert negative things of various kinds.

even avert them. All will be well! Amen.


1 December 2023

December begins...

My children, I had already announced to you that December is just around the corner with icy legs

and since many of you immediately and lovingly volunteered to do a lot of good energy work in My vineyard

in My vineyard, some of the initial momentum of December has already been calmed. Your good deeds

continue to be so immensely important and helpful, My children! All will be well! Amen.


30 November 2023

The warmth inside and out

My children, some of you are true survivors when it comes to enduring quite low temperatures. Living in a flat or house at 10-15 degrees does indeed require a lot of courage and, above all, perseverance. I would recommend that you always dress warmly enough and possibly use alternative heating options that are available. However, you should always make sure that you have sufficient protection and security. You may also ask Me for help if you do not have enough money for heating material, My children. All will be well! Amen.


29 November 2023

November is drawing to a close

My children, the dreaded November was largely mitigated and also defused by your worldwide prayers, good deeds and actions and, of course, by the shouts of victory. December is still waiting in the wings with icy legs and here, too, you may continue to use your voluntary good deeds so fervently to take away its harshness and sharpness - as far as possible. All will be well! Amen.


28 November 2023


My children, it is very important to have friends and confidants in life, because especially in times like

times like these, you can always use help or give help. Helping and supporting each other is something very important, My children. With prices constantly rising, there are always ways to help.

Be it with food, heating materials or other help, advice and support. Everything will be

good! Amen.


27 November 2023

Do not worry so much

My children, some of you are worried about friends, relatives and family members because they are having problems at the moment. Please do not worry, but hand them over to Me in heartfelt prayer and let go of your worries and problems. I will then help you through My angels assigned to you within the framework of the respective life plan. All will be well! Amen.


26 November 2023

Strength lies in rest

My children, today, Sunday, is a wonderful day to enter into rest and to send good energies through heartfelt prayers wherever there are receptive hearts and souls. All will be well! Amen.


25 November 2023

It's getting colder 

My children, it's getting colder in many parts of Europe and snowfall and ice on the roads are a danger that should not be underestimated. It always makes sense to have something to eat and warm drinks with you when you are travelling, as traffic jams can occur in adverse weather conditions. Many people who can afford it are therefore already travelling extensively in southern Europe to spend the winter in warm climes. Wrap yourselves and your cars well in fervent prayer. Then you will be under My protective mantle before you set off. All will be well! Amen.


24 November 2023

Let your energies flow

My children, when you pray intimately with Me, a healing and purifying energy flows to you and also to wherever there is a resonance for it. In other words, your heartfelt prayers with Me and your voluntary work in My vineyard help to ensure that your energies and good deeds flow worldwide to wherever they are needed and subtle recipients can receive them. All will be well! Amen.


23 November 2023

Many prayers are also extremely important today

My children, today is also energetically divided into two parts. You, as My children and extended arms on earth, have My protection and are doing well. The worldly-orientated people have a much harder time today and thanks to your good deeds in a voluntary way, many things on earth will be mitigated. All will be well! Amen. 


22 November 2023

Another fateful day

My children, 60 years ago today, the so-called assassination of the American president took place, which is still anchored in people's minds. That is why it is very important today that you continue to do a lot of good voluntarily, because it is needed in the world and also flows to where it is needed. All will be well! Amen.


21 November 2023

The world remains outside

My children, no matter what happens in the world, it will remain outside of you if you are inwardly connected to Me and are therefore also under My protective mantle of fervent prayer. Use the energy this week to do good and also to make yourselves happy. All will be well! Amen.


20 November 2023

A week full of possibilities

My children, the week that has now begun is full of possibilities and potential for all My children - within the realms of what is possible. Many of you have been rather cautious about November this year. Now there is the opportunity to unfold and still do good on the side. All will be well! Amen.


19 November 2023

Energising water properly

My children, questions about how to get the best drinking water keep coming in through fervent prayer. Well, there are different ways: Water can be filtered in various ways, and then healing stones can be added. But you will achieve the greatest success through My blessing for the water - spoken in My name - through fervent prayer. All will be well! Amen.


18 November 2023

When joy comes to you

My children, for some of you, joy can go so far that your inner child comes out completely and you can rejoice again, just as you did in your childhood. Rejoicing from the heart also means that on the one hand you send a lot of healing energy out into the world through your joy and on the other hand the positive response to it comes back to you very quickly. If you can rejoice like a child from the bottom of your heart about something good, everything that is good for you will be radiated into your body. Everything will be good! Amen.


17 November 2023

You decide for yourselves what the weekend will be like

My children, there are always questions about the fervent prayers regarding your weekend activities. Well, you have free will and can therefore naturally do what you like. Most of you have now matured in your way of thinking and acting to such an extent that fervent prayer, sending light, shouting for victory and doing good have been automatically integrated into your lives and are therefore also part of your actions. You know that the law of resonance always works and that you naturally receive your good resonances as a result. All will be well! Amen.  


16 November 2023

Creative pauses

My children, it is important that you take regular creative breaks, because during this time your body always needs time out where it can "refuel" with strength and energy. Listen to your body when it signals to you that it needs a break. Everything will be fine! Amen. 


15 November 2023

Without excitement

My children, have you ever tried to live for a longer period of time without excitement or other energy-sucking things? I also know very well that you still have to deal with all the situations out there in the world - but it is still possible to become less and less agitated and to become more and more centred, because true power lies in calmness! Everything will be fine! Amen.


14 November 2023

Energy is always flowing

My children, no matter where you are: The good energies always flow when you are connected to Me and are therefore also under My protective mantle. To those who now say: It is not always possible to say a prayer fervently, I say: Even if you only think lovingly of Me in your thoughts or say "JESUS CHRIST IS VICTOR!", you are protected and sheltered! All will be well! Amen.


13 November 2023

You decide what is good for you

My children, you alone have the choice to decide who or what is good for you and who or what is not. In other words, if you realise that people are not good for you, for example, because they reject the path with Me and want to influence you negatively as a result, you can tell them that this is your path and anyone who does not want to follow it is welcome to stay away. I will gradually bring all My children who are faithful to Me together - in person or from afar. All will be well! Amen.


12 November 2023

Sundays are very popular

My children, many of you really look forward to Sundays because it is the day of the week when you can really relax and unwind. However, spiritual work is not neglected and so you can "combine the pleasant with the useful", as the saying goes. Everything will be fine! Amen.


11 November 2023

Many prayers and sending of light

My children, today is once again the 11th of November and that means sending a lot of light and many prayers, because it is still important that the light becomes even stronger on certain days and through your voluntary prayers, sending light and good deeds this is also given. All will be well! Amen.


10 November 2023

You need warmth

My children, in this autumnal season it makes a lot of sense for your bodies to get warm. It is still warm in the south of Europe, but in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, for example, it is already quite cool, wet and uncomfortable. Your body longs for warmth and security and you should therefore fulfil these desires so that your soul always allows good energies to flow into your body and you can stay healthy or become healthy as a result. All will be well! Amen.


9 November 2023

A date steeped in history

My children, 9 November is a date steeped in history, just like 11 September, and that is why it is still very important to do a lot of good voluntarily today. Many of you do it with great joy and also feel that the response comes back relatively quickly. All will be well! Amen.


8 November 2023

Day of joy

My children, every day can be a day of joy for My children who are loyal to Me, if you know that everything has already been purified on earth in the subtle realm. Please do not let yourselves be dragged down by worldly media and their news, but remain in love, joy and the certainty that things are getting better and better on earth. Patience is something that many of you - but mostly worldly-orientated people - are still learning. All will be well! Amen.


7 November 2023

Things are looking up

My children, if you were to believe the worldly media, what you see there would be a very bad situation on earth. But this is not the case, as many of these scenarios are fake, artificially created or contain old material. You can be sure that things will get heated, but in a different way than the other side would like. You are protected and sheltered and your daily voluntary deeds help to make things better on earth from day to day! All will be well! Amen.


6 November 2023

Money is not just money

My children, it seems that for many people, money is the most important thing in the world that characterises their worldly appearance. Well, money energy is also a form of energy that should flow and thus keep coming back. If you are generous, more will come back to you than you have spent or given away. In other words: don't let yourselves get anxious, collect the money that you don't need in your account for payments and stay calm both internally and externally. Everything will be fine! Amen.


5 November 2023

Peace in the heart

My children, in this rather turbulent month of November, it is still very important to have days of rest and time out. Many of you use Sundays for this and then increasingly "unwind", as they say in the vernacular. Peace of mind is an important guarantee for everything good that you do. Everything will be fine! Amen.


4 November 2023

When the going gets tough, stay calm

My children, even when it is windy and stormy and bad things are reported in the secular media: You are protected and sheltered via fervent prayer under My protective mantle! The more the weather rages, the calmer you become in your inner centre and can do much good voluntarily. Always remember that what is supposed to "happen" or has "happened" in the world is only a pretence of false facts. All will be well! Amen.


3 November 2023

You, My beloved children

My children, I have been asked by you several times - through heartfelt prayer - who else is protected and sheltered apart from you, who, as My children who are faithful to Me, are always under My protective mantle through heartfelt prayer. The answer would fill many pages, so I will say it briefly and concisely: all people who believe in Me and are good at heart and also think and do good. In addition, many animals, plants, trees and other life forms that live accordingly. Everything will be good! Amen.


2 November 2023

Food for body, mind and soul

My children, I would like to tell you something today that many of you have already thought about but did not know whether it could work like this. If you consciously eat the food that you know is good for you and that you like, you can say the following prayer of blessing over it in My name: "I bless this food in the name of the FATHER, the SON and the HOLY SPIRIT so that it is nourishment for body, mind and soul and also helps to detoxify, purify and cleanse the body. So it is and so be it! JESUS CHRIST IS THE VICTOR! JESUS CHRIST IS THE VICTOR! JESUS CHRIST IS THE VICTOR!"  The same applies to your drinking water, if you want it to. Everything will be fine! Amen.


1 November 2023

All Saints' Day 2023

My children, today is 1 November and the feast of All Saints is being celebrated. It is also an opportunity for many of you to do a lot of good, because your voluntary good deeds cannot be outweighed by gold - they are that important! All will be well! Amen.


31 October 2023

The light always wins!

My children, the month of October ends today on Reformation Day and the other side has also turned an original custom into a negative one and above all tried to seduce the children but also the worldly-orientated adults with negative things. You, My faithful children, know that the light always wins and that is why it is also very important today that you send out your voluntary good deeds more strongly! All will be well! Amen.


30 October 2023

The October energies will end soon

My children, the intense energies of the month of October will change from 1 November into a gentler but still intense energy, which is better for all My children to endure than these intense October energies. In November, too, you should pray much and fervently in a voluntary way and do good deeds. All will be well! Amen.


29 October 2023

Healing energies flow faster

My children, today children of Mine have their day of honour and their wishes are as follows: Increase healing energies for the earth, increase healing energies for their bodies as well and that the light becomes stronger and stronger on earth. Well, the healing energies flow faster than all other energies and are therefore able to do good faster than expected. In other words, even if opinions and statements to the contrary are widespread: The light is making its way through the darkness! Everything will be fine! Amen.


28 October 2023

Everything you need

My children, everything you need and require, you will receive from Me through fervent prayer if you cannot obtain it yourselves. It has always been like this, but people have been persuaded that they are dependent on what you call the public media. There, people have been literally "drummed into" how they should live and what is allowed and what is not. You are My children and I will help you! All will be well! Amen. 


27 October 2023

Power of thought

My children, I have already told you many times that you can do much more than you have been told. For example, it is possible for My children who are faithful to Me to radiate everything they need and require into their own bodies through the power of thought in their intimate connection with Me. Far too few of you still practise this. All will be well! Amen.


26 October 2023

Appearance and being

My children, for most of you it is no longer so difficult to separate the wheat from the chaff - as far as worldly events are concerned and therefore also to distinguish between what could be true in politics and what is a lie. Well, a grain of truth is sometimes skilfully hidden and the rest is simply consistent fear-mongering by the other side to keep people from their inner centre and the peace that lies there. All will be well! Amen.


25 October 2023

Much light is being sent today

My children, today it is again very important that you do so much good voluntarily, because this is immensely important today. The light is getting stronger every day and as a result the other side is trying everything possible to harm people. That is why your good deeds are so important as protection and help! All will be well! Amen.


24 October 2023

Good energies drive you on

My children, I would like to remind you once again how strongly good energies, thoughts and deeds drive you forward. If, for example, you are tired and listless, all you need to do is go into heartfelt prayer with Me and perform good energies, thoughts or deeds and your inner "battery" will quickly be recharged. Everything will be fine! Amen.


23 October 2023

Recharge your batteries through heartfelt prayer

My children, it is important that you are aware of how strongly your bodies are energised when you are intimately connected with Me. This 'recharging' is particularly important as you are exposed to all kinds of challenges every day and can master them very well and joyfully in this way. Everything will be fine! Amen.


22 October 2023

Golden October 

My children, even if some of the worldly-orientated people cannot understand it, you still have a golden October. From a spiritual point of view, this expression refers not only to the weather, but also to the constantly increasing good energies on earth and the increased awakening of people who previously only believed what the other side had led them to believe via the public media. All will be well! Amen.


21 October 2023

And we must continue to maintain our inner calm

My children, even on this turbulent weekend, it makes absolute sense not only to enter into inner peace through fervent prayer with Me, but also to stay there as long as possible, because from there you will joyfully perform your voluntary good deeds and these are very important now. All will be well! Amen.


20 October 2023

Good weekend energies

My children, as a counterpoint to the energies of the other side, it makes a lot of sense to constantly spread good humour and cheerfulness this weekend as far as you can, because this helps you and also all life forms that are open to it, because you are constantly sending this out into the world, whether consciously or unconsciously. So pay attention to everything you think and say. Everything will be fine! Amen.


19 October 2023

Purifications of all kinds

My children, I would like to draw your attention once again to the importance of spiritual and subtle cleansing in addition to physical cleansing. But your flat or house should also be regularly tidied and cleaned. Everything will be fine! Amen.


18 October 2023

Creativity is needed

My children, in the present time, your own creativity will be needed more and more, because this is often necessary because problems can arise elsewhere - for various reasons. It also makes sense to swap or help each other in other ways. Everything will be fine! Amen.


17 October 2023

People are waking up more and more

My children, more and more worldly-orientated people are waking up from the state that the other side had artificially imposed on them. They are realising more and more that what they are and have been led to believe is not the truth. Everything will be fine! Amen.


16 October 2023

You decide for yourselves

My children, I have told you many times that you have much more power within you than you can imagine in most cases. You decide for yourselves how you feel and what you allow to happen to you in the world. Remember that your inner centre centres you and that you are connected to Me through heartfelt prayer. Everything will be fine! Amen.


15 October 2023

Increased Sunday energies

My children, on this Sunday it is very important to send the Sunday "good mood energies" out into the world. Since most people are in a good mood on Sunday and also unconsciously send this good mood out into the world, you can bundle these positive energies through intimate prayer and send them where they are needed. This is possible and allowed within the framework of your voluntary good deeds that you do daily in My vineyard. All will be well! Amen.


14 October 2023

In tranquillity lies strength

My children, quiet weekend days are something very precious! In order for them to be quiet, you should - regardless of the people outside - go into your inner centre via intimate prayer and then gather the necessary strength for your good voluntary deeds. Of course, this is possible every day of the week, but most of you take more time for it at the weekend. All will be well! Amen.


13 October 2023

Joy drives out fear

My children, today is Friday the thirteenth and many people have been made afraid in advance. But since, as you know, fear is a bad companion, you should live joy instead, for it drives out fear. Send out lots of light, love, joy, peace and happiness into the world today and the resonances will show. All will be well! Amen.


12 October 2023

Learn to listen to your body

My children, many worldly-minded people do not pay attention and listen to warning signs of their body and are then surprised when they seem to suddenly have what they call "illness" from their point of view. You, My children faithful to Me, please pay even more attention to signs of your body. It wants to point out something to you. Then go into intimate prayer with Me and I will help you find a solution. All will be well! Amen. 


11 October 2023

The inner peace

My children, once again I would like to especially recommend inner peace to you, because some of you are upset about worldly things that should not bother you at all. Go into inner peace through intimate prayer with Me and from there you can send My energy of light and love everywhere - spoken in My name. It will then flow exactly where it is needed. All will be well! Amen.


10 October 2023

The light is stronger than the darkness

My children, feel inside yourselves: Deep inside you know that the light is always stronger than the darkness! What is happening on earth right now is a desperate rebellion of the other side against their defeat! Remember, they are trying to destroy everything, but you are protected and sheltered and through your voluntary good deeds a mighty bulwark against them as a collective! All will be well! Amen.


9 October 2023

Feel within yourselves

My children, today is another day when you may do a lot of voluntary work in My vineyard, for world events are very intense. Feel within yourselves and you will sense when especially much spiritual work is required. Please always remain in inner peace! All will be well! Amen.


8 October 2023

Worldwide Scenarios

My children, there is a lot going on in the secular media and also on the internet at the moment. In addition to Ukraine, another scenario is now being portrayed in a media-friendly way. You know that not everything is always as it is shown. The other side is trying with all its might to bring its lost scenario back to life through these actions. You, as My extended arms on earth, help very intensively through your many voluntary labours in My vineyard, so that the light becomes stronger and stronger in spite of everything. All will be well! Amen.


7 October 2023

Further stockpiling is important

My children, most of you have stockpiled a large supply of food and also water. This is not only wise but can be life-saving if prices continue to rise so drastically. Artificial shortages are provoked and therefore it makes sense to stock up generously now in this month of October, if you still have enough space and money for it. If you urgently need other equipment etc. and can afford it financially, it makes more sense to buy them in the near future than later. Prices will continue to rise for the time being. If you need help, then enter into intimate prayer with Me and I will help you within the framework of your life plan and your life situation. All will be well! Amen. 


6 October 2023

Train your subconscious

My children, always remember to control yourself and your choice of words and thoughts. Your subconscious cannot distinguish whether you are saying something seriously or in jest and it also does not know negations. Try to say everything in a positive way and always present yourself in a positive way. This helps your subconscious, your entire body including your memory and also your soul. All will be well! Amen.


5 October 2023

Your joy raises your vibration

My children, the more you rejoice deeply and from the heart, the higher your vibration will go. That is to say: Joy is an important part of life when it happens from within in love. All will be well! Amen.


4 October 2023

Inner peace is very valuable

My children, today was also presented as very critical and difficult, but because in advance many of you, My children who are faithful to Me, went into inner peace and from there also sent good energies for the next time of the month of October, things that were planned were weakened or even completely thwarted or postponed. Therefore, you may continue to send good energies in inner peace under My protective mantle, also for the next time, because October as well as November are quite difficult to live this year if you do not believe in Me and place yourself under My protective mantle through intimate prayer. All will be well! Amen.


3 October 2023

Holidays are good for spiritual work

My children, October 3 has been declared a holiday in Germany after the so-called "opening of the Berlin Wall" and many Germans use the day for private things. However, I would like to encourage you to do much good in My vineyard today, because today in particular it is once again increasingly necessary. All will be well! Amen.


2 October 2023

The first week of October

My children, it is up to each individual whether this first week of October will be easy or rather difficult. It is people's ways of thinking that predominantly guide them unconsciously. If you think negatively all the time, you will always get it back as a response. Those who think positively, of course, also get this sent back and feel it in their lives. This means: You decide for yourselves every day how you feel, My children! All will be well! Amen.


1 October 2023

The New October Energies 2023

My children, today marks the beginning of the new October energies and they are quite something! But whoever believes in Me, trusts Me and places himself under My protective mantle through intimate prayer is always protected and sheltered, My children! I cannot say it often enough, because in many situations some of you - seen worldwide - are then unable to pray and protect yourselves. Please remain calm and be sure that there is an overriding plan. All will be well! Amen.


30 September 2023

The September Energies End

My children, today the gentle September energies end. On 1 October a new, more intense energy will begin, which will also have political effects. Today you should once again take advantage of this gentle energy and, where the weather is good, you can also enjoy part of the day outdoors. All will be well! Amen.


29 September 2023

Body signals

My children, often the body signals are not taken too seriously by the worldly-oriented people. You, as My extended arms on earth, know that there are always causes when something pinches you, hurts you or affects you in some other way. It is often old burdens from previous lives that finally want to be removed or things from this life. Feel into it and if you ask Me for help in heartfelt prayer, it will also come about within the framework of your life plan. All will be well! Amen


28 September 2023

Healthy Air

My children, many of you are very sad that in some regions the sky is sprayed with toxic chemicals almost daily. Well, you have the power within you to dissolve this through intimate prayer with Me or through various auxiliary techniques that My writing channel also uses here and has already explained to you. Breathing healthy, clean air is something very valuable and those who have the opportunity to go on holiday or short trips to the sea should also make use of it. All will be well! Amen.


27 September 2023

Inner and outer peace

My children, today is an important day to strengthen or anchor peace within yourself, both internally and externally. You can go into intimate prayer with Me and then imagine how your entire body is gently flooded with the purest energy of peace and how this then strengthens and anchors itself in your inner and outer being. All will be well! Amen.  


26 September 2023

The prices continue to rise

My children, I am once again responding today to questions from you that were asked of Me in heartfelt prayer. The most frequent question was why prices are allowed to rise so much in many areas. You are most concerned about the price increase in fuel, food and housing. Well, since I only intervene in extreme emergencies, since people have been given free will, it is incomprehensible to many worldly-minded people that the other side here can raise their prices ever higher. I told you a long time ago through some seers that such a time will come, but it will not last very long. You know the times you live in and that the people are waking up more and more, which the other side is very afraid of. You are protected and sheltered under My mantle of protection through intimate prayer! All will be well! Amen. 


25 September 2023

Healing thoughts

My children, very few people on earth know that they have much of the healing of their bodies in their own hands by using thought hygiene and thought control for themselves. That is to say: be consciously careful what you say and think - and formulate everything in a way that is coherent for you. As far as healing thoughts are concerned, the subconscious cannot distinguish what you say. So if you only speak healing phrases for body, mind and soul, this will happen sooner or later. For example: "I am healthy", spoken many times a day over and over again with the appropriate attitude towards it, will bring the body to the conclusion that it must become healthy - within the framework of the respective life plan. All will be well! Amen.


24 September 2023

Help for the Body

My children, again and again questions come from you about intimate prayer for all the things that are good for you. Some of you have done tests and got different results. It is just that people also react differently to different things. If you ask Me in heartfelt prayer and then thank Me that only that which is good for you will be radiated into your body, e.g. through the blessed water, it will be supplied to you in the exact quantity that you need. All will be well! Amen.


23 September 2023

Protection applies everywhere in the world

My children, no matter where you are in the world: You are protected and sheltered through intimate prayer! Never forget this, for violent situations can still happen on earth. All will be well! Amen.


22 September 2023

Intimate prayers are so immensely important

My children, I have already told you that the other side is planning a lot because they are losing and fighting to the last. Therefore, caution is needed and so are your daily good deeds and voluntary works in My vineyard in intensified execution. These are delicate days, but if you continue to help so diligently, very much will be averted that should come upon you as humanity. All will be well! Amen.


21 September 2023

Free from fears

My children, it is time that you also become free from everyday worries and fears that have accompanied you time and again. As soon as you are under My mantle of protection through intimate prayer, you are protected and sheltered. Cast off superstition and know that you are protected. But you should not do risky things like "bungee jumping" or the like. This is purely about the small worries and fears in daily life that need to be let go of. All will be well! Amen.


20 September 2023

The power of good deeds

My children, in the coming days it is especially important that you carry out much voluntary work in My vineyard, for it is once again very explosive on earth! The power of your good deeds is so immensely strong that it always has a strong counterbalance to the activities of the other side. All will be well! Amen.


19 September 2023

Energy always flows

My children, no matter where you are and what time of day or season it is, energy always flows to you when you are connected to Me in thought or prayer. Even if you do not feel it: The energy flow is always there! All will be well! Amen.


18 September 2023

Prices are rising again

My children, in response to enquiry about the fervent prayer of you, I would like to briefly address this subject again today. Yes, prices will continue to rise and it continues to make great sense to continue stockpiling, My children. It is a convulsive attempt on the part of the other side to keep you down or to discourage you, but this will never succeed! All will be well! Amen.


17 September 2023

Live where you are happy

My children, many of you, My faithful children, long to live where it pleases you. Some of you have already put this into practice, as it is becoming more and more difficult to live in Germany, Austria or Switzerland. Too many restrictions and especially the unpredictable weather are a reason for many people to move somewhere else.But before you make such a decision, I recommend that you visit the area of your choice and also feel into whether it is the right place. This is what My writing channel did here with his family. You will then realise quite quickly where it is suitable for you. All will be well! Amen.


16 September 2023

Recognising the inner healing powers

My children, every human being has inner healing powers in his body. Those who believe in Me and trust Me will find that these inner healing powers have been used very often. An example of this is a quick recovery from a cold, as you call it. But whoever now knows his inner healing powers can do a great deal for his physical salvation, for hardly anyone is completely healthy. Somewhere there is always one or the other ailment. After you have placed yourself under My protective mantle, go deep into yourselves in heartfelt prayer and feel what you feel there. Think first of the ailment and then of how you have been healed of it. Now your own bodily healing power is flowing to your ailment. If you allow it, it will get better, even healed. However, you should have said the release and forgiveness affirmations or prayers beforehand. All will be well! Amen.


15 September 2023

The inner power is intensified

My children, it is time for you to concentrate more on the spiritual irradiations from Me, for these have been carried out since 11 September. Some of you have already felt it that you now have more strength and energy from within. Every person who does good also receives these new good energies. All will be well! Amen.


14 September 2023

Recognise problems and let them go

My children, often the problems are so deeply and firmly seated in the body that it can take some time until they are removed together with their roots. You may give Me everything through intimate prayer for the release of your problems, if you have worked intimately on the removal of the problem beforehand. This means: Recognise where the cause comes from, work intimately on forgiveness and detachment, and then you may hand it over to Me for transformation. Only when you recognise where the problem came from can you solve it and let it go. All will be well! Amen.


13 September 2023

Allow yourselves time out too

My children, in these times, it is important to take regular time-outs. Some of you take a short "nap", as you say, or you allow yourselves other time-outs. Your body will tell you when it needs a time out. All will be well! Amen.


12 September 2023

The firm faith

My children, whoever has firm faith in Me and always trusts that the best will always happen in life, will not always receive what one would like to have, but what is best for the person from a higher point of view. Through your heartfelt prayers you are protected and sheltered under My protective mantle, and as a response to your daily voluntary good deeds, good things regularly come back to you. All will be well! Amen.


11 September 2023

An important day for prayer

My children, today is firmly anchored in the memory of many people, so to speak, and 22 years ago one of the worst machinations of the other side happened. It is therefore very important every year on 9/11 to pray a lot and to do good - as a counter-response to the things that the other side plans and does. All will be well! Amen.


10 September 2023

When tiredness overcomes you on Sundays

My children, many people use Sundays to sleep late or to catch up on sleep that they did not get the week before. Some of you also catch up on sleep on Sunday, or get very tired. Let it happen, My children, if it is possible for you. Your bodies always signal when they need sleep. All will be well! Amen.


9 September 2023

In the inner peace you are protected and safe

My children, again and again questions come about the intimate prayer about the future of humanity. My children: You need not worry if you have absolute TRUST in Me and regularly place yourselves under My protective mantle through intimate prayer. The future is variable, because people have free will and so many prophecies do not come true or only partly. It is important to live without fear and to know that you are protected and sheltered. You should also be in the here and now and not think too much about the future, because the here and now is important! All will be well! Amen.


8 September 2023

Enjoy the peace

My children, this weekend is once again an opportunity for many people to soak up the sun and enjoy the tranquillity that they lacked in the height of summer. You, My children who are faithful to Me, also use the weekend many times, but since you are so industrious and know how important the voluntary good deeds are, these are increasingly celebrated in joy and the certainty of doing good. All will be well! Amen.


7 September 2023

Gathering spiritual strength

My children, it makes sense that you also begin to strengthen your spiritual powers or begin to gather them. This is done by consciously thinking and knowing that you, as My extended arms on earth, have a great deal of strength and energy within you, which you can and do use only for good things. Trust the power within you that only does good when you are intimately connected to Me through prayer. All will be well! Amen. 


6 September 2023

Improvements in life

My children, it is often very advisable to listen to the hints and tips that come to you, because you know that there is no coincidence. Be it a book in which you receive hints or otherwise. Improvements in life are usually necessary and should be accepted. Living in the here and now also means adapting and yet resting firmly in your inner centre, so that from there you can do so much good every day in a voluntary way. All will be well! Amen.


5 September 2023

Worldly distractions

My children, you will always find reports in the secular news that often sound abstruse or very implausible, but are nevertheless touted with vehemence. These are usually clever distractions from the real issues that would otherwise be in the public spotlight. That is why it is so immensely important that you always place yourselves under My protective mantle over intimate prayer and find the inner peace from which you can daily do your so important voluntary work in My vineyard, which is so immensely important worldwide. All will be well! Amen.


4 September 2023

The weather has become more intense

My children, as you have already noticed, the weather has become more intense and major temperature changes have happened more often. Even in the south of Spain the long-awaited rain has come down. Over the next few weeks, the weather will partly depend on how people behave. It will be influenced by the other side, but your good deeds will hold against it. All will be well! Amen.


3 September 2023

Enjoying Sunday rest

My children, there are the wildest rumours about what is to happen in the month of September. Well, many things are planned, but through your daily good deeds of a voluntary nature, many negative things will be averted. It is important that you are always well protected under My mantle of protection through intimate prayer, My children, and that you can also enjoy your well-deserved Sunday rest - in connection with the voluntary work in My vineyard. All will be well! Amen.


2 September 2023

Keep moving

My children, it is important that you constantly keep moving. By this I mainly mean spiritual mobility, but of course also physical movements. Every step you take voluntarily is good for you. Especially those people who only sit at the computer or in front of the television very often have a lack of movement. You, My faithful children, move as much as you can. Remember: You can also move in the spirit and send this energy into the body so that it can heal faster. All will be well! Amen.


1 September 2023

The New September Energies

My children, from today, as I have already announced, the energies are a little different. Things are changing, but only for the better. Life will become easier and people will wake up stronger from the "lulling propaganda" of the other side. But those who reject Me will have a harder time. Everything will be good. Amen.


August 31, 2023

A day of joy for many people

My children, today many people are celebrating the last day of summer, because that is what they have been persuaded to do. Further beautiful days in September or October are then called "Indian summer". I know that many words and phrases are old-fashioned and not always appropriate for worldly people. I would like to motivate you to also send a lot of light today and to intensify your voluntary work in My vineyard, because this good energy then goes as a particularly strong impulse into the beginning of the month of September. All will be well! Amen.


August 30, 2023

Things are slowly looking up

My children, the exhausting month of August is slowly coming to an end and as of today, things are generally slowly going upwards. Then in September the energies change again, but also with a further upward trend. Enjoy the free minutes or hours that you can complete without stress, because this will give you the opportunity to recharge your batteries. All will be well! Amen.


August 29, 2023

What is good for the body and soul

My children, right now, when the weather is doing capers in many places, it is not always easy for many worldly-minded people and also for you to cope. Intimate prayers, calming things and, for example, also pleasant evenings in the circle of your loved ones help here now. If you like, you can also find peace and relaxation in the bathtub. Feel into your body what is good for it and act accordingly. Everything will be fine! Amen.


August 28, 2023

A week of joy

My children, after the great efforts of the past days, a rest is planned for My children, faithful to Me. So, whoever consciously and intimately places himself under My protective mantle will receive all the protection that is possible. Especially now, in this difficult time, it is especially important to get sufficient rest and inner joy and harmony. All will be well! Amen.


August 27 2023

Even if summer weakens in some countries

My children, in many areas the high summer is saying goodbye for the time being and whether it will come back again briefly depends on various factors. But the summer energies and feelings that many people have built up can be stored internally and called up when needed. So, theoretically, you can use summer feelings and energies positively for yourself all year round. Everything will be fine! Amen.


August 26, 2023

Inner peace is priceless

My children, in the worldly media it goes up and down and people are to be kept in fear. My children, who are faithful to Me, however, are always protected and sheltered under My protective mantle through intimate prayer and thus always come back to inner peace, which cannot be paid for with anything. All will be well! Amen.


August 25, 2023

Tidy up the home

My children, especially in times when you feel that you would like to come into order a little more, you should tidy up not only inwardly but also outwardly and then realize how good it does when the inner order is joined by the outer order. Everything will be fine! Amen. 


August 24, 2023

The inner strength

My children, you should try to build up an inner strength that protects you inwardly and also outwardly from attacks and worldly things. Of course, you place yourselves under My protective mantle through intimate prayer. But it often happens that you forget it, have no time for it or are otherwise distracted. The inner strength comes from the certainty that you know rock solid that you are safe and protected in My love. All will be well! Amen.


August 23, 2023

Peace, joy and inner confidence

My children, after quite difficult Tuesday, today again more joy, peace and inner confidence comes to the people. It is important that you always consciously place yourselves under My protective mantle through intimate prayer and then hand over everything that burdens or moves you to Me for transformation. All will be well! Amen.


August 22, 2023

What strengthens the soul

My children, when a very sensitive person, like My writing channel here, suffers great grief, it is not only because of him, but also because of the many FATHERWORDS readers who mourn along or take part. The soul then needs a strengthening, a protective wall of light, so to speak, so that there is inner peace. All My beloved children here are developed in different ways, and yet they are united by one special power: the intimate love for Me! The protective wall of light has now been installed for all My children, faithful to Me, as a gift from your FATHER in JESUS CHRIST! All will be well! Amen.


August 21, 2023

Thoughts can be healing

My children, it is often very important that you send healing thoughts, My children, when you hear that someone needs help and asks you directly or indirectly for prayer help. The more people pray along, the stronger is usually also the energy that arrives. All will be well! Amen.


August 20, 2023

Peace in the heart

My children, always remember that no matter what has moved you or upset you, come back to your inner center as soon as possible and strive for peace in the heart again. It is absolutely human that you also get angry or upset once in a while, but afterwards you should go into intimate prayer with Me and hand over everything that has moved you to Me for transformation. Everything will be fine! Amen. 


August 19, 2023

Fear is a bad companion

My children, if now again "C" variants are advertised with great fear mongering, you know exactly who and what is behind it. Also other so-called "diseases" are again taken out of the "deepest drawer" to keep people in fear or to put them in fear again. My children: You are protected and sheltered under my protective mantle over the intimate prayer! All will be well! Amen.



August 18, 2023

The light becomes more intense

My children, some of you have already felt that a lot has happened on earth since a few days. The light that you see, feel and also perceive has become more intense. Of course, it also has to do with the energy of the sun. But there, where the sun could hardly assert itself, it was also not perceived so strongly yet. Some people have allowed themselves more time out, slept more and prayed more in the inner peace. All will be well! Amen.


August 17, 2023

Taking Care of Each Other

My children, it is very important that you look out for each other within the family or even among your friends when it is necessary. Especially in such difficult times as these, many people have problems keeping up and/or adapting. You, as My extended arms on earth, may gladly coordinate this and/or be there helping. Also place your loved ones under My protective mantle if they cannot do it themselves and they will receive help within the framework of their life plan. All will be well! Amen. 


August 16, 2023

Smiling is immensely important

My children, I would like to point out to you once again how immensely powerful the healing power of smiling is. Even if you do not feel like smiling, it leads to the fact that your entire body perceives this as a smile and healing energies flow through your body. All will be well! Amen.


August 15 2023

Assumption Day 2023

My children, today is a special day for many devout Christians. The remembrance of Mother Mary, as you call her, is very strongly anchored in your hearts. Mary is subtly connected today to all Christians who think of her and do good. Today is very important to do voluntary good deeds especially intensively in My vineyard. All will be well! Amen.


August 14, 2023

A new week begins

My children, this week is marked by the feast of "Assumption of Mary" tomorrow and many believers are preparing for it. The other side is trying some things, but your voluntary good deeds continue to be good blockades against them and many things are repelled. Use the beautiful days, when you have vacation and also the sun shines, to fill up strength and energy, if it is possible for you. All will be well! Amen. 


August 13, 2023


My children, it is an important task to get and then keep an inner and outer contentment. Try once that nothing worldly can upset you and if you feel that something moves you, you can hand it over to Me in intimate prayer for transformation. Everything will be fine! Amen.


August 12, 2023

On Saturdays

My children, there are always inquiries from you about intimate prayer, whether Saturday is the day when much prayer should be done. Well, My children, you have the free choice on which days and at what time you pray. It is free will! Most of you, My children, pray intensely and joyfully every day of the year and are grateful that they can do so much good in a voluntary way, through their works in My vineyard. All will be well! Amen. 


August 11, 2023

A beautiful weekend

My children, some of you keep asking about fervent prayer, whether it makes sense to take advantage of the weekend from Friday noon to Sunday evening and also to go away. Well, there is nothing against it, if you place yourselves well under My protective mantle over the intimate prayer and pay attention to inspirations, which you receive from My guardian angels assigned to you, if necessary. Always be vigilant and pay attention to all the subtleties around you. Some of you are so-called "campers" who use every free minute to pursue their hobby. All will be well! Amen.


August 10, 2023

Water, water, water

My children, the subject of water is on everyone's lips at the moment: be it through heavy rain, storms, snow or through its absence in some places on earth. I have already told you: No matter what the weather is like: You need a certain amount of the delicious wet called water every day. If you bless it in My name, it will also help to purify your bodies and not just fill them up. All will be well! Amen.


August 9, 2023

Internal Peace

My children, it is more important than you can imagine to have an internal peace in the immediate family or even at work, because constant friction is not good for spiritual development. It is better to give in, even if you are in the right, if it means you can prevent long quarrels and times of crisis. You know the saying: "The wiser gives in". All will be well! Amen.


August 8, 2023

Joy and Harmony

My children, it is very important that you always share joy and harmony in your life, because they complement the love that you live in a wonderful way! Healings very often happen as resonances to good deeds and things you have done - mind you, in a voluntary way. Now, when inner and outer joy and harmony are added, much good will happen in your life. All will be well! Amen.


August 7 2023

No summer hole

My children, this year the well-known "summer hole" is missing, because every day the worldly-oriented people are almost overwhelmed with messages. I recommended you to avoid the worldly media as far as possible, because it is almost only negative messages, which pull you down symbolically and, besides, very many messages are not true. Please stay in your inner center, because from there life is easier and you can then do your voluntary good deeds in an easy way. All will be well! Amen. 


August 6, 2023

A Sunday can be a sunny day

My children, you should once adjust yourselves to the fact that you can very well imagine sunny days on Sundays, because a Sunday is actually a sunny day for most of My children. Whether it is at home or on the road: Let the sun shine subtly and if enough of you do it, it can also show itself grossly. Enjoy the rays of the sun when they are there, My children! If they are missing, you can also, for example, sit in front of the red light lamp and let it warm you and imagine that you are in a place where the sun shines gently and lovingly. All will be well! Amen.


August 5, 2023

A weekend to stay at home

My children, the weather forecast for Germany is a reason for many people to stay at home this weekend or to take weatherproof clothes with them. I recommend you, My children, to do a lot of good this weekend and still have joy in your daily work, because whoever does his daily work with joy will find that everything goes much easier. Everything will be fine! Amen.


August 4, 2023

Even if it is cold

My children, it is colder in some areas in Europe than it should be now in high summer. Well, this is unusual for many people and partly they are disappointed about the cool weather, but the summer is not over yet. Some of you, My children, asked about the intimate prayer, what can be done about it. Well, you have the power of imagination and through your own imagination you can imagine beautiful weather and bright sunshine. Some are already on their way to Southern Europe, where it is summery warm, at least in the South of Spain and Portugal. All will be well! Amen.



August 3, 2023

Avoid worldly news

My children, I have already told you many times that you should avoid - as far as it is possible - worldly news, because these are almost exclusively of negative nature! Rather, connect with nature, enjoy it and think of beautiful things, because then your voluntary good deeds will have even more wonderful energies. Everything will be good! Amen.


August 2, 2023

You are doing well

My children, after some teething problems that the new month of August and its energies have brought, most of you are doing well today. If you still have problems with the new energy, it will subside very soon. The best way to endure the worldwide turbulences is under My protective mantle - through intimate prayer. Everything will be fine! Amen.


1 August 2023

August Energies 2023

My children, today marks the beginning of the new August energy. Most of you will cope well with it, but worldly-minded people may learn to adapt. In addition, August will also be very turbulent as far as worldly events are concerned. Those who trust Me and always place themselves under My protective mantle are always protected and sheltered, My children. All will be well! Amen.


31 July 2023

July 2023 ends

My children, today not only July 2023 ends, but also its vibration. August will have a different energy that will please most of you. With the beginning of this week, it continues to make much sense to do much voluntary work in My vineyard again, My children, for this week will also be turbulent and different from Tuesday for My children who are faithful to Me, for you will like the August energies. All will be well! Amen.


30 July 2023

Sunday Work in My Vineyard

My children, on Sunday most of you, My children faithful to Me, have the optimal time to place yourselves extensively under My mantle of protection in intimate prayer and then to do good in My vineyard in a quiet voluntary way. With many of you it is because you have been brought up to pray and enter into rest on Sunday. All will be well! Amen.


29 July 2023

Don't forget to eat because of the heat

My children, in times of great heat, many people drink enough fluids - from their point of view. The ideal would be to drink mostly water. But eating is often forgotten, because when the stomach is filled with liquids, the feeling of hunger is often suspended. Even if they are only small meals, the body still needs them. Ideally, sufficiently chewed, without being mixed up by liquids. Conscious eating and drinking is important at any time of year. All will be well! Amen.


28 July 2023

Allow yourselves sufficient sleep

My children, some of you have had very little sleep lately and have been tired and listless during the day. Those of you who then went into intimate prayer immediately received energy from Me. I recommend that you get enough sleep this coming weekend and recharge your batteries. All will be well! Amen.


27 July 2023

When something pleases you

My children, it often happens that you ask Me in heartfelt prayer if you can buy or use this or that. Well, My children, if you like something and it does not harm anyone, there is nothing to stop you from using it in your free time. Some of you have bought instruments and now make your own music, which is very worth listening to. Inspired by My writing channel here, some of you are also now singing your own lyrics to old melodies and always include the victory cry "JESUS CHRIST IS VICTOR!", which of course gladdens My heart and is good for all who are receptive to it. All will be well! Amen. 


26 July 2023

Harmony in the Family

My children, it is very important that you strive for harmony in the immediate family. Some family members, for example, do not participate in any work at all, others do what they want and especially younger children are often addicted to games and the internet. Nevertheless, try to achieve harmony in the family, because if you have arguments there, it is very difficult for you to find your inner centre, because it is very difficult to switch off if the outer circumstances are out of harmony. All will be well! Amen.


25 July 2023

It was predicted

My children, what is happening right now in some parts of the world has been predicted many times and many of the worldly-minded people still do not see through it that it is part of the other side's agenda. You, My faithful children, thanks to your faithfulness and voluntary help, are a huge spiritual block that makes it more and more difficult for the other side to carry out their plans. The more people awaken and realise what is going on on earth, the stronger the light on a gross material level will become. All will be well! Amen.


24 July 2023

The body always needs enough water

My children, even if it is not always hot and sunny, you should still make sure that you give your body enough liquid - preferably blessed water. For example, if you have a dry mouth, that is a sign to urgently drink water. There are different signals that the body shows when it has a lack of water. Please pay attention to them! All will be well! Amen.


23 July 2023

Enjoy the energies

My children, today Sunday is a day on which you continue to do so much good, in a voluntary way, and you can therefore also enjoy the high energies that are sent worldwide by My children, who are faithful to Me, and therefore also flow to you as resonance. It is still summer and quite warm in many areas. All will be well! Amen.


22 July 2023

Inner peace is one of the main goals

My children, as you know, one of your most important goals should be to bring yourselves again and again into your inner centre, gladly also with My help through intimate prayer, standing under My protective mantle. Only in this way will you be able to permanently build up your inner peace and thereby, in love and with joy, carry out your immensely valuable, voluntarily performed good deeds and work in My vineyard so wonderfully every day. All will be well! Amen.


21 July 2023

Bread and games as a distraction

My children, once again it is perfectly timed from the other side that the great "Bread and Games Spectacle" takes place on the other side of the world, so that the spectators have to get up sometimes in the night or very early if they want to see it "live". This, of course, is a major distraction from world events. All will be well! Amen.


20 July 2023

Forgive and let go

My children, it happens again and again that you have arguments in your family or relatives or even minor disagreements. I recommend that you always let go as soon as possible, forgive and speak out, because only in inner peace can you optimally do your voluntary good deeds in My vineyard, which are so immensely important. All will be well! Amen.


19 July 2023

Summer joys and helps

My children, most people know that summer has many good sides, but now fear is being stirred up again from the other side. Use the good sides of summer, enjoy them and also offer help when it is needed. All will be well! Amen.


18 July 2023

Inner peace is your strong pole

My children, it has become very hectic and restless in the world lately and this hecticness also spreads to people's private lives if you are not careful. That is why it is so important that you switch off again and again, go into inner peace and refuel strength and energy for yourselves there. All will be well! Amen.


17 July 2023

Let healing thoughts flow

My children, you should continue to be aware that your heartfelt prayers and good deeds also have a helping effect in other ways. Therefore, let healing thoughts also flow into your prayers, My children. Wonderful resonances often occur very quickly. All will be well! Amen.


16 July 2023

Make use of Sunday rest

My children, in many places on this Sunday it is a good idea to use this calm to do much good of a spiritual nature - in a voluntary way - more intensively and, of course, also to come into inner and outer peace, because if, for example, no TV set is switched on, inner peace intensifies very quickly. All will be well! Amen.


15 July 2023

A hot weekend

My children, another hot weekend is upon us, with Saturday usually being hotter than Sunday. I say this now quite deliberately once again, because some of you should also make sure when you are out and about to drink enough water, because in these temperatures the loss of water is often serious. Just ask Me to bless your drinking water and you will also receive all the minerals, vitamins and trace elements in the water if you are on the road or do not have the necessary things at home to supply your body with everything it needs. All will be well! Amen.


14 July 2023

It always makes sense to stock up

My children, I have often advised you to stock up and most of you have done so. It continues to make a lot of sense for two reasons: Firstly, prices are going up rapidly and stockpiling is a good investment. On the one hand to consume, on the other hand to barter. On the other hand, war scenarios have already been on the verge of breaking out several times and only through your worldwide good deeds and the work of My helper angels on earth, who are loyal to Me and who work partly in the ethereal and partly in the physical realm, has a great war been prevented so far. That is why your voluntary good deeds of a daily nature continue to be so immensely important! All will be well! Amen.


13 July 2023

Rest and spiritual work

My children, on very hot days you should take it easy as far as it is possible. The spiritual work - of a voluntary nature - can then of course be done with even more joy and energy on such days. All will be well! Amen.


12 July 2023

Warmth is good for the soul and the mind

My children, even though there are many worldly-minded people who are persuaded that the warmth in spring and especially in summer is not good for them, this is not the case in the vast majority of cases. The warmth radiates healing energies for the soul and the mind through its power. Even if you only stay in the house or flat, this energy also penetrates inside. In other words: Warmth is always beneficial and healing, My children. All will be well! Amen.


11 July 2023

Please remain in inner peace

My children, the intense heat is affecting many people, as it does every year when temperatures are particularly high for a few days. Therefore, please remain in inner peace, avoid being outside if you don't have to, drink enough water - if possible with My blessing - and also try to make sure that your family members or people you are with or work with drink enough water. All will be well! Amen.


10 July 2023

An intense week

My children, this week is very intense! On the one hand because of the weather, then because of holidays and also because of politics, even if many of the so-called politicians are on holiday. Your good deeds of a voluntary nature, are again very important and bring about so many wonderful things! All will be well! Amen.


9 July 2023

Summer Sunday

My children, I am deliberately going into this subject once today, because you should always listen to yourselves and your innermost being, for example, when you go out in the sun, for how long and what you want to do on your days off. Do not be intimidated or frightened by the opinions of your politicians. You have already experienced many warm and hot summers, My children. All will be well! Amen.


8 July 2023

Even on holiday

My children, some of you are on holiday at the moment and others still want to do this. There is nothing against it, but you should take good care of yourselves especially on holiday and always place yourselves under My protective mantle through intimate prayer. I am very pleased that almost all of you, My children who are faithful to Me, do your voluntary good deeds and work in My vineyard so lovingly and joyfully even on holiday. All will be well! Amen.


7 July 2023

Cleanliness and order are a refreshment for the soul

My children, again and again questions come from you about intimate prayer on the subject of order and cleanliness. Well, for your souls it is a refreshment and also for many worldly-minded people it is so. Many so-called "diseases" are due to disharmony between the soul and the body of man. If you only set the impulse to start cleaning up, you are already taking a step towards healing the soul. It then helps the person to manage it as well as possible and many so-called "diseases" also dissolve with the order and cleanliness in the life of this person. However, it should always be accompanied by peace in the heart, inner peace and the knowledge that you are always protected and sheltered by Me, My children. All will be well! Amen.


6 July 2023

Either too cold or too warm

My children, it is currently too cold in some parts of Europe and very warm in other parts and even too warm for some. Well, it is high summer in Europe and it should be mostly warm. You are welcome to include the weather in your heartfelt prayers and light transmissions, for rain, to give just one example, is also needed from time to time in the summer. All will be well! Amen.


5 July 2023


My children, again and again questions come from you via the Inner Prayers, to what extent you should build or at least have craftsmanship and things that work without electricity. Well, I have already given the answer to this in previous FATHERWORDS and I am happy to do it again: Craftsmanship is not only useful but also sought after - not only in times of crisis. Some of you have good skills in this regard or know people who can help them. Advice on the internet or in the form of books is also very useful. I am happy when people all over the world make their ideas and tinkering available. All will be well! Amen.


4 July 2023

An important day for prayer

My children, today is Independence Day in the United States of America and it is especially important to pray and send light - in a voluntary way. On some days, especially much spiritual energy is needed in this regard. All will be well! Amen.


3 July 2023

Sufficient water is vital

My children, when hot days come, it is absolutely important that you drink enough water - blessed if possible - because only through sufficient water consumption are all vital organs optimally supplied. Especially when you sweat a lot, a sufficient water supply is absolutely important and I send you all the important minerals, vitamins and trace elements through the blessing of the water - in My name - into your drinking water. All will be well! Amen.


2 July 2023

The first weekend of July

My children, many of you felt the new, so wonderful energies on the 1st of July. Many people use this weekend for summer excursions, holiday trips, general things with and without family etc.. You are welcome to help many good things happen by continuing to send your good thoughts, deeds and joyful energies so lovingly in a voluntary way. All will be well! Amen.


1 July 2023

July Energies

My children, the month of July is a month full of surprises! Those who believe in Me and trust Me will be able to experience wonderful things in this month if you walk the path with Me by your side. You, My children, may rejoice that you receive so much help, for this is a response to your voluntary good deeds that you do in My vineyard. All will be well! Amen.


30 June 2023

The month of June ends

My children, the month of June ends today. Tomorrow, with the beginning of the month of July, another energy will begin, but it will be received quite quickly and very joyfully by all people who do good. All will be well! Amen.


29 June 2023

Cheerfulness and good humour

My children, again and again enquiries come about intimate prayer, whether it is allowed to have cheerfulness and good humour and also to spread it when suffering is happening in the world. Well, My children, first of all you are not involved in this suffering and many of you also pray for peace in the world. If you carry good humour within you, this will also be carried out into the world with your daily voluntary work in My vineyard, because where there is joy and good humour, nothing dark can stay or come. A heartfelt laughter immediately dispels all negativity and darkness around you and in the wider surroundings. All will be well! Amen.


28 June 2023

Be at ease

My children, it is important that you - no matter what the weather is like outside - feel well. Decide for yourselves whether you want to stay outside for a longer time or not. The comfort factor is important, My children! You can feel comfortable in any temperature if you adapt or prepare yourselves accordingly. All will be well! Amen.


27 June 2023

People are becoming more sentient

My children, many of you feel sadness on earth again and again, for it is very much felt in the earth's memory. Some of you then very often ask Me in heartfelt prayer whether it is your own sadness or whether it is felt worldwide. You, My faithful children, very often feel things that worldly-minded people do not feel. But through the greater awakening of these worldly people, their sensitivity and feelingness in general also increases. All will be well! Amen.


26 June 2023

When fears burden you

My children, if any words, situations or things suddenly cause you to feel fear or anxiety, it may well stem from your childhood, your mother's pregnancy with you or even from previous lives. Immediate help is usually given by continuously saying the victory cry "JESUS CHRIST IS VICTOR!" until the fearful situation dissolves or ends. You can then, when you are again in your centre, enter into intimate prayer with Me and surrender this situation to Me for transformation. Unresolved things and situations can always come up again in you and then be transformed. All will be well! Amen.


25 June 2023

Avoid public media

My children, in the public media such as TV, radio, newspapers or the Internet, a lot of untruth is spread in order to put people into fear and panic, or to keep them there. Therefore, I recommend you once again to refrain from watching TV if possible or to only watch specific programmes that are good for you. Listen to your inner self and do not let yourselves be influenced by the worldly news. You, as My children who are faithful to Me, are always protected and sheltered through intimate prayer under My protective mantle. All will be well! Amen.


24 June 2023

A good day to clean up

My children, today, St. John's Day, is a good energy to clean up and let go. Many customs are celebrated today and of course the traditional washing of the feet is included. Some of My children, who are faithful to Me, are also celebrating such a foot washing, as is so traditional in some countries. All will be well! Amen.


23 June 2023

Friday energy of a special kind

My children, this Friday it is very important that you devote much energy to doing voluntary work in My vineyard, for it is needed! It is once again such an important day for sending light, for from a worldly point of view there are many things planned. Stay in your centre, continue to have primal trust in My help and remain calm, serene and also think of joy, for it is very important for your own mind! All will be well! Amen.


22 June 2023

Gathering energy

My children, in this hot phase of the summer it is extremely important that you drink even more water, if possible blessed, because your bodies sweat a lot. Because the water is endowed with My blessing, it is also energised and thus also has energy, which you can collect in this way, because your bodies also consume energy in the heat, among other things. You see, My children, whoever believes in Me and trusts Me and drinks predominantly blessed water has everything that is necessary and can thereby also organise his life more easily and thereby also has time and leisure to do good daily in a voluntary way. All will be well! Amen.


21 June 2023

Summer Solstice 2023

My children, the longest day of the year is a special event in many cultures, which is celebrated accordingly. But you, as My extended arms on earth, should consciously use this day to do much good of a voluntary nature, for the other side also uses this day. But: The light is always stronger than the darkness! All will be well! Amen.


 20 June 2023

Summer activities

My children, many of you have asked Me again and again in heartfelt prayer what good things you can do in the summer when it is hot. Well, of course it is often an overcoming to do physical work on very hot days when you have time off. I recommend that you drink a lot of blessed water and, if you have enough leisure, that you do your valuable voluntary work in My vineyard. You can also send out light transmissions and shouts of victory in the shade, cool yourselves with water in tubs or bowls and then, of course, bless this water in My name through intimate prayer and later distribute it in the garden or in nature. The plants that you water daily are also happy when you use blessed water for them. You see, even in the height of summer much good can be done. All will be well! Amen.


19 June 2023

Always in the right place at the right time

My children, I was asked today in heartfelt prayer if I could say something on the subject of always being in the right place at the right time. Well, most of you who regularly place yourselves under My protective mantle through intimate prayer are then protected and sheltered and whoever listens to the impulses and help of My guardian angels assigned to you is also always in the right place at the right time. Worldly-oriented people often have other ways of seeing and thinking. All will be well! Amen.


18 June 2023

Sunday energy flow

My children, it is Sunday once again and some of you have asked Me in heartfelt prayer if there could not be something like a Sunday energy flow. Well, you receive energy from Me daily through your voluntary good deeds and works in My vineyard and also in this way you always receive energy from Me when you pray intimately or, for example, place yourselves under My protective mantle through intimate prayer. An additional flow of energy on Sundays is possible if you want to integrate it into your voluntary work in My vineyard. Then this additional energy will flow worldwide to where it is needed at the moment. All will be well! Amen.


17 June 2023

Warmth makes tired

My children, a warmth that is unfamiliar and often comes quite suddenly makes you tired quickly and if your bodies show signs of this, you should react to it. For example, intense yawning or rapid onset of tiredness. In many cases, your body will get used to the new situation over time, and if it doesn't, you still have the option of resting or sleeping. All will be well! Amen. 


16 June 2023

Tidy up and sort out

My children, it makes sense to do some large-scale sorting out again when you are tidying up now, because letting go of old things that are just lying around or have not been used for years only saps your strength and energy. You will see that you feel much better afterwards. All will be well! Amen.


15 June 2023

Watch your facial expressions

My children, many worldly-minded people can tell what they think or feel by their facial expressions, because if you don't pay attention to them, your facial expressions show exactly how you feel. Pay attention to your facial expressions and also look in the mirror to see how you behave in certain questions and situations. Try to laugh more or at least smile, because then your subconscious can only do or think good things. All will be well! Amen.


14 June 2023

Not all water is the same

My children, most of you know that not all water is the same. But I would like to go into more detail here. Whoever blesses his water in My name in heartfelt prayer will notice that the water has received a different vibration and no matter where it has come from, it will then have a good energy. You know that the bar code can destroy the energy of all things when the thing in question is scanned at the checkout. Now, if you pass your finger over the bar code three times beforehand, preferably from left to right, and say "JESUS CHRIST IS WINNER!" in intimate connection with Me, there is a protection on the said thing, in this case water for example, which even the scanning cannot destroy. If afterwards you lovingly put "healing is happening now wherever it is possible and feasible" into the water by thinking deeply about the healing and ideally also lovingly stroking the bar code, this water will absorb this vibration and do good within the scope of its possibilities with all life forms that receive something from this water. It is theoretically enough if you put a drop of it into another water vessel, because the vibration is present in every drop. Non-carbonated water is much better for your body because the healing energy flows unfiltered and without blockages. All will be well! Amen.


13 June 2023

What makes you happy in summer

My children, many of you also look forward to summer, but sometimes you feel listless, tired or have little motivation to do anything when it is warm or even hot outside. Well, you can do something about that by doing things in your free time that bring you joy all year round. Cooling down, even if only with a cool foot bath, for example, can also do something about too much heat. There are always things that bring you joy all year round, My children, don't forget that! Those who now work a lot in My vineyard in a voluntary way, despite the heat, should also not forget to drink blessed water regularly. All will be well! Amen.


12 June 2023

The heat is here

My children, many worldly-minded people never like the way the weather is at the moment. Once too cold, once too wet and now partly too hot. Well, summer is here and with it warm temperatures. However, it is the case that many of the piqued people can get into trouble because of the heat. You, My faithful children, are not all such friends of the heat, but you know how to help yourselves and drink enough blessed water to compensate for the sweating. All will be well! Amen.


11 June 2023

Summer energies

My children, this Sunday there is a warm summer energy flowing in many places that is good for the bodies. So anyone who gets the impulse to get outside should follow it. All will be well! Amen.


10 June 2023

Rest at home

My children, it makes sense to stay at home this weekend if it is feasible. You will receive as much energy at home as you can stand. On the road this is not so much guaranteed unless you have a place of rest to go to. All will be well! Amen. 


9 June 2023

Too cold for the season

My children, in many countries it is too cold for the season and even in Spain people have not experienced such a cold spell for a very long time. With the exception of the deepest south where some of you live, it has been too cold. You see the projects of the other side clash with the efforts of you, My faithful children, and then often intense weather events come out. Without your daily good deeds, of a voluntary nature, it would look very bleak on earth, My children. All will be well! Amen.


8 June 2023

He who is united with Me

My children, whoever is intimately united with Me, through intimate prayer, through My mantle of protection and also through all other good deeds in My vineyard, feels the homeliness from Me. Those who are very sensitive also feel the homely warmth that I send to My children who are faithful to Me. All will be well! Amen. 


7 June 2023

There is much going on in the world

My children, some of you keep asking Me in heartfelt prayer why there is so much going on in the world right now. Well, it is largely because the other side is not admitting defeat and is desperately trying again and again to decimate and enslave humanity. You, as My extended arms on earth, are an important part of My worldly helpers on earth and through your daily, voluntarily performed good deeds in My vineyard, an important guarantor that things will always get better. How fast it goes also depends on how the worldly-oriented people see through the game of the other side and get out of this hamster wheel. All will be well! Amen.


6 June 2023

Accepting tasks

My children, if you are asked in your relatives or even in your circle of friends to accept or take over one or more tasks, do not resist immediately, but first see what it is about. In your own family, of course, things are different. There, cohesion is usually in demand and help is often needed when a family member has problems and needs help. Especially in times like these, it is important to stick together. Everything will be all right! Amen.


5 June 2023

Forgiveness and letting go

My children, I want to say something about these two topics again today, because it is important! When you go into forgiveness, it is easiest to do it with Me in heartfelt prayer and really also forgive from the heart and then let go. Letting go in general is very important, because all too often it is little things that prevent you from getting well, for example, or from mastering one thing or another. You can also let go in intimate connection with Me in heartfelt prayer. All will be well! Amen.


4 June 2023

Sunday rest

My children, many of you use Sunday as a so-called day of rest. There is nothing wrong with that, if you nevertheless carry out your important tasks - of a voluntary nature - which you do daily, just as intensively and full of joy, because these works in My vineyard are more important than ever. All will be well! Amen.


3 June 2023

Purifying Energies

My children, the rain that falls in many places, even where it otherwise appears rather rarely or sparsely, naturally also has purifying energies in many places, provided that people live there who pray with Me and give thanks for "the cool wet". This is an important point. Gratitude for the rain causes it to come down through the prayers with a purifying vibration of a subtle kind, which is then also quite quickly transformed into gross matter. This means: You, My children who are faithful to Me, bless your water in My name full of joy and love and the purifying energies of the water then also help worldly-oriented people who know nothing or only little of what they could do if they trusted Me from the heart and had found their way back to Me intimately, or would find their way back. All will be well! Amen.


2 June 2023

Joy is stronger than sadness

My children, go into joy! Whoever lives joy displaces sadness, loneliness and problems and through the life of joy, in connection with intimate love, your life will change for the better, if it has not happened yet. Place yourselves full of joy and gratitude under My protective mantle and you will notice that just now, in June, much good is happening for you. All will be well! Amen.


1 June 2023

June begins

My children, June begins, as announced, with other energies which will please most of you, My children faithful to Me. You will notice that a joy vibration is integrated and those who allow it will also feel it strongly. All will be well! Amen.


31 May 2023

May ends

My children, with the last day of May the May energy also ends and with the month of June another form of energy comes upon the people. You, My children, usually feel it much sooner than most worldly-minded people do. Summer this year is different in many areas than people are used to. It can be hot, but also quite wet, or "streaky". A lot is happening in the spiritual realm, which also has an impact on worldly events. All will be well! Amen.


30 May 2023

Waiting for the Sun

My children, in many parts of the world where it would be much warmer now, people are waiting longingly for the warming power of the sun. You, My children who are faithful to Me, are also waiting in part, but symbolically have the sun in your heart and its power also comes to you when you only think about it. You know how strong the power of manifestation is in a good way. All will be well! Amen.


29 May 2023

The energy of the month of May

My children, you have noticed in the energy of the month of May that something is happening on earth. It is important for you to do your good deeds in My vineyard in a voluntary way, despite the weather-related restrictions that have occurred from time to time and will continue to occur in some areas, for these are enormously important. All will be well! Amen. 


28 May 2023

Pentecost 2023

My children, today on Pentecost, it is very important that you pray much and send light in a voluntary way, for it is needed. Many people on earth feel that a change is in the air and that at the right time the fine materiality will also change into the coarse materiality. All will be well! Amen.


27 May 2023

Use what is good for you

My children, again and again questions come from you about intimate prayer, what should be used now and what should not be used or what should be used less. Well, in the earlier times, when there were no mobile phones, many people lived healthier lives. Some of you, My faithful children, also do not have a "mobile all-rounder", as I call the latest telephones, because they are indeed mobile all-rounders. Those who are sensitive and delicate feel anyway that the radiation is not good for body, mind and soul. In other countries, the radiation is for the most part lower than in Germany, which has also prompted electrosmog-sensitive people to emigrate or switch to caravans or mobile homes in a mobile way. Just use what you feel is good for you or makes you feel good. It can also be technology from the last century. All will be well! Amen. 


26 May 2023

If you have a lack somewhere

My children, if you feel or notice a lack, you may immediately turn to Me through intimate prayer and ask that what you lack be led to you by Me in subtle matter, in order to then transform it in gross matter in the body. How quickly this transformation takes place depends on you personally and your own level of development. For some of you it is transformed in a fraction of a second, for others it takes a while. Of course, it makes sense to get whatever you are lacking, if it is feasible, and then take it or rub it in. All will be well! Amen.


25 May 2023

Love flows

My children, when asked when, how, where and how often love flows, I say to you: Always! Provided it comes from the heart! Whenever something moves you, touches you or touches you from the heart, a form of pure love energy flows. Therefore, you should not use it sparingly when you feel the need to send pure love out into the world. It always depends on the beings who are receptive or open to it. As you know, there is no such thing as coincidence. All will be well! Amen.


24 May 2023

Good imagination

My children, on cloudy or wet days many worldly-minded people and also some of you, My faithful children, often have sad thoughts, are partly lethargic and have problems to have good thoughts and deeds in their mind on the one hand and to do good on the other hand. It helps to have or develop a good imagination. Some of you, for example, have a landscape as a wallpaper on your computer that gives you strength, makes you think good thoughts or simply gives you a good feeling. Photo wallpapers or posters also help to create good feelings or images of beautiful places. Please don't let the bad weather bring you down, My children! All will be well! Amen. 


23 May 2023

Lack of sun

My children, when there are too few hours of sunshine due to the weather, not only nature suffers, but also humans and animals. People in particular often have a lack of sunshine and the missing vitamin D should then enter the body in other ways. Of course, it is also possible through intimate prayer with Me, so that everything you lack can be radiated in spiritually, but also through a red light lamp, to give just one example. If you live in an area that is quite poor in sunlight, you should always use the sun when it is there, if you have time for it. All will be well! Amen.


22 May 2023

Rain in May

My children, many people know that the May rains are very good for nature and the harvest. This is indeed true, if the rain is not too heavy. It has rained in many parts of the world by now. Enjoy it when you notice that your plants and trees are getting enough rain and thus also have the strength to grow well. Always remember, My children, that a balanced mixture of sun and rain, or watering when there is a lack of rain, is necessary for everything to grow and flourish. All will be well! Amen. 


21 May 2023

Healing Consciousness

My children, it is so important that you control your thoughts and your consciousness again and again and if possible also send healing energies out into the world several times a day, because as a resonance healing energy also comes back to you. Especially your consciousness is very important, because only those who are aware of how important the voluntary daily good deeds are, can also control them, for example by saying where you would like to send your healing energies. All will be well! Amen.


20 May 2023

Nature needs sun and rain

My children, it is important that it rains regularly and that the sun also shines regularly. If you pray for rain - in dry times - then rain can also come down there if the outer qualities go hand in hand with the prayers. This is happening right now in a very dry area in the south of Spain, where people have been desperately waiting for rain. But the sun is also needed so that everything can grow and flourish well. All will be well! Amen.


19 May 2023

Inner peace brings healing

My children, worldly events unsettle many worldly-minded people and this also gives rise to fears, worries or even illnesses. You, as My extended arms on earth, already know this, of course, but nevertheless some reports unsettle you from time to time. It is best to go into inner peace again and again every day and also place yourselves under My protective mantle through intimate prayer, for this is not only good for you, but also brings a form of healing. Of course, it depends on how far you allow it, for I do not interfere with free will, as you know. All will be well! Amen.


18 May 2023

When you do something

My children, when you have imagined or undertaken something and then do it as well as you can, you very often have a good or happy feeling about it, because through your own work you feel how important it is to do something yourself. It is the same with spiritual work. Through your voluntary good deeds and work in My vineyard, you do so much good and this also has a good effect on your life. All will be well! Amen.


17 May 2023

The power within you

My children, if you knew how much strength there is in you, just waiting to be released. For all good things and deeds you may ask Me for help and I guide it so, if you allow it, that you learn to let the good forces that are in you flow for the benefit of all who are open to it. All will be well! Amen.


16 May 2023

An interesting week

My children, you see it in many examples that the battle between the light and the darkness continues. Whether it is elections being influenced or many other things. However, through your daily good deeds of a voluntary nature, much good is being done in the world daily and receptive people are awakening from their "lethargy", from a spiritual point of view, and things are looking up daily. All will be well! Amen.


15 May 2023

What you should avoid

My children, again and again questions come from you about the heartfelt prayers, what you should avoid: Well, first and foremost there are the so-called "e-cars" which immediately drain life force from the body and make you sick in a similar way to a microwave. Some of these vehicles are even more extreme than microwaves, which you should of course avoid just as much. Then there are the wind turbines, which are also very harmful to health and nature. Then there are the large photovoltaic plants, which are also harmful to nature and people. In the south of Spain, huge areas are currently being equipped with them and only through your heartfelt prayers and light transmissions will My children, who are faithful to Me and live nearby, be spared. Of course, the orientation of these installations also plays a role. Some of you consciously live in areas where you can help through your daily good deeds of a voluntary nature in My vineyard. There are other things you should avoid: For one thing, of course, there is man's favourite "toy", which I call the "mobile all-rounder". These smart all-rounders are very harmful to health, as is everything that works wirelessly, such as telephones and internet connections, to name but a few. All will be well! Amen.


14 May 2023

Mother's Day 2023

My children, today's Mother's Day should be about mothers really getting some time off too, because they do a lot throughout the year. In earlier years, it was still a matter of course that on Mother's Day the children and partners relieved the mother of all work on this day of honour. Whoever likes can say their own prayer for the mothers of this world today in the context of voluntary good deeds and work in My vineyard. This strengthens and invigorates the mothers who are open to it immensely. All will be well! Amen. 


13 May 2023

The cold days

My children, the term "Ice Saints" is used to describe the cold days in mid-May, which also bring cold in many places. Even in the south of Europe it has cooled down to some extent. In spite of the partly adverse weather, you are full of joy and voluntarily working in My vineyard every day, which pleases Me very much! All will be well! Amen.


12 May 2023

There is always something to learn 

My children, every person is able to learn something every day if he makes an effort. You, My children who are faithful to Me, are always open to also constantly learning something new, because whoever stops doing so will have problems after a short time. Memory training is important - even if it seems to be only little things. You can even learn things from films, books or other hobbies of people, because in earlier times people's skills were very often more developed in order to be able to survive or lead a better life. All will be well! Amen.


11 May 2023

Show joy

My children, many worldly-minded people hardly show joyful emotions any more and even laughing or smiling is becoming more and more difficult for them, because a huge burden of a spiritual nature lies on many of them, because karmic burdens of the past may now be dissolved little by little - which is sometimes very difficult and exhausting. But you, My children faithful to Me, smile more and beam joyfully at many people, for you find that life is beautiful because you have the intimate connection with Me and can stand under My protective mantle. All will be well! Amen.


10 May 2023

Your inner centre

My children, I have told you many times how important it is in every situation of life that you have absolute trust in Me and My help and place yourselves under My protective mantle through intimate prayer. To be safe and sheltered in your inner centre is not equal to anything in the world. Consider how good it is for all My children worldwide who are faithful to Me, when they are safe and secure under My protective mantle outside of stress and fear. The worldly-minded people could do the same, but for that they must first find their way back to Me. All will be well! Amen.  


9 May 2023

If you want to do something

My children, many of you first have ideas or intuitions and then symbolically sleep on them for a night before pursuing the idea or intuition further. Worldly-minded people are more spontaneous and buy something without thinking about it. It is the same with important decisions, such as buying a car or even a house. Do not rush and let yourselves be guided, My children. All will be well! Amen. 


8 May 2023

An eventful week

My children, a rather eventful week lies ahead for the people. But to what extent some things can still be averted remains to be seen. You, as My extended arms on earth, also make a great contribution daily in a voluntary way, through your work in My vineyard. Remain in inner peace and continue to live your lives full of joy and peace in your hearts - with Me by your side. All will be well! Amen. 


7 May 2023

Sunday Habits

My children, in many worldly-minded families, Sunday habits are very stuck. Every Sunday - with the exception of holidays - follows the same pattern. But you, My faithful children, see things differently. You go according to your feelings and spontaneous impulses, some of which you receive from the spiritual world, enrich your life so that it does not become too monotonous. The only constant event for many of you is your daily voluntary work in My vineyard and I am very pleased about that! All will be well! Amen.


6 May 2023

In Nature

My children, many people use the weekend to do something in nature. I also recommend this to you, even if only protected under My protective cloak, for there is much in the air that does not really belong there. But a walk in the forest, for example, is always recommended, for there the soul can recharge its batteries if you are there in inner peace. All will be well! Amen.



5 May 2023

Knowing how to help yourself

My children, in most situations that you encounter or that come your way, it makes sense that you know how to help yourselves or that you receive help. All My children, who are faithful to Me, always receive help when they ask for it, even if this help sometimes turns out differently than you would wish, as it is always for your best good. All will be well! Amen.


4 May 2023

No climate change

My children, in the meantime many worldly-minded people have realised - also through the continuing bad weather in Germany - that there is no such thing as climate change as it has been announced. There are fluctuations in the climate, but they are of natural origin. The other side, however, is trying to artificially produce a kind of climate change, but it doesn't work that way. In fact, your daily good deeds, light transmissions, shouts of victory and heartfelt prayers are also a great help in getting the weather back in the direction that is of natural origin. All will be well! Amen.


3 May 2023

May spreads good energies

My children, in the vast majority of worldly-minded people the opinion prevails that May is a very popular month that is good for people. You, My children who are faithful to Me, have of course known this for a very long time and are of the opinion that things always go up in May and many things turn out for the better. All will be well! Amen.


2 May 2023

May Time

My children, now, in Maytime, there is the possibility that you can do many things for which it was previously too cold, uncomfortable or too little time. May is the month of the year associated with joy, growth and spring. All will be well! Amen.


1 May 2023

May has begun...

My children, with the beginning of the month of May there is also a new energy. It presents itself in many ways and the worldly-oriented people will not even notice at first what is happening until they feel a change. You, My faithful children, feel the new and fresh May energy very quickly and are happy about it - in most cases. All will be well! Amen.


30 April 2023

April ends

My children, today the month of April of the year 2023 ends and in some areas shenanigans are going on from darkness until sunrise. I advise you to be at home in the darkness and only leave the house when you are under My protective mantle. Many of you pray more than usual on such days and that is also very important. All will be well! Amen.


29 April 2023

Saturday Activities

My children, many of you use Saturday not only for fervent prayers, sending of lights, shouts of victory and good deeds, but also to do good at home. I am not talking about hobbies now, but about activities that help the welfare of the family or otherwise. All will be well! Amen.


28 April 2023

Avoid public broadcasts

My children, I would like to recommend to you once again to avoid public broadcasts on TV, radio or internet as far as possible and also try to keep your vibration high, e.g. via the victory cry "JESUS CHRIST IS VICTOR!" in order not to let yourselves be pulled down to the low energy of the news from the other side. You feel daily, when you are intimately connected with Me through prayer, how I take care of you and you are always protected and sheltered if you remain in your inner centre. All will be well! Amen.


27 April 2023

When it gets warmer

My children, when there are rising temperatures and it becomes much warmer, you should make sure to always drink enough water. Ideally blessed by Me through intimate prayer or in My name. Even a lack of water will make your bodies not react so well and your thinking abilities can also suffer. You should also adapt your clothing to the weather, for if you are dressed too warmly, you will sweat easily. I give you all the minerals, vitamins, trace elements and whatever else you need in your water if you ask Me for it. All will be well! Amen.


26 April 2023

When you are outdoors

My children, please watch the sky when you are outside. Avoid being outside too long when there is heavy spraying in the sky, for what is coming down is not good. Then send out "JESUS CHRIST IS VICTOR!" spoken several times to the world and it will bring good responses. All will be well! Amen.


25 April 2023

Keeping the Energy High

My children, it is of course the case with most of you that you regularly place yourselves under My protective mantle and then you are protected and sheltered. But all around you the energy is usually very low - especially often in buses, trains and other public transport or public places - including workplaces. Just try to gently raise the energy there too, without interfering with people's life plans. This can be done, for example, as follows: "Beloved FATHER, I am now sending your healing energy wherever I am, taking into account the free will of the people who are also there. Thank you beloved FATHER! JESUS CHRIST IS VICTOR! JESUS CHRIST IS VICTOR! JESUS CHRIST IS VICTOR!" All will be well! Amen.


24 April 2023

With vigour into the new week

My children, for you the start of the week should go well if you are intimately connected to Me and take all the energy you can get from Me. Much is possible this week, My children! It depends on your attitude and joy how far you can make it happen. All will be well! Amen.



23 April 2023

Healing Sleep

My children, after some enquiries about your heartfelt prayers, I would like to speak once again about the subject of healing sleep. Since time is relative, I can give you all that you need even in a tiny moment when you are asleep. This means that your healing sleep can be very short, but also very long - depending on how your body needs it. All will be well! Amen.


22 April 2023

Adaptation of the bodies

My children, your bodies still have to adapt in part to the new, changed energies. As a result, many of you repeatedly experience signs of tiredness during the day. Often a few minutes of sleep are enough to get you fit again. If you want to sleep several times and do so, your body needs this sleep to adjust. All will be well! Amen.


21 April 2023

Sleep more relaxed

My children, some of you have already felt it: since yesterday you can sleep more relaxed, if you allow it. A great mountain of worry has been removed from the children who allow it, and so the pressure of the night, which symbolically lies or lay on many of you, has been removed. All will be well! Amen.


20 April 2023

The energies flow more strongly

My children, on today's day the energies are flowing particularly strongly, as this is very important today. You, as My extended arms on earth, help in a wonderful way every day and your voluntary good deeds have a great share in the high energy. As more and more people are awakening, this is also a reason for joy, My children! All will be well! Amen.


19 April 2023

You feel the energies

My children, most of you feel very well what is happening on earth. Sometimes the energies hardly let you sleep or they let you sleep deeply and soundly. Your bodies fetch the energies they need. So if you suddenly feel tired even in the afternoon and you can lie down, then follow this impulse, My children. Often it is only short periods of sleep that you need to recharge your batteries. Do not let yourselves be influenced by worldly news, but continue to walk your path consciously and in intimate connection with Me by your side and you will feel that what you have achieved so far will still be improved, if you allow it. All will be well! Amen. 


18 April 2023

Your faith can move mountains

My children, time and again doubts arise in some of you when you ask Me in heartfelt prayer why, for example, your healing is taking so immensely long. Well, on the one hand it is very often due to impatience and on the other hand to the fact that before healing, old burdens often still have to be resolved, which for example prevent a quick healing. But I say to you, My children: Never give up and continue to fully trust in My love and also My help, for only your firm faith can symbolically move mountains! Everything is possible if you remain in firm faith and trust! All will be well! Amen.


17 April 2023

Go your way

My children, no matter what is happening in the world, continue to try to go your way with Me by your side and you will always be protected and sheltered. Some of you consistently avoid worldly news - that is, also on the internet, whereas others only inform themselves on the internet. The best help is always intimate prayer with Me and voluntary work on your part in My vineyard. All will be well! Amen.


16 April 2023

Sunday Energies

My children, many worldly-minded people should take time on the day that is free for most people to do the things that are important to you and at the same time can bring harmony and peace. This can be a day together with the family, or friends, or even pursuing a hobby. You, My faithful children, very often use the Sunday energies for inner peace, intimate intimacy in heartfelt prayer with Me and other good deeds that bring you joy. Taking time out and keeping inner peace is very important, My children! All will be well! Amen. 


15 April 2023

Salt has healing functions

My children, I would like to inform you once again, in response to enquiries in heartfelt prayer, how important good salt is for the entire organism. Good blessed sea water or pure sea salt dissolved in good water, drunk in sips, can bring many healings to the body. Of course, this must not be exaggerated. Good salt in a closed container automatically builds up a natural saturation and if you put 1-2 teaspoons of it in a glass of preferably blessed water, you will find that this drunk water helps the body to cope with aches and pains. Of course, everything is a learning process. Nothing should be overdone! Rock salt, so-called Himalayan salt and also good sea salt are wonderful aids for the body here! An alkaline bath or a bath in sea water is also very helpful. All will be well! Amen.


14 April 2023

Be creative

My children, it is very useful for you to think about how you can simplify your lives. Often, through creativity, many things have become easier and can be improved. Please go through the world with your eyes open, not only in the world, but also in the shops you enter. Very often, DIY shops or so-called "cheap shops" are predestined for this, in order to acquire things there that can simplify your life. All will be well! Amen.


13 April 2023

Peace on a small scale promotes peace on a large scale

My children, especially in the family and among friends and acquaintances you should try to keep or strive for peace. For only when there is peace in the small circle can it extend to the larger objects. Peace always begins with the person himself in his heart. All will be well! Amen.


12 April 2023

The Power of Love

My children, many people underestimate the power and also the healing power of love. Every day people become healthy again because the healing power of love flows through them. So when you think of dear people who have ailments and aches, you are welcome to send them healing energy through heartfelt prayer. This always arrives! Within the framework of the respective life plan, it is then decided how quickly the person can transform it into coarse matter. All will be well! Amen.



11 April 2023

Things are turbulent

My children, an intense week is coming and so it makes sense to withdraw your funds that you do not need in the account to make payments. How much of the turmoil is released to the public remains to be seen. Your daily good deeds done voluntarily will help prevent worse, My children. Please remain calm, you are protected and sheltered. The battle between light and darkness has entered another phase and as more and more people around the world are awakening, the other side is trying to stop it. But the light is stronger than the darkness! All will be well! Amen.


10 April 2023


My children, many of you are always dissatisfied or displeased with your home or workplace. I recommend you to make changes if it is feasible. I mean first and foremost at home. Perhaps you can do some internal rearranging, rearranging, getting new furniture, re-wallpapering or re-painting the walls. Your subconscious is pleased about such processes, because positive changes are very important in life, especially if you have not been able to go on holiday for a few years due to "C", for example. You should also rethink your attitudes towards your workplace if you are constantly dissatisfied. Often it helps to look at everything in a positive light and if you are looking for a new professional environment, you are welcome to ask Me about it in heartfelt prayer and I will help you where possible. All will be well! Amen.


9 April 2023

Easter 2023

My children, symbolically speaking, there are worlds between the secular Easter and the spiritual feast. Nevertheless, it is very often a beautiful event for the children to spend the day together with their loved ones, as the family or relatives usually meet very rarely. But I also understand if you avoid these meetings, as you are for the most part unpicked and do not want confrontations and more. You, as My extended arms on earth, are happy that on this day of honour you can do much good of a voluntary nature, in My vineyard. All will be well! Amen.


8 April 2023

Holy Saturday 2023

My children, although today almost everywhere the shops are open, it makes sense to work as intensively today as yesterday, in a voluntary way, in My vineyard, because this is enormously important. My children, I know that some of you will be "tied up" over the Easter days and also before with preparations for Easter, but please remember that your good deeds only ever last a few minutes and so can be done voluntarily several times a day. All will be well! Amen.


7 April 2023

Good Friday 2023

My children, on this Good Friday you should not be sad, but think of the good that flows out through you in a voluntary way daily through your work in My vineyard into the world - into all hearts that are ready to receive. This joy is important, for only those who carry joy within themselves can also pass it on. There is so much sadness in the world - so that your good deeds can equalise much of it and help to give people hope and help them to change their thinking. All will be well! Amen.


6 April 2023

Maundy Thursday 2023

My children, this year it is very important that you pray much and send light also on Maundy Thursday, that is today. Your voluntary works in My vineyard are immensely important! The partly cold weather has the advantage for you that you can do much good in intimate peace in the warm room. All will be well! Amen.


5 April 2023

Shopping before Easter

My children, today is the best day to avoid the big rush if you want to do some major shopping. Avoid crowded supermarkets and do your shopping best when the shops are not so crowded. I say this deliberately because there is still the possibility, if there is no up-to-date protection, of lots of germs and pathogens being scattered around the supermarkets. Therefore, always wrap yourselves well under My protective cloak over intimate prayer before entering shopping shops, for there will be much coughing and sneezing again. All will be well! Amen.


4 April 2023


My children, those of you who have the opportunity should also take one or two conscious rests today, for the body is pleased with them today. Many of you use such conscious rests to do voluntary work in My vineyard in silence during this time, for then, when the body comes to rest, the soul can work better. All will be well! Amen.


3 April 2023

Holy Week 2023

My children, this year it would be nice if you could send more intense light already today on Monday and also spiritually attune yourselves to a peaceful Easter 2023 in your voluntary works in My vineyard, for this brings about a great deal of good, since every year at Easter the other side tries to do harm. All will be well! Amen.


2 April 2023

Sunday spirit

My children, try to enjoy today's Sunday, for it is a day that you can use to relax and still do good in a voluntary way. The bodies of the worldly-minded people have more problems than you to get used to this April energy. All will be well! Amen.


1 April 2023

April - Energies

My children, as I have already announced to you, the month of April has moody energies. In general, however, things will also happen with the worldly-minded people, because the awakening process continues consistently, My children. More and more is coming to light that the other side had covered up or concealed until now. All will be well! Amen.


31 March 2023

March goes, April comes

My children, an exciting month of March ends and a moody month of April begins. Well, the moods of April, which are actually only known from the weather, also extend to worldly events. Only those who are constantly under My protective mantle are protected within the framework of their own life plan. Therefore, wrap yourselves well when you leave the house, My children, then you will be protected and sheltered from the whims of April. All will be well! Amen. 


30 March 2023

Activate self-healing powers

My children, every human being has been given by Me in some way the ability to self-heal - up to a point. As far as colds or other aches and pains are concerned, much can happen there through the body's own healing power. But since the human body wants to take time out now and then and the person does not pay attention to this or consciously ignores it, the body then sometimes cannot react in any other way than to "take it out of circulation" in this way for a few days or even weeks so that worse things can be prevented. If, for example, you feel a cold in the early stages - from your point of view, mind you - then feel inside what the trigger was and what the cause was. If you eliminate these factors, the body can activate its self-healing powers and you will quickly be healthy again. All will be well! Amen.


29 March 2023

The waking up process is intensified

My children, the awakening process among the worldly-oriented people is being intensified by the fact that the other side keeps letting their political actors make serious mistakes, so that many of the piqued people on the part of the worldly-oriented people now also realise that what they had assumed up to now was lies and deceit all along the line. You continue to do such wonderful work in My vineyard in a voluntary way, which is also an important part of the awakening process worldwide. All will be well! Amen. 


28 March 2023

Tears of joy

My children, many people - especially men - are ashamed when they produce tears of joy and emotion. Yet it is a good sign when you show feelings of this kind. For every tear of joy that is shed, a great deal of healing energy flows back to the receptive people and to the producer of the tears - as resonance. All will be well! Amen. 


27 March 2023


My children, if you feel the need for security, tell your partners. Some of you have animals or even cuddly animals instead of human partners who give or convey a feeling of security to you. The intimate prayer is another way to get security, because whoever places himself under My protective mantle over the intimate prayer also immediately gets a warm cosy feeling of security from Me, your FATHER in Jesus Christ. All will be well! Amen.


26 March 2023

Advantages and disadvantages of the time change

My children, it is the same discussion every half year: Is the time change sensible or completely superfluous? Well, even in your ranks there are supporters and opponents of the time change. It is indeed the case that for a person who gets up at the same time every day, the body may experience some difficulty as a result of the time change. But those who live into the day, like many of My children who are faithful to Me, with regard to the subject of time, do not mind so much. Free spirits, as some of you call yourselves, do not know any punishing and restrictive time, but very often live according to their feelings and thus naturally have problems from time to time in professions where punctuality is important. But since many of you are already of retirement age, it does not bother them as much as is assumed. Always remember, My children, that time is relative and so are your feelings. Always remain in your midst and so you are protected and sheltered. All will be well! Amen.


25 March 2023

The Stomach

My children, there are always requests from you about the heartfelt prayers on the subject of the stomach, stomach acid, heartburn and similar things. There are indeed people who have too much stomach acid, those who have an ideal balance in the acid-base balance and also those who have too little stomach acid. If I were to go into detail here, it would go beyond the scope of the FATHER'S WORD. However, you are welcome to talk to Me about the subject in heartfelt prayer and also ask Me to send you impulses so that you eat accordingly and also learn to get to know your body better and also to know what it tolerates, in what quantities and above all also when, because the time of day is also an important factor. Alkaline nutrition makes sense, but an optimal mix is what most people can tolerate nowadays. Everything that is extreme should be avoided. Everything will be fine! Amen.


24 March 2023

Let the energy of the heart flow

My children, this weekend is full of energy on your part if you continue to do good in My vineyard so diligently in a voluntary way. For once, let your heart energy, which you also partly send out to all people who are ready to receive, flow even more intensively wherever it can be received and something wonderful will arise as a resonance. All will be well! Amen.


23 March 2023

Strength from within

My children, every person who firmly believes in Me also has the strength dwelling in him, in the intimate connection with Me, from within, to develop a strength that is very helpful. But so far very few of My children, who are faithful to Me, allow it. Therefore, I recommend that you work on it in heartfelt prayer with Me, for most of you have only discovered a fraction of the potential so far, which you can unfold with Me by your side in order to do much good of the most diverse kind. All will be well! Amen.


22 March 2023

Much deceit and fraud in the worldly world

My children, in the worldly-oriented world there is much deceit and fraud on the part of the "rulers". But there are also honest politicians who mean well for the people. But these are in the great minority on earth at the moment. Please remain calm, no matter what comes, because there is nothing more important for you - from a spiritual point of view - than your voluntary good deeds, which you do every day full of love and joy. All will be well! Amen.


21 March 2023


My children, now is the time of spring! For many people the most beautiful time of the year! With the onset of spring, many of you have also laid aside the heavy burden and energy of winter, so to speak, and now dedicate yourselves to the lighter and buoyant energy of spring! Let the spring vibrations flow into your body, My children, for they help you in many ways. All will be well! Amen.


20 March 2023

A week full of surprises

My children, the coming week holds some surprises. You, as My extended arms on earth, are doing so immensely through your voluntary good deeds that what was planned will not come to pass. Remain in peace and enjoy nature, which is now slowly showing itself more and more. All will be well! Amen.


19 March 2023

Letting go and forgiving

My children, we have already discussed the topic of "letting go" several times, but it makes sense to address it again in combination with the topic of "forgiving", because new FATHERWORDS readers keep coming along. Everything you let go of frees you in a way, because letting go is often connected with too much "holding on". At the same time, forgiving is one of the most important things a human being can do, because forgiving is immensely important. When you let go of everything that is blocking you, you will find that symbolically it can be like a big wobble stone that was previously on the soul and is now falling down. At the same time, forgiving and asking for forgiveness is just as important, because everything that no longer weighs you down allows you to go through your life more easily and more carefree. Most of you, My children, have already done these prayers of release and forgiveness with Me in heartfelt prayer once or more and felt lighter and freer afterwards. So whoever now has the impulse to do this with Me in intimate prayer can do it in their own words. All will be well! Amen. 


18 March 2023

You live your life

My children, regardless of what is happening in the world, you continue to live your lives normally. Do not let yourselves be unsettled by the fears and panic-mongering of worldly-minded people. Continue to live your life in intimate connection with Me - standing under My protective mantle through intimate prayer. All will be well! Amen.


17 March 2023

It makes sense to shop

My children, after the many negative reports all over the world, I was asked by you through intimate prayer whether it makes sense to continue stocking up. Yes, shopping always makes sense, because especially in such fearful situations it is better to go shopping now than when the masses of people storm the shops out of fear. I have told you again and again how important it is to dwell in the inner peace and to do good - but also to experience the here and now - without fears and worries. It has been sensible for a very long time, as you know from Me, to leave in the bank accounts only the money that you still need for bills. As a rule, it is better at home than in the bank. All will be well! Amen.


16 March 2023

Healing thoughts

My children, often you hear in your circle of friends and relatives that this or that little niggle or ailment is troubling them. If you wish, you are welcome to pray with Me for them and send them good thoughts of healing and recovery. Remember, however, that this is only possible within the plan of life. In addition, the healing energies first reach people only in the subtle realm and are then - depending on the openness of the person - passed on into the gross material realm. This can happen in a fraction of a second, as it did with some of you, or it can take a longer time. All will be well! Amen. 


15 March 2023


My children, a good way to not always think about worldly things and events is to do a cleanse. This can be in the house or the flat, in the garden, but also the window panes, the so-called spring cleaning, or just inwardly and/or outwardly with your own body. But please don't overdo it, because if you want to do a bowel cleanse, for example, it makes sense to do this when you have the next day off, and ideally the day after that. It is best to begin with heartfelt prayer with Me and often you will then have intuitions about what is in store for you. All will be well! Amen.


14 March 2023

Inwardly and outwardly

My children, there is rumbling on earth and many people are afraid. There is no extreme run on the banks yet. It is a vague game that is being played. You feel inwardly and outwardly to a great extent this unrest on earth and I recommend to you to go even more into inner peace and to do good. All will be well! Amen.


13 March 2023

Entering into tranquillity is very important

My children, it is still very important that you have at least a few minutes for yourselves every day, that you come into inner peace and thereby recharge your batteries through intimate prayer with Me and standing under My protective mantle. Do not let worldly news bring you out of your inner centre. All will be well! Amen.



12 March 2023


My children, due to your requests about the heartfelt prayers, I would like to talk about the subject of seeds today. Well, some of you have already sown or bought seedlings, or will soon begin to do so. Those of you who have planted your seeds or your little plants with My blessing - spoken in My name through intimate prayer - and/or watered them with blessed water, will find that the optimum energy can flow that is possible. Should you have purchased genetically modified seeds, it depends on the strength of the plant whether it manages to grow with My blessing or not. Therefore, first gently envelop the seed or the small plants in heartfelt prayer under My protective mantle, so that they can first get used to the extremely high vibration to which they are then exposed. Many little plants make it, but not all, because the genetic manipulations are often very deep-seated and are intended to harm people and that no more seeds for further plantings are possible from the plant. If you like, you can also be guided by your angels when buying seeds or young plantlets, because your guardian angels help in many ways if you allow them to. All will be well! Amen.


11 March 2023

Pros and cons

My children, many people weigh daily whether they are for or against what is presented daily on the "stage of public life" in the secular media. Many of them simply cannot believe that they are deliberately lied to from beginning to end by the public media. This weighing up, whether for or against, often leaves them in an indecisive attitude for months. Only by deliberately shaking them awake with impeccable facts do many of them switch to the side of truth. This means: Be happy to give hints and tips, My children, but only if you are asked. Do not force the truth on anyone! All will be well! Amen.


10 March 2023

Great Imagination

My children, some of you have it very much: The power of imagination. With it you can imagine many good things: A house of your own in all its details, a certain car or mobile home and of course: the new, cleansed earth - populated only with living beings who are good at heart and do only good. For some people this sounds like fantasy, science fiction or simply utopian. But I tell you that it is very possible! All will be well! Amen.


9 March 2023

Without television

My children, many of you have already taken to heart what I have given you as a hint: Avoid the public television programme, which for the most part has an influencing effect and is financed by the other side. After a certain TV-free time you will see the world with different eyes and understand what I have always said. You can still watch individual programmes - if possible without commercial breaks - if you want to. But the less you watch, the better it is for you. All will be well! Amen.


8 March 2023

Partial self-sufficiency

My children, I have told you many times that it makes sense to grow your own food and to do something within your means. Well, some of you are striving for partial self-sufficiency, because if there are shortages in the food market, you are on the safe side. Those who are now striving for vertical variants may also be able to get things moving in a small space. There are lots of detailed instructions on how to do this on the internet. Baking bread is also a skill that makes sense to know how to do. Always remember how ordinary people used to survive. All will be well! Amen.


7 March 2023

Prayers are powerful helpers

My children, worldly-minded people often only think of praying with Me when they are sad, in need or otherwise hoping for help. But you, My children who are faithful to Me, know very well that there is a response to every action and that you voluntarily do good delights My FATHERLY HEART! For most of My children, who are faithful to Me, it is a matter of the heart to do good and thus also to make their contribution to healing and purification on earth. All will be well! Amen.


6 March 2023

Start the new week with good thoughts

My children, you have the opportunity to fill this new week with all the good thoughts, ideas and deeds that you wish. It is important that you always think and also do good, for these actions and also thoughts then begin to manifest. First in a subtle way and then a little later in a gross way. You can do so much good! I am very happy about your voluntary good deeds. All will be well! Amen.


5 March 2023


My children, much healing of aches and pains also lies in the imagination of the individual. Those who can imagine themselves healthy again and able to do everything as before are already a great step further in the healing process than those who cannot and do not even try. All will be well! Amen.


4 March 2023

Use the energy of the weekend

My children, this weekend you can use very well in many parts to do something good for yourselves. Walks in the fresh air, spiritual work and all that brings you joy. All will be well! Amen.


3 March 2023

Where is home?

My children, time and again questions about home come up through intimate prayer. The answer is many-sided, for the worldly-minded people usually have different ways of thinking and seeing it than you do, for example. Many of you feel that the earth was not and is not your original home. Nevertheless, you have feelings of home in many places on Earth or at least memories on the soul level regarding beautiful moments there. Mostly this comes about through so-called "deja vu" moments, through recollection by the soul. For example, not many of you are still attached to Germany, because it is rapidly going down. Nevertheless, you instinctively feel that Germany plays a kind of key role in the great Earth scenario and that many of you are now incarnated in the German-speaking world in order to provide helpful support. However, I can of course also understand that in the current situation many are turning their backs on Germany. Those who are leaving or have left the country for health reasons usually knew this in advance before this incarnation. Home is therefore a term that feels homely on the soul level and where you feel safe and protected. But since you always have this feeling under My protective mantle, there can also be places on earth where you feel something like home. All will be well! Amen.


2 March 2023

Drink enough water all year round

My children, many worldly-minded people drink water very irregularly. Unhealthy drinks often flow in large quantities, but they are not good. Those who neglect sufficient water consumption will have to reckon with consequential damages, because the body urgently needs sufficient amounts of water. You, My faithful children, know this very well and also keep to it for the most part. Those who ask Me for My blessing for their drinking water will also receive it. Tap water has become very controversial in many parts of the world. That's why people spend a lot of money on bottled water or buy a water filter. Well, there are indeed different ways to filter and purify your water. With ozone you are on the safe side, because you can purify your water well. Precious and semi-precious stones can also help, but they need to be cleaned regularly. If you now take this to heart and drink enough of the purified and blessed water throughout the year, you will notice that other drinks taste less and less to you, because your body knows exactly what is good for it and what is not. All will be well! Amen.


March 1, 2023

March Energies

My children, in March things are often turbulent and between the beginning of spring and the onset of winter there are often only a few days. The March-born people know this only too well! Meaning: In this month much is possible and is also tried. You, as my extended arms on earth, are as always also the tongues at the scales and will have much influence that the light becomes stronger and the darkness decreases. All will be well! Amen.


February 28, 2023

February comes to an end

My children, an eventful February is coming to an end. March is already "scratching its hooves", to put it figuratively, and it will bring some changes. First in the fine-material realm and then more and more also transformed into the coarse-material. You, My children faithful to Me, help very strongly that much good happens through your daily good deeds done in a voluntary way. Everything will be good! Amen. 


February 27, 2023

Enjoy your freedom

My children, during the "C" period, many people around the world were deliberately artificially imprisoned or at least their desire for freedom was restricted. Therefore, now enjoy your freedom and consciously rejoice that it is now possible again. All will be well! Amen.


February 26, 2023

The power comes from within

My children, once again a week is coming upon humanity in which it is important to draw strength from within, to send energy and to be focused in the inner center. Tomorrow, Monday, is a very strong day and from Tuesday you should do much good, My children. Everything will be good! Amen.


February 25 2023

Wood is life

My children, I would like to point out to you today once again in a little more detail the power of trees and wood, since some of you have asked Me about this in heartfelt prayer. Well, that the trees give strength and energy, many people know. You have also heard about the healing power of trees. My writing channel asked Me earlier if I could say something about the special power of larch resin. It is indeed the case that the larch, like the Swiss stone pine, has special abilities and since trees are not selfish but interested in the common good, in connection with nature and also with people, they gladly give their powers of healing and recovery when asked. A house made of wood is much better to live in than any other house. Even a room, which is equipped with wooden panels, has a better energy than without it. In other words, if you integrate more wood - but please as untreated as possible - into your life and then ask Me for My blessing for it, you will find how wonderfully many things in your life can improve. The larch resin has a particularly strong healing power and if you also believe in it and ask Me for the blessing for it, miraculous healings can happen. All will be well! Amen.


February 24, 2023

Live your life

My children, many of you let the worldly-oriented people order you around or tell you what to do. But you should take your life into your own hands and live it the way you want to live it with Me by your side. Some of you, such as My writing channel here, live with your family in harmony with Me. Similarly, some of you are doing the same. I also always bring My children together where it is possible, because you live much easier when you have like-minded people nearby. Often the distances to each other are not so great. Whoever allows himself to be led will get help. Everything will be fine! Amen.


February 23, 2023

It will become colder again

My children, some of you have already heard it: it will become colder again and in some parts there can be snow and frost again. Therefore, take care of yourselves, drive carefully and prudently and wrap yourselves under My protective mantle again and again. Even in the south of Europe you can feel this cold, because even there the temperatures are going down. I am very happy that a large part of you, regardless of the weather, every day full of joy voluntarily do this wonderful spiritual work in My vineyard, which is so important on earth. All will be well! Amen. 


February 22, 2023

From the inside out

My children, it is always important that you always work from the inside out. First, the energy is generated in your inner center and then it can be sent out into the world through the prayers, light transmissions, shouts of victory and other good deeds and thoughts to the receptive hearts of the people who are open to it. All will be well! Amen.


February 21, 2023

Your resting place in your inner center

My children, in spite of the "wild days," you always have your inner center of rest to which you can retreat and find your peace. It is indeed so that it is also a very important place for all My children who are faithful to Me, because recharging your batteries is more important than ever in this intense time on earth. All will be well! Amen.


February 20, 2023

Your energy is higher 

My children, no matter what the worldly-minded people think or do: your energy always stands higher than the energy of these people, if you believe in Me and stand under My protective mantle. So the carnival energy is not a problem for you. Some of you have already put the good resolutions into action or have developed a concept how to proceed. Those of you who now have aches and pains or long-lasting aches and pains should know that, as we all know, there is no such thing as coincidence, and that in most cases it has to do with getting rid of old burdens of various kinds. Here, too, you may of course talk to Me about it in heartfelt prayer and hand it over to Me for transformation within the framework of what is possible. All will be well! Amen.


February 19, 2023

Things are moving forward

My children, today is a good day for new projects, ideas and beginnings. Many worldly-minded people shy away from new tasks or projects because the "C" fear is still symbolically in their bones. However, you can almost always start your own projects or ideas, because most beginnings or projects start small. So if you want to start something, start it and whoever wants to have Me by his side can ask for this through intimate prayer. If it is meant to be, it will succeed. Everything will be good! Amen.


February 18, 2023 

Avoid quarrels 

My children, right now, this weekend, things are often getting heated and the alcohol level is rising among many worldly-minded people in a celebratory mood. Do not get involved in discussions, avoid arguments and wrap yourselves well under My protective mantle over intimate prayer. All will be well! Amen.


February 17, 2023

Be patient

My children, for many of you, My children, everything always takes far too long. Healing processes should happen as immediately as possible, although the condition that led to the "actual situation" was insidious. Other things also need their time. Patience is a good advisor and companion. You will get help, you know that, My children. Everything will be fine! Amen.


16 February 2023

Have faith in yourselves

My children, when you plan something or think that it is good for you, you should listen more to yourselves than to other people. Too often fear, envy, jealousy or other things have caused plans to fail that would otherwise have been good. If you want to ask someone, then you may present it to Me in heartfelt prayer and you will then already receive answers from Me. It is important that you have confidence in yourselves and your creative power, for inspirations do not come by chance. All will be well! Amen.



15 February 2023

Eliminating toxins

My children, there are several ways to eliminate toxins of all kinds from the body. The most sensible thing for you to do is to change your diet to alkaline as far as possible, to take regular alkaline baths and of course to drink blessed water, for I also give My children, who are faithful to Me, everything they need when they ask Me for it. Whoever continues to have major aches and pains despite these measures may be going through a major detoxification or has to deal with one or more karmic processes that want to be resolved. However, you may also present to Me at any time everything that distresses or burdens you in heartfelt prayer and walk together with Me, My children. This can happen quickly or it can take a long time, for example, if the thing to be changed is a longer karmic process. Nevertheless, you should never give up, because old burdens must be transformed so that afterwards life can proceed more freely and unbound. All will be well! Amen.  


14 February 2023

Avoid worldly news

My children, in the worldly-oriented news lies, manipulation, influence and many other negative things are deliberately spread. There is only this possibility for the other side to keep people in fear. But every day more and more of them wake up and see through the false game. All will be well! Amen.


13 February 2023

And again it will be turbulent

My children, another turbulent week is upon us, in which you can do so much good with your voluntary help, for it is quite hairy on earth. February is quite gentle in terms of its energies - compared to January - but the other side is provoking all it can, to use your jargon. You are My resting poles that are priceless. All will be well! Amen.


12 February 2023

The weather as a mirror of world events

My children, I have told you many times that the weather is not only influenced by the other side, but it is also a mirror of what is happening on earth. Consequently, no one should be surprised that it often also storms heavily, rains, snows, freezes or is otherwise - from the point of view of many people - unfriendly, because ice and snow are still parts of winter. However, your daily voluntary good deeds help to mitigate severe weather and other unpleasantness. All will be well! Amen.


11 February 2023

Remain in tranquillity

My children, even though many things may upset you inwardly, I recommend that you remain in inner peace, for your voluntary works in My vineyard are so immensely important and especially at this time, when many people are afraid of an impending major conflict, your energies, which you send out into the world through your daily good deeds into all receptive hearts, are more valuable than all the jewellery in the world. All will be well! Amen.


10 February 2023

The cold is still a distraction

My children, the cold in many places and also the unusual weather events, are deliberate distractions by the other side. But you, My children who are faithful to Me, work in My vineyard every day in a voluntary way and do not allow yourselves to be distracted by the weather conditions either. All will be well! Amen.


9 February 2023

It comes to light

My children, the structures of lies of the other side are gradually collapsing symbolically and the truths are coming to light. Much is still being held back or misrepresented by the public media, but more and more is happening in the truth movement. All will be well! Amen.


8 February 2023


My children, terrible as it is: You have prevented even worse by your daily good deeds, of a voluntary nature! The other side is once again trying everything to stay in power, but it will not succeed! All will be well! Amen.


7 February 2023

Worldly people are awakening more and more

My children, more and more worldly-minded people around the world are realising that they have been lied to and deceived and are awakening from the artificial matrix that the other side had cleverly constructed via programmes and programming. Television, to name just one example, is a big factor in this, which continues to smother people and tries to keep them quiet. As I have told you many times, abstinence from television is one of the best ways to "wake up" and see through the whole scenario. All will be well! Amen.


6 February 2023

Political ups and downs

My children, this week in politics will be like a roller coaster to some extent - though of course not everything will come to light. For you, however, this only means to continue to remain in your inner centre and to voluntarily do your wonderful work in My vineyard, which is so immensely important. All will be well! Amen.


5 February 2023

Wish Fulfilments

My children, you have one wish or another that you sometimes communicate to Me in heartfelt prayer. Well, if it is feasible - within the framework of your life plan and no one is harmed by it, it can come true. But be careful that the wish does not overwhelm you or that it is expressed hastily. Therefore, it always makes sense to first sleep on it and only then speak to Me about it in heartfelt prayer and then, if necessary, hand it over to Me so that what makes sense and is possible for you can happen. All will be well! Amen.


4 February 2023


My children, it is not yet "spring cleaning" time in Germany, but cleanings should take place regularly. Any kind of cleansing is possible that you feel is due. Last night, for example, many cleansings of a spiritual nature took place and some of you have slept little and yet are physically on top of things. All will be well! Amen.


3 February 2023

Help is coming

My children, I have already told you that February will be gentler than January. Some of you are already feeling positive energies in the form of help. Well, this month is far less hard and rigid in that respect and because of the softer energy, help flows more easily in many forms. Those who ask will also receive help, within their life plan. But please also remember the following: Man takes the first step towards change and then comes the help from My helpers. Changes always happen because there is a will and the first step is taken by the human being. All will be well! Amen.


2 February 2023

Candlemas 2023

My children, all people who believe in Me and also have a connection to Mary - by this I do not only mean Catholic educated people, know that the 2nd of February is a special day every year on which much good happens - from a spiritual point of view, which then also passes over into the gross material realm and in former times many important things were also transacted on this day. Those who have their wedding day today, for example, know what I am talking about. Happiness, connected with the spiritual light, is flowing increasingly into all hearts of all receptive people today. All will be well! Amen. 


1 February 2023

Gentle is the joy

My children, I have already told you that the energies of February are gentler than those of January this year. Nevertheless, a very important part of it is your daily voluntary work in My vineyard. Without this, it would look very bleak and desolate on earth. By focusing good energies and thoughts, you are also helping, My children, to bring more light and more joy to the earth, which comes down in a gentle energy. All will be well! Amen.


31 January 2023

January ends

My children, January ends with an intense energy that will continue in February in a somewhat softened way. Thanks to your daily voluntary work in My vineyard, much that should be more intense will be tempered. All will be well! Amen. 


30 January 2023

Start the week with fresh energy

My children, after this rather ponderous weekend for many people, there is a boost of fresh energy to get the week off to a swinging start. However, for those who are in too low a vibration or cling too strongly to the old "rut", even the fresh energy can be of little help at first. Those who live in the here and now and have good thoughts will start the new week full of joy. All will be well! Amen.


29 January 2023

Generosity comes out of you

My children, when you sense that someone needs help - financial or otherwise, it makes sense to help. Go within yourselves and listen to your heart. But help can also very often be of a spiritual nature through prayer, My children. You know that everything you give from your heart comes back to you in many different ways. All will be well! Amen.


28 January 2023

Another intensive weekend

My children, this weekend will again be intense in many ways. The best thing is for you to stay at home if possible, if it is feasible and from there, do much good of a voluntary nature several times a day, for it is needed worldwide. Those who are on the way should always place themselves under My protective mantle through intimate prayer, and when you come out of your inner centre, new envelopment is very important. All will be well! Amen.


27 January 2023

Trust is the best way

My children, you trust Me fully and are always protected and sheltered via intimate prayer within your life plan. However, this is about the worldly-minded people who are slowly but surely learning, on the one hand, to have more trust in themselves and their own strength, and often through this, to have more trust in Me and My healing power again. Please remain calm! All will be well! Amen.


26 January 2023

Natural food

My children, in such times as these, it makes even more sense to eat as naturally and simply as possible. Not all of you manage to become vegans, but even as vegetarians you are far superior to most worldly-minded people, because in the intimate connection with Me your food and drink is blessed by Me and as far as it is possible - from your point of view - also energised. This means: It makes sense to bring out old virtues and abilities again and, for example, to bake your own bread, because then you will also know, for example, what ingredients have been used, or to make your own pasta, to name just one example. Of course, it is more time-consuming, but it also gives you joy and a deep inner peace when you know that you have made your food yourself for the most part and that it has been blessed and charged and energised with all the love and all the important ingredients in an intimate connection with Me. All will be well! Amen.


25 January 2023

Let go of fears and complications

My children, you may now let go of fears that are still present - often only subconsciously - and also give all complications in your life to Me for transformation through intimate prayer. Remain in peace and continue to do your voluntary good deeds, which please Me greatly! All will be well! Amen.


24 January 2023

Sending and receiving help

My children, you know that everything involves resonance. Those who do good now will always receive good in return. Your daily good deeds, in a voluntary way, always also contain a resonance, which can turn out differently. Those who do not feel much may still have old burdens to resolve, which will be worked off first. But more and more worldly-oriented people are also doing good deeds and then often experience good resonances unprepared. All will be well! Amen.


23 January 2023

Pay attention to the ingredients

My children, you have already heard for the most part that insects in powder form are allowed as part of certain food products and I recommend that you avoid these products because on the one hand they are not good for humans and on the other hand they can cause considerable side effects. Please also make sure to avoid as many e-substances as you can and anything modified as well. Go shopping with your eyes open, read the small print and listen to your intuition. All will be well! Amen.


22 January 2023

It will get colder and more uncomfortable

My children, in the near future it will get colder and more uncomfortable in many parts. Even in Spain the temperatures will drop a few degrees. Please note that you always keep your vibration high and if you feel a cold coming on, you have two choices: One, you can allow it because your body is signalling that it wants or desperately needs time off, or you don't allow it and until your vibration is high enough to be fit again, you say, "vibration up!" Some of you then say it permanently even several hundred times in a row until it is enough. You should also weave in the victory cry: "JESUS CHRIST IS VICTOR!" again and again, then My protective mantle is also protective and sheltering over you, My children! Remember that the other side also sends out ill-making things through the stripes in the sky and against this My protective mantle and the high-swinging affirmations help. All will be well! Amen. 


21 January 2023

Electricity or no electricity

My children, for weeks now the most violent announcements about power cuts or deliberate power cuts have been going through the public media or the internet. Well, it is indeed the case that the flow of electricity very often hangs by a "thread" - symbolically speaking - and major catastrophes could just be averted. In the meantime, some of My faithful children have acquired alternatives in order to be prepared in case of a longer power failure. However, should the power fail over a large area for more than a few hours, you should still remain in inner peace if you do not have a power generator. Candles, however, are absolutely important, because if these are lit and optimally also sprinkled with My blessing via intimate prayer, My protection and blessing is present, within the bounds of possibility. As I said, if you want to be on the safe side, you can take precautions in this regard, because a power failure of a longer nature can happen. Your daily good deeds of a voluntary nature also help to stabilise the power grid. However, a major outage can still occur if there is too much access to consumption - or due to external weather interventions. All will be well! Amen.


20 January 2023

My children remain in peace

My children, no matter how much the worldly-minded people may be upset, fearful or otherwise euphoric: For the most part, you remain calm and joyfully carry out your daily good deeds in a voluntary manner and thus continue to be a very important bulwark against the other side and a protection for all the worldly people who have woken up, or are just waking up and are ready to receive My healing energies. All will be well! Amen.  


19 January 2023

The blessing is your protection

My children, you know that people can be very different. But all My children, who are faithful to Me, have something in common: they believe rock-solidly in Me and My healing power and everything else good that they can get from Me. Worldly-minded people usually have other goals and paths in life. As I have already told you many times, My blessing is your protection, for even inferior food will be energetically well tolerated by you if you sincerely ask for My protection so that you will tolerate it well. Of course you should eat highly vibrating food if you can. But since a large part of humanity does not know what is good for them and what is not, I give you the most important characteristics once again: Whoever is intimately connected with me, for example, when shopping, will feel attracted to the food that is good for him. You can also feel it in the higher vibration, My children! All will be well! Amen.


18 January 2023

The sleeping place

My children, since questions come from you almost every day through intimate prayer because you sleep so badly and are tired during the day, I will explain to you once again today how you can energise your sleeping place. First of all, you should know in advance whether you are sleeping on a water vein, earth fault, etc., because these not only make you ill, but also withdraw vital energy from the body over time. If the sleeping place is polluted, it may be possible to look for another place for the bed which is not polluted. If this is not possible, you would have to choose other ways, for which there is no time to explain today. Let us return to energising the sleeping place: First of all, it makes most sense to have bedding made of silk, as this is very highly vibrational. Avoid polyester and the like, My children! Cotton is also only an emergency solution. Connect with Me through intimate prayer and then say the following prayer, for example: Thank you, thank you, thank you beloved FATHER, that my /(our) sleeping place is now charged with Your healing energy and so strongly that I / (we) can sleep well. Your will is now done! So it is and so be! If you do this intimately, your body should be able to sleep better again after an often short period of adjustment. All will be well! Amen. 


17 January 2023

Light and shadow

My children, when certain groupings meet who think they are powerful, then automatically more light than shadow is cast upon the world to compensate for a fear that is then present in parts of the population. You, My extended arms on earth, do so much good every day in a voluntary way! All will be well! Amen.


16 January 2023

It is getting more uncomfortable in many parts of the earth

My children, it will become more uncomfortable in many parts of the earth. On the one hand, as far as the weather is concerned, and on the other hand, also in the area of inter-humanity, injustice and warlike thoughts and actions. You, as My extended arms on earth, have the power to voluntarily send My healing power there in a helping and weakening way, so that your voluntary good deeds flow to all receptive people. All will be well! Amen.


15 January 2023

Think in the here and now

My children, please do not digress too much into the future, what could come, and also do not dwell only on the past, where everything "was so beautifully simple"... I gladly give you these well-meant tips once again, because the "here and now" is to be accomplished. All will be well! Amen.


14 January 2023

Little aches and pains

My children, almost all people have aches and pains. This is often due to a wrong diet, the wrong drinks, too little exercise, all kinds of toxins such as nicotine, alcohol, etc. When the aches and pains get out of hand, these people would like to be rid of them with a prayer, whereby it has taken years to accumulate them. Understand, My children, what has taken a long time does not as a rule go away again so quickly - unless the human being finds help in nature that is particularly highly vibrational. This can shorten the healing process. Each of My children, who are faithful to Me, is in a certain way endeavouring to eat quite healthily - within the bounds of what is financially possible for him. That is why I offer you that you can not only hand over your worries and problems to Me through heartfelt prayer, but that you will also receive from Me on request all that you lack. But also bear in mind that it comes into your body in a subtle way and that it may take some time until it is implemented in a gross way. All will be well! Amen.  


13 January 2023

Guiding Thoughts

My children, today is Friday, 13 January. Many worldly-minded people are superstitious and fearful on this day. But this is unnecessary, My children, for whoever believes in Me and trusts Me and always places himself under My protective mantle above intimate prayer, need fear nothing. I always watch over My children who are faithful to Me. All will be well! Amen.


12 January 2023

Your body signals to you what it needs.

My children, if you feel unwell or downright weak after eating a certain product, for example, then your body is signalling to you that you do not resonate with it or cannot tolerate it. There are several ways in which your body can signal to you what is good and what is not so good for you. Listen to its signs, My children! Avoid modified things of all kinds - whether for eating or drinking or even as food supplements, for example. You can already test this wonderfully in the shop when you take a product in your hand or hold your hand over it. You get feedback on whether it is good for you or not. If you are not yet sensitive enough to notice it directly, you will get your resonances through physical reactions. Remain calm, My children, for there will be an improvement in the sensitivity of each of My children in the near future. All will be well! Amen.


11 January 2023

Restless nights

My children, some of you told Me in heartfelt prayer that you could no longer sleep through the night and suspected that it was because of the trouble spots in the world. Yes, that is also correct to a large extent, for the more sensitive you are, the more you sense unrest and war-like conditions in the world. Then it makes sense for you to say: Come back into inner peace and gladly pray another heartfelt prayer with Me and then sleep will come again. But it is also to a lesser extent due to the new energies and adjustment problems that will then pass with time. All will be well! Amen.


10 January 2023

I am with you

My children, even if most worldly-minded people do not believe it: I am always with My children, who are faithful to Me, and I am connected to them through the heart. This means: Whoever believes in Me, trusts Me and asks Me for help, will always receive help for the best good - within the framework of his life plan, which will also be expanded from time to time. All will be well! Amen.


9 January 2023

The new energy really takes off

My children, in the first week of January the new energy on earth was still quite weak. From today it will become more intense day by day until it reaches the highest energy. Since most worldly-oriented people have "thick skins", to use your colloquial language, it will still take some time before they perceive it. However, the majority of you, My children, are already so sensitive that you can very well perceive the new, pleasant energies. All will be well! Amen.


8 January 2023

You have everything within you

My children, I have given you everything that man needs. If, for example, you have a niggle or a little ache, you can solve the problem that caused it in heartfelt prayer with Me and hand it over to Me for transformation. Of course, almost all people have inherited burdens from their past lives, and these gradually show themselves and want to be resolved. Those who now work on them intimately with Me in prayer will find that most problems can be worked through one after the other, for everything at once would be too intense. Look at little children who are ill, My children. They hear, for example, that organs can grow back and they believe it because they have seen it in animals in a documentary, for example. If the parents don't talk them out of it and leave their child in this confidence that everything can heal, organs or body parts have indeed already grown back. This means: You have everything in you, My children. With rock-solid trust in Me and also in you and your body's own healing power, everything is possible - within your life plan. All will be well! Amen.


7 January 2023

Things are looking up

My children, whoever believes in Me and trusts Me is always protected and sheltered - you know that. But until now, those who only contacted Me now and then or in emergency situations through prayer were often surprised that the desired help did not always come in the way it was hoped for, because I do not intervene in people's life plans. From now on, however, it is so that through the new energies many more worldly people, seemingly without reason, get an impulse to change their previous life and to renounce more and more the worldly-oriented attachments through the manipulations by means of television, radio or also newspapers - to name only a few - and thus also have the possibility to find their way back to Me. Things are looking up for all people who accept the new energies with joy and are ready to detach themselves from the manipulations of the other side. All will be well! Amen.


6 January 2023

Epiphany 2023

My children, today the Feast of the Magi and Christmas is celebrated in some countries. It should also be a wonderful opportunity for you to intensively do good in a voluntary way today and to work in My vineyard, because on this day the world needs especially much healing energy. All will be well! Amen.


5 January 2023

With inner peace comes strength

My children, when you are sad or otherwise outside your centre, you should connect with Me as quickly as possible through intimate prayer, for in inner peace you will find all that you need to regain your strength and be balanced. All will be well! Amen.


4 January 2023

No rash actions

My children, many of you will be confronted with situations this year that will mostly please you. However, I always recommend that you go to your inner centre before every decision and talk to Me about it in heartfelt prayer. Always consider everything and avoid rash actions. I always guide and direct you on the path that is right for you - if you allow it. All will be well! Amen.


3 January 2023

Slowly people feel a change

My children, even the worldly-oriented people are already beginning to notice that there is a change in the vibration in the year 2023. The more the year progresses, the more these people feel that something has changed and many find this change good if they are willing to adapt. All will be well! Amen.


2 January 2023

Life goes on

My children, even if it sounds quite banal now for many of My children who are faithful to Me, but life goes on almost as before for the time being if you do not pay attention to the fine nuances that often need to be seen and also applied. That is to say: go attentively through your life, observe nature, look at the birds and also give out My healing energy into the world by blowing, for example, mentally sending the words "JESUS CHRIST IS VICTOR!" while doing so. All will be well! Amen.


1 January 2023

The New Year 2023

My children, the new year is about to start with a new energy that many people can feel within a day. They notice that things are noticeably looking up and that they are gradually being symbolically helped to master all that was not possible before. In other words, anyone who sees the year 2023 as something positive and good and writes it that way and does not abbreviate it, will also gradually feel these positive energies. However, those who are stuck in the old "rut" will find it difficult to adapt to the new energies that are gradually spreading on earth. All will be well! Amen.


31 December 2022

New Year's Eve 2022

My children, the last day of the year 2022, which you popularly call "New Year's Eve", is an important day for many worldly-minded people, because then one can pursue one's free spirit quite exuberantly - from the point of view of these people. Since rockets and firecrackers were forbidden in the last years, this time everything will be exaggerated again - from the point of view of My faithful children, who for the most part do not take part in this spectacle. I recommend that in the time from 11.30 p.m. until about 2 a.m., if you are awake that long, you send much light and love via the heartfelt prayers and light transmissions, because there is a lot going on on earth at that time. All will be well! Amen.


30 December 2022

Up - and rearranging frees

My children, just before the end of the year, many of My children, who are faithful to Me, get the impulse to tidy up, rearrange and also "clean out". This is good for the soul and the body and creates space. It is precisely by rearranging and tidying up that the body gets a boost with new strength and energy - as well as good ideas for the new year. All will be well! Amen.


29 December 2022

Your wishes for the new year

My children, just like many worldly-minded people, you too have largely wished for peace and harmony for the coming year. Well, if you firmly believe in this and then also let go of the wish, you can count on it helping to bring more light, love and peace on earth. Since, as you know, I do not intervene, I am very happy when you, My faithful children and extended arms on earth, so diligently and joyfully do so much good every day in a voluntary way and work in My vineyard. All will be well! Amen.


28 December 2022

The greater the hectic - the calmer you become

My children, the greater the restlessness and hecticness - connected with many negative things that are sent to the people via the public media, the calmer and steadier you become, My children! You know how you can always protect yourselves and the inner peace that you then have and also send out into the world via intimate prayer and the light transmissions and shouts of victory, is an important component, of the ever stronger energy that all people who are connected to Me radiate out into the world - in full love and joy. All will be well! Amen. 


27 December 2022

It happened

My children, it happened that more and more of you, My faithful children, felt that something is changing on earth. The light is becoming more intense and the other side is losing power. But just as a wounded predator is most dangerous, so it is with the other side. They try everything to turn the tide once more. But they must realise that with every day that people continue to awaken from their artificially induced twilight sleep, the power of the light grows stronger. Therefore, continue to wrap yourselves well under My protective mantle via intimate prayer and every voluntary work in My vineyard increases the power of light and love enormously. All will be well! Amen.


26 December 2022

An energetic power day

My children, there are days that have a particularly high energy. Such a day is today, the second day of Christmas, which is also celebrated in some countries. On this day, a great deal of healing energy flows into the world and your daily and voluntary good deeds strengthen this immensely. All will be well! Amen.


25 December 2022

Christmas 2022

My children, at Christmas many family members and friends are often gathered. This year is similar to last year, except that there is no maximum number allowed. I am always pleased when you, My extended arms on earth, voluntarily work so lovingly in My vineyard every day full of joy and do so much additional good especially on the days that are important for all Christians. All will be well! Amen. 


24 December 2022

Christmas Eve 2022

My children, this year's Christmas Eve should be about reconciliation. Many families have been torn apart by the "C" tribulations. It is nice when there are reconciliations - at least on the phone or via the internet or mobile all-in-one. I know that many of you are intimately connected to Me on Christmas Eve and this healing energy is flowing out into the world to all receptive hearts. All will be well! Amen.


23 December 2022

Hectic and stressful shopping

My children, many of you do not feel like going shopping today because, firstly, the shops are very full and, secondly, people's hectic pace and stress are getting worse. You prefer to stay at home, unless you have to work, and try to do good in your inner peace. All will be well! Amen.


22 December 2022

The days are getting longer again

My children, now that the days are getting longer again, many people are rejoicing, for with each day the light also becomes stronger and more intense. Avoid the Raunächte, for they are of pagan origin and, if possible, do not go outside in the evening during this time, for the other side then goes on the rampage. Those who still have to go outside after dusk during this time should place themselves well under My protective cloak over intimate prayer. On 6 January everything will be over again, and when Candlemas comes on 2 February, the sun will have much more power than it does now in Germany and Austria. Remember, My children: All will be well! Amen.


21 December 2022

Hectic is in the world

My children, the sensitive people have felt it for a long time: There is an extreme hecticness in the world and because of the time zones many people cannot really switch off and come to rest. Some of you also have problems falling asleep and often lie awake half the night without knowing why. If you are affected by this, it helps to pray again and, if necessary, to drink a cup of warm tea, which has an inner calming effect. If it still doesn't work, pray until your body falls asleep. You will then receive enough energy from Me to be fit again the next morning. All will be well! Amen. 


20 December 2022

Further preparations

My children, many people are preparing for the festive season. There will be opulent meals in some cases, relatives will arrive and special clothing will also be worn by many worldly-minded people. Joy and happiness happen at the push of a button, so to speak. You, My faithful children, see it all a little differently. For some of you it is quite normal that your house or flat is clean and tidy all year round, and many of you wear comfortable and casual clothes, because what matters is not "being dressed up", but the intimate connection with Me and the prayers that come from the heart. For Me there are no differences in people's origin or status, but I only go by the heart connection, as you know. Every person can pray intimately with Me in every situation and at every time and will then also receive a response. All will be well! Amen.


19 December 2022

It is now getting closer to Christmas

My children, as of today the pre-Christmas hustle and bustle has increased again as many people hope to get a cheap gift before Christmas. Since "Bread and Games" has ended, the main focus can again be on Christmas shopping among very many worldly-minded people. In spite of everything, people would not even think of such thoughts and wish for a peaceful celebration and togetherness for Christmas if you, My extended arms on earth, did not do so much good of a voluntary nature every day. All will be well! Amen.


18 December 2022

The Fourth Advent 2022

My children, now the fourth Advent of this year has also been hijacked by the "bread and games faction". But you, as My extended arms on earth, have increased joy and good energies today to counter this hype with a counter-vibration through your voluntary works in My vineyard. You know that this is very important and therefore work on it full of joy and with love in your hearts. All will be well! Amen.


17 December 2022

Healing Consciousness

My children, just now, in the pre-Christmas period, many worldly-minded people feel reminded again of beautiful quiet Advent times from their childhood, because at that time they also did not notice or mentally blanked out the hustle and bustle of adult people. This is how it is now for many of them. They want a quiet, peaceful Christmas in the presence of their loved ones and do not want to hear anything about war or violence. This is exactly the point at which they awaken from the "fog" of the constant sprinkling of the public media, because war reports during Advent are then ignored or even mentally blanked out. Now they are open for help from the spiritual world and often your daily good deeds of a voluntary nature will now meet with resonance. That is to say, such emotional times have much good in them, for people want peace and their old life back, in which they could live freely. The consciousness is receiving healing energies - also through the resonances to your prayers, light transmissions and good deeds. All will be well! Amen.


16 December 2022

Prayers help

My children, time and again you ask in heartfelt prayer how many prayers you may say for friends, relatives, acquaintances and people who are dear to you. Well, you may pray as much as you like, My children. It is only important that you do not interfere with other people's life plans. For example, if you pray for people who have asked you, this prayer energy is usually very high. If you pray for people who do not know about it - and say that everything may happen within the framework of the respective life plan, this energy is also very high. If you pray for people in general without saying anything, energy will of course also flow. This means: No matter who you pray for from the bottom of your heart: Energy always flows - but only within a person's life plan. However, this can also change or, in most cases, even be extended - depending on the task that now awaits this person. Let me give you an example: Many of you pray for all Father Word readers here and this daily. Now imagine how concentrated this energy is for all of you, since you also - even if you don't always know the name - send energy every day and receive it back as a response many times over. That is why prayers help in most cases with recoveries and problems. However, fractures or operations require a certain amount of patience, although healings happen more quickly through prayers. All will be well! Amen.



15 December 2022

The middle of December

My children, the middle of the month of December does not signal that most of the things for this month are already over, but indicates all the good deeds you, My children faithful to Me, have already done this month. I know that for some of you the pre-Christmas period is connected with much work and hustle and bustle, but at the same time you are full of joy in doing good every day. On 6 January, many things are over and things are calming down again on a spiritual level. Those of you who are still dealing with cold now often get another obstacle in your way. Well, you know about the temperatures in Germany and the neighbouring countries and you are mostly used to it. Those who cannot cope with it very often flee to the south of Europe for a few months. Know and never forget: you are doing wonderful work with your daily good deeds in a voluntary way. All will be well! Amen.


14 December 2022

Escape from Germany before the winter

My children, the great cold snap in many parts of Germany has motivated even more people willing to travel to warmer climes quickly in order to spend the cold season there in milder temperatures. In the south of Spain, for example, not only some of you live, but also many so-called "campers" spend the winter. It is perfectly understandable if it is professionally feasible or if you have already reached retirement age. Aches and pains are much easier to cure in mild temperatures than in cold climates. But not only are the campsites in many mild regions of Europe already quite full to overcrowded, no, even the official campsites are well frequented and the wild, not permitted standing on places that are beautiful is increasing more and more.  You see, more and more people are waking up and no longer put up with this situation in Germany or Austria - as long as their wallets allow it. Amen.


13 December 2022

Your thoughts have power

My children, once again I want to remind you how strong your power of thought is. If you cherish, cultivate and also express good thoughts and firmly believe in them, some of them will be fulfilled if you are in intimate contact with Me in the process. No "orders to the universe" or other esoteric practices help, but only the intimate connection with Me and your good thoughts and the perseverance on your part. All will be well! Amen.


12 December 2022

Pre-Christmas activities

My children, very many worldly-minded people are engaged in pre-Christmas shopping, errands and other activities despite the cold weather in many places - and a rather tight budget. People don't want to have their Christmas taken away from them, despite often tight finances. Just think back to your childhood, My children: did your loved ones have much money for presents? Usually not, because what counted was giving and giving from the heart as a sign of love, joy and affection. Most of you still see it that way and I am happy about that, that it is a celebration of hearts and not of commercialism. All will be well! Amen. 


11 December 2022

The Third Advent 2022

My children, time seems to fly by, some of you say again and again when you speak to Me in intimate prayer and express wishes. The most frequently mentioned wish for Christmas is PEACE ON EARTH. And in the meantime, more and more people who have awakened and no longer allow themselves to be lulled by the public media are thinking in this way. A lot is happening on earth, but so far very little has come into public life lately. Much is still going on because a large part of humanity, if all the terrible deeds of the other side were fully revealed, would not believe it at all and would immediately suppress it, because what has no place in their consciousness is not looked at or listened to. That is why humanity is awakening in smaller steps to also understand what is being revealed. All will be well! Amen.


10 December 2022

The Healing Power of Drinking Water

My children, I have already told you many times about the healing power of water. Now I would like to go into it again in detail, because it is very important to use it. If it is possible for you, get as good water as possible. Some of you already use spring water or water that has been changed and purified by means of apparatus. But what is especially important, My children, is the blessing from Me for your water! You may bless the water in My name if you are in intimate contact with Me. Many of you say, "I bless this water in the name of the FATHER, the SON and the HOLY SPIRIT. Amen." This is permitted and approved by Me if you are intimately connected with Me and thereby your water is energised and blessed with My healing power. Sensitive people immediately feel the high vibration of the water. If you now consciously take sips of this blessed water and drink it, for example, with good thoughts, you will notice that your body reacts very well and quite quickly to it. In the case of severe aches and pains, it may take longer, as the old patterns and attachments must first be dissolved. All will be well! Amen.


9 December 2022

Inner peace wants to be lived

My children, every child of Mine who walks the path with Me by his or her side wants to feel inner peace ever more strongly within himself or herself and also live it. You are already practising this quite well in part, although it must be said that this is not always easy in this fast-moving world. But you are making every effort to realise this as well as you can. All will be well! Amen.


8 December 2022

People no longer put up with everything

My children, in many worldly-minded people a kind of resistance and also anger has now awakened and they are taking to the streets or protesting in other ways. Whether it is in Brazil or in the rest of the world, only in Germany is this still somewhat restrained. But if the German awakens - and the other side knows this very well - they can prepare themselves for something they are downright afraid of. The German is very peaceful and good-natured, but "when the bow is stretched too far", as they say in the vernacular, they know no more pardon. You, My faithful children, also soothe the souls of the people a little through your daily, voluntary good deeds, so that the change can take place more gently. All will be well! Amen.


7 December 2022

It is getting colder

My children, some of your meteorologists have predicted a cold winter. Well, of course this does not apply everywhere in Europe, but nevertheless it is a good indication to take another close look at whether you have everything important to get through the winter well. It is indeed often the case that many people do not have certain small items and when they want to buy them, they are out of stock or sold out.  My writing channel here has already told you something about this topic several times and I just told him to please do it again in his voice message. All will be well! Amen.


6 December 2022

Many children rejoice

My children, the 6th of December is the day in your latitudes when children are given presents and equally great children, I say, also rejoice in the presents, for it is taking on enormous proportions everywhere - with the presents. What do people really need? Well, in times like these, many people would like to leave cold regions and - as far as their purse allows - also like to spend the winter in warm climes. Even among you, My faithful children, cars, caravans or even mobile homes are in high demand, because having a so-called "Plan B" to quickly leave Germany, Austria or Switzerland if necessary is not only for worldly-minded people. As I said: There is nothing to be said against leaving your home country for the winter or even completely, if you really want to do this of your own free will and at the level of your heart. But there are also situations where another important reason comes into play: health! For this reason, some of you have already left your birthplace in order to recover in warm climes. Let's return to the initial topic: Just like on Christmas holidays, big and small children should not exaggerate their wishes, because deep in their hearts there is a longing for peace, tranquillity, health and security, which should actually be the most important wishes in order to achieve a change of thinking on earth more quickly. All will be well! Amen.


5 December 2022

A week full of events

My children, there are many events coming up this week. Both of a worldly nature and in the spiritual realm. But the other side is trying everything to prevent as much as possible and to suppress the publications. Nevertheless, some of it will come to light. Your daily good deeds, done voluntarily, will of course continue to help the light become stronger and stronger on earth. All will be well! Amen. 


4 December 2022

Many Germans are waking up

My children, due to the elimination at the "Bread and Games Event" and due to the extremely upside down world by the political actors, many Germans are now waking up from the artificial twilight sleep that the other side has cleverly kept alive. The mere fact that the control mechanisms via the TV media are no longer being watched because the disappointment over the elimination is so great helps in the waking-up process. You, My extended arms on earth, contribute your great share through your daily voluntary work. All will be well! Amen.


3 December 2022

The first weekend of December

My children, with the first weekend of December this year you are experiencing a change in the way many worldly-minded people think and act. Your daily good deeds of a voluntary nature are increasingly helping. All will be well! Amen.


2 December 2022

People are becoming impatient

My children, in this current situation that is happening in the world, many worldly-minded people are impatient and full of fears, because on the one hand they are having problems making ends meet and on the other hand they are looking anxiously into the future, regarding rising prices in many cases. Please remain calm, My children, whoever believes in Me and trusts Me is always protected and sheltered. All will be well! Amen.


December 1, 2022

December Energies

My children, the month of December, as I have already indicated to you, has different energies than was the case in November. They are partly of a harmonious nature, coupled with severe interjections. This means that there will be a lot of changes in world affairs, some of them in a rapid way. What and how much of it will immediately come to light depends on various aspects. However, since many worldly-oriented people also carry and feel the gentle Advent energy within themselves, it also has an influence on the overall energies of the month of December. All will be well! Amen.


30 November 2022

Why precaution is so important

My children, more and more people are making provisions now. Well, this is partly due to the public media predicting shortages, shortages and even power cuts. You, My faithful children, have known for a long time how important sufficient provision is in all areas and continue to do so. According to the wishes of the other side, a very intense shortage is to come, which will have great repercussions. But those who have made provisions for a long time will have an easier time. Electricity generators and methods of generating electricity are also "in high demand" among you and also among worldly-minded people who have invested appropriate capital for this. So it is quite possible to generate emergency power even in the case of a complete power failure. In southern Europe, however, this is much easier than in Germany or Austria. You have always had the choice, My children, of how you live, where you live and what you live on. Everyone should be happy according to his or her own wishes. That is why many of you have sought and usually found the way to a faraway place when it was no longer bearable in your home country - for whatever reason. All will be well! Amen.


29 November 2022

November ends soon

My children, this month of November is almost over. Many people could not cope with these special energies. The month of December will again bring other energies. However, try to flood the two days of November with good energies, because this will naturally have an influence on the month of December. Normally it is quite a stressful month for worldly-minded people, but this year everything is different. You, My faithful children, bring Me much joy through your voluntary good deeds in My vineyard. All will be well! Amen.


28 November 2022

Without distractions, many more people would have already awakened

My children, now that the great "bread and games distraction machinery" is running again, many more people allow themselves to be lulled and distracted than usual during Advent. But in general I would like to say on this subject that without television the worldly-oriented people would go crazy in very many cases and/or would not be able to do anything with their free time.  Since very many of you no longer watch any television programmes, only occasionally specific programmes - also on the internet, you know what I mean. Whoever has done the experiment that I recommended to you at that time - to consciously renounce the influence of the public media for some time - will hardly be interested in watching their lying propaganda afterwards. All will be well! Amen. 


27 November 2022

Sunday rest on the 1st Advent

My children, it is so common in your latitudes that there should be a rest on Sunday. Well, this time, when many people are not working, you should also use, if it is possible for you, to come even deeper into inner peace, so that you can continue to do so much good in a voluntary way, which man, animals and nature so urgently need - especially in the Advent season. All will be well! Amen.


26 November 2022

Why some do not want to wake up

My children, some of you are surprised again and again how naive and gullible and above all trusting worldly-oriented people in Germany and also other countries are and obediently follow and trust what their "political actors" say or apparently pass as "laws". Well, many of them symbolically do not want to wake up and really think that their "government" means well with them. Well, the propaganda via the public media very cleverly goes hand in hand with the deliberate subliminal manipulation via the public media. Be it television, radio, internet, newspapers or even from mouth to mouth. Hardly anyone dares to "step out of line", as you so beautifully say. But you, My faithful children, have known for a very long time that truth has a very hard time on earth and only those who trust Me completely are always protected and sheltered. Your daily heartfelt prayers, light transmissions and good deeds - of a voluntary nature - are therefore so immensely important, for if there is just the slightest spark of doubt about the subject matter with which the other side keeps worldly people in 'deep sleep', your subtle energies will reach these people and they can gradually wake up from this 'matrix trap'. Even people who are not normally open to such issues are noticing that more and more people are waking up every day. All will be well! Amen. 


25 November 2022

Raise your vibrations

My children, often it is only bearable for you if you raise your vibrations. By this I mean, for example, contact with friends, relatives or other worldly-minded people who have also allowed themselves to be pricked. You smell it and you feel it very well when you tune into it. These people are suffering a lot and your prayers often keep them alive or relatively healthy. Therefore, consciously raise your vibrations and together with My protective mantle over intimate prayer, you are well protected. All will be well! Amen.


24 November 2022

Prayers are balm for the soul

My children, in times like these, more and more people are finding their way back to Me, because they feel how helpful prayers with Me are and at the same time balm for the soul. Many bodies of worldly-minded people are now having problems because they have allowed themselves to be pricked. Now, if you join in prayer for these people, it has just as much resonance as a personal retreat and turning to Me. You see that prayers, heartfelt, always bring help and help to continue on the path of life. All will be well! Amen. 


23 November 2022

Protection and Blessing

My children, the worries and fears of the worldly-minded people around you should neither burden nor disturb you. Please do not let them influence you emotionally and mentally or even pull you down. You are protected and sheltered and are always under My protective mantle through intimate prayer. All will be well! Amen.


22 November 2022

An energetic day

My children, the 22nd of November is a very energetic day every year with a lot of energy flowing. You can use this very well, because today your energy is high and if you then do good full of joy - standing under My protective mantle over intimate prayer - it is even more effective than on many other days. All will be well! Amen.


21 November 2022

Please do not be distracted

My children, every day a great deal of news from all over the world flows to the people via the internet, television, radio or even newspapers, to name only the most important transmitters. Please do not let yourselves be distracted from your so important work, which you do with joy full of love and the knowledge that everything will be all right, in a voluntary way. Even big events like "Bread and Games" should not distract you. Your work is immensely important, My children. All will be well! Amen.


20 November 2022

A day for increased prayer

My children, today Sunday is very important in the Catholic Church. But for you, who know what is happening in the world, it is a good opportunity to intensify the many prayers of the people who are united with Me today, so that good can be done specifically. That is to say: You, My extended arms on earth, can do more good today through your voluntary work in My vineyard, through the help of the people who are praying today and through your targeted good deeds, everything that is going on in the way of good prayers will be directed in the right direction and will flow where it is needed for the benefit of all forms of life that are open and receptive to it. All will be well! Amen.


19 November 2022

Let good thoughts flow

My children, many people are totally overwhelmed at this time and tomorrow the great "bread and games distraction" will also begin for many in a targeted manner. Here, too, it is important to remain calm and to continue to let good thoughts flow worldwide through your voluntary work in My vineyard. You are not only doing important work, My children, but this is more valuable than anything on earth that man considers valuable - from a worldly point of view. All will be well! Amen. 


18 November 2022

Inner Purification

My children, it makes sense to once again carry out an inner purification now. This can happen in two ways: Through fasting and conscious nutrition or in a spiritual way through intimate prayer. Both are effective and good for your body. Most of you prefer spiritual cleansing now in this colder season. Surrender everything to Me once again in heartfelt prayer for purification and transformation that burdens and oppresses you. I will help you if it is done intimately enough. All will be well! Amen.


17 November 2022

It is not what it looks like

My children, many worldly-minded people literally no longer understand the world. Every day countless messages come and they no longer know what to make of them, let alone believe them. Well, you, My faithful children, know that there is a great plan behind everything and that you, My faithful children and also My worldly helpers are working together so that the light becomes ever stronger, even if there are occasional apparent setbacks, because the other side never gives up. That is to say: The struggle on a worldly level is currently in a critical situation for people's eyes. In reality, however, it is - similar to a chess game - that the lightful side always calculates 5-7 moves in advance how the moves will be made. It is not always as it looks or seems, My children. Therefore, please remain in your inner peace and continue to do your voluntary good deeds in My vineyard. All will be well! Amen.


16 November 2022

Every day it gets a little better

My children, even if it sometimes seems that things are getting worse on earth, this is not the case! It is hardly noticeable that it is getting a little better every day, as long as you, My children who are faithful to Me, do good in My vineyard every day, full of joy and in a voluntary way. All will be well! Amen.


15 November 2022

Your inner peace

My children, whatever may come on earth: You are protected and sheltered through intimate prayer under My protective mantle. Whoever now consciously stands under My protective mantle will also feel quite quickly how everything burdensome falls away and inner peace returns. All will be well! Amen.


14 November 2022

An extraordinary week

My children, the week ahead will be quite extraordinary. Many people will not understand and yet others will. Your daily voluntary work in My vineyard is again very important and supportive for all awakened people who need help of a spiritual nature. All will be well! Amen.


13 November 2022

Please go within yourselves

My children, today is also a busy day! Therefore, I recommend you to go into yourselves, to look for the inner centre and to do a lot of voluntary work in My vineyard today. All will be well! Amen. 


12 November 2022

Please do not get involved emotionally

My children, many worldly-minded people have no understanding - as most of you also do - for those people who wantonly block others, e.g. through certain malicious deeds, which I do not want to go into now. Many have built up extreme anger and hatred and I want to protect you from this, My children. Please do not get involved in these emotional things, because anger and hatred on the one hand bring you out of your inner centre and on the other hand the other side is happy that you then cannot work in My vineyard. Only when you are once again inwardly stable, My children. You know that ignorance does not protect you from punishment. This means: Even if these so-called "climate protectors" think they can accomplish something by force, the resonance will often come to them faster than they can imagine. All will be well! Amen.


11 November 2022

Another one of those days...

My children, today is another such intense day, when you should work as often as you can, voluntarily, in My vineyard. November is always filled with intense days and you can avert or at least mitigate much negativity through your diligence and voluntary work. All will be well! Amen.


10 November 2022

Your prayers help deep inside

My children, you will also notice in the next few days that your help, prayed so intensively in a voluntary way, also has an influence on a subtle and inner worldly level, because that is not where the other side comes to do harm. Also through the elections in Brazil and the USA and the deliberately uncovered manipulations there, very many people are waking up and standing up against injustice. You see, My children, how far-reaching your daily good deeds of a voluntary nature are in My vineyard. All will be well! Amen.


9 November 2022

Send much energy today

My children, for many worldly-minded people today is a seemingly normal day, as they know nothing of spiritual connections. On this fateful day for Germany, you should send much energy - not only for Germany - because there is much going on in the world. You, My extended arms on earth, may, if you wish, voluntarily work "overtime" today, so to speak. All will be well! Amen.


8 November 2022

An important day

My children, today is an important day for many people from a worldly point of view and that is why very many people are looking where it is happening. But you, My extended arms on earth, are strengthened in yourselves and can thus send energy and justice everywhere in the world, where it is urgently lacking, through your good deeds - in a voluntary way - so that these energies can be received by all people who are ready to receive them. All will be well! Amen.


7 November 2022

Pay attention to subtleties

My children, this week you should pay attention to subtleties and try to understand why things are going this way on earth right now. You, My extended arms on earth, are full of joy and strength and through this you also have the energy, from your inner centre, to do so much good every day in a voluntary way. All will be well! Amen.


6 November 2022

Stay strong!

My children, in many countries the so-called governments are trying to take away more and more rights from the people. This is especially the case in Germany. Stay strong, in your centre and centre yourselves on your voluntary good deeds in My vineyard, which are so immensely important! All will be well! Amen.


5 November 2022

Water is life

My children, it is important to drink enough water. But not all water is the same, as you know. You get water that is available to cells through intimate prayer with Me, if you strive for this intimately. Whether you hold it in a glass or a larger vessel in your hand when praying or hold your hands over it. Both are possible in order to receive My blessing and My healing power in your drinking water. All will be well! Amen.


4 November 2022

Laughter and stretching is healthy!

My children, you keep asking Me what is healthy. Well, laughing from the heart - without offending anyone - and stretching regularly! Just look at how big or long a cat can make itself when it stretches! Pay attention to what animals do when they can live freely. If you are happy and laugh lovingly, you are doing more for your health than you can imagine. All will be well! Amen. 


3 November 2022

Be creative

My children, again and again enquiries come about the intimate prayer, how strong the restrictions will be that are announced. Well, you have free will and can - as you know - avert or at least mitigate many things through your daily good deeds of a voluntary nature. Nevertheless, I recommend you to become creative and to bring out the abilities that lie dormant in you. For example, many of you can set up a stone oven to cook or bake. By planning ahead, you should also have enough water, food and all the things you urgently need for daily life, and have stockpiled them - and will continue to do so. The next period will not be very easy in some countries, but those who have made provisions need not worry so much. You are protected and sheltered under My mantle of protection through intimate prayer, My children! All will be well! Amen.


2 November 2022

Many people long for a great peace

My children, more and more worldly-minded people want to have peace within and without. That is to say: on their soul and heart level they have set a course towards peace and this is also reflected in the worldly sphere. As a result, more and more of them are becoming receptive to your voluntary good deeds - of a daily nature - which you send every day full of joy and confidence. All will be well! Amen.


November 1, 2022

November Energies

My children, the month of November starts off similar to how October ended. The other side continues to cheat and this is what you and all My worldly helpers are trying to stop. As far as the energies of November are concerned, they are divided into two. Whoever believes in Me and trusts Me will be constantly supplied with light-filled energies. But whoever does not do this will have a very difficult month, for the other side is once again offering everything it has to avert defeat. You, My extended arms on earth, make a great contribution to this with your voluntary good deeds of a daily kind. But I would also like to praise My worldly helpers who are tirelessly at work to uncover the misdeeds of the other side and bring them to light. All will be well! Amen.


31 October 2022

October comes to an end

My children, today is Reformation Day for some people, for others it is a pagan festival, the name of which you should not necessarily pronounce, and I gladly repeat it once again: from darkness onwards you should not go out of the house, if possible, and if you do have to, because, for example, your dog has to go out, then please only with a very strong protective cloak from Me over intimate prayer. As for worldly politics, this scenario will continue but will also bring some positive surprises. You, as My extended arms on earth, continue to do so much good every day through your voluntary good deeds. All will be well! Amen. 


30 October 2022

Time change and its effects

My children, after the strong burst of energy yesterday, during which many of you hardly slept and yet are fit and alert, today's time change to so-called "winter time" comes just at the right time for many worldly-minded people. They are allowed to sleep one hour longer and their bodies get back the normal "vibration" that was shifted by one hour by the so-called "summer time". Nevertheless, there are many problems adapting to "winter time", because people first have to get used to it, although many find it easier when changing to "winter time". You, My faithful children, also have slight adjustment difficulties from time to time, but your bodies are well prepared by Me in most cases. All will be well! Amen. 


29 October 2022

An energetic Saturday

My children, today is once again ideal for relaxing and storing up energy, because today very healing, repairing and healing energy is once again flowing to all people who believe in Me and trust Me. In addition, all birthday children are also being supplied with healing energy today - as part of their life plan. Whoever now of My children, who are faithful to Me, also wants to spoil other people with joy, may do good to them today and make them laugh and rejoice, for many people are in urgent need of this help. But do not tell them that and why you are doing it, because then the healing energy - within the framework of the respective life plan - cannot flow properly. All will be well! Amen.


28 October 2022

Just be yourselves

My children, it may sound surprising to some of you, but it is important, especially in such times as these, that you remain as you are. With all your love for Me, for your loved ones and also for all the people you can build it with - via the spiritual level. Many of you already manage not to be angry or mad at anyone on earth and to send My light energies every day to all life forms that are open to it. Every day there are many, many more people whom you reach ethereally through your daily light transmissions, prayers and good deeds, which you do voluntarily. All will be well! Amen.


27 October 2022

Think and act with foresight

My children, I know that many of you have been practising it intensively for quite some time: Thinking and acting with foresight. Not only in driving school do you learn that you should think and act with foresight. In daily life, too, it is always important to symbolically put together "fragments and snippets" that you have picked up, or read, or heard, to form a whole part, because, as you know, mathematics also finds its meaning here, because 1+1 is still two. In other words, when you hear, read or are told something, as a "fragment" or "snippet" of a whole text or otherwise, put it together with foresight. Some of you have wisely stocked up again this week on some of the foods that will soon no longer be available or which will at least be very expensive. This also counts as thinking and acting with foresight. Continue to remain in inner peace, My children! All will be well! Amen.  


26 October 2022

Things are looking up

My children, things are going up faster with you than with the worldly-oriented people. Many of you also feel that all those people who believe in Me and trust Me receive help more easily than worldly-minded people who have pushed Me far away. You also notice it, My children: It is approaching a certain climax where it can no longer be increased - from a worldly point of view. But you know that you are always protected and sheltered under My protective mantle if you are intimately united with Me. All will be well! Amen.


25 October 2022

When you cleanse and detoxify your bodies

My children, some of you are cleansing and detoxifying your bodies. You can imagine that this can also be accompanied by aches and pains. It is important to remain in close contact with Me and to give Me everything that you let go of from your heart through intimate prayer for transformation. All will be well! Amen.


24 October 2022

Pay attention to your diet

My children, especially in the present time it is important, on the one hand, to pay attention that you eat as consciously as possible and, on the other hand, also pay attention to how you can cook in times without electricity, for example. As far as conscious nutrition is concerned, the most important thing is that you are connected to Me in your heart and that your food is consciously blessed by Me through the intimate prayer of blessing and that you consciously chew it and ingest it. This is very important for your body and the process that is taking place in you at the moment. Many of you will eat less and still be full. All will be well! Amen.


23 October 2022

A varied week ahead

My children, in the coming week many things will take place and some of them will also come out into the open. As you know, many things are done in secret and therefore people do not know what is really happening on earth. You, My extended arms on earth, continue to be immensely important, for through your voluntary work in My vineyard much negativity has already been averted this year. All will be well! Amen.


22 October 2022

Power Consumption

My children, some of you are already looking closely at every appliance to see how much power is being used so that in an emergency you know exactly what can be turned off for a short time and what would be better left on when you use your emergency power. My writing channel here has already told you a lot about this topic and some of you have different emergency power options. It makes sense if you can afford it financially, because then in the event of a prolonged power cut, which is planned, there is still a way to supply the most important things with electricity. Here, of course, the south of Europe is usually preferred because there are more hours of sunshine per year. Nevertheless, it is also possible to get sunshine in German-speaking countries. The reason why I have chosen this topic today is that I have received a number of enquiries from you. All will be well! Amen.


21 October 2022

There will be much "hoarding

My children, also this weekend many people will go "hoarding" again, i.e. buying supplies in larger quantities. You, My extended arms on earth, have already done this for the most part over a longer period of time and thus naturally also received them at more favourable prices. I told you a long time ago that stockpiling is also like a kind of investment. You see, if you have started stockpiling early enough, you don't have to worry about overpricing now. Nevertheless, a large part of humanity is not prepared to make provisions and will have problems in this respect. All will be well! Amen.


20 October 2022

Some of you are in the preparation phase

My children, it is not only My writing channel here that is fiddling around with various "emergency relief" options, but also some others of you worldwide. It makes sense to have tried everything once, because when a time of crisis actually comes, you will be better prepared if you have already gone through such situations. All will be well! Amen.


19 October 2022

Healing Consciousness

My children, many people believe in Me because that is how they were brought up. But this faith in Me is only quite superficial. When they are in need, they suddenly remember again that I exist. But I am speaking here of your conscious thinking and acting, My children. Those who are intimately and deeply rooted with Me have a different consciousness of healing and love than a worldly-oriented person who has largely suppressed Me in life. Your consciousness includes subtle action and healing, so that you can also send help and sometimes healing to people who need help through intimate prayer with Me. This means: You, as My extended arms on earth, decide for yourselves whom you would like to help and in the intimate connection with Me, healing energy then also flows within the framework of what is possible. All will be well! Amen.


18 October 2022

Recharge your batteries through intimate prayer

My children, some of you have problems adapting to the new energies and are often weak and tired. Here the immediate envelopment under My protective mantle through intimate prayer helps. If you do not have time for this, you can also say several times in your mind "JESUS CHRIST IS VICTOR", which is then also sufficient. You will then immediately receive fine-material energy which you can immediately transform into the coarse-material. All will be well! Amen.


17 October 2022

An intense week is partly ahead

My children, I consciously say that an intense week is coming in part, for the worldly-minded people have their difficulties with the vibrational increases that you do not have as a rule. Whoever firmly believes in Me and fully trusts Me is under My protective mantle via intimate prayer. Those who don't will have an intensive week, because the energies that are coming are quite difficult for people who think in worldly terms to cope with or to absorb. All will be well! Amen.


16 October 2022

Sunday rest

My children, you should take advantage of this Sunday if you have the opportunity and come to complete rest. Whether it takes a few minutes or several hours is up to you. Today there is a suitable energy for this in all people who carry Me in their hearts. However, worldly-minded people might have problems with this high energy that all My children, who are faithful to Me, are so longingly awaiting. Enjoy this inner peace and gladly send it out into the world within the framework of your daily, voluntarily performed good deeds, so that people who have not yet found the path to Me again - but are open to it - can also receive it. All will be well! Amen.


15 October 2022

Are you prepared?

My children, again and again there is talk in the public media about a power blackout and worse. Most worldly-minded people cannot even imagine what it means to be without electricity for a few days. In Germany and many other countries, chaotic conditions would then already prevail - at least in part - and it would be associated with a risk to then leave the house / flat. Therefore, it is not only important to be well stocked, but also to be able to cope with such a crisis situation mentally. Such a scenario can still be averted, but if those who are in charge from the other side turn off the power, it will become bitterly serious. That is why it is so important that you, as My extended arms on earth, do so much good every day in a voluntary way. All will be well! Amen.


14 October 2022

They provoke the people

My children, the other side is now trying to start a big war after all with the most intense provocations. Look at what is going on in France. When something is scarce or rare, like fuel for cars in France at the moment, the prices go up on top of everything else. Gas pipelines are deliberately boycotted or damaged just so there are reasons for anger, hatred, aggression, etc. But the worldly-minded people do not want war, they rather want their old life back before the "pandemic". You, as My extended arms on earth, moreover, continue to be a bulwark of huge proportions against the other side as long as you continue to voluntarily do your good deeds full of joy and love in My vineyard every day. All will be well! Amen.


13 October 2022

Energetic Days

My children, there are energetic days coming up which can be perceived in different ways. Some may suffer from sleeplessness, others from physical aches and pains, and others again will only feel positive things. So if you place yourselves more under My protective mantle in the next few days, you will feel better. Just "living into the day", as worldly-oriented people very often do, is not the way My children, who are faithful to Me, go. All will be well! Amen.


12 October 2022

An up and down of feelings

My children, many worldly-minded people are experiencing an up and down of emotions in several ways. Be it greatly increased gas or electricity prices, or other injustices that are causing them great distress, or promised payments from the government that are still uncertain. What I am getting at, My children, is that what the government is celebrating is a playing with joys and fears. It can be compared to other "bread and games" situations that existed with the Romans. Every weekend at football, for example, is no different. It is distraction of the masses and often joys and sorrows are close together. You, My faithful children, have for the most part taken precautions and know much more about certain connections through My explanations. That is why it is so immensely important to always remain in tranquillity and from there to do your daily, voluntarily performed good deeds, which bring so much good with them. All will be well! Amen.  


11 October 2022

Letting go of old burdens

My children, now that in many countries of the earth, "C" is classified as a relatively harmless flu, many, of My children, are beginning to let go of old burdens and build-ups. You, My extended arms on earth, who in the vast majority of cases have bravely resisted the "prick" successfully, are now letting go of all that has accumulated and built up in and on your bodies in the last few years - since 2019. Some of you have back pain because the burden was symbolically on your back - others have flu-like symptoms, so that everything that was supposed to be released is now released. Just allow it, My children! Those of you who don't feel any symptoms now may not have let anything get to you or it will take a while before symptoms appear. As I said, don't worry about it. It has to do with letting go of old burdens and accumulations. All will be well! Amen.


10 October 2022

Cutting back is absolutely important sometimes

My children, especially in times like these, it is more than necessary to always listen to your body and to react accordingly immediately when there are signs that it needs a break or time out. Therefore, in many cases, taking immediate time off is the best option you can give your body. In such an extremely stressful time, where some days there is as much going on as there used to be in a month, the soul needs time out too, not just the body. As I said before, you should then consciously do only things that are good for you and above all drink a lot of blessed water and also sleep more if necessary. All will be well! Amen. 


9 October 2022

The body shows you what it needs

My children, many worldly-minded people are ill now - from their point of view. This means that in most cases the body needs rest and harmony. However, if it is related to the "pricks", it is often people's cries for help, because their souls are very often desperate. If you feel weak, tired or worn out, the body will also show this very clearly and make it clear to you that you should cut back and take rest breaks. Always listen to your body's signals and warning signs, My children. Often a time-out of a few hours to a few days is enough to recharge your "life battery". Plenty of blessed water and healthy things that you like will quickly help you to recharge your batteries. You can also positively support your subconscious with vibrational increases and say appropriate prayers or phrases. All will be well! Amen. 


8 October 2022

Urge for freedom

My children, more and more people are pushing out into the world and no longer want to be imprisoned. After having had many freedoms again this summer - from their point of view - they want to continue with it now. The only problem for them is that everything has become much more expensive and a holiday like before can hardly be financed. You, My extended arms on earth, are by and large satisfied with your financial situation, since you - in contrast to many worldly-oriented people - have always been thrifty and spent your money purposefully, have made regular provisions and: Always had and still have confidence in My helping angels who accompany you, who always guide you on the right path, if you allow it. All will be well! Amen. 


7 October 2022

When you wake up at night

My children, some of you have problems sleeping through the night. For no reason they sometimes wake up at night and then lie awake and are often quite tired in the morning. On the one hand, this has to do with the new October energies, but on the other hand, it is also due to the things that are happening in and on the world, because a lot is happening in secret. The best thing to do is to pray again and often get so much sleep energy that you quickly fall asleep again. All will be well! Amen. 


6 October 2022

More joy in life

My children, you know how important it is that you should go through life joyfully and full of inner and outer zest for life. If you laugh from the heart, rejoice and also always like to do good voluntarily, you will feel the good response to this in your own body. Those of you who are regularly down, who have aches and pains, should feel into yourselves what does not suit you, what makes you sad or angry, or where no work of forgiveness and healing has been done. Whoever is at peace with himself, radiates the joy of life and joyfully lives his life together with Me in a voluntary way, is free from these limitations. Every person has the choice himself how his life will be shaped. There is no coincidence! All will be well! Amen. 


5 October 2022

Listen to your innermost

My children, no matter what is supposed to be going on out there in the outer world: It is important for you to continue to focus and listen to your innermost being, for it is through the heart that I am connected to you. Continue to be at peace and voluntarily do your wonderful - so immensely important work in My vineyard. All will be well! Amen.


4 October 2022

Worldwide Healing Energies

My children, through your voluntary works in My Vineyard, which many of you do even more than once a day, a great amount of healing energies flow and are distributed wherever it is urgently needed. If any of you need healing and are not getting better, the karma that is hindering or slowing down the healing must first be dissolved. You are then welcome to speak to Me in heartfelt prayer about the subject matter that moves you and to hand over everything that burdens you step by step in heartfelt prayer to Me for transformation. All will be well! Amen.


3 October 2022

German Unity Day

My children, German Unity Day is being celebrated again in Germany and things are still intense in the world. Germany in particular is the main target of the other side, as you know, and therefore they are trying to bring it down to the ground. But since very many of My children, who are faithful to Me, come from German-speaking countries, there is also a spiritual bulwark here in this respect, together with many people worldwide who love and like Germany and pray for salvation. Of course, everything has also been decided here in the subtle realm, but in the gross there is still a battle going on. You, My faithful children worldwide, are in inner peace and can thus, as My extended arms on earth, do a great deal of good daily in a voluntary way. All will be well! Amen.


2 October 2022

October Energies

My children, the month of October naturally also has its very own energies and they differ very vehemently from September. October has always been a special month when something had to be decided. Even if it often only happened in secret, it had a great influence on world events there. You, My faithful children, have already partly felt how hard the new October energies are, compared to the quite gentle energies of the month of September in 2022. Nevertheless, you should continue to try to keep your inner centre, because from there you reach all the worldly-oriented people who are awakening and need your help to walk the spiritual path as it is important for them. Your help is, so to speak, a spiritual impulse for them that helps them. All will be well! Amen.


October 1, 2022

Test of strength

My children, October is often announced as a "red October" on the Internet. To what extent it will be "red" remains to be seen. You are doing so much in My vineyard through your immense voluntary work full of joy that so far it has always served as a bulwark against the machinations of the other side. If you continue in this way, much of what they are planning will not succeed. All will be well! Amen.


30 September 2022

An eventful month comes to an end

My children, the month of September was very eventful and October will also be. But through your daily voluntary work in My vineyard, much will be turned to good. All will be well! Amen.


29 September 2022

Today is a strong day

My children, with the power of the three Original Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael you can go through the day today. They will help you if you ask them for it. The intimate connection to Me is also present in the same way with all My angels who are faithful to Me, and that is why it is also so wonderful for all My children on earth who are faithful to Me to stand under My protective mantle and to defy the adversities of the other side and through your daily good deeds - of a voluntary nature - also to help your so immensely important contribution to the transformation on earth - towards the light-filled energy. All will be well! Amen.


28 September 2022

A good cohesion

My children, good cohesion is very important in times like these! Coming together is also a question of giving in and letting go. Even over long distances via telephone, internet, etc., such things are possible. Especially in times of crisis, a reassuring, encouraging or comforting word can also be very helpful. You, My faithful children, are partly privately networked, via the internet or also spiritually. All will be well! Amen.


27 September 2022

Peace always arises first in the heart

My children, as long as people do not have peace on the level of the heart, it will also not come about in worldly events as strongly as you hope. But through your daily, voluntarily performed good deeds and work in My vineyard, more and more people are awakening and feeling on the heart level what it means to have true peace. All will be well! Amen.


26 September 2022

Inner peace is a safe place

My children, you know how important inner peace is, especially in times of crisis like these. Maintaining this is an important tool to get through a crisis well on the one hand, and on the other hand to send strength and power through the voluntary work in My vineyard, when you pray there intimately, send light and do good. Everything is also always sent back to the recipient as resonance - in amplified form, as you know. All will be well! Amen. 


25 September 2022

Things are heating up

My children, as it has already been widely spread on the Internet, there is another battle between light and darkness. You, My extended arms on earth, are predominantly the spiritual helpers on earth, who out of inner peace - in a voluntary way - do such wonderful work in My vineyard every day and thus have a great share in the overall achievement of the light forces. All will be well! Amen.


24 September 2022

The Struggle Continues

My children, things are going high in the world! Between exulting in heaven and very sorrowful, it is often only a few minutes for some people. Only you, My extended arms on earth, who for the most part know what should be done, do it voluntarily and full of love - the heartfelt prayers, light transmissions and other good deeds - with the knowledge that all will be well, every day. Because: In the end, all will be well! Amen. 


23 September 2022

Free from fear

My children, there are very many rumours and also announcements. Only those who are free from fear can also do good in inner peace full of serenity and with the knowledge that all will be well. More and more of you are not allowing yourselves to be taken out of your inner peace and serenity. All will be well! Amen.


22 September 2022

It is boiling in many places in the world

My children, there is unrest in many places in the world. It is seething subliminally like in a volcano. Only you, My children who are faithful to Me, can prevent bad things from happening by voluntarily doing good every day all over the world full of joy and the certainty that help will be given. All will be well! Amen.    


21 September 2022

Be the calm in the midst of the storm

My children, this week is very stormy - in all respects and you, My extended arms on earth, should imagine how, despite the stormy times, you are the inner calm in the midst of these struggles. Your inner calmness also has an effect on all people who are connected on a wave line with all of you on a soul and heart level. Every day there are more and more people who recognise that only the path of the heart leads to Me. All will be well! Amen.


20 September 2022

Pricing Policy

My children, some of you have spoken in heartfelt prayer about the fact that you find this price policy in Germany difficult and that many people may have problems paying if it continues. Well, My children, I told you at an early stage how important it is to take precautions by gradually buying supplies, etc. Even now, many things can still be bought relatively cheaply, where it is foreseeable that the prices will go steeply upwards. Emergency generators and also combined devices that store electricity via solar panels are very popular. My writing channel here has already explained a lot about this in its voice messages.  As you know, if you wait too long, you often get nothing. All will be well! Amen. 


19 September 2022

Many things are possible

My children, a very heavy week is coming up and depending on how many of you do good in a voluntary way every day, much is doable in the sense of averting negative things. All will be well! Amen.


18 September 2022

What counts in life

My children, what really counts in life is that you find and go your way - in connection with Me at your side. Power and wealth are things of a material nature that My children, who are faithful to Me, do not want. Simplicity and a free life without coercion and oppression are much more valuable than all the trinkets and jewellery that are only important to people who think they are "important" or are becoming "important". Whoever is intimately connected with Me will always receive all that he needs as My child for life. Of course you are also allowed to have hobbies and pursue them, but the focus should always be on the 'here and now' and by carrying Me in the forefront of your heart you notice more and more how much less and less you are interested in the 'worldly life' which worldly-minded people like and live, because this has been very strongly manipulated by the other side and no longer corresponds to what you consider to be the part you need in order to be happy on earth. My children, I am very happy that you are managing more and more to renounce the whole worldly-oriented "game" and to behave as it says to you in your heart, with the supporting affirmation through your soul - in connection with Me on your heart and soul level. All will be well! Amen.  


17 September 2022

An intense weekend ahead

My children, once again it is an intense weekend that is coming up. You, My children faithful to Me worldwide, are full of joy and the knowledge that all will be well if you - in a daily voluntary way, - do your works in My vineyard and on the other hand everything is tried to further torment and enslave mankind. Please remain calm, My children! All will be well! Amen.


16 September 2022

Great commotions in many places

My children, if you were to go only by what is said and written in the worldly media, it is only a matter of time before the chaos is so great that there is no escape. Therefore, you should continue to bear in mind the following: As the saying goes, "The early bird catches the worm", timely stockpiling, which I have long recommended to you, is important. This refers to everything you urgently need. Many worldly-minded people are surprised that e.g. wood - and that includes pellets - has become so expensive. Well, if you think along with them and stock up in time, you will of course get a lower price in most cases than when everyone wants to buy. That's just the way it is in your system. It is possible to become self-sufficient, but for that you need certain things - in the present world. Far too few people look "outside the box" and live a preordained life - without thinking about how to get or strive for at least a relative freedom. You, as My extended arms on earth, have this freedom in spiritual form, which is also taking more and more shape in worldly ways. All will be well! Amen.


15 September 2022

It will be bunkered down

My children, not only you are diligently "bunkering down", but in the meantime also a larger part of the worldly-oriented people who have woken up due to strongly increased prices. Please remain in your inner centre, My children. All will be well! Amen.


14 September 2022

Water quality

My children, again and again you ask about the intimate prayer for the quality of water. Mostly it is not about you, but about your friends, relatives and acquaintances, for whom you also want pure water. Well, first of all, as I have told you many times, you should thank Me in heartfelt prayer for your blessed water or bless it in My name when you pray with Me. As for your friends, relatives and acquaintances, you are welcome to explain to them how to pray intimately. The important thing is that these people also want it from the heart. As far as the qualities of water are concerned, there are great differences! Pure spring water or blessed water from a spring, such as in Lourdes, naturally has a different energy than tap water, for example. But this too can of course be energised through heartfelt prayer and those who purify their water with an ozone device and/or produce hexagonal water, for example, already have great advantages as a result. Some of you produce hexagonal water and then thank Me in heartfelt prayer that it is additionally blessed. This very often results in intensive healing and cleansing processes in the body. So don't be surprised if you have to go to the toilet more often. Purification is important! Both inside and outside! All will be well! Amen.


13 September 2022

Healing Consciousness

My children, it is indeed inconceivable to most people how strong the power of a person's subconscious can be - in connection with his will and his deeply rooted faith in Me - when it comes to becoming healthy or staying healthy. However, one aspect must not be disregarded: The detachment and letting go of old burdens, which are or were very often the key to the aches and pains. Whoever continues to work on something despite the heartfelt prayers, light transmissions and shouts of victory, still has some old burdens to resolve. Especially in the present time, it is immensely important to let go of these old "attachments" and hand them over to Me through heartfelt prayer. Depending on the intensity, this can take a longer period of time. Know, My children, that with your daily good deeds you are doing much good for yourselves and also for many people who are ready to receive. All will be well! Amen.


12 September 2022

Many things will become more intense

My children, the month of September still has a lot to offer and many things will become more intense - both on the light side and as attempts on the other side, which you, My extended arms on earth, can avert or at least mitigate as far as possible. The month of September is particularly difficult this year. But fear is a bad companion and drags people down. That is why it is so important that you remain centred and do much good from your inner centre via the heartfelt prayers, light transmissions and shouts of victory in a voluntary way - daily. All will be well! Amen.


11 September 2022

There are days...

My children, there are days that are remembered. Such a day is 11 September 2001. Even today, many people know what they did on that day. Since the other side practices a cult of numbers, it was also that very day that they needed. You, as My extended arms on earth, do not need such a thing! You live in the here and now and are intimately connected with Me through intimate prayer, which includes the mantle of protection for you. More protection is not possible! All will be well! Amen.


10 September 2022

Things are changing

My children, politically things are changing now, but also worldly things are changing. When negative entities leave, something always changes on earth. The other side could not delay it any longer. The light is becoming stronger and stronger and the power of love, justice, joy, healing, confidence and many other things can no longer be stopped. That is why the other side is trying all its dirty tricks, My children! Whoever is under My protective mantle is protected and sheltered! All will be well! Amen.


9 September 2022

There are always solutions

My children, I have told you many times that there is a solution for everything, just as there are one or more plants that bring healing for all aches and pains. Many people are afraid that they will have to freeze in winter, that their electricity will go out, that they will not be able to pay it or that they will not have enough money for rent or food and drink. Well, what the worldly-minded people lack most is to go into self-control, that is, to take responsibility for their lives themselves, to stop consuming the sickening information that mainly comes through the public media and to finally also find their way back to Me, because I help all My children who are faithful to Me when they are intimately connected to Me. Each of My children, who are faithful to Me, receives inspirations and help. Be it during the day or also at night. Many of you have had problems in this respect from time to time, to understand and also to accept the help. Only those who are ready to let go can receive help. Remember this, My children! All will be well! Amen.


8 September 2022

What do you want to do?

My children, the bad news is piling up in Germany and there are threats of power cuts. Well, you have several possibilities to prepare yourselves for possible scenarios of this or similar kind. One possibility is to generate your own electricity, another possibility is to switch to a kind of "camping - savings - edition" by only living the simple life, and there is also the possibility of accepting everything like a "sheep being led to the slaughter". Because that is how many of you see this situation. Some have therefore also emigrated or live a relatively free-spirited life where you get by with simple means and without much expensive electricity. You see, My children: With these simple examples you see that man can decide for himself what he wants to do. If now the counter-argument comes: "But I have a family and a job"..., I gladly tell you again that I have been warning you for quite a long time and that you could have already taken other paths regarding your job. As far as your family is concerned, here too every adult person has the choice to go his or her own way. You know that it is a difficult time in which you live and that you are always protected and sheltered by Me - but nevertheless you must go your own way. All will be well! Amen.


7 September 2022

The sentience is increasing

My children, more and more people are becoming sentient, in the sense that they feel that something is happening on earth that was not there before. Also among you, My faithful children, the sentience of many has increased and with it the certainty of being able to do much good. All will be well! Amen.


6 September 2022

Letting go of old burdens

My children, many of you have already let go of large amounts of old burdens and feel much lighter and freer as a result. But what is very often still attached are the connections to parents, siblings and relatives. Especially there, there is often still a lot to be released. If you want to celebrate it now, you can do it as follows: "I now release myself from all attachments, promises, oaths and similar things from this or previous lives in relation to all the people who are close to me and where the law of resonance has brought me as a result. I forgive everything that has been done to me - in a conscious or unconscious way - and lovingly let go and hand it over to the FATHER for transformation. I ask forgiveness from all those I have harmed - in a conscious or unconscious way - and ask all the people concerned to forgive me and let go. I ask our beloved FATHER to transform this for us as well. Thank you, beloved FATHER! Your will be done now! Amen." If you pray and let go in this way or in a similar way, you will notice that something changes in you and also in the people with whom you were still energetically connected through the law of resonance. All will be well! Amen.


5 September 2022

Kind Words

My children, there is so much hatred, anger and negative energies scattered everywhere in the world. Every loving word and also every kind word is balm for the souls of people and every time you think or speak these words of joy, love and harmony, a great surge of energy goes over the earth. You, My children who are faithful to Me, then also send My energy of love with you on your journey, into all hearts that are ready to receive, for you are intimately connected with Me and My extended arms on earth. All will be well! Amen.


4 September 2022

A Sunday in September

My children, the first Sunday of this September of the year 2022 should mean a calm and harmony for you, for the adjustment to the new energies continues daily. With the calm and the knowledge that everything will go well, it is also easier for you and all awakened people to anchor the new energies internally and also externally. All will be well! Amen.


3 September 2022


My children, some of you and many of the worldly-oriented people are still having adjustment problems to the new energy that has been flowing on earth since September 1, 2022. If you are increasingly tired, in most cases it has to do with this, for example. But there will also be adjustments in the world in the near future. Be it because of high prices or many other things. Man can adjust if he has to - they say from a worldly point of view. Well, from a spiritual point of view, it is very often a process of change or an adjustment for meaningful reasons - even if it is only to be able to live better. All will be well! Amen.


2 September 2022

People are waking up faster

My children, thanks to rising electricity and gas prices, many worldly-minded people are now waking up from their "twilight sleep", because when it comes to their hard-earned money, even supposedly sleeping sheep turn into wolves. Pay attention to what is happening, My children. By the way, this is wanted by the other side! They want to get people on the streets so that they can intervene and pass stricter laws. Stay calm, My children. All will be well! Amen.


1 September 2022

September begins

My children, with the month of September also begins a greater disclosure. Much that has been kept secret is now coming to light. Thanks to you, My extended arms on earth, many positive things will happen this month. All will be well! Amen.


31 August 2022

The August Energies End

My children, with the last day of the month of August, these energies that have guided people through ups and downs also end. With the month of September a new energy and also power enters into the lives of all people on earth. Those who are now ready to allow and absorb this immediately will feel that it is also connected with an inner power that strengthens all people who are of good heart. A large number of these people are intimately connected with Me - consciously and also unconsciously. It will be quite intense in parts, but all My children who are connected to Me are always protected and sheltered. All will be well! Amen.


30 August 2022

Know that you can do many things

My children, I have told you many times that you need not be afraid of anything or anyone. If you pray fervently and stand under My protective mantle, you will be able to do good immediately from there. No matter where help is needed: You can voluntarily send help there at the speed of thought through your power of thought alone. This means: You, as My extended arms on earth, may help everywhere! Only what is possible within the framework of the life plan of the respective person who needs help will happen. There is no overdosing! All will be well! Amen.


29 August 2022

August is coming to an end 

My children, August 2022 is coming to an end with great strides. September is already dragging its hooves, to put it symbolically. You know what that means: the other side does not give up and continues to try to keep people under its control. You, My extended arms on earth, continue to be strong bulwarks against their seemingly mighty power, but know: My light and My love are the strongest energies of all and if you, as My extended arms on earth, send them out into the world every day in love and in a voluntary way with the knowledge that it will thereby become lighter on earth and it will flow everywhere where it should flow, the other side will never win. All will be well! Amen.


28 August 2022

Sunday Experiences

My children, many worldly-minded people use Sunday to do something together with their family or friends. But you, My extended arms on earth, connect the activities with spiritual events. This means: Even if you seem to be doing worldly things on Sunday, your heart and also your mind are constantly occupied with how you can do good and still spend the day from a worldly point of view, for example, to make your friends or family members happy. You see: No matter what you do, My children, if you have the right intention, you can do good everywhere - in a voluntary way. All will be well! Amen.


27 August 2022

Your freedom is important

My children, you regularly have the choice to continue living your freedom or to conform to the majority. There are more than 15 million people in Germany who are free from poisons through the inhuman injections. Many of the pricked are now waking up and realising that it was the wrong way to stay free and are refusing further poisons. Those of these people who now find their way to Me and sincerely ask Me for help and protection will also receive it, within the bounds of what is possible. For some of them, even the plan of life will change in this respect, since new tasks will come upon them through the change. All will be well! Amen.


26 August 2022

Power Play

My children, as you see and have also read in part, some politicians are trying to push through their "power games at kindergarten level". Don't get upset about it and please don't get involved in any discussions. It only harms your inner centre. Instead, go into yourselves more often, concentrate on your inner balance, enter into intimate prayer with Me and then, if you wish, do your voluntary good deeds of a daily kind. That is the very best thing you can do at the moment. All will be well! Amen.


25 August 2022

When people listen to their hearts

My children, far too many people are still lulled into a "twilight sleep" by the other side. However, the awakened people first hear the voice of their heart, even before their mind switches on, and instinctively feel that there is something greater than what they have been taught. Those who consciously listen to their hearts now will change their lives and also find their way back to Me. That is why it is so immensely important that you, My extended arms on earth, continue to do so much good every day full of love in a voluntary way. All will be well! Amen.


24 August 2022

Questions about questions

My children, again and again the most varied questions come to Me from you about intimate prayer. Well, I will now answer a few questions: Yes, it is planned to keep Germany very small and to ruin the people financially. That is why some of My faithful children have already emigrated or turned their backs on Germany. Nevertheless, everyone continues to pray that your country will rise again. As far as gas and electricity prices are concerned, this scenario has also been planned for a long time in order to bring people to their knees. Never forget how vicious the other side can be and moreover has no scruples. Nevertheless, it is important for My children, who are faithful to Me, not to repay like with like, but to forgive, to let go and to know that everything is regulated by the law of resonance. How can you escape a financial disaster? Well, if you live in a house or flat for rent that is heated by gas or electricity, you can try to see if your landlord will allow you to install a wood-burning stove. This can greatly minimise costs. Many are thinking of moving, or as My Writing Channel has so rightly said in its voice messages here, that there are thoughts of emigration and the possibility of wintering in southern climes. Something will happen in the near future - one way or the other. Depending on how far the people awaken. Prepare yourselves for the fact that there may be shortages of various kinds, and those who have not made provisions then will have problems if necessary. Bottlenecks can also occur in other countries, to answer this question as well. However, the main point of attack is on Germany and possible neighbouring countries - but in a mitigated form. All will be well! Amen.


23 August 2022

Prayers for Peace

My children, once again it is extremely important in the world that as many people as possible pray for peace. You, as My extended arms on earth, guide these prayers subtly by focusing these good deeds through your daily voluntary work in My vineyard, with the help of the assigned angels, and sending them precisely where they are needed. All will be well! Amen.


22 August 2022

An intense Monday

My children, today is another one of those days when a great deal will happen if not enough worldly-minded people wake up and help, consciously or unconsciously, to do good. This week will present some more surprises if not enough people, as I have already said, wake up and feel that the path they have been following so far was not the right one for them - from the point of view of the spiritual world. But since thousands of people worldwide are waking up every day from the artificially created "Sleeping Beauty sleep", there is a good possibility to avert a lot of what is planned by the other side. By voluntarily placing yourselves daily under My mantle of protection through intimate prayer and doing good, you are always protected and sheltered, My children. All will be well! Amen.


21 August 2022

Respond to each other

My children, in the family circle or also in the relatives, with friends or also with work colleagues, it is important that you respond to each other and if necessary also try that everyone gets along with each other.  It's not always easy, especially when women have their periods and this can cause several problems. Especially in the family, it is good to have a place of retreat. There are always ways and means to find a solution. Everything will be fine! Amen.


20 August 2022

Purification and detoxification of the body

My children, again and again you receive requests for detoxification and cleansing of the body through intimate prayer. The possibilities are so manifold that it would go beyond the scope of a FATHER'S WORD. My writing channel here will explain a few things to you. But the most important thing, My children, is that you do good daily in intimate prayer with Me in a voluntary way and nourish yourselves as well as possible and drink blessed water, which you receive from Me through intimate prayer. All will be well! Amen.


19 August 2022

Radiate joy

My children, man in general should radiate much more joy than he does. Some of you, My children, think of this very often, but some of you, forget it, because you have your "head full of other things", as they say in the vernacular. That is to say: whoever now radiates joy more consciously in public life will get it back as a resonance in some form or other. All will be well! Amen.


18 August 2022

Helpful and quick

My children, no matter how bad things may look on earth: Through the heartfelt prayers there is helpful and quick help for all people who pray to Me and with Me in emergency situations. So if you are ever asked why you are doing so well and why you receive help relatively quickly in most cases, you can say that you have absolute trust in Me and that every person who prays intimately to Me also receives help - within the framework of what is possible for him, as a human being. All will be well! Amen.


17 August 2022

Go according to your feeling

My children, not only in eating and drinking should you go according to your feeling, but also in most things of daily life. As far as food is concerned, many people refuse to eat anything in the evening, even though their stomachs growl. Well, if your stomach tells you that the body is hungry, you should follow it, but in small quantities and well chewed. It is a good idea to drink a glass of water first and then wait a few minutes. In many cases, the stomach will then no longer growl so intensely and a small amount of food, well chewed, will make it very happy and allow you to sleep better than with a constant feeling of hunger. This example shows that it always works in small steps or quantities - but with feeling. All will be well! Amen. 


16 August 2022

You get everything you urgently need

My children, in times like these it is not always easy to get all that your body needs. Therefore, you may gladly ask Me in heartfelt prayer that I beam into you everything ethereally that you need at this time. You may repeat this intimate prayer with Me in love every day. All will be well! Amen.



15 August 2022

Assumption 2022

My children, today is again a special day for all Christians in the world. Mary is always united with all My children who ask intimately for help - not only in matters of the heart. Today it is also very important again that you, full of joy and inner harmony, do your voluntary good deeds in My vineyard, for these are very delicate days coming upon humanity. Much can be averted if My children, who are faithful to Me, continue to do good deeds so lovingly and joyfully. Many people are also waking up daily from their 'twilight sleep' into which the other side had artificially put them - through targeted influencing and programming via corresponding programmes and suggestions. Whoever trusts Me and carries Me in the forefront of his heart is always protected and sheltered, My children! All will be well! Amen. 


14 August 2022

Your bodies need water

My children, on warm summer days when you sweat a lot, it is important to drink enough water and also to wash off the sweat as much as possible. Many people are then quite comfortable in this respect, as they are supposed to save water and therefore also think that they don't have to wash. Well, it also works with a flannel or a cloth. Your bodies should feel that you are providing them with plenty of water, preferably blessed water. A lack of water is something that the body does not like. Many of you have stored enough food supplies as a precaution, but in many cases still too little drinking water. Please remember to replenish this, as it can become vital in some areas or countries. All will be well! Amen.


13 August 2022

Enjoy the summer

My children, enjoy the warmth of summer once more, for in a short time the holiday will be over for many and also the so-called holiday joy, which does not want to arise in most people on busy days. But everything is created in the mind, my children. Every person decides for himself whether he wants to allow a holiday feeling - or not. Holiday mood is relative. That means: even in a 15-minute break you can relax, close your eyes and indulge in a holiday mood for that time. The body adapts. So of course you can also focus on holidays and relaxation in your free time in the evening or at the weekend. By the way, many more people around the world are already doing this than you think, My children. Inner peace is absolutely important and always helps you to do exactly the right thing - with Me by your side. All will be well! Amen.


12 August 2022

Joy radiates from within

My children, when you are at peace with yourselves, you also feel joy radiating from your innermost being. Whoever now shows this joy and also sends it along subtly in intimate prayer, thereby also makes a further great contribution to the daily healing process on earth. All will be well! Amen.


11 August 2022

Many things happen in secret

My children, I have already told you many times that many things on earth do not reach the general public, or only very rarely, because many things happen in secret. This also applies to many things on worldly television or the Internet. In order to understand what is really going on, you would have to be able to look behind the facades or get information as it sometimes leaks out through some channels - mainly on the internet. Therefore, do not worry too much about it, My children! You are protected and sheltered under My mantle of protection through intimate prayer. All will be well! Amen.


10 August 2022

The inner strength

My children, many of you cannot imagine how strong the inner strength is in each of you when you think of something good or do something good. Consequently, of course, it is also correspondingly intense when you - resting in your inner centre - full of love and joy, - in a voluntary way, - work in My vineyard. All will be well! Amen.


9 August 2022

Protection for House and Ground

My children, by special request, today I am once again going into the subtle protection for house and land, or flat. You are permitted to ask Me in heartfelt prayer that you may have a subtle Faraday cage erected around your house and ground or flat. You may renew this protection daily, through intimate prayer as thanksgiving. In the same way, as I said, this is also possible with the car.  Especially in times like these, it is very important that you always place yourselves under My protective mantle through intimate prayer. All will be well! Amen.  


8 August 2022

An energetic day

My children, today every person who voluntarily and intimately connects with Me can receive many energies, because August 8 is an energetic day. The other side knows this too, of course. This means: Under My protective mantle you are protected and sheltered, My children. All will be well! Amen.


7 August 2022

You are My lighthouses

My children, in your worldly media it is partly openly said that the coming winter in Germany and also in Austria could become a winter of crisis and that what is still normal now can no longer be so. There will be shortages of all things. Some of you have asked Me in heartfelt prayer what you should do then in Germany or Austria? Well, first of all, you are My extended arms and lighthouses on earth. That means: I work through you - without interfering with your free will. I told you soon enough that you should stock up abundantly with everything you need for a longer period of a few weeks. Through your daily voluntary work in My vineyard and thereby also as My extended arms and symbolic lighthouses, in times of crisis you will naturally also be a point of contact in one case or another for people who need help. My children do not fight with worldly weapons, but with the power of love, the spirit and the inner bond. In case of danger you may always call upon the Original Archangel Michael and he will stand by you. Know, My children, that many scenarios that may come can be partly or completely averted if, in addition to your daily voluntary work in My vineyard, many worldly-minded people awaken and help - in their own way. The other side tries to create chaos, war and other negative scenarios with all their might, because that is what they live on. But you, My children faithful to Me, remain in inner peace and all their attacks bounce off My protective mantle if you regularly place yourselves above the intimate prayer underneath. All will be well! Amen.


6 August 2022


My children, every human being needs energies regularly. Many people know this. But the other forms of life are also dependent on energies. Especially now, in these partly difficult times, it is important that you regularly increase your energy level, refresh it or keep it constantly high. This can be done, for example, through intimate prayer with Me in a place where it pleases you or does you good. A walk in the forest, listening to soothing music, relaxing in other ways or even sleeping will also help you to increase your energy or keep it constantly high. All will be well! Amen.


5 August 2022

Sabre Rattling

My children, as you can see, there is a lot of "sabre rattling" going on at the moment. A kind of trial of strength with the Word. However, there may also be clashes of other kinds. That is why your daily good deeds, done voluntarily, are so immensely important, because as you know, you are also a kind of "bulwark" against the attacks of the other side, through your work in My vineyard. All will be well! Amen.


4 August 2022

Things are going very well on earth

My children, in the worldly media you get to see the situations exaggerated and blown up, if you get involved in these news with which the worldly media want to keep people in fear and terror. Of course there are things going on on earth, but not in the way they are propagated. That is why I say it once again quite clearly: The more excitement or unrest there is on earth, the calmer you should be - with the certainty that you are safe in My arms. All will be well! Amen.


3 August 2022

When the weather makes you powerless

My children, some of you, just like many worldly-minded people, are powerless when it is hot for a long time. This is often because you do not drink enough water and have lost too many minerals etc. through sweating. I have already told you that in heartfelt prayer with Me you can get everything you need. But this is often forgotten or not done intensively enough, so that your bodies feel weak and tired. The next point is too little sleep. Give your body the sleep it needs and you will see that it recovers quickly. There are many more reasons for this, but these two are the most common. All will be well! Amen.


2 August 2022

Distractions everywhere

My children, there are always distractions being created everywhere in the world to divert attention from important issues and things. On the other hand, My worldly helpers out there, who do physical work, also have to do with clearing up work and often you don't even know at first whether it came from the other side or it was My worldly helpers, because this swamp of lies is also being drained on earth. You see, as long as you are in your inner centre and intimately connected with Me, you know what is good for you and what you can also do good - in a voluntary way - in My vineyard. All will be well! Amen. 


1 August 2022

August Energies

My children, the month of August is, as I have already indicated to you, burdened with a heavy load. There are partly very destructive energies in this year - but also an ever increasing portion of light, which you increase through your daily good deeds in My vineyard. As I said: A trial of strength is taking place and whoever goes to Me intimately through prayer and trusts Me completely, is protected and sheltered - within the framework of the plan of life. All will be well! Amen. 


31 July 2022

July 2022 ends

My children, the unusual, partly very hot July of the year 2022, ends today. Tomorrow begins a month that will be very marked by many things that collide. I do not want to unsettle you and consciously tell you once again: Due to free will, many things that were originally planned are partly or completely avertable. You, My children who are faithful to Me, are largely responsible that nothing worse has happened on earth so far, because your voluntary good deeds - in a daily way, - have been a guarantee that the other side could not realise their "dreams" and "ideas" in the way they would have liked. August will become a great challenge, because there is a direct duel between light and darkness. Please remain in inner peace and no matter what happens: Thanks to you, the light will remain strongly anchored on the worldly plane and will also expand as more and more people awaken and realise what is happening on earth. All will be well! Amen.


30 July 2022

Do not forget to drink water

My children, you, My faithful children, keep to a large extent to drinking more water than other beverages. With the worldly-minded people it often looks different. Alcoholic drinks or those with ingredients that are anything but healthy for the body - and then often drunk ice cold - have priority there. You can certainly imagine that this can have an effect on the body. Therefore, I recommend you once again: Please set a good example for your children, grandchildren or relatives when you see each other regularly and drink enough water. The body sweats a lot in these sometimes quite high temperatures and so you not only lose water through the skin, but also minerals, vitamins, trace elements and much more. If you now energise the water that you want to drink with Me in heartfelt prayer, you will automatically get everything into the water that your body needs. You see, whoever believes in Me, trusts Me and voluntarily walks his path of life with Me by his side, will be provided with everything that is needed - within the framework of the plan of life. All will be well! Amen.


29 July 2022

An up and a down

My children, today for many people it is a spiritual up or also a spiritual down, because the events in politics are not always easy to interpret. That is to say: some want to force a war and others want to prevent it. That is why your voluntary good deeds in My vineyard are so important, My children! All will be well! Amen.


28 July 2022

Things are getting rough

My children, I have already told you that very little of what happens on earth is immediately made public. Nevertheless, many people who are sensitive and sensible feel that something is happening. The light is getting stronger and the other side is still trying to use dirty tricks. However, since you are sending such pure energies daily in a voluntary way through the heartfelt prayers, their machinations will still come to light little by little in small or even larger "crumbs". All will be well! Amen.


27 July 2022

Holiday pleasures and holiday stress

My children, the worldly-minded people still treat themselves to a summer holiday to a large extent, despite austerity measures, and in addition to holiday joys very often have more stress than they would like. Be it when trying to fly on holiday or otherwise. You, My faithful children, see it all from a different perspective and plan your holiday - if it is to go somewhere else - with Me in advance through intimate prayer and are thus on the safe side. Your heartfelt prayers - also for your fellow human beings, have already borne fruit, My children. All will be well! Amen.


26 July 2022

Exciting time

My children, this week can be exciting for many people - but also sad or intense - depending on how you see and portray it. You, My extended arms on earth, in most cases only see the good things in life and fade out the negative, because this you transform as best you can, in intimate prayer with Me. This means: Through your good view of things, nothing negative can stick or dock to you and so you are free to do your voluntary good deeds daily full of joy and love. All will be well! Amen.


25 July 2022

It Continues

My children, as the previous week ended, so the coming week continues. That is to say: Your voluntary good deeds continue to be absolutely important and continue to help to keep the other side in check on the one hand and to send much light on and into the earth on the other. This week it is going to be very high once again, My children! You will notice this energetically in most cases. Please remain in inner peace. All will be well! Amen.


24 July 2022

In tranquillity

My children, many people long for their - from a worldly point of view - rightful rest on Sunday. It is indeed the case that, as a rule, people live differently on Sundays than on weekdays. You, My faithful children, see all 7 days of the week predominantly as energetically the same and do your voluntary good deeds on every day of the week full of joy. Of course, on Sunday you can often relax well and, in addition to the inner peace, often enjoy the outer peace as well, because there is less hustle and noise in many areas. My children, if you want to enjoy the peace - no matter on which day, connect with Me through intimate prayer and use the opportunity I have given you. All will be well! Amen.


23 July 2022

When people are hungry

My children, the other side tries with all its might to drive worldly-minded people into a situation in which more and more rights are to be taken away from them little by little - up to absolute dependence. Those who refuse will also fall into a kind of famine as a result if it is not stopped. You, My faithful children and extended arms on earth, have made provision and know how to get help. But anyone who believes in what the other side propagates will soon realise that it is a dead end from which escape is becoming increasingly difficult. They now state their goals more and more openly and no longer conceal so much. Therefore: Whoever opens his eyes can see and recognise what is being planned. Why I tell you this is because although you know many things and also do good in a voluntary way every day, you often do not take the other side seriously enough. Prepare yourselves for this in addition to your daily good deeds, because then it can also be averted. All will be well! Amen.


22 July 2022

All is not as it seems

My children, remember: it is not as it seems at first sight, for the other side has good actors in its ranks. Both in politics and on television or in other high positions. Remain in your inner centre, make sufficient provision, connect with Me daily in a voluntary way and you will always be guided and led correctly - as far as you allow it. All is well! Amen. 


21 July 2022

People continue to wake up

My children, when the worldly-minded people are cornered too much and you want to get at their hard-earned money, very many of them wake up and no longer understand the world! From their point of view, far too many negative things happen for an otherwise calm and harmonious summer time. They are for the most part irritated and angry at the same time! The public media continue to try to steer it so that the author is not to be found with German politicians. But this tide will also turn if enough pressure is built up from secular people. Your voluntary good deeds will help to calm things down on the one hand, and on the other hand, clarification will come to light. To what extent depends on how far people wake up in the near future from the cleverly arranged "Sleeping Beauty Sleep" that the other side has cleverly created - through targeted manipulations and the influence of the public media. All will be well! Amen.


20 July 2022

Upsets everywhere

My children, all over the world many people are in a state of great excitement and a certain restlessness. In Germany because of the gas scenario, which can lead to further problems, in many countries because of the restrictions that are already there or can still come, and above all because of this uncertainty as to how things are to continue politically on earth. Well, whoever believes in Me and trusts Me completely always has My protective hand over him through intimate prayer. You know, My children, that the time is very delicate and you do so much good in a daily way through your voluntary good deeds. All will be well! Amen.


19 July 2022

Take care of your body

My children, in these fast-paced times, people hardly eat and drink properly. Everything often has to be done quickly by worldly-minded people and so the body has great difficulty with digestion, but also with coping with the day. You, My children who are faithful to Me, try, as I have already recommended to you several times, to salivate your food and chew it consciously. Furthermore, in most cases you also pay attention to your body, because through this you also notice quite quickly whether it is healthy and well, or not. For those of you who have problems with movement, I recommend that you mentally visualise yourself moving in joy and harmony. This should be a regular part of your daily routine, and in this way injuries or limitations can be improved, even healed. All will be well! Amen.


18 July 2022

New strength for an intense week

My children, again you are facing a very intense week with some decisions. The so-called "politicians" are trying everything to subjugate, keep down and frighten humanity. Your daily voluntary good deeds in My vineyard will be a bulwark against this, for if this were not the case, they would have an easy time of it. But this way it will remain exciting on earth and because more and more people are awakening from their "slumber", the other side will be pushed back step by step. You know this with some animal species: if you corner them, they have no choice but to attack. Humanity is in such a situation, thanks to your help, My children. Without you, who do good every day in a voluntary way, the other side would have had an easy game. All will be well! Amen.


17 July 2022

Recharge your batteries

My children, today is a good opportunity to fill up a lot of strength, because whoever is intimately connected with Me today through prayer and thus also stands under My protective mantle, can very well fill up his body's own inner "tank" today with everything it needs for life. Cleansing of aches and pains can also happen wonderfully today - within the framework of the respective life plan. All will be well! Amen.


16 July 2022

A weekend of a special kind

My children, the weekend that now lies before you, or in which you are now involved, has an unusual energy. For people who walk the spiritual path and protect themselves accordingly and do good, it will be a pleasant weekend. But those who only live, think and also act in a worldly way can encounter many a difficulty. Since you, My extended arms on earth, are reading this now, you will of course to a large extent also pray for your loved ones and also ask for their protection. Of course, this has an influence within the framework of the respective life plan. All will be well! Amen.


15 July 2022

Holiday Problems

My children, many of the worldly-minded people who have received their pricks will have their problems of various kinds on holiday if they are not connected with Me or at least think of Me. That which rumbles around in their bodies, or even quietly, can very quickly turn negative, because many of these people get problems with high temperatures if they are not used to it. Motorways can also pose certain risks at the height of summer if said people are travelling in cars. Therefore, if you also want to go on holiday, you should always place yourselves under My mantle of protection through intimate prayer, for this is the only way to ensure protection within the framework of your life plan. If you join in prayer for the above-mentioned people, then a certain protection may be present, My children. This is also one of the reasons why often close relatives and friends of yours, for whom you pray regularly, are still doing so well, although they have voluntarily had these substances injected into their bodies. All will be well! Amen.


14 July 2022

You have the power

My children, every day more and more worldly-minded people are awakening and realising that what is going on on earth is not supposed to be like this. Many are going into personal resistance or boycott and this will also be reflected in the labour market. You, My faithful children and extended arms on earth, have the power within you to reach all worldly-oriented people subtly through your voluntary work in My vineyard, who have found Me again in their hearts. All will be well! Amen.


13 July 2022

Enter into Silence

My children, if the temperatures are too high, you can either go into the shade or look for a cooler place in the house/apartment or in the cellar to go into silence and pray intimately with Me. In the meantime, many of My children who are faithful to Me are already doing this, and this is also a partial aspect of the fact that it is still quite peaceful on earth. All will be well! Amen.


12 July 2022

Heat and water

My children, in many countries it is, or will be, really hot now and so it makes sense to drink enough water. Not too cold, it is best for the body to process, but some of you can only have cool drinks in the height of summer - as can a large part of the worldly-minded people. If it is blessed by Me and you sip it, it is best for your body to use. Sufficient quantity should also be observed. Remember, My children: If a person seems to have a feeling of hunger, it is usually a lack of water, which should be compensated for as quickly as possible. All will be well! Amen.


11 July 2022

Energies flow constantly

My children, many of you feel that there is something different around you. The energies you feel also help you to stabilise, detoxify and cleanse your bodies. In other words, listen to your bodies and allow yourselves time off when your body asks you to. The energies within you and around you are constantly in motion and many things that seemed old-fashioned are now changing. There may be an increased need for sleep or an interest in spiritual things that were previously treated stepmotherly, to name just two examples. Stay connected to Me in heartfelt prayer and I will guide you in the way that is best for you. All will be well! Amen.


10 July 2022

This week will be very emotional

My children, the week ahead will be very emotional in many areas. It is best for you to retreat as often as you can to your inner centre through intimate prayer, for it is from there that you can best do good. Your voluntary work in My vineyard is once again very important this week and many of you are already feeling this. All will be well! Amen.


9 July 2022

There is much going on

My children, there is much going on in your streets and also in general. Please be careful and always wrap yourselves under My protective mantle over intimate prayer. There is much moving about - literally. Purchases to stock up are also being planned by many people. All will be well! Amen.


8 July 2022

Cash payments 

My children, I have advised you many times to pay for everything in cash as far as possible, because cash is freedom! Card payments can be traced on the one hand and on the other hand they can be used for control, statistics and surveillance. The other side is once again trying everything to enslave people and this includes cashless payments. Most of you use cash for the most part and only pay by card or bank transfer if there is no other way. All will be well! Amen.


7 July 2022

Enjoying holiday pleasures

My children, the month of July is for many people the holiday month par excellence. Therefore, it is of course clear that even the worldly-minded people would like to enjoy their much longed-for holiday after the restrictions of the last few years. Nevertheless, I recommend paying attention to the political situation in one's own country and, if necessary, also in the holiday destination or the countries through which one may have to pass. I advise against flying. My children, who are faithful to Me, know exactly that they are protected and sheltered and can listen to their hearts as to where a holiday can take place and where not. Many of you stay at home or in the immediate vicinity, My children. Camping", as I would like to call it, is also becoming more and more popular. Some of you now live in countries where things are less strict than in Germany or Austria and some of you have a more or less "permanent holiday feeling" throughout the year. I am happy if you live where you like it on the one hand and where it has led you on the other hand - for whatever reason. All will be well! Amen. 


6 July 2022

Remain in your peace

My children, the days ahead are partly very emotional, upsetting, rebellious - but also soft and gentle. Please remain in your inner calm, for in this way you will keep the overview and inner serenity concerning your life. In this way you can continue to work in love with the knowledge that you have a great share in what good is happening in the world, since you continue to do good voluntarily in My vineyard. All will be well! Amen.


5 July 2022

When the weather drains you or wears you out

My children, I have received from you in heartfelt prayer the questions regarding this and since several of My children would like to know, I gladly go into this subject today. The hot climate is not bearable for everyone. It makes sense to use the shade or go indoors as often as possible. Those who feel exhausted have usually sweated a lot and taken in too little water and minerals. It is enough if you pray with Me and then ask for the optimal energisation for your body through the water that you take in, preferably in sips. You will then notice relatively quickly how your strength and energy return to you. Drink plenty of water - blessed water if possible - and you will notice that you get a feeling for what and how much is good for you and when you should rather take breaks or time out. All will be well! Amen.


4 July 2022

A special day

My children, today is not only a special day for all well-wishers and birthday children, but also for all those people who are intimately united with Me in their hearts, for your love for Me is reflected especially strongly today and sent out into the world. Regardless of said holiday in the USA, it is a very powerful, energetic day that is also especially important to hold off all that the other side had planned for today. All sentient children will feel today what it means to be flooded with high energies, if they allow it. The light is getting stronger and stronger, My children. All will be well! Amen.


3 July 2022

A powerful Sunday 

My children, today is a powerful Sunday for all My children who are faithful to Me, if they are intimately united with Me. Today much healing energy is flowing, which you can also gladly let flow into your voluntary daily work in My vineyard, if you wish. For many, this time is like a "calm before the storm", for even worldly-minded people sense that something is brewing. Well, how strongly the forces can clash depends on the free will of many people. For you, My children, who time and again place yourselves under My protective mantle through intimate prayer, it is important to know that your voluntary good deeds have such an immensely great influence on world events - much stronger than you can imagine. There are also still things that can be averted that are hanging in the balance. All will be well! Amen.



2 July 2022

Enjoy the beautiful sides of the month of July

My children, if it is possible for you, enjoy the beautiful days and sides of July, for other days will come. Many people are on holiday now and want to enjoy it. For fear that something could happen abroad on holiday, many people prefer to stay in their own country and often not too far from home. I already told you that there are also those who prefer to go far away. But, as I said, holidays by plane involve certain risks. Listen to your inner self and feel whether you want to travel or stay at home. There is a strong power in peace and perseverance, and those of you who voluntarily work in My vineyard every day full of joy will immediately feel what is good for you and what you should rather leave alone. You are all guided and led. Nevertheless, it is still your free will that is decisive. All will be well! Amen.


1 July 2022

Summer with mixed feelings

My children, summer has now arrived in July and presents itself with many ups and downs and highs and lows. You would do well to avoid large gatherings and, as always, do your wonderful work in My vineyard voluntarily.  Of course you are welcome to cool off outside if it is too hot for you, but I recommend that you avoid public facilities such as baths. A small pool in the garden or on the terrace will also do the job. There will be many more problems this month if people don't finally wake up in larger numbers and stop putting up with the politicians' "leading them around by the nose". All will be well! Amen.


30 June 2022

June comes to an end

My children, with the last day of June, these energies also come to an end. July awaits you with summer heat in many areas, but also with wetness and cold in the regions where it is now winter. July will be different in terms of energy and many people will be happy about this, because this energy is often easier to bear than that of June. But this is the case almost every year. Tonight, be prepared for it to become softer and lighter from midnight onwards. The other side is trying to take advantage of this and build up more pressure. Your daily work - of a voluntary nature - in My vineyard, however, will hold against it with increasing ease. All will be well! Amen.


29 June 2022

Water can support healing

My children, by popular request I explain to you once again how water can be used, among other things, to support healing. First of all, you should remember that I have already told you several times that water is intelligent and also has a memory. Now some of you know about the water crystal photos that were taken for research purposes. All water takes in the information that is around it. That is to say, a piece of paper that has good words on it like love, blessing, healing etc. are picked up in the water and then the vibration is passed on to whatever the water is used for. So when a person drinks this water, this corresponding vibration also flows into their body. The same applies to all other life forms. This means that you can help yourself to heal by, for example, praying intimately with a bottle of water between your hands and then drinking this water or rubbing it on your body in order to elicit healing reactions. If you have a cold or bronchial problems, you could, for example, write "healing of the respiratory tract" or simply "healing of the body" on a piece of paper, take it with you into intimate prayer and then place your drinking water on it. Healing happens on different levels and in different steps: Those who believe in it receive healing energy faster and more than sceptics and people who only do it compulsorily, for example when it is prescribed by a doctor. Animals are always open to healing and that is why they have such fast healing reactions. Many of you put your water in a glass bottle without a label and then swirl this water around in a clockwise direction while saying "Healing is happening now" or "JESUS CHRIST IS VICTORY!" several times. The water immediately becomes hexagonal and has instant healing powers. Now it depends on how far the person believes in healing and what karmic burdens still have to be worked off. Sometimes it takes months or years until success is achieved, because the old burdens must first be dissolved before a complete healing can take place. For some people, however, it is also the case that they are allowed to learn the virtue of patience, which they often completely disregarded in previous lives. Nevertheless, it is important to drink a lot of blessed and pure water, because then the process of dissolving the old burdens goes much faster and the healing process can begin. I will tell My Writing Channel more about this in a moment and he can explain it to you in detail in his podcast. It is indeed one of the most important topics that humanity is confronted with. All will be well! Amen. 


28 June 2022

People are hoarding

My children, everywhere in the world where people still have money left, they are hoarding, that is, stocking up, because word has spread that prices are continuing to rise. Some of you have also been shopping to stock up and have been shocked at how prices have risen. A full tank of gas in the car at all times makes perfect sense, My children. Those of the worldly-minded people who have not yet noticed that there is something in the air are only listening to what is in the public media or do not want to admit it. Continue to remain in inner peace, My children. All will be well! Amen.


27 June 2022

A week with ups and downs

My children, this year there is no "pickle time" as you knew it from earlier in the summer. The tension in the world is too great for that. Through you, My faithful children and extended arms, much negativity could be averted. Continue to remain in your inner peace and centre and you will find that your daily voluntary work in My vineyard will benefit many more people than you can imagine. All will be well! Amen.


26 June 2022

Freedom is pressing

My children, many worldly-minded people want to leave home very quickly and go on holiday. Therefore, the roads will be very crowded and you should take special care when you are on the road, because vaccinated people can suddenly lose control of their vehicle. Also, when driving, you should always be well wrapped up under My protective cloak so that your assigned guardian angels can then help accordingly. Many accidents have already been prevented in this way. All will be well! Amen.


25 June 2022

It can get uncomfortable

My children, something is brewing in the world! When you leave the house or drive longer distances, consciously place yourselves under My protective mantle over intimate prayer. Many signs are pointing to a storm as far as the political situation is concerned, and it is also boiling in the Far East.  Your daily voluntary good deeds and works in My vineyard are now very important every day, My children. The coming month of July and also August are likely to be filled with ups and downs, but always make sure that you are always intimately united with Me. In answer to your question in heartfelt prayer as to whether it makes sense to leave Germany or Austria or to go on holiday abroad, I say to you: Well, first of all you have free will, but if you ask so directly: It can go well if you choose the right country for your holiday, but I advise against air travel. There are also plans to reintroduce stricter controls at the borders and to subjugate and punish people again. But more and more of the worldly-minded people are waking up who, on the one hand, have seen through the system and, on the other hand, no longer put up with anything so easily and it therefore amounts to a power struggle of a physical kind in many countries. Those who want to emigrate should now have "a fast horse", to put it that way. Nevertheless, many Germans will increasingly think about leaving their home country, as they are not prepared to be subjugated and impoverished more and more. But the most important thing for you, My children, is that you remain firm in your faith and do not let yourselves be intimidated. I told you that it has already been decided in the ethereal realm, but that it can still take quite a long time before a decision is made in the physical realm, because time, as you know, is relative and it can be shortened or extended from the point of view of people. Be glad that time, as you perceive it, is so fast-moving, because otherwise many people would not be able to cope if every day lasted almost twice as long. Remain in peace and connect with Me as often as you can in heartfelt prayer and you will then receive answers to your questions in various ways. All will be well! Amen. 


24 June 2022

An intense day

My children, wrap yourselves again today especially intensively under My protective mantle, for today too the other side starts its number games again. All My children are protected and sheltered through intimate prayer, as you know. Official business and other things that have to do with the "authorities" should, if possible, be postponed, for today is not suitable for this. Today is once again a particularly important day to lovingly do much voluntary work in My vineyard. All will be well! Amen. 


23 June 2022

What do people expect from life

My children, the worldly-minded people, for the most part, have quite different ideas about their present life than you do. Well, to go on holiday once or twice a year, to have a nice house or a decent flat, nice children, many friends and acquaintances, a well-paid job, 1-2 cars and, above all, not to attract negative attention, but to "go with the flow". This is how many worldly-oriented people imagine their lives.  If you look at your relatives, you will always find such examples. Why am I telling you this now, My children? Well, those who do not walk the path of life with Me by their side have great difficulties in developing spiritually, because the worldly-oriented people for the most part do not have an intimate relationship with Me and do not even know what comes after life, or what came before. If they start a conversation with you, for example, and the conversation also leads to spiritual topics, you are allowed to make subtle hints and how important it is to be intimately connected with Me. Every now and then a spiritual spark will jump over to these people and they will start to question their previous life and also search for Me or even find Me, for anyone who has found the path to Me will no longer be able to live their previous life like this, for then it will quickly become clear to these people what is really important in life. I am happy about every worldly child that awakens and finds the way towards My FATHER'S HOUSE. All will be well! Amen. 


22 June 2022

The chaff begins to separate from the wheat

My children, now that it is also quite hot in terms of temperatures, many multi-vaccinated people are having problems with the weather. The hotter it is, the more difficult it is for many of the multi-vaccinated. But why it affects only some of them is due to various circumstances. Your heartfelt prayers for your relatives and friends will also help to prevent or at least postpone worse. Please continue to remain in your peace even when you hear bad news around you, My children. Your voluntary work in My vineyard is one of the most important things you can do at the moment. All will be well! Amen.


21 June 2022

A good day for intense prayers

My children, today festivals and rituals are celebrated and held by both sides. The longest day of the year is always something special for both sides. This also gives you, My children who are faithful to Me, the wonderful opportunity to consciously support good energies of the light-filled people through your voluntary work in My vineyard today, because this causes the other side to lose strength. The longest day of the year was already in ancient times a special day for the people on earth. Your heartfelt prayers and light transmissions - connected with the victory cry: JESUS CHRIST IS VICTOR!  - intensifies the power of the light today and in the night many times over! All will be well! Amen.


20 June 2022

Summer is coming

My children, it is already quite hot in many places, but the official summer is now coming with great strides. There will be a bifurcated weather likely. It is so that the other side is trying to set a heat record and you, My children faithful to Me, are also trying to achieve cooling in the form of rain and thunderstorms again and again via your prayers and light transmissions. If you remain in your inner peace, you will certainly also succeed. Since you live all over the world, it is of course different in some countries than in Germany, for example. All will be well! Amen.


19 June 2022

Every Sunday

My children, many of the worldly-minded people, have been brought up to go to church for worship on Sundays through the predominantly Catholic faith. But what have I taught you, My children? You can pray everywhere and at any time and make contact with Me in intimate prayer. There is no need for the institution of the church, which from its early beginnings was quite soon infiltrated and was all about power, oppression and domination of the common people. All My children, who are faithful to Me, are intimately connected with Me on the level of the heart and soul and for this they do not need a church, nor expensive clothes to look smart and certainly no pressure or compulsion to go to church on time - for example on Sunday morning. You, My extended arms on earth, knew that in most cases from an early age. All will be well! Amen.


18 June 2022

Do not worry

My children, no matter what happens on earth: Do not worry! You are protected and sheltered when you place yourselves under My mantle of protection through intimate prayer. Of course, the other side tries to keep people in fear and terror, but you are joyful, happy and also laugh from the heart, because that is exactly what the other side detests, My children! Live your lives with Me by your side and your voluntary good deeds will then also be sprinkled with good thoughts and joyful energies. All will be well! Amen.


17 June 2022

It is still relatively quiet

My children, the former German Unity Day is still fully present in the minds of the older generation in many places. This weekend is still quite quiet for many people and they use it extensively. Since man is a "creature of habit", as they say in your jargon, he also gets used to new things quickly, but falls back into the old rut at the slightest opportunity. In other words, indoor and open-air events, as they are called nowadays, attract people en masse and they don't need to be surprised if they have cold or flu symptoms a few days later, which have recently been classified under "C" if the test is accordingly. Since the vast majority of you, My faithful children, do not fall for such temptations and offers and are accordingly modest and humble in this regard, you are much better protected than all the people who think they can now live again as they did before 2019. Everything will be fine! Amen.


16 June 2022

Mental training

My children, mental training is very important. Whether through conversations, the reading of good books or also through the conscious perception of nature, it is good to train your memory. Should you have lapses or also suffer from a certain forgetfulness, tell Me in heartfelt prayer what you want, for it is free will that you have. I do not interfere and only help when it is lovingly requested. Some of you do Sudoku or crossword puzzles or watch programmes on the Internet that please you and stimulate your mind. Reading the FATHER WORDS daily is also very good for the memory. All will be well! Amen.


15 June 2022

Water is precious

My children, as you know, water is vital and in many places has already become quite scarce as far as drinking water is concerned. You should consider water as a precious good and gift from Me and treat it as such. You know that water is intelligent and can support every body energetically and partly also heal it. So if you have drinking water, you are also welcome to use the information that My writing channel here has made available to you free of charge. For example, if you pray with a water bottle in your hand and do good, this water will also be charged with it, to give just one example. Drink blessed water daily and you will find that your body will thank you. All will be well! Amen.


14 June 2022

The world is going haywire

My children, such conditions as are in the world at the moment have existed many times in earlier times, but this battle between light and darkness has not yet happened in this way. In the earlier times there were not so many light workers who could stand so much as a massive bulwark against the other side. The other side is running out of resources more and more and they are grasping at the last straws of a symbolic nature that they still have in reserve. You, My faithful children and extended arms on earth, do so much good through your daily voluntary work in My vineyard that I keep mentioning it because it is one of the main points to be successful against the attacks of the other side. All will be well! Amen.


13 June 2022

Stepping out of fear

My children, many worldly-minded people have as a learning task to step out of the fear that seems to be around them. From your point of view, My children, this is quite easy to accomplish, as you have been intimately connected with Me for a very long time in most cases. Whoever is critical and begins to think logically will realise that what is being said on television and elsewhere by the other side about their henchmen cannot be so. This is a situation of worldly-minded people and it is growing and prospering splendidly, My children. That is to say: the awakening process is going well. Despite all this, there are still many battles to be fought this year - on different levels and in different places. All will be well! Amen.



12 June 2022

Light and Shadow

My children, many of you are striving for the light in many ways. Once from a spiritual point of view, but also for the warmth, the comfort and the knowledge that the light brings healing. The shadow is always where the light cannot reach, many of you say. Well, that is only part of the explanation. The shadow is also needed, because from a worldly, physical point of view, you cannot always stand in the glaring sunlight, because it is too hot. You also need the shadow to cool you down, to give you an example. You must not confuse the word shadow with darkness, My children. Of course, representatives of the other side can also be in the shadow from time to time, but only where the light does not already shine in and the shadow is partly flooded with light. That is to say: Your striving for the light, in relation to the intimate closeness to Me via intimate prayer on the heart level, is something other than the worldly light of the sun and also the resulting shadows. Whoever is intimately united with Me will take exactly the right path and allow himself to be guided and led by Me and your accompanying angels. This also includes My worldly helpers, as many of you are also for people, animals and nature who need help. All will be well! Amen. 



11 June 2022

The body gets its sleep

My children, some of you ask again and again in heartfelt prayer how it is with sleep. Well, your bodies get their sleep when they need it. That is why you must pay close attention to journeys by car. When you get tired, try to reach a rest area or other place to take a short "nap" there, My children. Often a few minutes of sleep are enough, for I can prolong it as you need it to be fit again. Since time is relative, you can also experience a dream that lasted several hours, but only a few minutes, for example. Even a few seconds of deep sleep can be extended so that you feel as if you have slept for hours. If the body doesn't get enough sleep at night, it will make up for it during the day - even if it is officially only a few minutes. All will be well! Amen.


10 June 2022

People are looking forward to summer

My children, a great many worldly-minded people want to switch off from the stress of everyday life and their worries and needs and are looking forward to a beautiful summer time. However, since these people do not know what is in store for them, they try to suppress everything and want their old, familiar life back. But this is not the case, as you know, My children. Summer is a time when many people try to live the dream of happiness. That is why this year the governments are trying to thwart this too. Your daily good deeds in a voluntary way in My vineyard are, among other things, also powerful blockades against the malicious attacks of the other side. All will be well! Amen.


9 June 2022

Worldwide nervousness

My children, many spiritual people cannot sleep so well at night or fall asleep only in the middle of the night, because of fears and nervousness all over the world. I recommend that after heartfelt prayer with Me, you also let go and hand over to Me everything you feel in the way of oppressions that prevent you from sleeping. Some of you meanwhile lie awake until 2 o'clock without being able to fall asleep. Others even an hour or two longer, until finally overtiredness overcomes you. These anxieties and nervousnesses that you feel, if you are sensitive enough, come from all over the Earth. A great many people are worried and afraid of compulsory vaccinations, reprimands from the state or even another great war. If all people worldwide would stop consuming worldly news from one day to the next, everything on earth would change completely for the better in a very short time. You see what power the other side still exerts on the worldly-minded people, who have not yet recognised in which construct of lies they are being held. However, because many people are awakening every day and the other side's construct of lies is symbolically collapsing before their eyes, the power of you and all people praying with you is also becoming stronger and stronger on earth. All will be well! Amen. 


8 June 2022

Tidy up and clear out

My children, there are always requests for tidying up and clearing out. Well, this can happen all year round. If you have bulky waste, there is also the possibility in many communities to hand it in personally or have it collected. You will find that clearing out and tidying up is very good for your soul. All will be well! Amen.  


7 June 2022

More and more is being released

My children, even if it is not immediately released to the public: more and more is gradually being released and also the so-called "secrets" around the "vaccines", are being revealed. In addition, much of history is being uncovered where deliberate falsifications happened. In the last two hundred years there has been an extreme amount of falsification and twisting and some researchers also get clues in dreams to then also find truths. Remember, My children: the victor of a battle or a war has always written the "history books" in such a way that it was glorious for him. For you in the HERE AND NOW this means: Do not believe anything that you are told as truth in the public media, but know that only through Me via your heartfelt prayers and good deeds, your heart will be flooded with the pure energy of love, if you allow it. All will be well! Amen.


6 June 2022

Use the power of your thoughts

My children, today, on Pentecost Monday, many of My children, who are faithful to Me, have free time and can therefore very consciously also concentrate with joy, in a voluntary way, on doing so much good in My vineyard, for this is especially needed today. The other side likes to play with constellations of numbers. Therefore, today, wrap yourselves especially intimately under My mantle that protects you. If you have wishes and dreams that you cannot yet realise, do not give up immediately, My children. Sometimes it takes a while until it becomes a success. The subjects of water, nutrition, nature and living are very important to you and are also very often and much moved in your trains of thought and discussed with Me in heartfelt prayer. All will be well! Amen.


5 June 2022

Pentecost 2022

My children, this year's Pentecost is under a different energy than last year. Things are looking up for people and more and more are feeling it. The other side is still trying to stir up the fear scenario, but because more and more people are awakening and realising that things are not as they are told in the public media, the fear scenario is losing more and more ground. The Holy Spirit will continue to help that the awakening and the raising of the vibration on earth will be raised further and further. It should be noted that you, as My extended arms on earth, have it easier than people who until recently were completely in bondage to the propaganda of the other side. However, the worldly-oriented people who continue to be in bondage will go through a deep valley if they do not want to adapt and continue to follow the matrix that the other side has cleverly laced. All will be well! Amen.


4 June 2022

It remains turbulent

My children, you have already heard and to some extent experienced it: these are turbulent times in the world out there. But also in the smaller spheres, like schools, workplaces and even politics. You know that the public media for the most part still belong to the other side and they have to write what they are told to write. Every person who is awakened feels after a short time that what is being said cannot be true. It is always sensible, My children, not to join in this hectic and turbulent hustle and bustle and to remain in inner peace as often as possible, for then you will have the most strength and energy to do your - so immensely important - voluntary work in My vineyard every day. Without you, My voluntary helpers and extended arms on earth, it would look very dark and sad on earth in the gross material realm. All will be well! Amen.


3 June 2022

Many things will become more expensive

My children, I had already pointed out to you at an early stage how sensible it is to stock up sufficiently, even for things that have nothing to do with food and drink. Now the rents are to become more expensive and it amounts to driving Germany into poverty in the first place. You know that Germany plays a key role in the world. Well, whoever has the opportunity should act accordingly. Many of My loyal children are planning to leave Germany or Austria if things get worse. Listen to your heart and soul, My children, then you will know exactly where your place in life is. But please always discuss everything with your family. If you weigh up the pros and cons, it is very often easier to decide. Often it is good to have contact points in the country you have chosen for your wish to emigrate. Please discuss everything with Me in heartfelt prayer and pay attention to what comes to you as a response. All will be well! Amen.


2 June 2022

Look to yourselves

My children, many of you always look at other people and would like to help them. In doing so, they often forget to look at themselves and to feel what they themselves need. Remember: You can only give sufficient help to other life forms if you have first put everything in order in yourselves. The children who are currently suffering from minor or major ailments should first focus on their own health and still do the daily voluntary work in My vineyard as much as they can, because these good deeds will naturally come back to them as a response. All will be well! Amen. 


1 June 2022

New energies are coming to the people

My children, as of today there are once again different energies on earth. They are still starting quite gently, so that worldly-oriented people also have the opportunity, if they allow it, to adapt. The word ADAPT is to be taken literally in this case, because letting go of old things makes sense, as the new energy is fully focused on the HERE AND NOW. This means: If you only move in old energies, you will have a hard time with the new energies. Of course you may keep your hobbies and interests, but the main focus should be on the HERE AND NOW, with the certainty that all will be well - through the use of patience and absolute trust in what I recommend. All will be well! Amen. 


31 May 2022

Inwardly and outwardly

My children, it is important that you distinguish precisely between the inner and the outer. That is to say: You, as My faithful children, try to articulate yourselves on the outside as you have felt it on the inside before. The worldly-minded people who do not have such an intimate relationship with Me are very often emotional and do things they have not thought about before. Those who are inoculated have even more difficulty in getting their soul balance even close. Please take this into consideration when they suddenly do or say things that you did not expect or reckon with. All will be well! Amen.



30 May 2022

Go into the day with good thoughts

My children, today's beginning of the week, as it is called with you, is a day full of energies and much strength and good energy will flow, as you, My children faithful to Me, have already worked wonderfully ahead on Sunday. The work in My vineyard is so immensely important and your voluntary good deeds help more than you can imagine. Therefore, I recommend you to start the day with good thoughts and to absorb the strength and energy that is present and at the same time to send it on bundled with your good thoughts and deeds, so that another jolt happens on earth. Think of this also in business matters, My children! The victory cry "JESUS CHRIST IS VICTOR!" is especially strong today because of this. All will be well! Amen. 


29 May 2022

The people are slowly awakening

My children, the worldly-minded people all over the world are slowly but surely awakening more and more. Even in Germany it is also doing so, albeit much more slowly than in other countries. The awakening process from the artificial twilight sleep, which the other side for the most part sends out via the worldly TV programme, is being disturbed again and again by your good deeds. That is to say: Every person who subconsciously harbours doubts about the whole process will receive impulses again and again through the heartfelt prayers and light transmissions from you, My faithful children. If he follows these impulses, his trust in the prevailing system will diminish and doubts will begin to germinate in him. Often it is seemingly quite banal words or sentences that suddenly lead to this worldly-oriented person doubting the artificial programme and begins to think and also act for himself. You see how important your daily voluntary work in My vineyard is. All will be well! Amen.


28 May 2022

The healing power of contentment

My children, if you are inwardly and thereby also outwardly content, you can see this on the one hand in most cases in your facial expression and on the other hand you also feel much more relaxed and happier. To those who now ask how such a thing can be achieved, I say: Let go of everything that burdens you, blocks you and brings you out of your inner peace, or tries to bring you out of it. You know that you may hand over to Me in heartfelt prayer for transformation everything that burdens you, moves you and does you no good. Often the resonances afterwards are not always as you had imagined, but it is always for the good of the respective child. Try to see things that you do not understand from a higher perspective and you will realise that everything on earth is always connected. You have the great advantage over worldly-minded people in that you know many things and are aware of them. All will be well! Amen.


27 May 2022

Give Me all your worries and problems for transformation

My children, time and again you are confronted or burdened with things on a worldly level in which you neither had any involvement nor could do anything about it. In such cases you should turn directly to Me and, through heartfelt prayer, hand it to Me for transformation and clarification. I will help you within the framework of what is feasible within your life plan. Also ask for divine justice and it will come. All will be well! Amen.


26 May 2022

Ascension Day 2022

My children, some of you have asked Me in heartfelt prayer whether it makes sense to go on "Father's Day walks" because the family wants it, or rather to volunteer most of the day in My vineyard. Well, I would like to recommend you not to completely neglect your family and if necessary also your relatives or friends, but to find a quintessence. Family is important and should be taken into consideration, even if they do not follow the spiritual path as you do. Diplomatic solutions are usually good advisors in this case. All will be well! Amen. 


25 May 2022

The cool water

My children, take advantage of the days when the cool wet, the rain, comes down and catch what you can. The other side tries to prevent rain through the chemical pathways in the sky. Of course, you may also pray for rain and imagine it gently raining down and everything green, blossoming and growing. All will be well! Amen.


24 May 2022

Listen to your intuitions

My children, many of you receive inspirations and help from Me through your guardian angels at night or in the morning when you wake up. Pay attention to what is being said. Mostly they are answers to your questions which you have asked Me in heartfelt prayer. Always continue to place yourselves under My protective mantle through intimate prayer or the victory cry "JESUS CHRIST IS THE WINNER! This I urge you to do. All will be well! Amen.  


23 May 2022

Today will be very turbulent

My children, today is woven through with a very violent energy and the battle between light and darkness is very intense! It is a continuation of last week's battles, with everything being heightened today. Therefore, take good care of yourselves and always place yourselves under My protective mantle over intimate prayer. Your voluntary works in My vineyard are especially needed today, My children. All will be well! Amen.


22 May 2022

Develop your own initiative

My children, it often happens that the state, the city, the village, the municipality or someone else leaves you in the lurch, although they have promised you help. In this case, self-initiative usually helps. Take your life into your own hands and start to sort it out. A well-known saying among you is: "Help yourself and God will help you". Start a self-initiative and then immediately go into intimate prayer with Me and you will get help. That is what is meant by this. Often an inspiration also comes in a dream - or help is sent. Do not despair, My children! I help you when you are in need and ask Me for help. You have free will and only when you ask Me to help will this also happen. All will be well! Amen.


21 May 2022

Weather and storms

My children, you notice it yourselves: What has now been announced as a "storm" has been deliberately made by the other side. Your good deeds, of a voluntary nature, which you perform daily, help to spare certain areas completely. But since, as you know, there is no interference with people's free will, the "storm" also comes down where there is no protection, sometimes with brute force. Of course, various factors also play a role there. Some houses or neighbouring streets may be spared and others not. Some of you have already personally experienced that your house or your camping site was spared and your neighbours were hit. Every person gets back what he or she sends out as a response. You know that, my children. In spite of everything, there are large-scale mitigations of "storms" through the many prayers and light transmissions. All will be well! Amen.


20 May 2022

Things are bubbling up behind the scenes

My children, only a few details or fragments come out in the secular news as far as the truth is concerned. And then often at a time when hardly anyone is up. Your daily good deeds and works in My vineyard, carried out in a voluntary way, are so immensely important, My children. Especially at this time it cannot be done without you, for I do not interfere with free will, as you know. The whole week has already been quite delicate, but today and tomorrow it is even more intense. The joy with which you voluntarily do good every day is something precious and wonderful. You are doing something that is symbolically more valuable than all the trinkets and jewellery on earth. All will be well! Amen.  


19 May 2022

Drink enough blessed water

My children, just now, when it is warm in many parts of Europe and man loses much fluid through sweating, it is important to drink enough water. Optimally blessed with Me in heartfelt prayer or blessed in My name, so that you also get all the minerals, vitamins, trace elements and everything you need to the extent that you have excreted it through sweating. All will be well! Amen.


18 May 2022

Calm conquers chaos

My children, it often happens that you experience chaotic conditions, situations or things around you. Please do not allow yourselves to be drawn into them, but remain in your inner centre and always place yourselves under My protective mantle when you notice that certain things have brought you out. It is a difficult time, My children. Know that I am always looking out for you. All will be well! Amen.



May 17, 2022

The healing power of thoughts

My children, many worldly-minded people feel small and helpless in the face of the "power" of politicians. You, My children faithful to Me, know that almost everything is possible - within the framework of the respective life plan, what good things may happen. Your thoughts are daily thousand to millionfold at work and if then purposefully something appears before your mental eye, then you may try it with pleasure if you have a good feeling with it. But you can also discuss it first with me in intimate prayer and then you already feel whether it is something for you or all life forms or not. My writing channel here regularly shares its ideas and tinkering with you, but there are still too few who follow it. Just try it out, My children! There are few limits to the healing power of thought when it comes from the pure heart. All will be well! Amen.  


May 16, 2022

An intense week is coming

My children, once again it is important to know that a great deal will take place this week, but only a little of it will reach the public. Since a large portion of worldly-minded people still believe what they are told via television and worldly newspapers, you should not be surprised if so much hate energy continues to be sent in a certain direction. Remember that the other side feeds on hate and anger energies and deliberately always tries to stir it up to manipulate people in a certain direction. Only inner peace and trust in Me will protect you from deliberate manipulation. If you place yourselves under My protective mantle via intimate prayer or via the victory cry "JESUS CHRIST IS VICTOR!", you are protected and sheltered, My children. All will be well! Amen.  


May 15, 2022

Coming to rest on Sunday

My children, in the past it was quite normal that Sunday was for the family and many believing Christians went to church because their ancestors did it too. Nowadays, actually only My children who are faithful to Me know that it doesn't matter where you pray and when you connect with Me. The intimate faith in Me is the most important thing that the worldly-minded people may learn again. They have allowed themselves to be lured by clever propaganda from the other side by many things and to be "fettered", so to speak. In order to get out of these "fetters" again, it requires only a firm will and a switching off of all the things, which work as "fetters". First of all, there is the television and its worldly programs. Use Sunday, My children, to come to rest and in this wonderful energy to recharge further strength for your voluntary works in My vineyard, which accomplish so immensely. Many people who work in worldly television know what is really going on on earth. However, for various reasons, they do not yet dare to proclaim the truth. All will be well! Amen.


May 14, 2022

The beautiful sides of the Wonnemonat

My children, for a long time the merry month of May has no longer the joy and attraction of former decades, because in the fast-moving time very many worldly-oriented people no longer pay attention to what moves, touches and appeals to the heart in nature. You, however, My faithful children, have preserved this joy and love for nature and when everything is green and blooming, you are full of joy about it! This joy also flows into your daily, voluntarily spoken prayers and other works in My vineyard and many people, who are open to it, are also reached in this way and suddenly feel joy and love for nature again and reflect on their true self. All will be well! Amen.


May 13, 2022

Inner peace is very important again today

My children, on Friday the thirteenth, many superstitious people are afraid to go out of the house. Thus, on such days there is less good energy, which then - if possible - should be compensated by you through the prayers and works in My vineyard, strengthened in the inner calm, in a voluntary way. You know that a superstition is a clever programming of the other side to keep people in fear. Those who believe in Me need not fear fears or other negative things. I help all My children, faithful to Me, within the framework of what they allow - within their life plan. All will be well! Amen.



12 May 2022

Make the most of the nice weather

My children, when the sun is shining and it is pleasantly warm outside, you should not always stay at home, but also make use of the beautiful weather! Especially then it is very pleasant to do your voluntary work in My vineyard outside "in the fresh air". In many cases you will feel the resonance immediately! Pay attention to the birds and other animals! All will be well! Amen.


11 May 2021

The world needs blessed energies

My children, you know that there are many worldly-minded people on earth who are indeed connected to Me in their hearts, but only think of Me when they are in need or otherwise require My help or healing. In addition, there are various occasions when they go to church in order to look good. These people have, for the most part, been consciously connected to the artificial matrix by the other side, whereby a large part is kept there via the television. So anyone who wants to get out of this cycle should consciously stop using their TV set to be negatively and further influenced by TV channels. If this first step has been successfully passed, the further steps will come almost automatically to these people. Now you, My extended arms on earth and lighthouses, come into play: send My blessing, spoken in My name, out into the world every day full of love and joy - in a voluntary way - because My blessing can dock with these people on the soul and heart level, for example, and when the spiritual spark then jumps over, these people wake up from their twilight "Sleeping Beauty sleep" and the transformation can begin step by step. All will be well! Amen.


10 May 2022

Cost of living

My children, I have already pointed out to you at a very early stage to stock up sufficiently. If you go shopping now, you will see that most of what you understand by food has become much more expensive and the cost of living has increased. Therefore, I recommend that you do the following: Sort out your supplies and think about what you want to buy more of and where it may not be necessary. Some of you have smokers and alcoholics in your family, relatives or circle of friends and these people have to dig deep into their pockets, to put it that way, to satisfy their addictions and dependencies. Always remember: There are many souls on earth who have refused to go into the light or simply do not want to admit that their body is long gone and then look for potential victims who have the same addiction as they do and attach themselves to them as fellow smokers or drinkers, for example. The more beings are attached to a person, the more difficult it becomes for him to get away from the addiction. For this you need an iron will and a lot of perseverance! Whoever trusts Me and relies on Me will find it much easier to let go of addictions of various kinds. All will be well! Amen. 


9 May 2022

An important day for intimate prayer

My children, today is predestined to pray very intensely and intimately, to send light and good thoughts into the world. If you only knew how strong your daily voluntary work in My vineyard is. That is why it is so important that more and more worldly-minded people wake up and understand what is really happening on earth. All will be well! Amen.


8 May 2022

The inner centre is more important than daily data

My children, many people attach great importance to special daily dates, like today and tomorrow. But I say to you: Dwelling in inner peace, in your inner centre, is far more important! Only in this way can you do your daily good deeds and work in My vineyard with full energy and joy. Always remember: Everything that man sends out causes a resonance. If some of you have not yet received so many good resonances back through the law of resonance, old karma, blockages and other obstacles must first be cleared out of the way or dissolved. All will be well! Amen.


7 May 2022

 When the body needs sleep

My children, if you are overtired or your body otherwise indicates that it desperately wants sleep, act on it. If it is during work or driving, try to get breaks or take them urgently. I manage it in such a way that sometimes only a few minutes are enough for you to become physically fit again. You know, time is relative. All will be well! Amen.


6 May 2022

Growing Vegetables

My children, again and again questions are asked of Me about other topics through intimate prayer. Since it is very topical at the moment, today we are talking about vegetable cultivation, as many questions are asked about this subject. Well, theoretically you can also grow vegetables in your house, flat or on the balcony and terrace. Especially tomatoes or lettuce are very suitable for this. For example, if you want to grow your vegetables in pots or planters, you can also do that very well. Every plant, watered with My blessed water, gets much more vitality than in the conventional way. You have an influence on the growth of your plants if, for example, you speak lovingly to them or also add My blessing, spoken in My name, when you water them. Be aware that it makes a lot of sense to grow your own food, especially in the times that are yet to come. Be creative, inventive and full of trust in the elemental power of plants. All will be well! Amen.


5 May 2022

The Weather

My children, some of you have asked Me again and again in heartfelt prayer whether I could not speak again about the weather events, for these manipulations would be almost unbearable. Now: In the south of Spain there is heavy rain in regions where some of you live. However, the people there are not prepared for such masses of rain and are often helplessly exposed to the water masses. In addition, there is the mentality of southern Europeans, who often do not want to or cannot work on rainy days. The harvest suffers damage from hail and storms. You see, this weather is not of natural origin. But there is also the opposite, that chemical courses in the sky are meant to dry up a country or a region. Through these two examples I would like to tell you once again that you, My faithful children and extended arms on earth, very well have the possibility to move something in this direction, for if you sincerely ask for divine justice in the weather, it will also come through the law of resonance. However, there will still be a trial of strength between light and darkness in the sky. The more of you pray for divine justice in the weather, the sooner it will return to normal. All will be well! Amen.


4 May 2022 

Strengthening for body, mind and soul 

My children, intimate prayer, when spoken intensely enough with Me, is a balm and a strengthening for body, mind and soul and at the same time the praying child can, together with Me, let go of everything that burdens him. You, My extended arms on earth, have already practised this many times and yet it is always very important when you have the impulse to do so, to then hand over to Me for transformation everything that moves you or also burdens you. Every day something new can be added - but it does not have to be. You see, each of My faithful children is different and unique! All will be well! Amen.



3 May 2022

Freedom thoughts

My children, more and more worldly-minded people are waking up from the artificially created "sleep phase", which was deliberately created by the other side. Then freedom thoughts immediately come more into play and judges also help to bring the truth to light. These liberal thoughts, which have always been present in most of you, are now also becoming stronger and stronger in you, My faithful children. That is to say: the time when many people were suppressed and muzzled will expire. In spite of everything, patience is still necessary. All will be well! Amen.


2 May 2022

Pay attention to your vibration

My children, no matter what is said or written in the public media: Take care that certain information or energies do not drag you down! If you feel that something moves you or burdens you, you may immediately enter into intimate prayer with Me and give Me everything for transformation, for I know very well how difficult earthly life can be. Your daily good deeds, of a voluntary nature, are the rocks in the surf for many people who wake up to symbolically hold on to them in order to then also receive help and strength of a spiritual nature through you, My lighthouses. All will be well! Amen. 


1 May 2022

May has come

My children, May has come and will leave its mark. Through your strong prayers and voluntary works in My vineyard. much disaster has already been averted. It is on a "knife edge" as they say. Remain in trust, in joy, in love, in harmony and in the assurance that I am always looking after all My children who are faithful to Me. All will be well! Amen.


30 April 2022

April ends

My children, the very eventful month of April is ending and May is coming with mixed energies. It will be warmer for the most part, but through the manipulation of the weather, there are always freak weather events. Many worldly-minded people breathe a sigh of relief when May has begun, for in their subconscious May represents spring, growth, joy and happiness. These good qualities are deeply anchored in people in Europe and help them to cope better even with negative things. Those who can, should continue to make provisions, because the shortage of food is continuing. You, as My extended arms on earth, can continue to try to grow some things yourselves in addition to your daily voluntary work in My vineyard. This is also possible on a balcony or a terrace. All will be well! Amen.


29 April 2022

Trust your intuition

My children, I have already told you several times how important it is to avoid the worldly mass media as much as possible. Most of you also follow this recommendation for the most part. However, should you ever see such a "propaganda programme", which the other side calls "news", listen to your inner voice and your intuition and you will immediately notice that what is being said cannot be true. The earth has already gone through many changes and has also seen cultures come and go. Man is a master of repression. Everything that does not fit into the scheme that has been imposed on him, he tries to repress and forget. If people knew what it looked like on earth a few hundred years ago, they would not believe it. Through these ways of thinking, the representatives of the other side have an easy game, because the worldly-oriented people who are not consciously under My protective mantle - like you - can easily be manipulated and influenced. That is why your daily, voluntarily performed good deeds in My vineyard are so immensely important, My children. Every day many people wake up and realise what is really happening on earth. All will be well! Amen.


28 April 2022

The Here and Now

My children, no matter what is happening out there in the world: Please remain anchored in the "here and now" - with Me at your side through intimate prayer. Whoever places himself under My protective mantle through intimate prayer retains this protection as long as the inner centre is held. You are also allowed to think of other things that please you, but the "here and now" is decisive. All will be well! Amen.


27 April 2022

Avoid everything that radiates

My children, time and again you are asked through the heartfelt prayers what you should avoid and what is harmful and damaging to your health. Well, so-called "electric cars" are very harmful and damaging to your entire constitution, My children. The "mobile all-rounder", as I call your portable phones, are also not healthy for your physical constitution. However, one must make clear differences here between the individual countries. In Germany, the radiation is very high and anyone who is now exposed to "5G" radiation will notice this quite soon. Particularly sensitive people feel it immediately and avoid this radiation wherever possible. In Spain, for example, the radiation is only a fraction of that which affects people, animals and nature in Germany. That's why My Loyal Children, who live in Spain, are also more likely to use the loudspeaker to make phone calls without holding the device to their ear. If you would like to know what radiation is and how strong it is, I recommend that you buy an appropriate device or borrow one from friends or acquaintances who have such a device, in order to find out what harmful things are present everywhere. Some of you even had to change your profession because the "continuous radiation" in offices was unbearable. Therefore, I recommend you to avoid "W-Lan", for example, and to generally pay attention when your body reacts accordingly, because it immediately recognises radiation of any kind. Try to become even more sensitive, My children. I give you this well-meant advice once again and I am happy if you take it to heart. All will be well! Amen. 


26 April 2022

Problems can be solved

My children, this week problems can still be solved well, if you stay "on the ball", as you say. Putting something on "the back burner" was never a good solution and also supports people's comfort. Everything that has been solved and worked through is then also let go of on a spiritual level and does not haunt you even into your dreams, to name a drastic form. The more ballast a person has, the more difficult it is to live. Always remember this, My children. All will be well! Amen.


25 April 2022

Never give up

My children, some of you have difficult situations to overcome. Be it financial, health or in other areas. Have faith, never give up and know that you will receive help - within the framework of your life plan - which is sometimes even extended for this purpose. Almost all of you who work daily in My vineyard in a voluntary way all over the world have already received life plan changes and/or also life plan extensions, because your help is of such immense importance and also because you have developed spiritually beyond the set goal. All will be well! Amen. 


24 April 2022

It greens and blossoms

My children, in many places everything in nature is already greening, blossoming and growing wonderfully! You should make use of this, for it is a wonderful gift - also for human beings - to see everything growing and flourishing, My children. Anyone who has taken the trouble to look at plants with a microscope, for example, will recognise how great My creation is. If you pray intimately in the open air and do good deeds, this will also be perceived and supported very intensively by the world of nature beings and plants. All will be well! Amen. 


23 April 2022

Divine Justice

My children, time and again questions come from you on certain topics. Often it is about disadvantages or also about deceptions that have been done to you or your loved ones etc. You are welcome to ask Me for divine justice when this is needed. You are welcome to ask Me for divine justice when it is needed. Be aware that it will come about within the framework of the plan of life and the possibilities that are given. All will be well! Amen.


22 April 2022

Live naturalness

My children, now that the "mask requirement" has been lifted in many places, people, if they dare, can finally meet face to face again. However, the indoctrination of the other side still has such a strong effect that these worldly-minded people continue to wear the mask for fear of infection. Many of you set a good example and send healing energies for the soul along with your smile. If you now also regularly say "JESUS CHRIST IS VICTOR!" in addition to this in your spirit, you will notice that there are resonances with the fearful people. At first a little and then more and more as time goes by. All is well! Amen. 


21 April 2022

April weather 2022

My children, this year, too, the month of April has a lot of turbulence in it. Temperature differences of up to 20 degrees Celsius within one day are not unusual. But, as you know, the weather is artificially manipulated! This means that if you now include the information for "natural weather events" in your voluntary work in My Vineyard, it will gradually return to normal. All will be well! Amen.


20 April 2022

Live your life

My children, say goodbye to fears of the future and things that might happen or other deliberate fear-mongering from the other side. Continue to live your lives as best you can and with Me by your side. Your voluntary good deeds are of course still immensely important. Please continue to stay in your inner centre. You have many helpers, even if you do not see them. All will be well! Amen.


19 April 2022

The light is getting stronger

My children, the stronger the light becomes, the more the dark figures also venture out to send their false lying propaganda stories out into the world, at which even worldly-minded people and especially Christians are shocked. Those who doubt My resurrection will quite soon find their response. My children, you know how important your daily voluntary work in My vineyard is and I am very happy about the joy and love with which you do this daily. All will be well! Amen.


18 April 2022

The Power of Love

My children, in some countries the second Easter holiday is not used so much to visit relatives and friends and in other countries people are working normally again today. I will be happy if you do your voluntary work in My vineyard with much love on this day, because the power of love cannot be compared to anything else. Pure love of the heart immediately melts or drives away everything negative. The power of love is a very important factor and a life drive, for with the power of love even things are realisable that are thought to be impossible. All will be well! Amen.


17 April 2022

Easter 2022

My children, this year's Easter is very different from what you were used to in previous years. A great cleansing is taking place and your voluntary works in My vineyard are also an important part of it. Worldly-minded people are at least trying to keep up the appearance that it is a harmonious and peaceful Easter with their loved ones, but as you know, the poisons that have entered the bodies through vaccinations are a looming danger with many of these worldly-minded people. You are praying for many of these people and therefore the effects are often hardly or not yet felt by them. But in the long run it will have an effect. Always remember: Every person is the architect of his own happiness from the moment he has to or is allowed to take care of himself. All will be well! Amen. 


16 April 2022

Holy Saturday 2022

My children, today is used in many places to do worldly things. But you, as My extended arms on earth, know exactly how important spiritual work of a voluntary nature is today. If you could see the good things that happen again and again through your daily diligence. You would be moved by it. All will be well! Amen.


15 April 2022

Good Friday 2022

My children, it is very important that from today up to and including Easter Monday, you do your voluntary good deeds in My vineyard as much as you can, because this year the activities of the other side are particularly strong, as they give everything that is possible for them. Part of their programme is also the increased polluting of the sky with chemicals, which has become more intense each year. Better stay at home when the sky is completely closed, because then you can better do your good deeds from within. I am always with you and especially today many Christians think of the events that happened back then. All will be well! Amen.


14 April 2022

Intimate union

My children, today many of you are very intimately connected with Me, because you know what energy this day has. Whoever likes can also gladly send this energy of intimate connectedness to receptive hearts all over the world, My children! But please also connect these good energies with joy, harmony, love and all other things that you feel and also distribute them. The joy about the fact that more and more worldly-minded people are awakening will also be distributed worldwide. All will be well! Amen.


13 April 2022

Preparations for Easter

My children, especially in times like these, many worldly-minded people are preparing for the upcoming Easter feast, in order to then come together in the circle of their loved ones. You, My beloved children, know very well the true value of Easter and do this in your own way. In many places there is a big shopping spree in the shops and those who want to get something at the "last minute" often find themselves in front of empty shelves. Therefore, there are worldly and spiritual preparations for Easter. During Holy Week, many of you are more intensely connected with Me through prayer than usual. All will be well! Amen. 


12 April 2022

What you should pay attention to

My children, it is important in the context of holistic health that you pay great attention to your teeth. Especially the necks of the teeth and the roots of the teeth have more influence on the state of health of your body than you can imagine. Very many so-called "diseases" are problems with the teeth and their roots. My writing channel here has asked Me if he can get promptings in this regard. Well, these intuitions are then received by all My faithful children, if they are open to them. That is why sometimes so-called "intuitions" are made almost simultaneously in different places on earth. It is almost always inspirations via dreams that trigger this. Many aches and pains also come from so-called "root treatments", which are anything but good for a person's health. All will be well! Amen. 


11 April 2022

Think more consciously

My children, besides eating and drinking consciously, it is equally important to think more consciously. This also includes paying attention to every sign or every movement of your body. By consciously eating and salivating, your body signals to you very precisely when it is satiated. If you eat too quickly, the feeling of satiety is hardly perceptible and afterwards you often have digestive problems or other aches and pains. Whoever thinks consciously now reacts differently and more thoughtfully in all things and avoids the often hasty reactions that can bring disadvantages. Conscious thinking also includes thinking about when and how much food the body really needs, for I have already told you that you need to eat less in order to become full, since much subtle energy is also absorbed through breathing. If you think consciously, you will also perceive many things that happen around you with different perspectives and senses in a short time, because by detaching yourselves from the addictive matrix of the other side, all senses will automatically be sharpened and the insight into how and what happens on earth will be strengthened. All will be well! Amen.


10 April 2022


My children, sometimes sadness comes to you seemingly out of nowhere. In some cases it is even associated with loss of appetite and lack of strength. When you feel this, you should enter into intimate prayer with Me and I will help you to regain your inner centre. Some of you are so sensitive that you can sense the sadness that is taking place in many parts of the world. Then it makes sense to go into intimate prayer with Me as soon as possible, to gather strength through this and then to send good thoughts and energies specifically there - into human and animal hearts that are ready to receive. It is indeed not an easy task to always remain steadfast in your inner centre. I will help you, as far as you allow it, to reach this centre again and again. All will be well! Amen. 


9 April 2022

Chew more consciously

My children, in this special time it is very important to chew food more consciously, to salivate and also to consciously pay attention to when the body sends a signal of satiety. Most worldly-minded people eat too quickly and are constantly distracted and/or influenced and do not realise how much suffering and work they are causing their bodies. You now need less food and also the drink - preferably blessed water for the most part - should also be drunk in sips and if possible also salivated. You see, it makes sense to always be spiritually connected with Me throughout the day. If you take this into account when eating and drinking, you will notice that there is a positive change. All will be well! Amen.


8 April 2022

No normality

My children, even though many worldly-minded people would like it to be: This kind of "normality" that they had before the "pandemic" will no longer exist. You know that on a worldly, gross material level there is a battle between the light side and the darkness. As I have told you, it has long been decided in the subtle realm, but in your gross reality the other side is fighting back with everything it has. Therefore, patience is not only a virtue but also an important task, because only with patience and absolute trust in My help and healing power is it possible for many of you to endure, because around you are many worldly-oriented people who often do not understand you at all and also your way of life. That is why your daily voluntary work in My vineyard is so important and valuable, My children. All will be well! Amen.



7 April 2022

When the sun shines

My children, you should - if it is possible for you - regularly go outdoors when the sun is shining, for its power does not only refer to warmth, but for a large part of humanity also to the good energy that brings this about. The soul longs for harmony, peace, warmth and many other things. Make use of it as far as it is possible, and almost all, of My faithful children, rejoice when the sun not only warms the land outside, but also the hearts of men. All will be well! Amen.


6 April 2022

Rainy days are also important

My children, some of you and likewise very many worldly-minded people are quickly getting tired of rainy days, even though they are important. Especially in hot countries, like in the south of Spain, rain is very important and valuable, because the groundwater reserves do not last forever either, as a large part of it is channelled to the fruit and vegetable crops. However, if it becomes too much - if it gets out of hand, so to speak - you are welcome to talk to Me about it in heartfelt prayer. I also want to motivate you to do things on rainy days - when you are at home - that have been left undone or to pursue your hobbies if it pleases you. Always try to live each day with the same joy and cordiality and then let this wonderful energy flow into your daily and voluntarily done work in My vineyard. All will be well! Amen.


5 April 2022

Security thinking

My children, man is primarily concerned that he is protected and sheltered and also lives in security. Through the skilful propaganda of the other side, everything has been influenced for the worldly-minded people in such a way that they only think that everything is good - but in reality they have been taken in by lies and negative things. That is to say: The correct security thinking that most of you, My faithful children, still have, has been changed by television and many other methods and whoever is attached to these will soon experience very big surprises, which from the point of view of these people can end catastrophically. Therefore, remain in inner peace, always trust in My help and know that I always guide and lead you in the way you allow. All will be well! Amen.


4 April 2022

A day for increased prayer

My children, today is a day for increased prayers! I am very pleased that you continue to work so diligently in My vineyard full of joy in a voluntary way! The weather is still strongly influenced and therefore also pay attention to it when driving or otherwise moving about. Whoever is under My protective mantle is always protected and sheltered within the framework of the respective life plan. All will be well! Amen.


3 April 2022

Being on the road

My children, when you are out and about due to beautiful weather, you can also do your daily good deeds - done in a voluntary way - outdoors, because it does not matter where you are: The healing energies flow everywhere, My children! Especially on days that are full of sun and warm temperatures, working in My vineyard gives many of you especially much joy! But take enough to drink and also something to strengthen yourselves, My children. Especially drinking enough is often neglected on such days. All will be well! Amen.


2 April 2022

Take time out

My children, it is always part of your life, as long as there is the possibility, to take time out. In these time-outs you can fill up with strength and energy, feel good and also pursue your hobbies or other things that please you and do you good. The inner contemplation is just as important as the inner joy you experience when you do something or are involved in something that helps you or others and at the same time gives you strength, energy and joy of life. All will be well! Amen.


1 April 2022

The energies are changing again

My children, the energies of March have ended and with the 1st of April 2022 comes the indicated April energy, which is changeable. The Sun wants to show itself more now and will do so if much prayer and sending is done. You will receive support from awakened worldly-minded people, My children! March was oppressive and burdensome and April brings more free-spirited energies. All will be well! Amen.



31 March 2022

April has it all

My children, you know the saying, "April Fool's Day". Well, it won't be quite that intense, but many things will happen that humanity is not expecting. Both in the good and in the negative. You, My extended arms on earth, continue to be so immensely important that you alone, through your voluntary, good deeds, represent a gigantic bulwark of love and help against which the other side "cuts its teeth", to put it symbolically. All will be well! Amen.


30 March 2022

In Nature

My children, many of you are now going out into nature again and trying to find peace there. Even worldly-minded people try to go out into nature to switch off and "clear their heads". Indeed, forests are a wonderful way to switch off and recharge your batteries. This is possible even in places where there are no forests. But there, the intimate connection with nature helps. Many of you imagine in your thoughts what it would be like to go into lovely, sunny forests flooded with animal voices, in order to thereby also find a way to escape from this worldly "play", which only has the goal of humiliating people and otherwise making them feel bad. But since My children, who are faithful to Me, go through life worldwide in harmony with Me, even every seemingly negative experience contains something good. As a result, you are always full of joy as My children, who are faithful to Me, working voluntarily every day to do good. All will be well! Amen.


29 March 2022

When the body reacts to the weather

My children, many people are sensitive to the weather and not only feel weather changes often in advance, but often suffer from them. If you have problems with this, you can always mentally imagine nice weather and use the power of a red light lamp, for example, to irradiate the parts of the body that are sensitive to the weather. A sauna or infrared cabin helps just as much as a hot shower or bath. Your imagination is stronger than you think, My children. Healing can always happen if you allow it - within the framework of your life plan. All will be well! Amen. 



28 March 2022

Facilitations are longed for

My children, the worldly-minded people, just like many of you, long for relief in daily life. The unnaturally upwardly spiralled prices for food should fall just as they do for things of daily life. This desire is still above the liberation from the mask obligation for most people. Those who have made provisions in good time, as I recommended early on, will have fewer to no worries and problems in this regard. Here, too, a prudent and foresighted way of seeing and thinking is very sensible, My children. Some of you have been in this rhythm since 1998, for at that time too a third great war was imminent, which was prevented by you and many children of light who were born into earthly life at that time. Well-organised provisions can make sense in many cases and also help to support people in need. All will be well! Amen. 


27 March 2022

Floods and drought

My children, in some parts of the world there is a drought and in other parts, among other things, there is a danger of flooding. You see, the turbulent weather continues and even in Spain's south, more water has come down than it has for a long time. It is indeed a balancing act for you, My children. You, as My extended arms on earth, are doing this with bravura through daily voluntary good deeds, as work in My vineyard. You are also welcome to send energies through intimate prayer to those places where there is an imbalance. Always remember that there are areas on earth that are completely overburdened with too much water, to name just one example. All will be well! Amen. 


26 March 2022

Good sleep is important

My children, despite the many things that are propagated worldwide, you should remain in your inner centre, as I have already said to you many times. If you are inwardly solid and grounded, it is important that you enter into intimate prayer with Me before you go to sleep, because then so much healing energy will flow to you that you will be able to fall asleep immediately. If you have problems falling asleep now, you either have worries or other things on your mind that make you brood, or you are lying on a source of disturbance, such as a water vein. Mobile phone radiation is also a disturbing factor that should not be underestimated. All will be well! Amen.


25 March 2022

The bodies are changing

My children, with the new energies that you feel on earth, a change is also happening in and to your bodies. This means that you need less food to become full and your bodies are trying to get rid of all ballast and toxins as quickly as possible. This can happen in a number of ways. So don't be surprised if you suddenly have less appetite, or if certain things you used to like to eat no longer taste good to you, or if your body vehemently opposes them because it knows they no longer do you any good or harm. This now applies first and foremost to all My children who are faithful to Me, and also to a large extent to awakened people who were previously more worldly-oriented. As far as addictions and dependencies are concerned, it depends on the spiritual state of this person whether and how much he wants to and can let go. A number of factors play certain roles here. All will be well! Amen.


24 March 2022

Remain in peace

My children, for the most part you are in the fortunate position of being able to distinguish between lies and truth in the public media. There is a spectacle going on in Ukraine, as you know. Most of the so-called "wars" of the last 50 years have been staged, my children. The other side knows exactly how to manipulate and influence the worldly-minded people. But now a time has come where this can no longer happen so easily, because the energies have changed again and again and those people who have adapted quickly have also had the opportunity to awaken through this and to see through the whole large-scale "play". Therefore, it does not matter whether it is raining, storming or dry outside now. You are fully needed, My children! Your good, voluntary work in My vineyard helps to clean up the earth and is a very important part of the awakening process for all the people who are now receptive to it. Nothing must disturb your inner peace! All will be well! Amen.



23 March 2022

It rains more

My children, some of you have asked in heartfelt prayer why it is that now in areas where it usually rains little or not at all, all of a sudden the precious wet is coming from the sky. As always, there are several reasons. But it is important for you to continue to do your good voluntary deeds in My vineyard, for that is one of the most important things you can do daily, My children. Should the rain get out of hand, you are welcome to talk to Me in heartfelt prayer about a solution. All will be well! Amen.


22 March 2022

My children worldwide

My children, you are working together hand in hand worldwide. Even if you do not know each other personally in this life, you are still connected worldwide through My love and your good deeds. This means, for example, that you think of something in a country where help is needed and one of My children, who are faithful to Me, receives it and carries it out. But always remember that most so-called "wars" are only simulated and the worldly-minded people are used to scare them in this way or to take money out of their pockets, because the other side is no longer as wealthy as it used to be. They also live on fears, emotions like anger etc., because that is what they feed on. All will be well! Amen.  



21 March 2022

Longing for spring

My children, many people are longing for spring, the first warmth and sunny days. Now spring has officially come to the country, but it has brought gloomy messengers with it. Your daily good deeds, done voluntarily, are so immensely important that you can hardly understand this. Without you it would be very dark on earth now - symbolically speaking. All will be well! Amen.


20 March 2022

The energy is changing again

My children, with today's date the energy on earth is changing. Many things will happen this month. Please continue to remain calm and in your inner centre, for I am always with you. All will be well! Amen.


19 March 2022

To give joy to others

My children, to give joy - whether to a human being, an animal or otherwise, is always something wonderful for your heart and for your soul! People who have fun and joy in giving something good to other living beings, without ulterior motives - will automatically lead a more energetically free life than without this disposition. Because in this way, life is freer and happier. All will be well! Amen.


18 March 2022

Warmth in the hearts

My children, no matter what the weather is like outside: You have received warmth in your hearts from Me. On the one hand this is meant symbolically and on the other hand it means that warmth warms the body and does it good and on the other hand it helps you to let your spiritual energies, which you receive from Me through intimate prayer and good deeds, flow again into hearts worldwide that are ready to receive. You see, it is an important cycle in which you are lovingly integrated, as My children who are faithful to Me, who value love, compassion and help and do not chase after filthy lucre, for this distances you further and further from Me. All will be well! Amen. 


17 March 2022

Weather manipulations in March

My children, no matter where you are at present: Everywhere the weather is being intensively tampered with and manipulated. Your heartfelt prayers and light transmissions are helping to steer the weather back on the right track, but this time the other side has thrown everything it has into it in order to make humanity ill or worse in this way. Whoever can, may rather stay at home at the moment and do good from there. When you are on the way, please wrap yourself again and again under My protective mantle of intimate prayer when you have come out of your inner centre. All will be well! Amen.


16 March 2022


My children, due to adverse weather conditions, there may be power and internet outages. Stay calm and if you suddenly have time that was not planned before, you are welcome to use it for your voluntary work in My vineyard. My writing channel here has already had no internet reception for a few hours - due to the tremendous sandstorm that is still in the air and something like this can also befall others of you. Only calmness and patience will help here, My children. In all adversities you are welcome to enter into intimate prayer with Me immediately. All will be well! Amen.


15 March 2022

Do not worry too much...

My children, many of you are thinking far too much about the future. Is another great war coming? Are the three dark days coming? What will it be like on earth afterwards? Will "C" ever end? And so on and so forth... I have told you many times that prophecies can come to pass as they are written, but for the most part they do not come to pass as people think. Prophecies are first and foremost warnings to inspire people to insight, repentance and a better way of being. A great many people have awakened worldwide who no longer believe in the tall tales of the other side and also think about how to do good. I tell you again, My children: All people who firmly believe in Me and trust Me are protected and sheltered - within the framework of their life plan, which, however, can also be extended, due to their tasks or situations. There are many messages going through the world every day and there is also fear and panic. The other side, of course, also knows all the prophecies and those that are suitable for their purposes, they try to make them suitable. This means: Remain in your midst, continue to do your voluntary good deeds in My vineyard and trust in Me and My everlasting help, if you allow it. All will be well! Amen. 


14 March 2022


My children, man longs for freedom at the bottom of his heart. But if he has grown up without it from an early age, he can only strive for it when he becomes aware of it, for man must first relearn many things, although he has stored them on his soul. This is consistently exploited by the other side, which tries to prevent worldly-minded people from remembering. But now a time has come when more and more people are striving for freedom and trying to attain it. Your daily good deeds, done voluntarily, are helping very intensively. All will be well! Amen.


13 March 2022

Using the power of the spirit

My children, you have received many abilities from Me. Every person who prays with Me in heartfelt prayer daily will find that his life is different from that of worldly-minded people, because they live according to other plans and laws for the most part. They are very often in bondage and believe what the other side tells them through their public media. You can send good and healing energies through your thoughts and many worldly-minded people would be much worse off if you did not pray for them regularly. Even the toxic chemicals in the sky can be dissolved if you do it intimately and together with Me. Much is possible if you trust yourselves. All will be well! Amen.


12 March 2022

The Power of Rest

My children, it is the weekend and many of you can now take a short break or rest or regenerate. Enjoy the rest and draw strength and energy from it through your heartfelt prayers with Me and your voluntary good deeds. You know the saying: "There is strength in rest" and that is how it is, if you go about it the right way. Avoid all stressful situations and switch off for the time of inner contemplation. You will see how good it is for you. All will be well! Amen.


11 March 2022

Memories are awakened

My children, 11 years ago something happened in Japan that had worldwide consequences, even though - like almost everything on earth, of course - it did not happen that way. People often think of earlier "catastrophes" in times of need instead of spending their lives with good thoughts. You, My extended arms on earth and lighthouses, who voluntarily send My light out into the world, are My pillars which carry the foundation of renewal, for what has already happened in the spiritual will also - despite all opposition from the other side - gradually take place. Therefore patience is an important virtue. All will be well! Amen.


10 March 2022

It degenerates

My children, in the view of many of you it is getting out of hand. You see no end on the horizon to the daily and constantly rising prices. Be it fuel, oil or food: everything is getting more expensive! However, the most striking is the exorbitant price of petrol or diesel and some of you have already said in heartfelt prayer with Me that this cannot go on much longer. Once again I say to you, "Please remain in inner peace and continue to do your voluntary, so important work in My vineyard. There will be a solution." Patience, as you know, is a virtue, My children! You are protected and sheltered! All will be well! Amen.


9 March 2022

Listen to your intuitions

My children, in the night, when you wake up, but also during the day, you receive inspirations and help again and again. Do not carelessly push them aside, but consciously pay attention to them, for they are often help or recommendations for everyday life. But sometimes there are also warnings not to go shopping or to drive at certain times or on certain days. All will be well! Amen.


8 March 2022

My children faithful to Me are protected and sheltered

My children, again and again you are asked this and that about prophecies and war scenarios in heartfelt prayer. Well, I always tell you as much as is needed for the moment and should they be long-term warnings, I also give them to you in the way that is good for you - from My point of view. To stockpile enough water is not only sensible but also important, because water is not only there for you but also to share with humans, animals and nature. I always take care of My children, who are faithful to Me, and I also regularly expand your life plans when it is important. All will be well! Amen.


7 March 2022

Think also of charity

My children, with all your provisions, you should also always think of charity. There are enough people or animals who need help and when you are led to such people or animals - or they to you - you should also show charity. As you know, there is no coincidence, My children! Everything that happens falls upon you. Sometimes it is a learning process, sometimes it is an important help and sometimes it is a working off or a confrontation with old karmic things. As I said: You control your life yourself and what you say, think or do has an effect on your life - in connection with everything that still needs to be resolved. But since you walk the path with Me by your side, you will always receive help in all situations within the framework of what you allow. All will be well! Amen.


6 March 2022

Feel at ease

My children, it is not always easy in such times as these to keep all the world events away from you and to feel well. But that is what is good for your body and your soul. There is a saying among you: "Let your soul dangle". What is meant is that man and soul are well and you feel good. Try it once, My children. Take time out every day in which you can "let your soul dangle". It will be happy about it and so will your body. All will be well! Amen. 


5 March 2022

Stocking up on certain things

My children, I once again recommend that you stock up on everything important and necessary that you constantly need, because wheat, for example, and other things that are used a lot are already in short supply to some extent. Potatoes are also no longer available in such large quantities as many people are used to. You are also welcome to stock up on important daily necessities. In Germany or Austria, for example, the situation is somewhat different than in Spain, where a lot of fruit and vegetables are grown all year round. Leaving too much money in your account is also not a good idea, because banks can close overnight or no longer be able to pay out money. As I said, my recommendation is to take comprehensive precautions. Everything will be fine! Amen.


4 March 2022

Use home remedies

My children, I have taught you to also use the remedies that I have made available to people. For every little ache or niggle there is a herb - or sometimes several - and therefore it is useful to know what is helpful. Some of you are very well versed in it and have integrated it into your life, while others of you do not yet have so much knowledge about it. It is advisable to get appropriate literature on this or to find it on the internet. I will recommend to My Writing Channel here to speak about this topic in its voice messages from time to time. Especially in times like these, it makes sense to know about it. Please remain calm, My children. All will be well! Amen. 


3 March 2022

Remain in love

My children, in these times it is difficult for many people to distinguish what is truth and what is a lie when it appears in the public media. I have often advised you not to watch television, or if you do, then only select programmes that you like. Don't get upset about things that are published in the news. There are also targeted attacks against awakened people to make them angry because of injustices. You can only tell if they are true or false if you feel them with your heart. Many of you immediately sense whether it is true or a lie what is being said on TV or on the internet in the various channels, because these are also deliberately peppered with false reports in order to unsettle the awakened people or to bring them out of their inner centre. You, My faithful children, can enter into intimate prayer with Me at any time and thus also find out what is good for you and what is not. All will be well! Amen.


2 March 2022

Things are moving forward

My children, all over the world people are now gradually waking up from their traumatised states which they received through the targeted programming. This was mainly through television and the poisoning of the sky. Now that this is no longer working as the other side would like, they are once again trying everything they can not to lose their power. That is why your daily voluntary work in My vineyard is so immensely important, My children. All will be well! Amen.


1 March 2022

The energies change again

My children, with the beginning of the month of March there is also another energy on earth. It is more stirring and energetic in its assertion and therefore also helps to question many worldly-oriented people who until now have still fully believed the "old rut" that came from the television sets, or at least to become more critical of certain topics. All awakened people who have realised that what is going on on earth cannot be like this will become even more critical and many of them will also protest or stir things up in various ways. All will be well! Amen.


28 February 2022

Some things repeat themselves

My children, humanity always goes through certain cycles and many things repeat themselves. But changes also occur and there have not been so many spiritual people who consciously do good on earth for a long time. If you now sum up the energies of you, My faithful children, which you send daily in a voluntary way - through your so immensely important work in My vineyard - it is a gigantically strong bulwark against the machinations of the other side. There can still be so much deceit and fraud spread through the public media: You are protected and sheltered by a huge number of guardian angels whom I have placed at your side, My children. Please remain calm! This is immensely important! All will be well! Amen. 


27 February 2022

People are afraid

My children, very many people on earth are afraid of a great war, food shortages, drastic restrictions of various kinds and other things. I tell you, My children: You, as My extended arms on earth, are more important now than you have been for a long time! Your daily, voluntarily performed good deeds and works in My vineyard are absolutely important and valuable! Please remain in inner peace. All will be well! Amen.


26 February 2022

Physical activities in your free time

My children, when you engage in physical activities in your free time, please always remember first to place yourselves under My protective mantle over intimate prayer and also to have with you sufficient water, if possible with My blessing, and to drink sufficiently. Likewise, remember to watch the sky and try to celebrate good thoughts and your voluntary work in My vineyard, even outdoors. It also has a positive influence on the weather patterns if they have been manipulated. Please remain in your inner centre. All will be well! Amen.


25 February 2022

Listen to your innermost

My children, there is much excitement being published in the worldly media at the moment, mixed with fears of various kinds. You, as My faithful children, should only listen to your innermost being in connection with My messages and your daily good deeds so wonderfully done in a voluntary way. You are protected and sheltered! All will be well! Amen.


24 February 2022

Go more into joy

My children, many of you, My children who are faithful to Me, are often sad, depressed or sheer despair because it is so immensely difficult to live as an unvaccinated person in Germany and Austria. But I say to you: Remain in love and live more the joy that you, as My beloved, cared-for child, can do so much good of your own free will every day. The resonances always come back. You only need to allow them. Remember: Your country is the last bastion of the other side! All will be well! Amen.


23 February 2022

Energies of various kinds

My children, some of you are very happy that nature is already beginning to blossom and grow and are drawing strength and energy from it. Those of you who live in areas where it is still winter, enjoy other things and also draw strength from the joy of or about things that they like. Whether it is certain music, a good book, pictures from nature, joy in animals etc.. You see, one can get or regain energies in different ways. For example, if you are at home now and you are suffering from something, you can get energy from the fact that the firm will to get well is always there with the trust that healing will happen, even if it may take time. Karmic detachments often take longer and therefore patience is always involved. Some of you have now taken money out of your bank account and are drawing strength from it, as you can buy things with it that give you energy. You see, there are many ways to get energy and also to store it, because the body needs energy in every season. Those who are now bedridden or have limited mobility can, for example, do mental work and exercises every day, because these are also immensely important and help to let go of old karmic attachments more quickly. All will be well! Amen. 


22 February 2022

A special day

My children, today's date 22022022 fascinates people! It is indeed a special date and every child of Mine can joyfully do especially many voluntary good deeds today, for they come especially strongly today as a counter-vibration to the other side wherever there are receptive hearts and souls. I am always with you, My children! All will be well! Amen.


21 February 2022

Preparations for the Garden Season

My children, many of you - but also worldly-minded people - are already busy preparing your seeds and little plants for the coming gardening season. Some of you, however, are not so happy about the fact that they are currently handicapped and thus cannot follow their annual routine. To these children I now consciously say: Do not grieve, for what you are going through right now is the detaching and letting go of old karmic attachments and burdens, for with each passing year these processes of letting go would become more difficult. All My children, who are faithful to Me, are being helped within the framework of their life plan. Think positively and continue to do your good deeds in a voluntary way. That is the most important thing you can do at present for the benefit of many and of course for yourselves. All will be well! Amen.  


20 February 2022

All-round protection

My children, many of you are often positively surprised that you are spared almost all the things that worldly-minded people experience. Well, that is due to "all-round protection", as I once call it. If you do good many times a day, send light, pray fervently and also have such good thoughts, you build up a protection that is additionally strengthened with the positive resonance of the things you send out. So as long as you voluntarily remain so diligent, your own way of life will keep away from you most of what burdens or affects worldly-minded people. All will be well! Amen.


19 February 2022

Divide your energy well

My children, there are days when you have less strength or energy - for various reasons. On such days, divide the energy you have well and please do not overdo it! The work can still be done the next day. If you are still working, don't be afraid to go to the doctor or take a break if you have to. Some of you may have little or no strength for a long period of time. In many cases inner peace, intimate prayers with Me and letting go of all things that move or burden you are helpful here. I am always with you, even if you do not notice or feel it. All will be well! Amen. 


18 February 2022

The weather

My children, you can see for yourselves how the weather has been and is being increasingly influenced lately. Your daily prayers, light transmissions and good deeds help to prevent worse. Again and again I am asked in heartfelt prayer how far you are allowed to intervene in the weather. Well, you may dissolve the chemical poison strips in the sky and if you urgently need rain, you may pray for it. There are devices with which a lot is done and which have different effects. The strongest power is still the intimate prayer and if you then say the sentence: "JESUS CHRIST IS THE WINNER!" several times, you will find that this is on the one hand the best protection for you and also for your surroundings and on the other hand it also has an effect. All will be well! Amen.


17 February 2022

Tactical moves

My children, there are good chess players all over the world - even in politics. Do not believe, as I have already told you, what is brought in worldly media, but trust that on the one hand I guide and lead you as you allow and on the other hand also support My worldly helpers who cannot do spiritual work - as you do. All will be well! Amen.


16 February 2022

The body needs exercise

My children, you know from an early age that the human being needs movement. Well, if some of My children, who are faithful to Me, lack movement, whether temporary or permanent, you should imagine movement in your mind. Whether it's going for a walk, riding a bicycle or even working in the garden, for example - imagine the movements that you like. In this way you can also stimulate and partly activate your subconscious, so that the healing process up to the complete restoration of the musculoskeletal system is supported. Some of you who are limited in this respect have karmic burdens that can be worked off or are being worked off at the moment. Pain in the arm, in the shoulder, in the legs or in the back are also typical characteristics of things that are being worked off, My children. With worldly-oriented people it all looks a little different, because they usually don't know what forgiveness work looks like and therefore often bother themselves with it for many to many years, and then in the worst case drag all the old burdens into the next life again. You see, whoever has found the way to Me and to My FATHERLY HEART in a voluntary way, has it easier with - and with many things. All will be well! Amen. 


15 February 2022

You have much more in you than you can imagine

My children, I would like to recommend to you today an ability that you all have within you. It is about the power of singing or humming, because not everyone dares to sing. But everyone can make a humming sound. When you go out and watch the sky, very often it is full of poisonous streaks and much more because of the minions from the other side. Since some of you know how strong is not only the power of prayer but also that of song, I recommend you to celebrate wholesome sounds or songs when you are outside. Observe what happens in the sky. But also the animal and plant world reacts very positively to this and is delighted! To name a few examples: The "Ave Maria", which My Writing Channel here has just presented to you full of fervour in its daily voice messages, is such a healing song. But you can also take any song that contains happy and positive moments for you, because when you sing, hum or whistle it, the feeling of happiness that you associate with it also flows out into the world. You know, My children: Everything is connected with everything. Everything will be good! Amen.


14 February 2022


My children: "It is more important to have good friends you can rely on than anything else," one of My children, who are faithful to Me, once said to Me in heartfelt prayer. Well, it is indeed the case that you can choose friends - with the heart and also the soul helping and relatives not. In fact, many of you would rather be with your faithful friends or communicate with them over the internet or telephone than with your relatives. Ideally, relatives are also friends, as is the case with some of you. I say it again, My children: man is not born a hermit and should not live like one all the time. Only together are you strong, My children! All will be well! Amen.  


13 February 2022

Thought hygiene

My children, it is important that you also try again and again to start a hygiene of your thoughts. If you notice that you have let yourself be tempted to say or even think things that were not good, you can cleanse this again through a heartfelt prayer with Me. Of course, you can also delete it yourself if you realise that it has happened to you. Often the other side tries to put certain information into people's heads through certain key words or key phrases. So if you notice that suddenly there is something negative that doesn't come from you, you can immediately say in your mind or out loud "JESUS CHRIST IS THE WINNER!" several times and it will have to go away. That is why it is so dangerous to watch films or programmes before going to bed, through which such information can be consciously planted in people's subconscious, if you do not consciously protect yourself from it. I have already told you many times that it would be good not to watch television or to watch only a few specific programmes, which many of you also do. The ideal way to cleanse the whole mind is to take a walk in the fresh air and not be distracted by everyday noises. A walk in the forest or by the sea, for example, are good suggestions. Of course, you can also enjoy the sounds of nature at home or go into silence, which some of you do regularly. Pay attention to what you personally say and try to choose your words consciously. All will be well! Amen.


12 February 2022

Celestial Observations

My children, again and again I am asked by you in heartfelt prayer, what can be done against the impurities of the heavens? Well, there are various devices or even fiddles to neutralise and even dissolve these poisons that the other side deliberately puts out. Many of you pray outdoors and this also releases a power and energy that helps to dissolve this poison. Please watch the sky daily and you will notice what is happening. Those who now celebrate the shouts of victory outdoors can thereby release an enormous amount of healing energy and also do good for people, animals and nature. My writing channel here has already given you various possibilities of how you can work in this regard. For example, if you say "Jesus Christ is victor!" in the open and hold your hands upwards or to the side in blessing, My healing energy will also flow everywhere where it is needed and where receptive people, animals and parts of nature can receive it. Go through the world with alert and open eyes, My children, and you will see and discover things for which you were hardly receptive until now. All will be well! Amen.


11 February 2022


My children, it is very important in the present time that you have and also radiate a certain kind of constancy, because consciously or unconsciously you are or will still be role models for many worldly-oriented people. It is not only important for you to be consistent, because you also radiate this energy through your daily, voluntary good deeds, and so these are also sent to all receptive people who are open to them. All will be well! Amen. 


10 February 2022

Doing good to the body

My children, it is sensible and also important to do good to your body regularly, as long as it is possible. This can happen through food, through blessed water, through intimate prayer, but also through things that are good for you and your body. The soul is also automatically involved. Treat yourself to things that are good for your body, your soul and your spiritual state. This can be done inside or outside your home. Avoid stress of any kind as much as possible and try to continue to stay in your inner centre from where you so lovingly do your voluntary good deeds every day. All will be well! Amen.


9 February 2022

Windy times

My children, these are windy times out there in the world. Both grossly tangible and symbolically. That is to say, there is a war raging on earth, for the other side does not want to let up, and so it is more troublesome than many of you have thought, with the process of awakening the worldly-oriented people and the change towards more peaceful times. It is similar to having to walk through tough mud, to put it that way. But you, as My extended arms on earth, have the strength not to let it become too difficult for you in spite of everything. All will be well! Amen.


8 February 2022

The longing for spring

My children, many people are already longing for spring when they live in areas where it is still very cold. This happens very often in February, because the cold of winter is already long enough for many people. Some of you who live in the south of Europe have long had spring-like temperatures during the day. At night, however, it is still quite cool to cold there, too. I like to repeat it again, My children: You can imagine any weather you like, because you have been given the possibility by Me to put yourselves there mentally with a few aids. For example, a red light lamp and appropriate music of your choice will help you to imagine that you are lying in the sun on the beach, etc. If you have certain aches and pains, you can also activate healing energies in your body through your own imagination - in connection with heartfelt prayer with Me. The prerequisite is that you firmly believe in getting well again. The subconscious mind reacts to all kinds of positive and healing energy. It doesn't matter to it whether it is a holiday on the beach or an image of it at home - e.g. sitting in front of a red light lamp. Remember, My children: I help you always and everywhere, if you allow it. Nothing is impossible! All will be well! Amen.


7 February 2022

Do not waste energy

My children, questions keep coming from you about the heartfelt prayers in relation to energy and wasting energy. It is like this: With people who are not in tune with you, it is difficult to communicate with them - without arguing. You notice it when you talk to people who drain you or who only want to impose the opposite opinion. I recommend that you don't put energy into such conversations, because it doesn't do you any good - except for the fact that you feel uncomfortable or exhausted afterwards. It is the same with all things that you notice are not good for you. If you now say: "My work, with which I earn my living, is not good for me physically and mentally," I recommend that you think about what is more important: money or health and well-being. Then, for example, go into intimate prayer and talk to Me about a way to earn money with a job that satisfies you. There are always solutions! All will be well! Amen.


6 February 2022


My children, many worldly-minded people do not even begin to know what is going on on earth at the moment, because the reporting in worldly media is designed to keep up fear, panic and intimidation as long as possible. But even these many stooges of the other side are not protected from their resonances and will get them just like other people who work with the other side. You, on the other hand, as My extended arms on earth, do so much immense good through your daily voluntary work that there are more and more worldly-oriented people who wake up every day and see through the whole scenario that has been instrumentalised by the other side and then help to do good in their own way. All will be well! Amen.  


5 February 2022

Bringing body, mind and soul into harmony

My children, the week that lies behind you was very fruitful and if you have the opportunity, you should try to bring your body, your mind and also your soul into harmony. This can be done, for example, through conscious periods of rest, to intimate prayers with Me or also through short breaks for sleep, e.g. after intimate prayer. You need rest periods to recharge your own "batteries", My children. All will be well! Amen.


4 February 2022

When you need strength

My children, if you feel lacking in energy or tired, there are several reasons for this: For example, a situation or people may have consciously or unconsciously taken away your strength or energy. The best thing to do then is to go into intimate prayer with Me or if it is not possible for you at the moment, connect with Me spiritually and say several times: "JESUS CHRIST IS VICTOR!" and you will notice how your energy comes back. With some children it is quicker, with other children it is slower. Some of you also work a lot physically and are a little groggy or tired in the evening, for example. Intimate prayer with Me helps there too. All will be well! Amen. 


3 February 2022

The energies manifest

My children, the new energies that I have already spoken about are now beginning to manifest. Many worldly-minded people will have great difficulty with this. When you come into conversation or are asked, simply send them in spirit the vibration: "JESUS CHRIST IS VICTOR!". Several times if you like! Of course, you can also pray fervently for them. The next phase has begun! All will be well! Amen.  


2 February 2022


My children, today is once again Mary Candlemas and the light increases its vibration again from today. If you now add yesterday's increase in vibration or energy change, it will be very difficult for people who are stuck in the old patterns in the near future. In the last few years there have often been such intense increases, but this year everything is under a different premise, because there are different conditions worldwide for many vaccinated people. They are very often weakened by the toxins they have been given and have great difficulty adjusting their energies. Your prayers for them will help them if they are open and receptive to them. Please remain calm, My children. All will be well! Amen.


1 February 2022


My children, for a short time now you have been asking more and more about investments in heartfelt prayer, in case there is a stock market collapse and the banks also close down. Well, there are different ways of investing money: The most popular with My children, who are faithful to Me, are real estate, partly with houses on it abroad, gold, silver and other valuable things to exchange or sell. The subject is indeed twofold, for a greater quantity of My children, faithful to Me, do not need to think about it, for they have no money for such things. Others of you, however, would like to know and so I am addressing this subject again today. But also those of you who have little monetary energy left can invest it wisely in valuable food and, if necessary, also in barter items. Please remain calm, My children, you are always protected and sheltered within the bounds of what is possible. All will be well! Amen.


31 January 2022

Letting go of January

My children, energetically you should let go of the energies of the month of January, for with February a new, different energy comes upon the people. You, as My extended arms on earth, will feel it first, what is different.  But as it is perceived as better and more positive for the majority of humanity, even more people are waking up and questioning the entire politics of the last two years. All will be well! Amen.


30 January 2022

January was a foretaste

My children, things are coming to a head on earth! You will already notice this in February. That is why your daily good deeds, done voluntarily, continue to be so immensely important! More and more people are waking up and realising that they have been vaccinated for or against something that on the one hand does not correspond to the facts and on the other hand has harmed many of them. You know that the law of resonance exists and even the stooges of the other side are not always immune to it, because the protection of the other side for them, is only limited. All will be well! Amen.


29 January 2022

An energetic weekend is coming up

My children, this weekend is very important! Since more and more worldly-oriented people are awakening and no longer want to be patronised, the other side is trying an even stronger counterattack. But you, My extended arms on earth, already know it subconsciously for the most part and do even more good deeds of a voluntary nature. All will be well! Amen. 


28 January 2022

Healing Smile

My children, now that the majority of people walk around with a mask on, you often cannot see what the person is thinking or feeling. But what you can see is when he laughs or at least smiles. Try smiling or at least looking friendly at the people you meet. I know that the majority of you do not wear a mask when you are outdoors, and so it is also possible to go through life in a friendly and well-motivated way, looking friendly and smiling. If you also greet people warmly, you will very often meet with a response from other people. A "Grüß Gott" is still very common in Southern Germany and Austria and automatically sends along good and healing energies. All will be well! Amen.   


27 January 2022

Thoughts have power

My children, I like to repeat it once in a while: If you knew how strong the power of your thoughts is, you would use them even more intensively for healing. The prerequisite, however, is that you pray intimately with Me beforehand and only send good thoughts. Some of you imagine a purified earth inhabited only by humans, animals and other life forms who all live in harmony with what I have taught you. Pay attention to your dreams and what they tell you. Often there are messages there for the future, which does not have to be that way yet, but offers hints of what can happen. Always remember, My beloved children, that you do so much good every day in a voluntary way. All will be well! Amen. 


26 January 2022


My children, man cannot live on sadness and gloom and remain healthy. He needs joy, love, light and also cheers of various kinds. Well, the other side deliberately uses "bread and games" for this, in order to make him dependent and in a certain way also addicted. But what I mean are loving words, poems that spread good energies, beautiful texts, prayers, music that symbolically warms the heart and much more. It is allowed and should even be laughed at from the heart, because there is nothing the other side fears more than happy and at the same time God-believing people who stand firmly rooted on earth and know deep in their hearts that I protect them. Anyone who once had real fear and then was made to laugh knows how quickly fear thereby gives way. Let joy into your lives, music and good humour, for then no fear can linger or settle. I approve of the daily singing here and know with what love you do this and also take it in. All will be well! Amen. 


25 January 2022

The direct path

My children, there are many paths you can take, but if you want to take the direct, straight path to Me and with Me, you can only achieve this in a direct way through the intimate connection with Me. There are many temptations, e.g. of an esoteric nature, but you, as My children who are faithful to Me, know exactly that I am always with you and guide you and lovingly lead you, to the extent that you allow it. All will be well! Amen. 


24 January 2022

People are beginning to organise themselves

My children, some of you have already noticed: People are beginning to organise and specialise. Be it job providers who only hire unvaccinated people or the fraternisation of unvaccinated people with those who have been pricked but have now realised that they have been taken in by a huge pack of lies and are now refusing further vaccinations. In many ways, people are reorganising - but peacefully! This word is a very important word in the further course of history. Everything that can be done peacefully has other effects than violence, because in many cases violence creates counter-violence, as you know, My children. All will be well! Amen.


23 January 2022

People become more courageous

My children, the more the worldly-minded people are cornered, the more courageous many of them become. They put up with many things up to a certain point, but when this point is passed, they become more courageous and fight back. That this happens peacefully is an important point, for then you, My extended arms on earth, can much better send your daily good deeds, sent in a voluntary way, wherever there are receptive hearts. Peaceful people who are awakened have a receiving channel open for help from the spiritual world and from you, My faithful children. All will be well! Amen.


22 January 2022

Further awakening

My children, more and more worldly-minded people around the world are realising how they have been deceived so far by their governments and stooges of the other side. There are also honest and kind-hearted politicians on earth, but they are in the minority. Because the people are now increasingly not putting up with anything in a peaceful way and are also showing their presence, the stooges of the other side are running out of time. You, My extended arms on earth, are the strong hands of a spiritual nature that the worldly-minded people need. All will be well! Amen.


21 January 2022

Giving is more blessed than receiving

My children, I usually provide you with everything you need in a simple way of life. Whoever now has more than he needs as a human being should also always be glad to give, for you know how the saying goes: "It is more blessed to give than to receive." In other words, everything that you give with joy and from the heart, on the one hand, comes back as an increased response, but on the other hand, you are doing something good through it. Many of you live according to this and are also more content and happier since then. All will be well! Amen.


20 January 2022

Be flexible

My children, in times like these, it is important that you are as flexible as you can be. If there are days when the weather is good and the sky is blue, you should take advantage of it when you have time. Plan your activities so that you can do them at short notice, weather permitting. Likewise, if possible, do your shopping when there are hardly any people around. Try to organise your life flexibly - within the limits of what is possible for you - and you will find that this is very practical and, above all, frees you from rigid regularity. Flexible people have it easier in life than those who have completely organised their lives and always try to do everything - even under pressure if necessary - without taking other people into consideration. In calmness lies strength and in flexibility the possibility to do everything at a favourable or better time. All will be well! Amen.


19 January 2022

The people are divided

My children, one part of the worldly-minded people is awakened and another part is still in the bubble of illusion, believing that what is being said in the public media is true. For them the awakening process will be downright shocking, My children. You notice it yourselves with the worldly-oriented people you know who do not even begin to believe or understand a fraction of what you say when you talk to them about certain topics. For some of you this is often painful, because when it is your own parents or children, it is not easy. But I say to you, each person chooses their own path to walk and to walk. Some choose stony paths, others detours and others again, so like you, the path of the heart, with Me as your loving guide and companion, My children. All will be well! Amen.


18 January 2022

Holding Energies

My children, some of you still have a lot to do physically. For them: Please hold your energies, My children, and only do as much as you can to remain in your inner centre. This also applies to all the rest of you. It is so immensely important that you do not exhaust yourselves and keep your inner balance in this time. All will be well! Amen.


17 January 2022

Avoid stressful situations

My children, in inner peace you are protected and sheltered. But also in daily life you can direct it in such a way that you avoid stressful situations as much as possible. I know that a large part of you do the same, but sometimes you get into situations where it could be unpleasant for you and your soul. Stand up for yourself and say clearly that you neither like nor approve of such stressful situations. Sometimes it also takes a steady persistence to avoid these things or to avoid them. Stand by your attitudes in life, My children! I give you this well-meant advice. All will be well! Amen.


16 January 2022

They are still trying

My children, it has been said in your news that your country is no longer a democracy. The other side is sending their henchmen out to intimidate the people even though they have already lost the battle. But if they cannot win, they are still trying to destroy as much as possible. That is where you come in again, My loyal children. All over the world you voluntarily do so much good every day that the plan of the other side will not happen as they hope. Therefore, remain calm and I rejoice that you are so diligently doing good in My vineyard! All will be well! Amen.


15 January 2022

Joy for the soul

My children, everything that delights the soul and also the heart is good for man. Whereby I would like to emphasise that honest, light-filled and positive joy is meant. For example, if you like to sing - and it doesn't matter whether it sounds beautiful to other people's ears or not - if you like to sing, then celebrate it in such a way that it brings you joy. But also make sure that you don't disturb anyone. The same applies to the volume when listening to music, programmes or even films. If everyone would show consideration for their fellow human beings, life on earth would be much more peaceful. Pay attention to what is good for your soul. Often it is things from your childhood and youth that continue to give you pleasure or come back to you now. But don't stay in the past forever, but live in the here and now and allow everything from the past to flow into it if you feel like it. All will be well! Amen.


14 January 2022

Intensive Weekend

My children, please go within yourselves and spend as much time as you can in rest, in silence and I will be pleased if you continue to do so many good deeds in a voluntary way. There is a lot going on this weekend and the battle between light and darkness is expanding more and more into a worldwide battle, which is also being talked about to some extent in the public media. Much of the other side is being exposed and flooded with light. All will be well! Amen.


13 January 2022


My children, you ask Me again and again in heartfelt prayer what one can do when bottlenecks of various kinds arise. Well, then creativity is often called for. You have many things in you and some of them are abilities and talents of various kinds. Exchange ideas and look on the internet or in books now how something works or is handled. I will always guide and lead My children, as far as they allow it. All will be well! Amen.


12 January 2022

Have confidence

My children, trust is an important quality to maintain. Trust In Me and all that I do for you and all life forms, within the framework of what is possible within the plan of life, but just as strongly you should also have trust in yourselves and know that everything that you accomplish in good things with My agreement, on the one hand comes back to you as resonance and on the other hand is so immensely helpful for all life forms that resonate with it. I like to say it again: If you, My faithful children, would not do so much good in a voluntary way every day, it would look very different on earth. Remain in trust! All will be well! Amen. 


11 January 2022

When something hurts you

My children, with the beginning of the new year, old burdens from the previous year are also released. This can lead to aches, pains and aches of various kinds. Please do not take these lightly, but see what they want to tell you. Then allow yourself time off and rest as far as possible and nevertheless try to continue to do your voluntary work in My vineyard daily through the heartfelt prayers, light transmissions and shouts of victory, for the resonances also come back to you beneficially and helpfully. All will be well! Amen.


10 January 2022


My children, this week many worldly-minded people will also come to the idea of making provisions, for when it is already being said on public television that there may be shortages in supplies, people go shopping in greater numbers. Most of you have made provisions and are prepared for the fact that there may be shortages. But not only in supply, but in general. All will be well! Amen.  



9 January 2022

You are strong, My children

My children, wherever you are: You are always connected to Me through intimate prayer. All My children who are faithful to Me are energetically strong. This means that in many cases your willpower is much stronger than that of worldly-minded people, because in most cases you can resist the temptations of the other side and know exactly what is good for you and what is not. All will be well! Amen. 


8 January 2022

My children are free 

My children, you have been given a right by Me to live in freedom. This applies to all people who firmly believe in Me and trust Me on their path of life. Whoever now gives away his right to freedom - and this can already be in a previous incarnation, may first work off old karma. Man has to bear the consequences for everything he says, does and partly also thinks. That's why some people do well and are more protected and sheltered, and others have to walk through "valleys full of problems" more often, because they have to work off a lot or keep loading themselves with new karma. All will be well! Amen.


7 January 2022

You will receive help

My children, now, in the time of awakening of very many worldly-oriented people, help will be given everywhere to those people who believe in Me and trust Me. But worldly-oriented people will also receive another form of help if they ask for it and have realised that their previous path was not the path they actually wanted to take.  Remain calm, My children, and continue in the same way as you have done up to now. Your daily voluntary works in My vine continue to be so immensely important! All will be well! Amen.


6 January 2022

Epiphany 2022

My children, today, as many of you know, has a special place in the annual calendar. On today's day many Christians celebrate the birth of Me on earth, or commemorate that it happened then. Whether it is Christmas or Epiphany, the energy is especially high for people who are connected to Me in their hearts. Your daily voluntary work in My vineyard flows especially intensely today to all forms of life that are open to it. All will be well! Amen.


5 January 2022

People are becoming more optimistic

My children, from the many people around the world who are peacefully taking to the streets to express their displeasure at the injustices, you see that the worldly-minded people are slowly becoming more optimistic. A large part is still bound in the great fog of confusion and obfuscation by the other side, but there are more every day who are waking up and peacefully joining the great number of walkers worldwide. All will be well! Amen. 


4 January 2022

Much will be exposed

My children, some of it is being reported in the media - albeit largely in code or at a time when most people are asleep. The truth is coming out! It is only a matter of time when this will be released bit by bit. For many worldly-minded people this is a real shock when they are confronted with truths they never thought possible. You are welcome to enlighten, My children, but only if you are asked! Please do not interfere with people's free will! Your daily good deeds in a voluntary way naturally help that more and more injustice is uncovered. All will be well! Amen. 


3 January 2022

Things are changing

My children, things are changing on earth. Both in the spiritual realm and in the gross material realm. You will feel it, My children. Healings happen faster when you are in full trust with Me and also many other things happen faster and easier. There is a greater awakening on earth. All will be well! Amen.


2 January 2022

The calm before the storm

My children, there is still a certain kind of calm. But the storm will come! How strong this will be depends on the one hand on the more and more awakening people who peacefully show that they cannot be dealt with as the henchmen of the other side would like and on the other hand on you, My children faithful to Me, who daily do good in a voluntary way all over the world. All will be well! Amen. 


1 January 2022

The New Year 2022

My children, as I have already told you, a new energy is coming to earth, which will only gradually be adapted by the vast majority of all life forms. That is to say: There may be problems of adjustment and conversion, My children. You, as My extended arms on earth, may also help here. Your daily voluntary work in My vineyard is of an important nature. On the level of the heart, very many people on earth feel a change towards the positive and suddenly have the certainty within themselves that things will get better. All will be well! Amen.


31 December 2021

New Year's Eve 2021

My children, on today, the official last day of the year 2021, you are welcome to send once again all that you wish to send into the world into all hearts that are ready to receive. You should also send your voluntary work in My vineyard beyond midnight, if you are still awake then, because the new year 2022 starts with a completely different vibration, which will take a lot of getting used to for many people. This new, positive energy is different in relation to the energy of 2021, so that many worldly-oriented people will feel it at first on the heart level. All will be well! Amen.


30 December 2021

The year ends tomorrow

My children, officially the year 2021 ends tomorrow. It was turbulent, eventful, full of ups and downs - but one thing was most important: You, My faithful children, full of joy, energy and the knowledge that everything will turn out well, are active every day in a voluntary way at home or on the way to do good! The heartfelt prayers, light transmissions, shouts of victory, good deeds and good thoughts are important guarantors that the light will become stronger and stronger and you will have more and more confidence and joy - despite the sometimes adverse circumstances. I dwell in your hearts and guide and lead you, as far as you allow it. All will be well! Amen.


29 December 2021

Worldwide activities

My children, activities are increasing all over the world. Be it from the other side, as well as from the light side. That is to say, there is an underlying struggle which, if you are not careful, can spread to other sizes. That is why your daily voluntary good deeds are so immensely important, My children. All will be well! Amen.


28 December 2021

It will be tidied up

My children, the world is being tidied up in small and large ways. Of course, you may do the same in your private life, for it is a beautiful start to the coming year when there is order. As far as worldly events are concerned, more and more of what has already taken place in the subtle realm is being implemented in the gross material realm. All will be well! Amen. 


27 December 2021

Energies flow

My children, even after the Christmas days the energies continue to flow very strongly into the hearts of all life forms that are receptive to them. However, changes are also taking place in all My children who are faithful to Me. This can happen from head to toe everywhere. Therefore, do not worry if you now have aches and pains in some places. Old patterns, attachments and energies may now go, My children. I continue to be delighted at how joyfully you do good in a voluntary way every day! All will be well! Amen.


26 December 2021

Subtly connected in the heart

My children, all people worldwide who believe in Me are ethereally connected to Me in their hearts. This means: No matter whether they only believe in Me a little or, like you, fully and completely follow the spiritual path with Me as their protector and guardian: The intimate connection via the heart level is present. Especially on such important days as Christmas, many people who are lonely feel drawn to Me and also then find comfort and security through intimate prayer. Those who are at home now and are limited by aches and pains, niggles or even more stubborn things should pray more at Christmas and in the days until 6 January and give thanks for the help that will flow. Particularly stubborn work-offs of burdens from previous lives, however, can sometimes take a little longer. However, never give up, My children! Everything comes at the right time - also healing! All will be well! Amen.


25 December 2021

Christmas 2021

My children, in many parts of the world Christmas is celebrated today and the hearts of the people are filled to a great extent with joy, hope and a feeling of happiness, because at Christmas one is united in thought with all the people and animals one likes. But the feeling of doing good is also stronger at Christmas, even among worldly-minded people. The love that then flows worldwide is very, very strong, My children, and as a support to your daily good deeds done in a voluntary way, an enormous support. Remain in peace and know: All will be well! Amen.


24 December 2021

Christmas Eve 2021

My children, Christmas Eve this year once again presents a challenge to you, My children who are faithful to Me. You are welcome, if you wish, to add to your daily voluntary good deeds at Christmas. The challenge is that you should try to infuse My Light, My Love and My Divine Justice with a special Christmas energy via your heartfelt prayers, light transmissions and shouts of victory. Just imagine Me holding My protective and blessing hands over the whole earth. Then this special energy that I give to people at Christmas flows into all hearts that are ready to receive. All will be well! Amen. 


23 December 2021


My children, what very many "governments" in the world are doing is illegal towards human beings, for I have given free will to all. Fear mongering is mostly what these stooges of the other side send out. Just let it bounce off your aura and so the "boomerang" goes back to them. Remain in the peace and certainty that all will be well in the end. Amen.


22 December 2021

What is the next step?

My children, your "government" is trying everything, as I have already told you, to vaccinate as many people as possible on the one hand and to keep control on the other. If too many people go peacefully onto the streets despite the ban, the henchmen of the other side get scared. Some of My children, faithful to Me, worldwide, wish for a short war so that finally people will be free from their slave masters. But you should be very careful with wishes, My children, you know that. But also the worldly-minded people partly think that there is no improvement without a war. You see, you are symbolically dancing on the high wire between two fronts and your daily good deeds, in a voluntary way, are the guarantee that despite everything that is happening on earth, the light will become stronger, even if it is sometimes hardly noticeable in the daily turmoil. All will be well! Amen.


21 December 2021

The days are becoming lighter

My children, when I tell you that the days are getting brighter, it refers on the one hand to Christmas, but on the other hand to the coming time. By becoming lighter, I also mean that people wake up and realise what dangerous things are happening on earth that can seriously endanger their health. You are becoming lighter, thus also more transparent in a certain way, and you are now detaching yourselves from old attachments, burdens, problems, etc. This often does not happen without pain, without suffering. This often does not happen without pain, injuries and hindrances to normal life. So if you are not fit again so quickly despite prayers, you still have to deal with old attachments, burdens, etc. Nevertheless, stay in your inner centre and be grateful that you now have the opportunity to finally let go of your old worries, problems etc. and be free of them. All will be well! Amen.


20 December 2021

There is a lot going on

My children, there is a hustle and bustle everywhere on earth, except for the countries or areas where people continue to be harassed. Please do not let your Christmas, which is coming soon, be spoiled or ruined, because especially at Christmas extremely strong healing energy flows into all hearts that are ready to receive. All will be well! Amen.


19 December 2021

Fourth Advent 2021

My children, never before has a Fourth Advent been so energetically charged as this year. Sensitive people, like most of you, sense that a change is at hand. The question for many worldly-minded people - just like for you - is: Will it happen peacefully or not? It is still on a knife's edge in the physical realm and the other side is now throwing everything it still has into the action, similar to what happened at the end of the so-called "Second World War". You, My extended arms on earth, may now send your voluntary good energies into this situation full of joy and confidence, for it is a daring manoeuvre that is currently taking place on earth. Fortunately, many of you have no or hardly any fears in this regard and feel completely secure under My protective mantle in your inner centre. I am very happy about this! May all of you try it, My children. It is actually quite simple. You only need the absolute trust that I will protect and shelter you! All will be well! Amen.


18 December 2021

When the power goes out...

My children, it is already being tested and in some countries the power goes out for seconds to minutes or even hours. You will then only be able to shop in shops or shops that are not modern. Therefore, all-round precautions are not only advisable, but also absolutely important. When power plants are shut down and switched off at the end of the year, two things happen: electricity can fail more easily and the electricity price rises. That's why I once again recommend a thorough all-round precaution. All will be well! Amen. 


17 December 2021

Many people are waiting

My children, out of fear, insecurity and doubt, many worldly-minded people are waiting for what may come. The other part goes out into the streets and protests mostly peacefully or even as walkers. If the German and Austrian people knew that the other side is much more afraid of them standing up together and not putting up with anything. Very quickly the "Punch and Judy show", because that's all it really is, would be over. All will be well! Amen. 


16 December 2021

The awakening process is in full swing

My children, more and more people are waking up and realising that this dependency into which the other side wants to bring them through their henchmen is not helping them. All the false promises are being exposed more and more obviously and the threats are no longer working in many places either. People are taking to the streets and giving vent to their displeasure! You, My faithful children and extended arms on earth, can, as I said, direct these energies that are being released into the right channels through your daily, voluntarily performed good deeds and prayers. All will be well! Amen.


15 December 2021

Seen from different points of view

My children, many things can be seen from different situations or points of view. If you live outside Germany and Austria, for example, you will be surprised at how strictly people are treated there. In many countries, things are quite relaxed and, above all, people are not forbidden or criticised for everything. There are more people than you can imagine who live outside Germany and Austria and still send healing energies there every day. Please remain in your inner centre and continue to do your wonderful, voluntary good deeds, for these are immensely necessary. All will be well! Amen.


14 December 2021

There is a crisis worldwide

My children, there is a great crisis everywhere in the world! Take more precautions so that you do not get into a possible Christmas stress. Many of you are on your way to make a bulk purchase, as this can still be quite stress-free. Bear in mind that there are huge companies in the world that are falling and carrying with them a gigantic amount of chaos!!!! Then you'd better stay at home if this happens. It is on a "knife edge" as they say. Remain in trust and calm, My children. All will be well! Amen.


13 December 2021

Pay attention to subtleties

My children, from now on you should also pay attention to subtleties. No matter whether it is in the worldly-oriented life or also in this way. Because by paying attention to the subtleties, you will notice and also feel what is really happening in the world. The other side has a lot planned until Christmas and would like to "tighten the reins even more" with the New Year, but more and more worldly-oriented people are waking up and no longer put up with anything. That's where you come in, channelling the appropriate energies into the right channels, for your daily good deeds, done voluntarily, have not only prevented wars but have also calmed, smoothed and led to tranquillity. Your good deeds are in fact much more than you can imagine! All will be well! Amen. 


12 December 2021

The Light is stronger

My children, as you know, in the end the light is always stronger than the darkness. Some of you speak of a "valley of tears" through which humanity is now passing. However, tears can also be cleansing, releasing and healing, My children. That is to say: You should look at everything from both sides and never forget: You do not know the life plan of other people at all and, moreover, there are many life forms on earth that are not My inspired children. All will be well! Amen.


11 December 2021

Uncomfortable weather

My children, how do you keep people from protesting in large numbers? Well, you manipulate and influence the weather patterns! This is happening more and more in many parts of the world right now. You know that the weather is partly influenced, but now it is being exaggerated. Your daily heartfelt prayers, light transmissions and cries of victory in a voluntary way will help to bring more stability back into the real weather events if you include them in your prayers and light transmissions. All will be well! Amen.


10 December 2021

Other provisions

My children, time and again the subject of money comes up in your heartfelt prayers. I have spoken about it before, but today I will speak about it again in a different way. Money is also energy if it is used in the right way. Some of you still have some money reserves in your bank accounts or at home. If you like, you can increase your reserves, invest it in precious metals or in other values that seem important to you, as My child. But you can also pass it on and finance or support meaningful things with it. You should first be sceptical about the calls for donations from worldly-minded people, because not everything that glitters is "gold", to put it that way. Some of you are planning to buy land, a house, a car, a mobile home or something similar. But also bear in mind that you need space and energy for this. Investing in crisis provisions also makes sense in some ways, even as a means of exchange or sale. However, the focus should be on not wanting to do business, but to help people. Of course, (financial) survival should also be ensured, My children. You see, there are many ways to invest one's money and not to think of excessive profit, but first and foremost to protect one's house/apartment, to have enough food and water and then also to give something to the people who need it. All will be well! Amen.


9 December 2021

When the people really awaken...

My children, when the worldly-oriented people on earth see through what they have been led to believe and with what deceitful tricks the other side has unleashed its henchmen of various kinds on humanity, there will be something on earth that has not existed for a long time. Then there will be a great "cleansing" and all those who have harmed people, vaccinated them and otherwise injured or killed them, will no longer find a loophole to hide. Many of My children, who are faithful to Me, have known from the beginning what was being planned and you have of course listened to My advice and recommendations accordingly. The worldly-oriented people, however, have listened in good faith and without questioning to what they were told or recommended in the public media. Your prayers and light transmissions, My faithful children, help to mitigate it somewhat, but when the people's rage breaks through, then the liars and deceivers can "dress warmly". Amen.


8 December 2021

Switch off and come to peace

My children, due to enquiries on your part about the intimate prayers, I am going into this subject again today. Inner calm and balance is so immensely important and an important key to remaining calm in this "hectic and incredibly unfair world", as you call it, and also not letting yourself be unsettled by threats - proclaimed via the public media. You are doing everything right if you resist all constraints - lovingly as far as it is possible - and only concern yourselves with the spiritual work that you so lovingly do every day in a voluntary way. If you now say, "I can no longer go to work under these circumstances," then either go on sick leave or be thrown out, or quit your job if your soul is suffering too much. It is a difficult time and also fraught with obstacles, but they can be circumvented or removed if you really want to. I always take care of My children who are faithful to Me! All will be well! Amen.


7 December 2021

Compulsory vaccination threat

My children, more and more often you hear from friends, relatives and acquaintances that their bosses have more or less threatened them with compulsory vaccination because otherwise they will lose their jobs or be overwhelmed with many harassments. Tell them that there are forms stating that the person who gives the vaccination must also be liable for consequential damages. Tell them that it has to be signed by that person first. Almost everyone will back out, because no one wants to be liable! Stay strong and tell your friends that they should stay strong if they care about their salvation. Of course, you may continue to pray for all your friends, relatives and acquaintances who have been vaccinated so far and then as much as possible will be done within the framework of their life plan. But miracles seldom happen in this regard, because every adult person has the opportunity to find out what vaccine side effects there may be and to what extent the vaccine is safe. The term "preliminary vaccination approval" alone should "set off all alarm bells" in people! All will be well! Amen.


6 December 2021

Helping Yourself

My children, more and more worldly-minded people are fed up with government harassment. Just like the unvaccinated people who have had to improvise for a long time, the vaccinated people also want peace. Many gifts are ordered online or transacted through classified ads, swap meets, etc. Humans are inventive when cornered. Don't let Christmas be spoiled, My children! There are always ways and means. So: a well-known saying among you is: "Help yourself and God will help you!" That's exactly rage breaks through, then the liars and deceivers can "dress warmly". Amen.





5 December 2021

Second Advent 2021

My children, time is passing very quickly in the eyes of most of you. The second Advent is already here and the worldly-minded people sit between hoping and worrying whether they will be able to celebrate Christmas in peace with their loved ones - or not. Well, there is so much happening every day that I don't want to tell you too much about it, except: As always, stay in your inner peace and be sure that I am always looking after My children, who are faithful to Me! All will be well! Amen. 


4 December 2021

What you can do

My children, whatever fear and panic propaganda is propagated in the secular media should not interest you. Please remain in your peace and continue to do your voluntary good deeds, for they also protect you. Remember the law of resonance! What you can do for yourself on top of that is to eat as healthy as possible, drink pure water, don't start any quarrels, don't have any resentment, anger or any other kind of rage towards anyone, be firm in your inner centre and never let yourself be blackmailed! Neither with poisonous tests, nor any compulsions! My children are free when they walk the spiritual path full of love and joy! All will be well! Amen.


3 December 2021

Help always comes

My children, many worldly-minded people always ask for help and complain when, firstly, it does not come immediately and, secondly, not in the form they expected the help to take. In order to understand why this is so, these people should first understand the spiritual laws. You, on the other hand, My faithful children, very often receive the help you want if it is in accordance with the plan of life. In the case of injuries, fractures and other severe ailments, healing may take time until it is successful, because the older the person is, the more difficult the recovery is in most cases. Therefore, continue to have faith and joyfully perform your voluntary good deeds, which are so important. All will be well! Amen.


2 December 2021

Where there is a will, there is a way

My children, sometimes you have to take a more arduous path to finally reach your goal. It is only important to know that really everything is possible and feasible within the framework of your life plan. For example, dismantling small houses or plots of land if the space is no longer right, moving caravans, self-built sheds or even garages and conservatories. Everything is possible if the will is there. Even restrictions from the government side do not let My, My faithful children, put a stone in the way. There are always suitable moments and possibilities. Accordingly, a move or emigration can also be discussed. I always help you as far as it is possible. Continue to be firm in your faith and know that your daily good deeds, done voluntarily, are an important milestone on the way that all will be well. Amen.


1 December 2021

Spiritual Advent Calendar

My children, I would like to recommend to you once, following the so well-known Advent calendar of My writing channel here, to do one or more spiritual works every day during Advent - full of joy, love and voluntariness. You might now say: But we have been doing that for a long time, beloved FATHER! That is true, but nevertheless such a spiritual Advent calendar differs from the other spiritual works, because these spiritual Advent calendar energies also flow directly into all open hearts - symbolically expressed - of all the people who open a little door of their Advent calendar every day with joy and love. This means that you can also reach people who are difficult or impossible to reach on other levels and in other areas. Say, for example, every day: "I now open door no. .... and send your light, your love and your divine justice, beloved FATHER, into all hearts that are ready to receive! Your will is done now! For JESUS CHRIST IS WINNER! JESUS CHRIST IS VICTOR! JESUS CHRIST IS THE VICTOR! So it is and so be! Amen. Amen. Amen." All will be well! Amen.


30 November 2021

Dress warmly

My children, it has become cold in Germany, Austria and also Switzerland. When I advise you to dress warmly, you surely know that I do not only mean the low temperatures outside. The other side is "swimming away" and they try everything to humiliate people even more and to treat them like slaves. Therefore, be careful when you are out in the open and make sure you have enough supplies. Even if your partners or family members do not understand or only partially understand this: Assert yourselves and take precautions, because your survival may also depend on it! Go with your feelings and know that you are always safe and protected under My protective mantle, My children! All will be well! Amen.


29 November 2021

Advent in everyday life

My children, you can also live the Advent season very well in normal everyday life. Making everything a little quieter and more contemplative is one possibility. Inner contemplation and your voluntary, good deeds in a daily way naturally help just as much as the knowledge that everything will turn out well. I am always with you, My children! All will be well! Amen.


28 November 2021

1 Advent 2021

My children, today, on the 1st of Advent, the reflective Advent season begins and we are also allowed to take time out. Everything should be a little quieter and calmer, because in this hectic, fast-moving and difficult time, rests and time-outs are needed. Most of you pray in your free time anyway, so you can combine two important things. All will be well! Amen.


27 November 2021

Keep together

My children, the times you are going through are difficult for loners. I recommend you once again to join together and overcome difficult hurdles or problems together. Especially abroad, it is important if you do not yet know the local language. I will always guide you, if you let me. All will be well! Amen. 


26 November 2021

Healing warmth

My children, warmth in all variations has healing powers. Of course, it depends on how much and how strong the heat is tolerated. Most people enjoy the warming rays of the sun. But also a red light lamp, a stove, a heater or other sources of warmth can create a cosy feeling in your bodies, to address you personally now, because this subject comes up again and again in intimate prayer. Some of you are in the south of Europe and still have to heat a little in the evening, because even there the temperature is no longer comfortable. During the day there is often still sufficient sunshine and, in contrast to Germany, a mild temperature. Many of My faithful children all over the world now live in areas where the cold cannot take hold too much, because for most of you a cosy warmth is something that is connected with a feeling of happiness. That's why people like to take warm baths or longer showers in winter. On the one hand, people long for warmth and the positive events associated with it, and on the other hand, they long for peace and security, which can also take place in cooler regions if it is cosy there. Let us now come to the aspect of healing, My children: this almost always happens through specific warmth, which in winter can also happen through the conscious use of hot-water bottles, red-light lamps or other sources of warmth. Almost nothing can heal in the cold, because your body needs the extra portion of warmth to stimulate its body, which is attuned to rest and comfort, through the extra spurts of targeted warmth to speed up the healing process and not wait until spring or even summer. All will be well! Amen. 


25 November 2021

My power is in you

My children, even if life is sometimes difficult for you: I am always with My children, who are faithful to Me, and help them within the bounds of what is possible - within the plan of life. This harassment on the part of the "politicians" and "powerful on the other side" is in part hardly bearable for people and the further harassment on the part of the employers, which is dictated by the other side, is also only an artificially inflated scenery to which you should not give any energy. Stay in your midst and keep doing your voluntary good deeds and you will see that something will happen. There is an opportunity for all unvaccinated people to fight back peacefully in various ways. Some have quit their jobs or have been fired, others are on holiday, others have clarified things with written facts about the true state of Germany, and there are also many who are "on sick leave" - for whatever reason. There are always ways and means! Stay strong and in your peace! I am always with My children who are faithful to Me! All will be well! Amen.


24 November 2021

Stand by yourselves

My children, most of you have learned at an early age to stand by yourselves and also to represent your views and points of view. Especially when it comes to topics such as faith, nutrition, healthy lifestyles and much more, it is absolutely important to stand by yourselves and not to run after the masses just because almost everyone does it. You, My faithful children, have been allowed to show time and again in many lives what it means to be My child and to walk the spiritual path, which was often thorny and rocky. But your firm faith and trust in My help has always accompanied, guided and helped you. All will be well! Amen. 


23 November 2021 

An eventful week 

My children, it was already apparent at the weekend that this week will also be very eventful in the visible realm. But how strongly this revolt against enslavement will become visible depends on the worldly-minded people who will not put up with it. Germany is again at the bottom of the list in Europe at the moment. But when the Germans and all other German-speaking people "burst their collars", to use a figurative description, the other side can dress warmly. I repeat once again: I will not allow any compulsory vaccination of all people who believe in Me and stand under My protective mantle. Should it come to that, I offer possibilities to circumvent this. Every person can then freely choose what he or she wants to do. All will be well! Amen.


22 November 2021


My children, if you need help and cannot think of anything spontaneously, then please enter into intimate prayer with Me and trust that you will receive help. It can be your own inspirations or also those of friends, relatives and acquaintances or also via the Internet, to name just a few possibilities. Have faith and above all patience! All will be well! Amen.


21 November 2021

The weather will be affected worldwide

My children, as many of you already know, the worldwide weather patterns are being affected. As I have said on the subject of rain and sunshine, moderate rain is very often a blessing, but severe weather is not. When you hear that a storm front is approaching, you may gladly ask for divine justice - concerning the weather - in heartfelt prayer, for then it will only happen as it should. Nevertheless, it can still be devastating, because there are not only personal resonances, but also area-wide, or country-wide karma. But in spite of everything, I tell you again and again - also for your comfort and protection: Everything will be alright! Amen.


20 November 2021

Worldwide activities

My children, not only hidden but also quite official, many activities are going on worldwide. Whether it is the military being present on the ground in many countries and also driving on the highways and byways or the spraying in the sky that is still going on. In addition, the other side is now becoming more visible with their demands and trying to force countries as test objects, more or less bullying people into vaccination. Therefore, remain in your midst and under My protective mantle via intimate prayer. No one may force My children and also other unvaccinated people to be vaccinated! All will be well! Amen.


19 November 2021

Rain and Sunshine

My children, this is to be seen in both ways: Both symbolically and in your reality. For when the rain is over, the sun can shine again. There are only a few places on earth where it hardly ever rains and where the sun shines predominantly. If you look at it spiritually now, the sunshine means the blossoming and the new energy that all life needs to thrive and grow. But without rain or water, nothing grows on earth either. Therefore, harmony is an optimal solution. Some of you live in the south of Europe and, to the extreme, even near the only desert in Europe. Well, not many people can stand that, but those who are specifically drawn there love the warmth and the climate. Others of you are drawn to the north of Germany or even Europe and there the sunny days are sometimes quite rare. Everyone should live as he or she pleases, as a child loyal to Me, if the family or circle of friends who move there with you is also happy. So do not be sad when it rains, for rain also brings blessings, says an old proverb. Your heartfelt prayers, light transmissions and shouts of victory help to bring the weather back to normal, first with you and then little by little, because what the other side has done there in terms of weather experiments is not in My interest. All will be well! Amen.


18 November 2021

What you have stored up

My children, by popular request through intimate prayer, I am going into this again today. Well, I had already recommended you to stock up on food and drink for some time. But what else can you stock up on or see as an investment? Some of you have invested your money in gold and silver, bought land, caravans and mobile homes and also larger stocks of grain, rice, pasta and canned food. By larger stocks I really mean a lot. In other words: for several years!  To acquire a house and land abroad is the dream of many of My faithful children who do good every day all over the world, just like you. The voluntary aspect is the most important! Only what is done voluntarily and joyfully has the power to accomplish so much good. In principle, you can use money that you have left over and do not need for your daily life as you wish. Things that are urgently needed in times of crisis are just as important as daily necessities of life that are not available or are hard to come by in times of crisis. All will be well! Amen.


17 November 2021

Watch as little television as possible

My children, television is still the strongest force of manipulation on the other side and the longer you resist it, the more you will notice how it works even without this manipulation. Children in particular are privileged victims of these manipulations. Certain channels, created especially for children, are deliberately populated with subliminal messages. In the past, when you were still children, hardly any television was watched and a lot took place outdoors. Nowadays, children have their virtual worlds and no drive to be outdoors much - also due to the new rules that are meant to enslave people. For example, if you as parents or grandparents have the opportunity, explain to your children what your childhood and youth was like and that it is very important to be allowed to be a child outdoors. If they want to watch TV, let them watch programmes from your childhood or youth, because manipulation was not as developed then. Unity in the family and cohesion are very important, My children! Wrap all your family members under My protective mantle through intimate prayer and then they will be protected and sheltered within the framework of their life plan. All will be well! Amen.


16 November 2021

Peace is an important word

My children, many worldly-minded people are sad or dissatisfied and wish for their old, accustomed life back. But very few of these people utter the word "peace", speak it or dream of it. Peace, as you know, My children, should first arise in your hearts so that you can then send this high vibration and energy out into the world through your heartfelt prayers and light transmissions. But many of you, My children who are faithful to Me, are also thinking about a worldwide peace. The word peace is a key word and every person who carries this key to inner peace with him can also keep it in his heart and thus maintain inner peace. Whatever may come: You are protected and sheltered if you keep your inner centre and are thus also a valuable part of My children who voluntarily do good every day and thus have a great part in making it brighter and lighter on earth from day to day - symbolically speaking. Amen.


15 November 2021

Half the month of November is over

My children, there is still much to come this year! So many things have already happened that have not yet come out into the open. Even many of the so-called "celebrities" are not what they pretend to be. There is, as you know, no such thing as coincidence and that is why it is mainly only those beings who belong to the other side who become famous - or at least pay homage to them. My children, who are faithful to Me and to whom you also belong, have almost always preferred the salvation of their souls and a peaceful, contemplative life led in intimate contact with Me was worth more to them than all the power and adornment on earth. If they allow it, I always lead My children in the way that is best for them. That is why I am very happy about how diligently you work in My vineyard every day, in a voluntary way, in order to do good in these so difficult times and to avert all hostilities and attacks - also with the help of Original Archangel Michael - who always stands on the side of the oppressed and tormented and has already helped each of My children, who are faithful to Me, many times. All will be well! Amen. 


14 November 2021

Healing Prayers

My children, prayers are not all the same, you know that. When you pray intimately and consciously with Me, you notice in one way or another My closeness and warmth with and in you. This means that when prayers are spoken intimately and from the heart, they also have the power to heal or to stimulate healing processes. Healing can take place quickly or it can take some time. It depends on different circumstances and causes. All will be well! Amen. 


13 November 2021

Chaos and unrest

My children, it is becoming more and more turbulent in the world. Chaotic conditions are becoming more and more frequent. However, these are very often not brought to the attention of the public and the worldly media, because then many more people would wake up and realise that what is going on no longer has anything to do with freedom and free speech, but wants to take on more and more tendencies of a surveillance state - similar to China. Especially here it is once again extremely important that you, as My extended arms on earth, remain in your inner centre and very purposefully complete your voluntary good deeds every day. All will be well! Amen.


12 November 2021

Problems between vaccinated and unvaccinated people

My children, the other side has cleverly turned the vaccinated people against you and all other unvaccinated people with a subconscious and targeted propaganda. A real hunt is being organised - in media terms. The coercions that are being deliberately made against unvaccinated people are not justified either. Only those with a clear mind have realised that vaccinations have always been used either to carry out tests or to deliberately torture and decimate people and animals or, in the long term, to make them dependent on the pharmaceutical industry. Many of you have been vaccination opponents since you were children and did not let yourselves be vaccinated voluntarily. Stay strong and continue to oppose these poisons, because they harm the soul even more than the body. I continue to say to you: Everything will be all right! Amen.


11 November 2021

Things are looking up

My children, even if it is portrayed differently in the secular media: Things are looking up! More and more people are awakening from the consciously controlled "Sleeping Beauty sleep" that the other side has used as programming in many areas. In other words: They can try as hard as they like to manipulate people: They are not allowed to force people to get a vaccination. That's why they work with tricks of all kinds and also sometimes with "treats"... "Carrot and stick" is an appropriate formulation for their approach in this respect. Nevertheless, I say to you: All will be well! Amen.


10 November 2021

When people awaken

My children, when worldly-minded people "awaken", that is, see through what a perfidious scenario is going on on earth, they are rarely inactive afterwards. Mostly they then try to enlighten, to go into the movement of the 'conspirators' or find a way to Me in order to then do good with Me by their side. That is to say: Every person who sees through this scenario of the other side will in almost all cases no longer be the same person as before, because with this knowledge one cannot continue to live one's life as before. With every awakened person, the energy on earth also increases, for as I have already said: "Constant dripping wears away the stone." All will be well! Amen. 


9 November 2021

There is still enough time...

My children, time is symbolically running out for most people. You still have enough time to stock up sufficiently on all levels. Should your "government" really shut down some of the nuclear power plants, blackouts may become the norm this coming winter and with them massive unrest, even civil war-like conditions in the major cities. You see, the other side very cleverly exploits the weak points of a country when it has already been infiltrated far enough. Germany in particular is to be destroyed, since the highest energy was anchored there and partly still is. But since many of My children who are faithful to Me have taken up residence outside of Germany, the energy of My children who are faithful to Me can be sent and placed from everywhere. This means: No matter where you are in the world: The voluntary healing energy and with it also the protection for all life forms that are open to it, flows continuously. Stay calm and take care. All will be well! Amen.


8 November 2021

Constant dripping wears away the stone

My children, the many small helps, good deeds, good thoughts and prayers of the worldly-oriented people are a great help for you in your daily good deeds done in a voluntary way, because there are more and more every day who are waking up worldwide from the constant sprinkling by the other side via the public media and other organs. According to the motto: "Constant dripping wears away the stone", slowly but surely more and more positive energy is being achieved, distributed and integrated into life here on earth. All will be well! Amen.


7 October 2021

Appear with self-confidence

My children, some of you have a strong self-confidence without attracting negative attention. The rest of you are often shy or reserved. Especially at this time, it is important to stand by your points of view and to say with a confident voice: I am and remain unvaccinated - to give just one example. My children, who are faithful to Me, have always been strong and self-confident, because there were times when it was dangerous to be a Christian or an Original Christian. I am always with you and also strengthen your back, My children. All will be well! Amen.


6 October 2021

Worldwide commotions

My children, if you knew all the commotions that are happening in the world at the moment. Only a fraction of it is coming out into the open. The odd piece of news leaks out on the Internet, but false news is also deliberately positioned there. So it is always a matter of reading with an alert mind and continuing to be prepared. You, as My children who are faithful to Me, are under My protective mantle through intimate prayer, but the worldly-oriented people in most cases are not, because they are very often very far away from Me. There the worldly scenario will have a different effect than with all people who carry Me in their hearts. All will be well! Amen. 


5 October 2021

The Joy of My Children

My children, I am very happy when you rejoice! You have gone through many hardships in this and previous lives and to see you happy delights My FATHER'S HEART! Radiating joy, living joy and sending joy are very important things that help very much so that all life forms that are open to it also receive it in the quantity that they can tolerate. All will be well! Amen.


4 October 2021

People are the same everywhere

My children, everywhere in the world worldly-minded people are in a way the same. Only you, My extended arms on earth, have different ways of seeing and doing many things. Even if a country is communist, for example, the worldly-minded people still think in many cases as in other countries. This means that the awakening is not only happening in western countries, but also where it is not wanted by the government. As a result, your daily good deeds, done voluntarily, will also flow to places where it is not expected. The prerequisite is simply that these people are open and receptive to it. Amen.


3 October 2021

The Awakening Continues

My children, the worldwide awakening of worldly-minded people continues. Step by step and with patience it will also succeed if the awakened people do not allow themselves to be distracted or intimidated again by fear scenarios or "clever lulling" by the other side. You, as My extended arms on earth and faithful children, perform your so wonderful good deeds almost everywhere every day, in a voluntary way, which are so immensely important. All will be well! Amen.


2 October 2021

Things are moving forward

My children, even if it does not always look like this for many of My children who are faithful to Me, I still want to tell you repeatedly: Things are progressing! Worldwide, you are in the minority in terms of numbers on earth. Of course, there are not more than 7 billion people living on earth, because non-human beings of the other side are also present in large numbers on earth with a human shell - but without a soul. These are very often represented in high positions, but will gradually be replaced. Your daily good deeds of a voluntary nature are so immensely important, that is why I mention it very often, My children. All will be well! Amen.


October 1, 2021

A fulminant beginning of October 

My children, it is boiling underground worldwide! The manipulated elections are also being exposed more and more, only the courage of the media people is still a little lacking, who do not yet really dare to bring the truth to light. But you will experience a lot in October and depending on how far people wake up and no longer let themselves be lulled by the lies of the public media, more and more of the truth will come to light. You, as My extended arms on earth, are important helpers on earth with your voluntary, daily good deeds. All will be well! Amen.


30 September 2021

The eventful September comes to an end

My children, an eventful month is drawing to a close and I tell you that October will be even more intense. Once again - as has been the case for a long time in this time: your daily, voluntary good deeds are an important part of the fact that things are now looking up, even if so far you only see individual sparks of them every now and then. All will be well! Amen.


29 September 2021

Free life

My children, it is not always easy to live completely free. Nevertheless, some of you are able to implement this to some extent. That is to say: Those who feel the narrowness and constraints within themselves and no longer want to live in this constricting society, try to find their happiness and freedom in their own homeland or even far away. Those who are unable to do this and who suffer from it can, for example, undertake spiritual journeys after a heartfelt prayer with Me, with a red light lamp or the sunlight and, if necessary, also listen to relaxation music, because the mind is able to go on journeys. Since I am repeatedly asked about this subject by you worldwide in heartfelt prayer, I am once again going into this important subject today. Those who have now found a freer life can also more easily give up and let go of all ballast and worries and problems. I will gladly help you to transform yourselves through intimate prayer. Amen.


28 September 2021

Inner peace is stronger than the chaos of the outside world

My children, your power to come into inner peace is worth more than all the jewellery of the earth, for this cannot bring you into connection with Me. The inner strength that you build up and then voluntarily send lovingly to all life forms that are receptive to it is a true blessing! Remember, when life becomes hectic again, that you can always withdraw into your inner centre and connect with Me through intimate prayer. All will be well! Amen.


27 September 2021

When small or great miracles happen...

My children, time and again you ask for smaller or even greater miracles. Well, often you don't even notice how often you are blessed with smaller and also greater miracles in this life, because already through your good deeds, which you for the most part perform daily in a voluntary way, miraculous things or events come to you again and again through the law of resonance. All will be well! Amen.


26 September 2021

Distractions, bread and games

My children, today has only one theme in the secular press. You know when you put your votes in an urn that they are then buried, so to speak. It is all distractions from important issues that are taking place and the whole thing is being done for popular amusement, entertainment and deliberate distraction through "bread and games" events so cleverly that the worldly-minded people who get their daily portions of "thought-washing" through their TV programmes do not even notice what is really happening. However, many of you are active on alternative channels on the internet and/or are on the move and thus also learn truths that have not yet been shown or mentioned in the public sphere. Since, for various reasons, the vast majority of the public media has never been allowed to tell the truth, let alone write it, the process of awakening has been so protracted. But now a crucial point has been reached, My children. Please continue to remain calm and do your voluntary, so immensely important good deeds. All will be well! Amen.


25 September 2021

Changes will soon also be visible

My children, changes will be seen and felt not only in the subtle realm, but also in the visible, that is, gross material realm. Nothing that happens in the world happens without reason. Above all, the news, which are built up into headlines in a matter of seconds, have important messages. These are also more and more from the lighter side, only the other side tries to suppress it or deliberately portray it negatively. All will be well! Amen.


24 September 2021

Use the sunlight

My children, just now, in this beginning autumn time, you should use the sunlight as often as you can - if you have the possibility to do so. The sun still has power and you will not get sunburn - except perhaps in hot countries. Sunlight can be replaced by a red light lamp during cold periods. If you imagine that it is sunlight, it will also help. Your imagination is very strong and you should use it only for positive things. Always remember the law of resonance. If you are out in nature now, you should also always watch the sky. On days when it is sprayed with chemicals, I recommend that you stay indoors, if possible. If you go through life consciously with open eyes, you will also receive the help and suggestions that I send you through spiritual or other helpers. All will be well! Amen. 


23 September 2021

Take care of your body

My children, especially now that the summer is over and the weather is also doing capers now and then, you should dress accordingly. Especially the cold and sometimes very fresh wind can lower the energy of the body. Some of you like to drink something warm and some like ice-cold drinks or ice so that the body has to work on its own to get warmed up again. Since everyone reacts differently to temperature fluctuations, personal experience is needed here as well. Only cold feet should be avoided in the long run, because then the body gets into a situation where it has to work constantly to raise the temperature in the feet again and other important things sometimes take a back seat.  You see, those who know their body and pay close attention to it often have an easier time than those people who just live into the day and are then surprised when their body shows reactions that they did not expect because they had ignored all the advance warnings. Amen.


22 September 2021

Attempts are being made to delay it

My children, the other side sees its own downfall coming, since they have possibilities to look into the future. However, they are now trying with all their might to delay their downfall in the hope of winning after all. So don't be surprised if attempts are now being made again and again to initiate extreme situations on earth. At the same time, however, purifications and transformations are also taking place, and sometimes it is not so easy for you to determine whether they are purifications or whether the other side has had a hand in them. Your inner peace and therefore also the intensive voluntary work in My vineyard are still a very important part of everything that is happening on earth. All will be well! Amen.  


21 September 2021

He who carries Me in his heart

My children, whoever carries Me in his heart and fully believes in Me and trusts Me is always protected and sheltered. But if you get out of your inner centre or get too upset, for example, you should again place yourselves under My protective mantle over intimate prayer, because only faith in Me is not a licence to do all kinds of things, as many worldly-minded people think when they go to church once a week and then think they have received some kind of indulgence. But that is not so! You know this, of course, My children. He who carries Me deep in his heart can only do good, for otherwise his heart, as a human being, would be very heavy and the soul would bring up this subject again and again until everything is clarified, forgiven, released and cleansed. All will be well! Amen.


20 September 2021

The gulf is widening

My children, there are now two intense gulfs among people: Between vaccinated and unvaccinated people and between My children who are faithful to Me and worldly-minded people. Some of you have problems in this regard with your parents, children, relatives, friends and acquaintances who cannot understand why you are walking the path with Me and are also for the most part unvaccinated. Do not make your hearts so heavy, but continue to give Me everything that weighs you down or burdens you in heartfelt prayer for transformation. All will be well! Amen. 


19 September 2021


My children, you have learned over the years that there must first be a certain peaceful change - if possible in the understanding and knowledge that people have free will - before the great transformation begins. If everything were done by force, there would be violence again and the "game" would continue. Only through understanding and peaceful transformation can healing come about in the long term. Since patience, as you know, is a virtue and attaining it also involves a certain degree of spiritual maturity, you can imagine that not too many worldly-minded people can yet understand and implement this. That is why your daily, voluntary good deeds continue to be so immensely important, My children. All will be well! Amen. 


18 September 2021

Helping each other - not only in times of need

My children, mutual help is something that the other side does not know, because whoever does good from the heart is also willing to help weaker people or also friends, relatives and acquaintances when they need this help. There is always a response, even if not necessarily from those seeking help. Last night massive energy was sent out of turn by a few of you and much good was done as a result. This came on top of the daily good deeds and has cleared a lot of "thick air" in Spain, Germany and Austria, to put it that way. Should you not be able to fall asleep immediately, you are welcome to send as much light as you can together with Me in heartfelt prayer, for this is better than brooding and thinking about why you cannot fall asleep right now. There is no coincidence, My children, as you know. All will be well! Amen.  


17 September 2021

The awakening continues

My children, worldwide a jolt is going through humanity and the awakening from the "twilight sleep", which was artificially produced by the other side, is now happening more strongly. Many of these worldly-oriented people have an impulse for good within themselves and are thus also receptive to spiritual messages and prayers through you, My faithful children and extended arms on earth, in order to then change their way of seeing and thinking so that they increasingly see through what perfidious plans the other side is planning and carrying out. All will be well! Amen. 



16 September 2021

Great fears in Germany

My children, many people have great fears and anxieties about what will happen in Germany - but also in other countries - in the near future. Well, some things have already been resolved in the subtle realm and are waiting to be transformed in the gross material realm as well. Patience is a virtue, My children, which some of you do not have to a great extent, and among the worldly-oriented people there is an ever-increasing dissatisfaction, which then also no longer allows room for patience. That is why your daily good deeds, done voluntarily, are so immensely important and valuable, My children. All will be well! Amen.




15 September 2021

When help is needed

My children, if you urgently need help and sincerely ask for it, it will come to you if you are open to it. Many things that the "politicians" in many countries of the world would like to implement can fail simply because more and more people are awakening and realising that what is being decided is not for the good of the people. That is why it is so important that you do your voluntary good deeds every day. If you only knew, My beloved children, how much good you are doing every day. All will be well! Amen.


14 September 2021

Still a dance on the volcano

My children, it continues to be a "dance on the volcano", if you want to express it symbolically, because the other side continues to vehemently try to subjugate humanity with all illegal and forbidden methods and hopes that humanity will not awaken quickly enough, because they have a huge respect for a large awakened crowd. What the other side is trying to do is nothing other than to take away from Me My children, many of whom are still walking the worldly-oriented path, because deep in the bottom of their hearts they are connected to Me, but there are still a lot of things lying around that block the access to My FATHERLY HEART or have cluttered it up. Only through a great spiritual and also physical cleansing can these people then recognise where their true path goes. Thanks to your daily good deeds done in a voluntary way, people who want to wake up can receive an impulse or even more through the heartfelt prayers and light transmissions. All will be well! Amen.


13 September 2021

As if nothing were wrong

My children, many helpers of the other side act as if nothing were wrong and continue to try to push through their agenda step by step in order to exterminate and enslave humanity to a large extent. You have asked Me in heartfelt prayer why the spiritual world does not simply intervene and stop it. Well, since I have given people free will, I also abide by it. Many of My faithful children understood this, but are nevertheless saddened by the seemingly ever worsening events on earth. Unvaccinated people are "lumped together" with agitators or other unwanted opponents and thus already once in the minds of many vaccinated people, symbolically excluded from their lives. You already notice this in your friends, relatives and acquaintances alone, how they also partly try to drive a symbolic wedge between vaccinated and unvaccinated people. But you, My faithful children, may be certain that all the good you voluntarily do every day is good for the earth and all life forms that are receptive to it and of course also come back to you as a positive resonance. All will be well! Amen. 


12 September 2021

Purification of the Body

My children, before the cold season sets in, it makes sense to cleanse, detoxify and harden your bodies, so to speak, for the colder time of the year. You know which vitamins, minerals and trace elements are good for you. It is also very advisable to cut down or completely stop all unhealthy things that you may have carelessly and uncontrollably consumed in summer. Alcohol, nicotine, coffee and other addictions can do you more harm than good. The danger of colds is also given and appropriate teas can be very helpful - in connection with blessed water and a few prayers with Me to accelerate the healing or regeneration process. Listen to your bodies, they will show you what you need. Amen.


11 September 2021

Light and Shadow

My children, today holds much light, but also shadow. You, as My extended arms on earth, are in the fortunate position of being able to do good at any time you wish, and thus work voluntarily in My vineyard every day. Your ways of thinking and acting are so strongly connected with Me that you would be missing something if you could not do or think good every day. Today, however, there is also light and shadow in many worldly-oriented people, whereby you, as My extended arms on earth, gladly guide in love and joy in a spiritual way the newly awakened people who now want to walk the path of the heart, lovingly take them symbolically by the hand through heartfelt prayers. All will be well! Amen.



10 September 2021

World-wide tension

My children, many of the worldly-minded people's nerves are frayed and there is a great tension on earth. The people no longer want to be oppressed and want to return to a calm, stress-free life. This is also reflected in the entire energetic and worldly field on earth and is gradually spreading everywhere. The other side is downright afraid of this, because then the worldwide control they are trying to achieve would no longer exist, as they are only a very small minority compared to the world's population. In other words, if a large part of the world's population awakens and understands - even if only to a small extent - what has been and is still being done to them on earth as guinea pigs, the henchmen of the other side can only try to find a hiding place as quickly as possible, because then there will be a cleansing on earth and a large part of those who have tortured, mistreated or lied to and deceived the people will quickly experience their resonance. Amen. 


9 September 2021

Many people take precautions

My children, not only you, My extended arms on earth, know how important specific provision is. More and more of the worldly-minded people also understand that what is happening is not in their favour. It is not only sensible to take precautions, it is very important. Some countries on earth already have targeted shortages and partly empty shops. Please remain in inner peace, My children. All will be well! Amen.


8 September 2021 

The light is getting stronger 

My children, more and more worldly-minded people are realising that there is nothing good behind the so-called "vaccination campaign" and that predominantly vaccinated people are filling hospitals worldwide. The cover-ups in this regard are crumbling more and more. However, this also anchors the light on earth more strongly and the other side swerves to extreme tall tales and pure fear-mongering scenarios, because they see their "skins slowly swimming away", to put it this way. You, My faithful children worldwide, continue to be the bulwarks on the one hand that block the other side with your daily good deeds in a voluntary way and on the other hand beacons and helpers for people who are awakening and need spiritual or other help. All will be well! Amen.


7 September 2021

Please do not be afraid

My children, it is important that you, no matter what fears of any kind are being trumpeted in the public media, nevertheless remain in your inner peace and, if fears arise in you, immediately pass them on to Me for transformation through intimate prayer. The constellation of today is very strong for people who follow astrology. But since you, like every day, joyfully and voluntarily do so much good in My vineyard, My children, who are faithful to Me, will continue to be protected and sheltered within the framework of their life plan. Depending on the resonance, worldly-minded people must also reckon with the fact that things may get a little more turbulent in various areas in the near future. All will be well! Amen.


6 September 2021

Trust is the basic prerequisite

My children, no matter where you are, what you are doing or how you are doing: Absolute TRUST in Me and My healing power and My protection are the basic prerequisites for you to get through life well and to let yourselves be guided by My guardian angels, whom I place at your side and the people assigned to you by Me - or who come to you through the law of resonance - who help and/or support you. All will be well! Amen.


5 September 2021

Pay attention to alkaline nutrition

My children, especially in this hectic world, in addition to conscious eating and drinking, it is very important to eat as alkaline as possible. Ailments, aches and pains and what people call "illness" can only stay, grow and flourish in an acidic environment. If you consistently give your body an alkaline diet and also drink alkaline drinks every day, such as a glass of water with bicarbonate of soda, for example, you will then, if you persevere, convert your body to alkaline and thus help to detoxify it and remove negative things. It is important to be consistent and also to think and act positively and to always be lovingly connected with Me through intimate prayer. Amen



4 September 2021

Days go by in a flash

My children, many of you - but also many worldly-minded people - feel that the days go by much too fast and often they don't even know - without looking - which day it is. Well, time on earth has become faster and because the days go by so quickly, people get confused with their rhythm. Especially when you are on the move, time seems to "fly", as some of you so lovingly put it. If you have a fixed programme for the day, it often happens that you cannot fulfil it. Nevertheless, remain in your inner peace and continue to do such wonderful voluntary things. All will be well! Amen.


3 September 2021

Keeping order helps

My children, many of you are aware of it, but it is often not followed as strictly as it would be good for you: order at home! Some of you have problems with various things that disturb you. Whether it's a plague of wasps or ants, sometimes bad weather and in its wake mice or rats... It's not always to do with clutter, but if you have everything tidy, it's much easier to tidy up, find things or generally keep track of things. In Spain this summer there is a plague of ants in the south of the country. Some of you are affected by it. Just keeping things tidy is often not enough and so some of you have decided to keep the house as clean as possible and to cook and sometimes sleep outside, because ants in bed are not a pleasant situation. Here again the German tinkerer comes into play and finds ways and means. Those who were affected by the flood should realise that there is no point in renovating or recreating everything in the same place again, because water always finds its way. Why I am telling you this in such detail now is because - no matter what happens - signs are always there for people to recognise and draw their conclusions from. That is to say: Of course, people who can live in warm climes all year round are often envied by worldly-minded people, but you see: These people also have to live with inconveniences or try to make the best of them. So if you keep your home tidy and don't give ants or mice a chance to find anything, it will be easier for you than if you have to move a lot of ballast aside first in order to see the situation and defuse it if necessary. You should also keep your supplies in order, My children, for this is a great time saver. Amen.


2 September 2021

Remain in tranquillity

My children, in the coming days it is very important to remain in inner peace and to do your - so immensely important - good deeds in a voluntary way. To what extent the events that have already happened in the subtle world will now also show up in the physical world depends on some decisions. In any case, September will not be boring. Everything will be good! Amen. 


1 September 2021

A month with ups and downs

My children, September will be a month with ups and also downs - depending on how you look at it and how you act. What started in August will now be continued, but partly with different intentions and energies. It is similar to the second part of a successful film, where the sequel is also acted differently. Most of what you see on TV are specially produced sequences and short films, but they are supposed to look like realistic things. Since most of the media is under the control of the other side, there is of course a "one-size-fits-all" approach to the major TV channels. Only those who permanently avoid television are no longer manipulated by these energies and "led on a long leash". Please remain calm, My children. All will be well! Amen.


31 August 2021

August comes to an end

My children, a memorable month of August is coming to an end and much that has happened has not yet come to light. September continues with changed energies and your many good deeds make a great contribution on a spiritual and physical level. Only those who help voluntarily can achieve good. Amen.



30 August 2021

Pay attention to subtleties

My children, please always pay attention to subtleties in your country, or state, or even your community, because the "rules" are not the same everywhere. Since attempts are now being made to portray unvaccinated people as second-class people and possibly also to treat them, you should pay close attention to everything and hand over your worries and problems to Me for transformation through intimate prayer. Remember that all will be well, but there are still some stumbling blocks to be cleared out of the way. Your voluntary good deeds are a key to this. Amen.


29 August 2021

Spiritual irradiations

My children, when you pray intimately and also send and pray light for friends, relatives and acquaintances, this always happens within the framework of the respective life plan. However, the possibilities of help that a person can receive within his or her framework are not exhausted in most cases. That is to say: Whoever prays fervently for something or someone or sends light there, thereby initiates a process of spiritual irradiation and often small spurts of it are enough to send a person on the path to recovery or to achieve what you call spontaneous healing. But in most cases it is only the filling up of gaps that has kept that body in a state of weakness. If the body is inwardly and outwardly spiritually filled or charged with all good energies, that person is also well. Amen.


28 August 2021

If people knew...

My children, if the worldly-minded people knew what the other side and their henchmen do to them every day, you would have had a civil war long ago. Many of these people, however, do not want to get out of their self-made "all-round carefree package" - from their point of view, mind you, and mostly reject changes offered by you - without even listening to them, because then the ideal world they still have in their heads would collapse. Many of these people have only allowed themselves to be vaccinated so that after this "crisis" their "ideal world" will return. But you know only too well, My children, that this is not the case. Your daily diligence in a voluntary way, are a jewel of help and healing in this dull world, My children. All will be well! Amen. 


27 August 2021

Overstimulation of the senses

My children, not only on television or radio is there an overstimulation of the senses and stimuli, so that the worldly-oriented person can no longer think clearly at all and is permanently kept in his "Sleeping Beauty sleep", - as far as spiritual awakening is concerned - by this overstimulation. Only those who manage to put an end to this targeted overstimulation and to renounce mind-manipulating mass media, will after a certain time come to the realisation that what the mass media and politicians demand from people is not in the spirit of what I originally gave to people. This means: Whoever manages to get out of this extreme overstimulation, to take a simple path and to come back into harmony with his soul and his heart, will sooner or later find a path for himself and possibly also for his family and friends, which ultimately also leads to Me and My FATHER'S HOUSE. All will be well! Amen. 


26 August 2021

Relative calm still prevails

My children, it is still relatively quiet on earth. It is also partly up to you how much negative energy can be averted and transformed daily - through your voluntary good deeds. The other side wants to initiate a great war through insidious manoeuvres. But the majority of humanity wants peace and the more people awaken and understand what is going on on earth, the better it is for peaceful development. All will be well! Amen.


25 August 2021

Power Struggle

My children, a power struggle of a special kind is raging on earth at the moment. The Light continues to send the darkness back with fair methods and the darkness continues to try to "keep its flags flying" with all kinds of unfair tricks. This means: Do not be surprised, My children, if from now on, in the near future, many of the dark machinations come to light and at the same time the other side also brings ever more unfair and partly outrageous things into the so-called public, which can hardly be grasped from a human point of view, whereby the subject of vaccination takes a key position with them. Despite everything, you remain in your inner centre and do so much good in a voluntary way, which acts as a bulwark against the other side. All will be well! Amen.


24 August 2021


My children, many of you are connected with each other - whether spiritually or also in real life, it does not matter. Through mutual help - spiritual or physical - many things can become even better. If you knew how many of you, My children who are faithful to Me, do good in a voluntary way every day all over the world. You would be positively delighted! Every day more people wake up who until now had still been unconsciously and subconsciously in a "Sleeping Beauty sleep". The fatal side effects of vaccination also make many people sceptical and then go on the offensive. Vaccination supporters very often turn into vaccination opponents as a result of certain events. All will be well! Amen.


23 August 2021

The inner centre

My children, in many industrialised countries it is not at all easy to maintain one's inner centre even during the day in everyday life. Some southern countries show people how to do it: They take a "siesta" and during this time, calmness and serenity are the order of the day in many places. Well, the hectic life in Germany, for example, has become somewhat less so compared to before the confinement and compulsory masks. In the New Age that is being striven for, there is no hustle and bustle and also no jealousies. Every human being grants everything to every other human being and everyone is allowed to do in peace and harmony what he or she is able to do and likes to do voluntarily. Many of you already see this as paradise, although it is only a preliminary stage of it. That is why I am so pleased about how willingly and in heartfelt humility you do so much good every day, My children. All will be well! Amen.


22 August 2021

Chaff and wheat in August

My children, for a long time the other side has been trying to vaccinate as many people as possible, because then in the vast majority of cases they have control over them and can also influence their lives in a certain way. Only a strong will and absolute trust in Me can then still help to reverse this process. Strong will also includes a change of diet and a physical detoxification. You, My extended arms on earth, now also have it in your hands to influence people who are vaccinated and want to be detoxified and unvaccinated people through your daily good deeds in a voluntary way, in order to symbolically strengthen their back. Those who are receptive to good deeds of a spiritual nature will receive help, as far as the person himself allows it. Amen.


21 August 2021

Much is in motion

My children, much is in motion on earth. This concerns all directions and points of view. Through the fact that more and more pressure is being exerted on the worldly-oriented people, many are also waking up and realising what kind of a play is being put on. Therefore, remain calm, My children, and continue to do your daily voluntary deeds so lovingly and full of joy. All will be well! Amen. 


20 August 2021

Why fervent prayers are so important now

My children, since the news about Afghanistan, the other side is constantly trying to fan the flames of war. It is precisely at this time that your heartfelt prayers and all other good deeds are so immensely important, which you joyfully do voluntarily, as a bulwark against the destructive and inhuman energies of the other side. Amen.



19 August 2021

Much is moving on earth

My children, much is in motion and more and more people are feeling it. The awakening process has set in motion a chain reaction that is constantly growing stronger. Occasionally it is stopped, as for example in Germany and also Austria. But since it has started in other countries, a lot will happen by the end of the month, provided people continue to steadfastly refuse vaccinations. Amen.


18 August 2021

Provocations in many places

My children, it is not only through the distinction between "vaccinated" and "unvaccinated" people that provocations are made and attempts are made to drive a wedge between people. Afghanistan is yet another trouble spot. The other side is once again trying everything not to go under and continues to abide by no laws, such as people's free will. But whoever believes in Me, trusts Me and does good, will always get his back as a response and also all the help within the framework of his life plan. All will be well! Amen.


17 August 2021

If My children knew how strong they are

My children, you, as My extended arms on earth, are the possibility for Me to do many things without intervening. In dreams, visions or also in twilight sleep - or shortly before waking up - I give you inspirations and help again and again. Some of you received concrete inspirations last night about what may now be done on earth. You have a power within you - as My children who are faithful to Me and extended arms on earth, which you cannot imagine in the least. Each one of My children, faithful to Me, when working for Me in a voluntary way, has with them not only an army of guardian angels, but also healing powers for nature, for example, that far outshine your so-called self-made devices. My writing channel here yesterday spoke of the healing power of the Ganges water. Well, it is indeed the case that this water and also some other sources, are pure and blessed by Me - and depending on faith and trust in My divine love for all that lives, healing can then also take place in a short time or over a longer period of time. As some of you have already realised, everything takes place on a large as well as a small scale. That is to say, a model or a photograph can bring healing or help just as much as the original. I already told My Writing Channel here last night that he may create an energy picture of the Ganges Healing Water, which you are also welcome to download and use. Everything always works within faith and in connection with the life plan, which has already been expanded for most of you. So allow the power to come through as you pray fervently and do good. It is coming! All will be well! Amen.


16 August 2021

The everyday wish

My children, a great many worldly-minded people wish for nothing more than to return to the life before confinement and mask duty. They would like to have their accustomed everyday life from before again. But that will not happen, My children. The spiritual change is already too far advanced. You are with your daily good deeds, in a voluntary way, a great help in the transformation that will happen. Be patient! Amen.


15 August 2021

What moves people in August

My children, rarely have people had so many problems at the height of summer as they did this year and last year. Only that this year it is more serious, because many things are being done with blackmail and pressure to force people to vaccinate. It is also mental pressure that is being exerted and here you see very well, My children, how wheat and chaff separate. Those who are strong in faith manage to remain unvaccinated and prefer to do without comforts or their profession. But there are also very many people who are not so strongly connected with Me and nevertheless consciously refuse vaccinations for reasons of conscience or other sensible knowledge. All will be well! Amen.


14 August 2021


My children, everywhere in the world changes will now gradually happen and some of them will already be visible. More and more people are awakening because they realise that the hoped-for solution via vaccinations has had exactly the opposite effect. Your daily, voluntary good deeds are so immensely important, My children. All will be well! Amen.


13 August 2021

People change

My children, the worldly-oriented people who voluntarily had themselves vaccinated, received various toxins in their bodies through this. These cause - depending on their resistance - a small or even a big change in their personality - up to severe illnesses or the transition to other realms. This means: Avoid skin contact with vaccinated people, because these toxins can also be transmitted through sweat or other body fluids. Absolute protection is only intimate prayer with Me and the protective mantle that you thereby place yourselves under. Those who have now prayed for vaccinated people and continue to do so, help these people within the framework of the individual's life plan, as far as it is possible. Your daily good deeds, done voluntarily, help in many ways and without them the earth would not be where it is now. Things are looking up, My children! Amen.


12 August 2021

Things are in the making

My children, in the subtle realm much has already been decided and in the gross realm much is in the making. This means: Be patient, My children, symbolic hurdles, stumbling blocks and much more must first be cleared away little by little in love. All will be well! Amen.


11 August 2021

Be clear...

My children, be aware that almost everything you hear or see in the public media is manipulated and / or lies. They have ways and means to deceive every person who is not connected to Me and knows what is really happening on earth. It used to be said, "I only believe what I have seen with my own eyes." Well, this is even less true now than it was a few decades ago. By means of computer technologies and / or so-called "greenscreens", they can create any film situation or image montage they want. Hologram technology is also very advanced. They can visually create anything that people are supposed to see. Only those who are intimately connected with Me will immediately sense or realise that all that is initiated from the other side contains lies, malice, falsehood, negative destruction and much more. But whoever stands under My protective mantle and sends "JESUS CHRIST IS WINNER!" into the world as a positive vibration, thereby automatically lets their structures of lies gradually collapse like unstable houses of cards, My children. All will be well! Amen.



10 August 2021

Artificial scaremongering

My children, in many parts of the world, an artificial scarcity of resources has been started and thereby also an artificial scaremongering has been brought into being. Never forget: Germany is the key country for the other side. They want with all their might for Germany to be down and not, as after various wars since the late Middle Ages, for it to miraculously rise again. In other words, Germany and all German-speaking countries have a force within them that is a thorn in the other side's side. Please do not let yourselves be infected by this scaremongering and continue to remain in your inner peace to complete your daily, voluntarily performed good deeds, which also help every country on earth where help is permitted by the free will of the people. All will be well! Amen. 


9 August 2021

Paying attention to subtleties

My children, I have already explained to you how to pay attention to subtleties, but now I would like to go into the current situations a little. Ants, wasps, flies, spiders, moths and many other animals can make your life difficult if you are careless with things that may attract these animals. Ants, in particular, are immediately on the spot if you spill, crumble or otherwise emit scents of spilled juices, food scraps etc. that attract these animals. But also make sure that you are prepared for times of crisis, because especially when there is chaos in public life, your supplies should be well protected and then also not attract rodents. Especially in times of crisis, order is very important and the hotter it is outside, the more you should be careful. Other subtleties include choosing who to tell about your situation and who not to tell. Meanwhile, the topic of vaccination should also be handled with "glacé gloves" because reactions to it can be very intense. Many vaccinated people who have realised after the second vaccination that what has entered their body is doing them more harm than good are often very angry and take it out into the public. This often happens via the internet and is quickly spread hundreds of thousands of times and more. It is bubbling under the surface, My children. Therefore, generally pay attention to subtleties in your life. Amen.


8 August 2021

An intense day

My children, today 8.8. is a very intense day for both sides. You, as My extended arms on earth, are very welcome to work a little more voluntarily in My vineyard today, for it is necessary. All will be well! Amen.


7 August 2021

When people awaken

My children, what do you think will happen when the worldly-minded people learn the truth about the poisons in the syringes. Then, however, many official representatives of various parties or the other side can "dress warmly". You, as My extended arms on earth, help daily so that the truth will come to light. How long it will take depends on various things. Your daily voluntary work in My vineyard is a very powerful aid to this - besides all the other wonderful things that happen or are supported by it. Amen. 


6 August 2021

How do you want to live?

My children, you still have many choices as to how and where you want to live. If many people do not awaken in the foreseeable future, the other side will try to further restrict people's rights and freedoms. It is precisely here that you, as a counterbalance, are also doing your good deeds - in a voluntary way - every day in My vineyard. Amen.


5 August 2021

Everything depends on electricity

My children, without electricity your world on earth collapses and in the event of a prolonged power cut, chaos is perfect. Many of you have braced yourselves against this by having alternative options at home, such as gas cookers, external water supply, sufficient supplies etc.  Just a power cut that lasts a few hours causes crisis-like scenarios for many people. If you have too much technology in your house, you may not be able to leave the house in the event of a power cut. Therefore, always try to find a way to have a backup plan, My Children. All will be well! Amen.


4 August 2021

Pay attention to intuitions

My children, you will receive promptings and help of various kinds again and again now and in the near future. Pay attention to them and also let them flow into your life if it pleases you and you would like to have help. All will be well! Amen.


3 August 2021


My children, it is very important that you remain mobile in all ways. Both mentally and physically, as long as you have no limitations there. Move your feet and walk barefoot as often as you can. Your feet will thank you. Wear shoes that are comfortable and still leave room for your toes. Avoid tight clothing and keep your head free of blockages and restrictions. I give you this important and well-meant advice now, because in times like these it is important to be flexible and as free as possible on all levels. All will be well! Amen.  


2 August 2021

It becomes energetic

My children, when I tell you that it will become energetic, it means that all energies that are feasible on earth will be energetically amplified. This means: You will notice that an energetic jolt goes through and around the earth and many things will happen as a result. All will be well! Amen.



1 August 2021

Joy and sorrow

My children, joy and sorrow are often close together. In August there will be both in greater quantities. My children, who are faithful to Me, will predominantly experience joyful things and people who do not believe in Me, or who have pushed Me far away, will rather experience sad things. The law of resonance always works and even with those people who are protected by the other side, it also comes about - even if sometimes later. You, as My extended arms on earth, get your resonances for your good deeds very quickly. All will be well! Amen.


31 July 2021

It will be turbulent

My children, August 2021 has a lot in store and depending on the awakening process it will be a little more violent or milder. People do not want to be enslaved, My children! Your daily, voluntary good deeds and works in My vineyard are not only important, but also a "nudge" for many people to also do good. This process takes place predominantly in the subtle realm. So continue to be in good spirits, remain in your inner centre and connect with Me in heartfelt prayer as often as you need to and thereby place yourselves under My protective mantle. All will be well! Amen.


30 July 2021

Radiation in the world is increasing

My children, the other side hardly knows how to help itself but to turn up the radiation of the pylons. Some of you have already felt it and immediately got headaches. I was asked by you in heartfelt prayer whether it helps to put aluminium foil - folded several times - on the places where the head hurts particularly. It is a possibility, but it does not work for everyone. Avoid radiation where you can and please do not use your mobile all-rounders around the clock. I give you this well-meant advice, My children. All will be well! Amen.


29 July 2021

More and more people are waking up

My children, more and more of the worldly-oriented people are waking up from the stupor in which they have been artificially kept by the so-called matrix. Those who consciously do without the daily dose of continuous radio and television will soon notice how the fogged senses of the worldly-oriented people are gradually clearing up. In other words, various scenarios from the other side are waking up many of the people who until now still believed that politicians only wanted to do them good. But the flood disasters have caused many people to rethink. Please continue to remain calm, My children. All will be well! Amen.


28 July 2021

How important it is to stock up

My children, I would like to recommend to you once again to stock up enough food, water and other drinks, as well as all the important things you need for daily life. The other side has for some time been creating an artificial shortage of important goods and also of food. In other words, either not enough is being produced, destroyed or otherwise made scarce. This can also be important raw materials or spare parts for machines, cars, etc. However, please continue to remain in your inner centre and continue to do your daily good deeds in a voluntary way, full of joy, which are a very strong spiritual and partly also material bulwark against the machinations of the other side. Amen.


27 July 2021

Unusual things

My children, unusual things are happening on earth from many points of view, but a large part of them are meant to be so, that is, they are intended. In order to understand in the great overall understanding why this or that is happening right now, the awakened human being needs a great spectrum of knowledge and should also be able to connect the threads in between. In other words, do not worry, My children, for your daily good deeds done voluntarily are, from a spiritual point of view, more valuable than all the gold and jewellery on earth. All will be well! Amen.


26 July 2021

Conscious manipulations worldwide

My children, if you listen carefully, you will hear every day in the public media how people who are not intimately connected to Me and who are exposed to this constant sprinkling on their TV sets, for example, are deliberately manipulated by the constant repetition and stoking of fears. My writing channel here just asked Me in heartfelt prayer if I could also address the subject of the Olympics. Well, those who only strive for fame and glory are not walking the path of the heart. Moreover, all participants in this ritual "bread and games" show are kept away from the truths with fears, among other things. If you knew, My children, how many of today's people, solely out of greed, lust for power, desire for success, wealth and much more, made a deal with the highest entities of the other side a long time ago and gave their souls for it - and thus have to slip into similar roles over and over again in the following incarnations like in a hamster wheel. But whoever is honest, has no inclination towards extreme wealth, is modest and lives his life honestly and peacefully with Me by his side, is many times richer than all the trinkets that exist on earth, for this wealth is the knowledge that one lives his life in love, peace and all other good things, in harmony with Me and thereby voluntarily helps to do good every day. All will be well! Amen. 


25 July 2021

When distractions have only a limited effect

My children, despite the beginning of "bread and games" activities worldwide and also with you in Germany through football, people do not allow themselves to be distracted as much as hoped. The other side therefore continues to try to distribute its "carrot" and only later to symbolically take out the "stick" from the stubborn people. This is precisely why your voluntary, daily work in My vineyard is so important, My children. All will be well! Amen.


24 July 2021

Your bodies are already preparing

My children, some of you have already felt it: the new energies that I had already announced to you also cause you to eat less, to become tired now and then without good reason and to want to take a short "nap". Those who can, should do so. The new energies also bring about a different understanding of your own body and general nature. In other words, you get to know your body better, its wishes, its habits - but also when it urgently needs breaks or time-outs. The more you are in your inner centre, My children, the faster and more intensely you notice the changes.  All will be well! Amen.


23 July 2021

Wish Fulfillment

My children, today questions from you will be answered, that is, wishes fulfilled. First of all, I would like to briefly address the situation in Britain. Because of this "self-isolation app", public life is largely collapsing if it continues to be active. Several million Britons are missing from daily life and supermarket shelves remain empty, rubbish is not collected, logistics collapse and much more. Some of you are worried that this is a bellwether for other countries too. Well, a lot depends on the people themselves, how they behave and how they stand by each other - even in crisis situations. The other side is trying to turn the help of the citizens in Germany into a negative and their vassals in the public media have to do what they are told. If you continue to focus only on your centre, as I have recommended, you can continue to do the most intensive healing work every part in a voluntary way, which is so immensely important. Another question was how to behave when the anger at what is happening becomes almost overwhelming. Well, I understand you well, My children, but never forget that what is being shown has been planned for a very long time in the dark channels of the other side and they hope that people will get angry, because then they can suck the energies out of them, because a large part of the other side lives only on anger, hatred, extreme emotions and the like. Love, peace, harmony, balance, joy, warmth of heart and many other positive things are something the other side shuns like pure consecrated water! So try to turn your anger into love and understanding - even if it sometimes seems difficult. In hindsight you will realise how important this process has been for you, your soul and your healing work. If you meet the anger and hatred of the other side with your love and understanding, it cannot spill over to you and must give way. The more love and understanding, to name but these two things, are opposed to the other side, they must give way, for they cannot oppose pure love. Now I come to the last fulfilment of a question of yours for today, which was also asked, like the other questions, about intimate prayer: Yes, it makes sense, as I have recommended to you again and again for many years, to take precautions, to stock food and water in larger quantities. In addition, everything that is urgently needed in daily life. Those who do not stock up do not have to be surprised if there will be shortages in the foreseeable future - or the other side of the coin shows: extreme price explosions for things of daily life, which are difficult to obtain through deliberate artificial scarcity. Understand, My children, this time called "end time" is littered with many hurdles and blockages and yet there is a path of the heart that you can walk with Me by your side and thus avoid the roughest obstacles, if absolute trust in Me and My healing power, constantly exists. Therefore, always remain calm and be certain that I always stand by all My children, who are faithful to Me, and help them - as far as they allow it. All will be well! Amen. 



22 July 2021

People stick together

My children, the willingness to help - not only in Germany - is great! I am very happy when people pray again and again and these helpers recognise or have recognised how important it is to be united with Me in heartfelt prayer, because then things quickly become clearer and the perfidious plans of the other side can be seen through more and more quickly. My children, in such scenarios you very quickly recognise who has a soul and who does not. It is not for nothing that many have sold their souls to the leaders of the other side for the sake of fame, fortune, being better off, etc. If you pray for all life forms on earth, each life form will really receive the share for which it has opened itself. That is to say, only if the life form is receptive to prayer at all can it get something out of it. Now you also know why prayers do not work with dark beings, unless they have already opened themselves minimally to it. Please remain calm and in your inner centre, My children, and continue to have your immense patience. All will be well! Amen.


21 July 2021

Nature is in turmoil

My children, as you have already noticed in part, nature on earth is in turmoil and it is a kind of turmoil that is now taking place in many - not all - parts of the world. As you know, you can play your part in calming and purifying it. First of all, it is very important that in your voluntary good deeds you always pray for balance in the weather. Furthermore, you are welcome to sprinkle every stream, river or other body of water with My healing blessing - spoken in My name. This is also possible at a distance. I give you an example of this: Suppose you now want to connect a river or a dam, for example, with My blessing, you can do it as follows: I bless you in the name of the FATHER, the SON and the HOLY SPIRIT with the healing energy of GOD and send you now everything healing, cleansing and peaceful, so that you can resume your normal work in love and return to your inner centre. So it is and so be! Amen. Amen. Amen. In this way you may gladly bless in My name, if you have first intimately united with Me. All will be well! Amen.


20 July 2021

Things are moving forward

My children, even if it does not seem so at the moment: It is nevertheless steadily progressing with the development of the spiritual on earth! Of course, all obstacles must first be lovingly cleared out of the way, if possible, and the rebellion of the other side is also still something that can take time. Nevertheless, we are continuing persistently towards the purification of the earth. Amen.


19 July 2021


My children, since the politicians in the world are for the most part only puppets of the other side, people often have no choice but to help each other themselves. After all, it is not only Germany that has been hit hard, but other countries as well. If you could see from above what the earth looks like right now, My children. Your many prayers, light transmissions, shouts of victory and good deeds/thoughts continue to be a guarantee that the other side cannot take over on earth. You see: You are voluntary helpers on the spiritual level and then there are the voluntary helpers on the worldly level. All will be well! Amen.


18 July 2021

Everything Planned from Long Hand

My children, you have seen it on the Internet or on television: The floods that are supposed to plunge parts of Germany into chaos - if the other side has its way. But Germany still has people who can lend a hand and also help to eliminate crises. The bureaucracy in Germany is a special case anyway and organising help in an unbureaucratic way is what is needed now. I have already told you many times that there is no such thing as coincidence and that the other side does not think and plan in a few years, but over decades and sometimes even longer. To understand what is going on in Germany right now, you would have to go back very far in the history of the earth. Germany and all people of German origin have always been a thorn in the other side's side and various attempts to exterminate you and your country have fortunately failed. Bear in mind that all My children, who are faithful to Me, are now united with each other in spirit and part of their spiritual healing work always includes help for crisis areas. You, as My extended arms on earth, now have the unique task of continuing to voluntarily do as many good deeds as possible every day. Whoever likes can also support this physically. But without the spiritual work that you do so wonderfully every day in a voluntary way, the other side would have taken control long ago. You see, My children, how immensely important your spiritual works are. All will be well! Amen.


17 July 2021

Relief actions are underway

My children, the gigantic masses of water that have fallen and are still coming down in parts of the country have become known beyond the borders of Germany, and not only because of the great coverage in the public media. Your prayers help as spiritual aid and protection measures to ensure that help is given. But worldly help is also given. A large part of the people who are affected have nothing to do with Me in the intimate sense and have accordingly been hit as resonances. There are also overlapping resonances for streets, villages, communities, cities or even large areas of land - up to entire federal states. Well, the other side has its fingers in the pie here, most of you were also immediately aware of that. Add to that the law of resonance and the floods and catastrophes happened.  You see, it always makes sense to consider beforehand where you can live relatively safely. Even small streams can become mighty rivers if a lot of water comes down at once or combines with other water masses. Many of you live accordingly in higher and safer locations, as I have often recommended to you in earlier years. But the most important thing, My children, is that you always have absolute trust, for then come what may: You will receive help within the bounds of possibility. Amen.


16 July 2021

Extreme weather turbulence worldwide

My children, you have already experienced some of this to a large extent. Those who believe in Me and ask Me for help will also receive it - within the framework of their own life plan. But what happens when one of My children lives in an area that is to be struck by a disaster for resonance reasons? Well, it is similar to other disasters. The child who prays fervently gets the best protection. Under certain circumstances, neighbours or nearby residents also receive this protection in an indirect way. In extreme cases, however, only the house of the child who has prayed fervently with Me will be spared. Something like this has happened to my writing channel here several times and to some of you as well. This means: I do not intervene! The Law of Resonance fulfils all resonances. If you hear that there are forewarnings for certain areas, you are welcome to send your daily prayers and light transmissions there voluntarily, My children. It helps within the given possibilities. All will be well! Amen.   



15 July 2021

Joy in life

My children, with the present situations on earth, many people are losing joy, laughter and also the loving affections of a spiritual nature for all life forms. Allow your bodies to laugh, My children! Rejoice in the most diverse things of life that please you! Pay attention to how nature behaves. Whether it is rain, wind or sunshine, nature never gives up and always tries to make the best of a situation. You should handle it the same way, because I always recommend to you that no matter what happens, you should always look at everything from the positive side, because often it is learning and experience processes that you then go through. But if you have placed yourself under My protective mantle beforehand through intimate prayer, you will realise what a big difference there is between protection and being at My mercy. Often a rain or storm front stops right in front of the house where a child of Mine has prayed intimately for protection and help, to name just one recent example. Understand, My children: The joy of life is an important building block which you need so that your entire world view remains solid in its centre. Amen.  


14 July 2021

Summer feelings do not arise everywhere

My children, in many places summer feelings simply do not want to arise in the worldly-oriented people. It is even already the case in many places that people are wishing for the conditions of before 2019 to return, when, from their point of view, it was still an ideal world. The fact that this is, of course, only a subjective view does not bother many. They want the life back that they had before the great restrictions. If only these people knew how much they could help, through daily good deeds, that events on earth would soon become better. Therefore, remain calm and be certain, My children: Your daily good deeds, done voluntarily, accomplish much that is positive on earth and, like a boomerang, come back to you strengthened in a positive way. Amen. 


13 July 2021

It is getting tighter

My children, it is getting tighter and tighter for the other side, because in addition to the many worldwide clean-up operations, more and more people are awakening from their "slumber". Therefore, continue to be in good spirits as you have been up to now and the most valuable thing you can do, apart from absolute TRUST in My love, help and healing power, is to continue your daily, voluntarily performed good deeds, as they are so immensely important and full of help. Amen.


12 July 2021

The weather is out of control

My children, in many parts of the world the weather has been thrown off its original track by extremely intensified weather manipulations from the other side. Again, please feel free to join in prayer and place your focus on "weather calming" and "natural seasonal weather" and incorporate these vibrations into your voluntary prayers and light transmissions that you celebrate daily. Amen.


11 July 2021

Power struggles

My children, the other side is rearing its ugly head and there are power struggles on various physical levels. Do not allow yourselves to be forced into anything, remain in your centre and do everything good that you think you want to do voluntarily. You will receive many inspirations for this in your dreams or in your real consciousness, and you will also sometimes meet people who will help you or you will help them. Please remain calm, My children. All will be well! Amen.


10 July 2021

Ways and Means

My children, there are ways and means that you can take when you have to deal with vaccinated people in your daily life. First and foremost, of course, there is My protective mantle, which protects and guards you through intimate prayer. But there is also the possibility, for example, to wrap your flatmates or work colleagues etc. in a kind of "protective cocoon" through intimate prayer, for the time when you are together with them or have to be together, if it is of a professional nature, for example. This was a great demand on your part and I have made this possibility available to you. Nevertheless, great caution is still advised, for you do not know who is vaccinated and who is not when you are out and about in daily life. As I said, the optimal situation is that you try to remain in your inner centre and maintain the protective mantle that I gladly make available to you - through intimate prayer. Your daily good deeds, done voluntarily, contribute to the fact that you are protected and do much good in this world, which is freeing itself bit by bit from its attachments and fetters of the other side. Amen.



9 July 2021

Let joy into your lives

My children, some of you are very sad because family members, relatives and also friends have had vaccinations and now you have cut off or pushed away contact with them. I know it is a hard time! Now the wheat is being separated from the chaff, as you know. Each person is responsible for his own destiny, My children. You know the well-known saying: "He who does not want to hear must feel". It sounds harsh, but that is how it is! The law of resonance also works with this, as you know. Keep praying for your friends or relatives, My children. Not every vaccinated person will die from it, but very many will not recover from the special poisons that are administered via the injections. Life is not a bed of roses, My children! If the truth "comes to you" through your own initiative or otherwise, you should also draw the right conclusions from it, as you have for the most part always done and continue to do, for never forget: The other side is only interested in ruling on earth with all its might and in making humanity, which in their eyes should be drastically reduced, work for them as slaves! But you are free human beings and whoever believes in Me and trusts Me is always protected and sheltered within the framework of his own life plan, which for many of you has already been extended and improved many times - through your good deeds and voluntary tasks, which are so immensely important! Therefore, put away your sadness and sorrow and allow more joy into your lives, for this gives you strength, which you urgently need in connection with love. All will be well! Amen. 


8 July 2021

Your Bodies

My children, some of you have already noticed that your bodies have changed due to the new energies on earth. The eating behaviour of many of you is also changing now. This means that you need less food to be full, but you usually drink more blessed water. Some of you have blamed it on the summer, but it is only a small part of it. Feel into yourselves, My children, and you will feel that something positive is happening within you. All will be well! Amen.



7 July 2021


My children, the unvaccinated people who have consciously awakened are increasingly separating themselves from the vaccinated people, because in many cases they have already experienced that vaccinated people can release toxins through the skin or also through the breath. Some also intuitively avoid them because they feel that their energy is not good for them. If you now have contact with vaccinated people, you should always place yourselves under My protective mantle beforehand through intimate prayer, My children. Furthermore, avoid careless things where you could have physical contact. My protective mantle is normally sufficient when the person is in his midst. But fears, worries, etc. quickly shrink the protection and not everyone then thinks of renewing it. Therefore, it makes a lot of sense to go through life consciously and no longer - without thinking too much, as many of My children, who are faithful to Me, used to do. Amen. 


6 July 2021

Movement and rest

My children, you know that movement is very important - but also rest. That means: Especially now, in the height of summer, it is immensely important to pay close attention that you exercise your movements regularly and also take breaks to rest. Your body will thank you for it! Also remember to drink enough blessed water. Amen.


5 July 2021

No compulsion

My children, I can only recommend to you again and again not to be vaccinated and also to reject any coercion if, for example, the employer or the relatives want to force or coerce you to get this said vaccination. Your salvation is in danger through such a vaccination/vaccinations, My children! Remain in your inner centre, pray fervently and trust in My protection, which you will receive! This is now a so-called "end-time test", My children! Please remain steadfast! I am always with you! Amen.


4 July 2021

A special day

My children, the fourth of July this year is a special day - not only for the Americans. Today, too, the most important thing for My children, who are faithful to Me, is to voluntarily do good on all levels. Your FATHER in JESUS CHRIST rejoices in this! Amen.


3 July 2021

Upsets in the world

My children, with the beginning of the month of July I had already announced changes to you. Some are happening in secret and others are gradually coming out into the open. The whole world is in turmoil, although in midsummer there should normally be peace, holidays, enjoyment of the beautiful weather, etc. Do not let yourselves be caught up in this turmoil. Do not let yourselves be infected by this agitation, but remain in your inner centre and continue to do your good deeds every day in a voluntary way. This is recommended to you by your loving FATHER who is always there for you. Amen. 


2 July 2021

Purposeful letting go

My children, even if it comes as a surprise to some of you: Now is a good time to let go of old things, that is: "clean out", tidy up and let go. Whoever now says: "You can't do that in summer weather," I say to you: Yes, it can! It's just a matter of classification and attitude. You will find that this is good for your spiritual development, because the other side can be annoyed by old energies that you still have in the form of things that you have not yet been able to let go of - or you can waste precious time searching for things that you could have used otherwise, because the order that you need is not there. Think about it! Amen.  


1 July 2021

Harness the power of summer

My children, it sounds like a wish from the heart of someone who longingly yearns for a holiday and wants nothing more than warmth and time out! But these are exactly the wishes of many people who, due to the "forced masquerade" and partly also due to the imposed and subconsciously "foisted" vaccinations, now finally want to enjoy a holiday in freedom. But how great will be the shock and fear when suddenly it is said: vaccinated people have no advantages...or vaccinated people have these and those disadvantages... Understand, My children, I told you from the beginning what you should pay attention to and that you should neither let vaccinations nor any dubious tests come over you! Everything has disadvantages and sometimes even very serious ones! But if you now use the power of the sun and let the warm weather flood your bodies - in moderation, mind you - you will find that your bodies can fill up with energy. Just as you can fill up a car at the petrol station, this is also possible with your bodies, whereby this energy is much more sensitive and can also last longer than a tank of petrol in a car. So listen to your body and give it what it wants. I give you this well-meant advice from the bottom of my heart, My dear children. Amen.


30 June 2021

Gentle transition into the month of July

My children, I have already told you a few things about the month of July 2021 and the transition will be smoother than it was actually planned by the other side, because your good deeds have helped to soften and mitigate the catastrophes that were planned. Therefore, the transition into summer will not be so violent. Some of you have asked Me in heartfelt prayer why there always have to be such violent thunderstorms or storms in Germany. Well, this is due to various things: On the one hand, the other side would like to see Germany very low to the ground and deprive the German people of all their power, and on the other hand, there are many weather manipulations in operation every day in the world, which you can transform or at least weaken through your heartfelt prayers, light transmissions, shouts of victory and good deeds or thoughts. This voluntary service of love is so immensely important and valuable, My children! Amen.


29 June 2021

Blessed Water

My children, there is a huge difference between "normal" water and blessed water. When you drink blessed water, or give it to your loved ones, animals, plants, etc., a special cycle takes place in the body. If it is possible, whatever is pending is also repaired, but only within the framework of the respective life plan. Whoever now again and again joyfully also gives My blessing to his cooking water, for example, through intimate prayer, can in the best case not only save all minerals, vitamins, etc., but also receive them through intimate prayer. You see, My children, whoever is intimately united with Me in love has it easier in life than those people who do not want to hear anything from Me - or have pushed Me far away. Amen.


28 June 2021

The June Energies Sound Out

My children, only a few more days and with the beginning of the month of July other energies are flowing on earth again, which of course also has an effect on the existing energies. That is to say: the wild, turbulent will be tempered and the controlling and available energies will be added. The month of July, which is the holiday month in many cases, will also be used to carry out purifications of various kinds in many areas. This does not mean the worldly-oriented people, but those beings who exercise power. The battle between light and darkness continues, but in the month of the greatest sunshine, the light side has something like a "home advantage". All will be well! Amen.


27 June 2021

Holiday plans

My children, many people are now thinking about holidays and how they can spend them. The governments of many countries have also relaxed their restrictions with the ulterior motive of tightening them again in the autumn. Some of you are also planning to leave your homes to move to warm climes where your physical ailments can be better endured and where the sun and sea breezes quickly bring healing energies. In fact, the south of Spain, for example, is very beneficial in many areas for almost all ailments and pains, My children. Some of you live in such a way that the climate is good for you and also helps to anchor healing energies there, because for many hundreds of years enormous karma has been lying on many seafaring nations. You see, My children, where My children, who are faithful to Me, want to dwell, I have tasks for them which they can fulfil voluntarily. The whole earth still has much sadness, hatred, anger and bad things to deal with and every voluntary help is worth more than all the jewellery in this world. Amen.


26 June 2021

Changes in life

My children, the so-called vaccinations very often separate "wheat from chaff" and there are many changes in life. If you continue to be constantly under My mantle of protection through intimate prayer, you will always be protected and sheltered. Nevertheless, it is wise not to take any risks, for only a brief emotional outburst or fluctuations that take you out of your inner centre will quickly cause the protective mantle to diminish. Try to live your life consciously and in intimate love from now on and keep contact with vaccinated people at a distance. If you pray for them, it is good for their soul and body. But it would be even better if these vaccinated people would come to Me of their own accord and ask Me for protection and help of their own accord. Your FATHER, who is always with you and helpfully stands by your side, within the bounds of what is possible, within the respective plan of life. Amen.


25 June 2021

The final spurt begins

My children, the month of June is slowly coming to an end and a hectic hustle and bustle is taking place everywhere. But since the beings on the other side are real "secret keepers", much will take place in secret. For this reason, too, it is so important that you continue to do so much good in a voluntary way and thereby also send light into the darkness. This means: Be patient, everything will be all right! Amen.


24 June 2021

St John's Day

My children, today is St. John's Day and is also partially officially celebrated. All the children in the world who are named St John or John and also in all variations or feminine forms, such as my writing channel here, in addition to all the other people who care about this day, get a proper energy boost today. In some countries rituals are held which I condone but do not approve of. If a child has something to discuss with Me, he should preferably do so through intimate prayer and not hold rituals. This year, this day gives all people strong energies that do good. That is to say: This year is different from other years and many "sweets" of a spiritual nature are given to My children, who are faithful to Me, again and again, as thanks for their trust, their so valuable spiritual work and as a sign that things are looking up, even if one often does not notice or feel it in the daily hustle and bustle. Amen. 


23 June 2021

Many things are fulfilled

My children, on many levels there have been stagnations and blockages up to now, as far as the worldly life on earth was concerned. Now many knots, entanglements and blockages are gradually loosening and things are coming to pass that are and were planned. Some of you have already perceived the new energies, which are often felt to be very gentle. But you should bear one thing in mind: resonances are fulfilled much more quickly now that the blockages and obstructions have been dissolved. This means: The worldly-oriented people who lie professionally or even in such a way, quite consciously, will get their resonances more quickly and not only in later life, as was often the case in the past. All will be well! Amen. 


22 June 2021

The energies increase

My children, as of today, since midnight to be exact, the energies are gradually increasing and it will have an effect on humanity. Those who consciously or unconsciously accept the new energies will be noticeably relieved and those who reject them will have a more difficult time on earth. Many people will subconsciously accept these new energies - sometimes hesitantly - because if they do not, they will remain stuck in the old system. But the rise of energies is very gentle and takes place over a longer period of time. All will be well! Amen.


21 June 2021

A special day

My children, today is special every year! You, as My extended arms on earth, are often involved in bonfires, solstice celebrations, barbecues etc. on this day.  But the other side also uses this day for their rituals. Therefore, it is very important today to consciously distribute positive thoughts - besides your voluntary, daily good deeds and work in My vineyard. All will be well! Amen.


20 June 2021

The structure of lies in the world is crumbling

My children, it is becoming more and more apparent that the "worldly structure of lies", which symbolically stands for all lies and shameful deeds in the world, is beginning to crumble! This means: Have absolute trust in yourselves and in My help, which you will continue to receive through heartfelt prayers. All will be well! Amen. 


19 June 2021

When spiritual energies meet worldly-oriented energies

My children, especially in business life it happens more often than you think that you meet worldly-oriented people who only have profit and earnings in mind - whereas you would like to act in a righteous way. Whoever intervenes with Me now - through intimate prayer - will always receive help that everything will be done correctly. Imagine now that thousands of My children, who are faithful to Me, are asking and praying for peace on earth and that these dictatorial measures with the imprisonments, forced maskings, vaccinations etc. will be ended. Now your wishes, prayers and much more are there in the form of a David fighting the other side in the form of Goliath. Well, you know how that battle turned out. The other side is of course in the minority in numbers on earth, but through power, threats and brutal disregard for free will, immense numbers of good-hearted people have been intimidated, oppressed and so infamously lied to that they have believed the other side's tall tales from an early age. There is still a wedge between you and the worldly-minded people, but it can become smaller if what is in the making continues in this way. All will be well! Amen. 


18 June 2021

Your bodies signal everything to you

My children, especially in times like these, you should listen carefully to your body. It signals to you exactly when it needs time out, when it wants to sleep, how much and when it wants to eat and drink and everything else. The more sensitive you become, the more you feel exactly what your body needs. Many of you then also take a little nap at midday when your body signals it, for example. All will be well! Amen.


17 June 2021

World Affairs

My children, June 17 used to be an important holiday in Germany and nowadays it is mostly just a normal day in the great annual cycle. World events are in great turmoil and the other side is trying to hold it down with distractions and suppressions. You should pay attention to how cleverly the "bread and games" production still dominates the masses. Some of you have tried to study the energies there and also the behaviour of the followers in terms of wearing masks or not. In fact, many more people should now see through these productions, because everything that is shown and presented there are rituals of the other side. The person who does not protect himself in front of the television or at an "on-site performance" is subjected to these rituals and is drawn into the maelstrom of this mass hypnosis if he does not have a strong will and arm himself accordingly against it. In other words: I recommend you to avoid all events that in any way only serve to manipulate and keep people down as far as awakening from this gigantic "Sleeping Beauty sleep" is concerned. All will be well! Amen.


16 June 2021

Safe in My Love

My children, nothing is more important on earth than your intimate love for Me, for yourselves, and through this you also have the possibility of giving good to all people, through the intimate prayers and good deeds that are open to it. If you knew how good it does you to rest in your inner centre and also to bring and send (prayer) help and support when it is requested. You should always be there for each other and help each other - at least via intimate prayers and light transmissions. Some of you know each other personally and have already made friends. My love always lies protectively over My children who are faithful to Me. I am very happy when you, My children who are faithful to Me, speak to Me regularly through intimate prayer and do so much good in My vineyard, in a voluntary way, so wonderfully. Amen.


15 June 2021

It is becoming more and more noticeable...

My children, even worldly-minded people are noticing more and more that nothing is in order that they thought it was. That is to say: When even the people who normally have little or nothing to do with Me notice that there is much more deceit and deception in the world after all and that nothing remains of the apparent truth, an ever greater proportion of these people are waking up and are at least beginning to question many things and to be more sceptical about the public media. All will be well! Amen.


14 June 2021

Strengthening Prayer Energies

My children, those of you who now still regularly go to a church and hear prayers there will find that very few of them are so intimate that they find their way directly to Me. Intimate prayer is important and should also be practised, because prayers without intimacy fizzle out, so to speak, and are very often simply "sucked out" by the other side. If you notice, as was the case yesterday, that people are praying for you worldwide, you are welcome to support these many worldwide prayers with a very heartfelt prayer with Me, as My writing channel here did immediately, and even "lead" them, because only heartfelt prayers come directly to Me. All will be well! Amen.


13 June 2021

Bread and games as a distraction

My children, some of you have already heard the vibration clearly: The distraction about "Bread and Games" has been very cleverly placed again and now that spectators can be there again, many people feel again as if last year was just a bad dream. Pay attention to this, My children: A lot will happen - but not necessarily spread in the worldly press. I recommend that you continue to be guided. All will be well! Amen.


12 June 2021

The power that comes from within you

My children, most worldly-minded people are only followers in the great wheel of life and follow what they are taught and what they have learned from an early age. Thinking for themselves and having their own ideas and inventions is reserved for only a small percentage of them. This is the way of thinking of most worldly-oriented people. But those who consciously step out of this cycle of dependency and oppression and usually also find their way to Me, feel after a short time that there is much more on earth than so-called "science" tells people, because actually it should, as the word so accurately puts it, "create knowledge", that is, make people more intelligent and wiser - but on the level that helps them and does not try to oppress them with lies. You know that most of what people learn is built on lies and at some point every building of lies also collapses, because if the foundation already consists of lies, there is no stable basis for a building. All that you have learned through Me has a rock-solid foundation built of purest truth on which you can build spiritually. Every child of Mine who consciously walks the spiritual path has a power within him that you can hardly imagine! I told you then, when I walked on earth as Jesus, that you can also achieve the same, My children! What is important is absolute trust in Me and also in you, for if you do good to Me in absolute trust, it is always blessed by Me and you will receive all the help you need! For this very reason, your voluntary daily works in My vineyard are so immensely important, My children! I am always with you and you will get all the help you need - within the limits of what is feasible for you. If you only knew how often your life plans have been strengthened and expanded so that you can continue to create more and more in a voluntary way. Earth was once a shining jewel and will be again. All will be well! Amen.


11 June 2021

Take care of your bodies

My children, your bodies are going through intense transformations and therefore pay attention to them. For example, if you are exhausted or tired, allow yourselves breaks or even a "nap" if it is possible. I am always with you and will help you within the framework of what is feasible - within your life plan. Amen.


10 June 2021

Energy flow

My children, the flow of energy should be present in every human being as far as possible, because in the case of standstill there is the threat of "illness" or worse. That is to say: everything is meant by energy flow, My children. Both the financial side, the worldly side and also the spiritual side. So whoever blocks the flow of energies also blocks his life. Consciously holding on to the "old time" and not being willing to learn or live the new is, for example, an aspect of what you call "Alzheimer's". Stopping the flow of money through extreme stinginess also causes the body to get out of its natural flow and stop many times, which can also paralyse and partly hinder it.  Everything that man integrates "brakes" in his life stops the natural flow of energy and thereby blocks much that is good for him. Therefore, I recommend that you regularly look through your life and see if your energy flow is still running properly or if there are stoppages here and there. Remember, My children, that the blood can only flow properly when there is enough energy flow in the body. This will save you many ailments, aches and pains and more serious things. Amen.


9 June 2021


My children, with some of you there are always such wavering moments where your absolute TRUST in GOD falters a little. You should try to connect even more intensely and intimately with Me through intimate prayer, for then your trust in My protection, My healing power and My blessing will also increase, for when this lies over My children who are faithful to Me, it is absolute! Of course, the only thing that can still intervene is the law of resonance and the life plan of the respective person. But: If you pray and ask fervently, there will always be ways where you will get absolute help even when no one expects it - from a worldly-oriented point of view. All will be well! Amen. 


8 June 2021

Inner and outer purifications

My children, do not be surprised if your bodies - and also partly those of the worldly-oriented people - get more inner and outer purifications. This means that your bodies now want to gradually let go of the old burdens that you have stored up in the gentlest possible way. This includes, among other things, an increased need for sleep or the exact opposite. This month has a lot going for it in many areas and a lot will happen on different levels. All will be well! Amen. 


7 June 2021

Your prayers and light transmissions

My children, you are inundating Me with requests and enquiries about intimate prayer regarding vaccinations that your loved ones or friends, relatives and acquaintances have received and how to help them. Well, first of all, we must distinguish who has voluntarily had themselves vaccinated out of fear or naivety. Secondly, it is also necessary to look at who has received effects of the vaccination through hugging, shaking hands or otherwise to a small fraction, because only intimate prayer and My protective mantle are a sure protection against the toxins in the vaccinations. You may pray for your loved ones and all other people whose health and well-being is dear to you. The extent to which this is then taken into account also depends on the life plan and how many people pray for it. In other words, once this knowledge is anchored in the mass consciousness, a great deal of negativity can be transformed relatively quickly. Amen.



6 June 2021

It will become lighter

My children, it will become lighter on earth! How quickly this will happen is mainly due to the daily, voluntary good deeds of My children who are faithful to Me, including you, of course, all over the world. But the process of awakening of the worldly-minded people who suddenly realise that what is put in front of them every day via the public media is nothing but a large-scale staged play in which the actors partly give such bungling performances, as some of you quite aptly put it - without evaluating, but only giving their opinion. In fact, this whole scenario could be seen through quite quickly if one looked with open eyes and ears and did not let oneself be misled by the distractions of various kinds. The worldly-oriented human being is, for the most part, good-natured and sociable by nature and lives according to entrenched models that have been taught to him from his earliest childhood and that determine his life. If he as a human being now wants to get out of this pre-programmed cycle, he usually first has to muster the strength and courage to rebel against society, because anything that "steps out of line" is not in the spirit of public opinion. Many of you had a similar experience, for to walk this path with Me in the forefront is truly a challenge! But whoever has found a partner who walks the same path and then, through the law of resonance, finds brothers and sisters of light who, just like you, walk this path with Me in their hearts, will find that everything is not as difficult as it sometimes seems when you are still loners. Therefore, I tell you once again in love: Try to walk this path with Me in your heart also with other children, because in the group you are stronger and above all you then not only have the spiritual support from Me, but also worldly strengthening of your back, which is needed just as much. Without you, My children who are faithful to Me, the other side would have a clear preponderance on the scales of life and the enslavement would have taken on proportions that you cannot imagine. But it was My will from the beginning that all people have free will and thus naturally also receive their resonances for everything they do - or do not do. Amen.


5 June 2021

When people are forced to do something

My children, there are always situations where people are forced to do something against their will. Be it, for example, vaccinations or many other things that they would never allow or carry out within the framework of their own will. Now, if a person is vaccinated against his will - in the worst case even held down or restrained in the process - part of My help intervenes via My helper angels assigned to the people if this person asks for help. But even if he does not ask for help, he receives a smaller help, because something negative is injected into his body against his free will and the law of resonance automatically comes into play here too. But let us come, to explain the example, in more detail, to the people who ask Me for help - whether loudly or quietly. It may well be that then Original Archangel Michael with his helper angels personally steps on the scene and intervenes within the framework of the respective life plan of the person concerned, because the free will of this person stands above the threat of violence on the part of the executing people, who, even if they do not know it, are then henchmen of the other side. You see, My children, this subject is very extensive and depending on what is in the individual person's life plan, help is given. If you knew how many people have violent scenarios written in their life plans, you would be surprised.  That is why your daily voluntary works are so immensely important and valuable, My children! All will be well! Amen.


4 June 2021

It begins again

My children, the separation of wheat and chaff begins once again through vaccinations. There are different vaccines, some of which have different effects and in the worst case also contain very undesirable side effects that you cannot even imagine. You have asked Me again and again in heartfelt prayer whether I can save the vaccinated people - or whether they have chosen their own fate. Well, with this formulation you have already "hit the nail on the head", as a saying so aptly puts it in your case. However, there are two ways that people who have been inoculated can be saved: First of all, the life plan of the respective person: If something else is explicitly recorded there, it will be dealt with, and secondly, the people for whom a large number of My children, who are faithful to Me, are praying. This may also lead to changes in the life plan. Concerning the compulsory vaccination, I will once again give a separate FATHER'S WORD. Always remember, My children: Since you have absolute free will and I do not intervene as a rule, you are also responsible for your life, your actions and deeds. This means: Just because a person is ignorant, it does not mean that he is spared the result that he has done to himself or to others. So all the people who seemingly ignorantly test or vaccinate other people also load themselves with a huge resonance package, some of which then comes back very quickly to the person who caused it. This does not only mean the person who does the work, but also the planners and backers, as you say in your language. For this very reason it is so immensely important that you remain free of these poisons of all kinds and continue to do your so valuable spiritual work in My vineyard full of joy and the knowledge that you are doing good and helping in a voluntary way every day. All will be well! Amen. 


3 June 2021

You have it easier

My children, it is much easier for you to come to terms with the new energies that have been flowing since 1 June 2021. Worldly-oriented people will have problems with it in large quantities, because they are too attached to their stuck life situation and still believe that what was before the staged crisis with subsequent "locking away"(*) will come again. But this is not so, My children, and you know this very well. That is why it is so immensely important that you remain in your inner centre and continue to do your daily good deeds, which are so wonderful in a voluntary way. Amen.  

Note from John: (*) Locking away = Lockdown (in English).


2 June 2021

Much joy in the land

My children, from a spiritual point of view there will be much joy and less suffering in the land if people listen more to their soul and go their way in intimate union with Me. Peace in the heart, as you know, is so immensely important that you have a tremendous radiance about it, which can also be reassuring for your fellow human beings as a side effect, if they are open to it.  So if you are in intimate connection with your soul, you will experience much more joy than suffering in the near future. Amen.



1 June 2021

What has already taken place in the spiritual realm....

My children, as I have already announced to you, a lot will change in June 2021. It has already changed in the subtle realm - towards the positive on almost all levels - and will also gradually have an effect in the gross material realm. However, since the worldly-oriented people, as you know, largely reject the spiritual or have no idea about it at all, one or the other can possibly be violent for them. Your daily, voluntarily performed good deeds in My vineyard help to avoid or mitigate intense shocks and thereby achieve worldwide mitigations. All will be well! Amen.


31 May 2021

May Farewell

My children, many people are very attached to the month of May, as it symbolises the beginning of spring, so to speak. Therefore, it makes sense to bid it farewell with the following words, for example: "The month of May may now go and carry over everything positive into June, so that there may be a wonderful increase in consciousness and energies in general. Amen." With such a formulation, for example, you are helping the light side to support the worldly-oriented people to let go of the dark energies of the month of May and you can also help yourself, because starting tomorrow, "a different wind is blowing," so to speak. You will already notice in June that much is happening and has already happened. Amen.


30 May 2021

May draws to a close

My children, the month of May was filled with ups and downs of a worldwide nature and especially in Germany and also in the neighbouring countries, it was cold and wet in a way that is not usual. Even in Spain it was a few degrees colder than usual. Prepare yourselves for a renewed change in vibration from 1 June, because then a different wind will be blowing - figuratively speaking. In years of destiny, as this year 2021 is, you can expect many things, but one thing remains rock-solidly certain: All My, to Me faithful children, are protected and sheltered - within the framework of their extended life plan. All will be well! Amen.


May 29, 2021

Pay attention even to little things

My children, very often people overlook subtleties or even little things in their lives or on the paths they walk. But it is precisely these little things and also subtleties, which make up a great deal of quality of life and diversity of life. Take a look at your nature around you: What do you see? Is everything still as it was in previous years? No, mostly not, because nature has also changed due to the unspeakable confinements and humiliations of humanity by a small number of followers of the other side who think they can leave me out. Go through the world with light-flooded energies - standing under My protective mantle, via intimate prayer - and wherever your eyes look in love, there will be positive transformations or changes. Sometimes this process takes a while, but the first step is taken. I then look through your eyes, My children, and much healing energy flows where it is ready to flow. Always remember: you are much stronger and more powerful - in a loving way - than you can imagine, My children. Amen.


May 28, 2021

In tranquility there is power

My children, I cannot tell you often enough: please remain in inner peace, because that is where you draw the most strength and from there it is much easier to live your life the way you want to. Remember that you, as My extended arms on earth, can do so much good that worldly-minded people cannot even begin to think about. You have received and continue to receive so much energy, strength, perseverance and above all love from Me that you can carry out your so wonderful work in My vineyard daily full of joy and bliss, in a voluntary way. All will be well! Amen.


May 27, 2021

Some things are dissolving

My children, with today some blockages, entanglements, entanglements and much more, which had bound the worldly-oriented people to the other side voluntarily or involuntarily, are dissolving. It also has to do with the strong power of the moon in relation to the people who were involved in this dependency scenario. You, as My children loyal to Me and extended arms on earth, will be like shining lighthouses for them, which will then also be a point of help and attraction for them, since they have no one else to ask when they need help. So prepare yourselves for the fact that in the near future people will possibly also come to you when they have questions - provided that they know that you go through life together with me. Since there is, as you know, no coincidence, it can also be that searching people are led to you. All will be well! Amen. 


May 26, 2021

Little aches and pains

My children, if you have contracted little niggles or aches and pains, which more or less suggest that you should take a break or rest completely, then you should listen to your body. It is best to go into intimate prayer and hand over your worries and problems to Me. Everything will be fine! Amen.


May 25, 2021

You are stronger than you think

My children, many of My children worldwide, who are faithful to Me, do not even know what strength, energy and endurance they have within themselves. Do not compare yourselves with worldly-minded people, because as soon as a child discovers Me in his heart and wants to walk the spiritual path together with Me, some things change in the child's body. The chaff separates itself with the time from the wheat - to choose once this, for it suitable saying. With strength, energy and endurance not only physical things are meant, but often the spiritual work. When I see, for example, full of joy, how some of you work with heartfelt love and in subtle, persistent endurance in My vineyard, I am very pleased and also happy that more and more people worldwide are awakening and step by step also find the way towards My FATHERLY HEART and thus can also go a way that you have also gone for the first time at some point. I must say, however, that many of you are not fallen angels on the way back, but help in a voluntary way here on earth, on the one hand to move the other side to contemplation and on the other hand to help to make this earth more light and free - in the consciousness that everything that lives was originally pure, clean and just. All will be well! Amen.


24 May 2021

Hand over your problems and worries to Me

My children, just now on the two days of Pentecost, visits and telephone calls come about quite often. Of course, conversations are also held about how you feel, or your conversation partners, who are often relatives, acquaintances or friends. Most of the time, they bring up the topic of vaccinations and often ask you if you have already been vaccinated. Now you are welcome to express your opinion, statements and everything else to show that you will not be vaccinated and that you will avoid the so-called PCR test as well as all vaccinations. Many of you are really affected when you hear that your relatives, friends and acquaintances have already been vaccinated once - and some even twice. I have already told you that you should be sensitive in these conversations and not use the sledgehammer method to make these people understand what such vaccinations can do to the body and above all what effects these vaccinations have - or can have - on the immune system and the body. You may hand over all your worries, problems and also your sadness to Me in heartfelt prayer for transformation and I will help you within the framework of what you allow. Some of you, especially those who live far away from their relatives or who are staying at the moment, have already said goodbye to them spiritually after they learned that they had been vaccinated. Of course, it does not mean that all vaccinated people will suffer a similar fate, but a large percentage of them have such a scenario in their life plan. This means that although people have free will, which is fully respected by the spiritual world and also by Me, they themselves very often unconsciously follow a predefined path in a voluntary way, which their soul naturally knows and often guides and directs them. All will be well! Amen.


23 May 2021

Pentecost 2021

My children, you are welcome to use this year's Pentecost to not only think but also do a great deal of good. The weather plays a subordinate role in this respect, for you can celebrate the spiritual work just as well anywhere. Especially now, on this day, when it is a stronghold of the other side in terms of the date, you may set a bulwark of a peaceful kind with voluntary, concentrated resonance. Amen. 


22 May 2021

When My children are tired

My children, again and again the question comes from you in intimate prayer why some are so extremely tired and would like to take a "nap" even in broad daylight. Well, this has various causes: On the one hand, it is because some of you do not get as much sleep at night or sleep very restlessly, and on the other hand, it is due to the regular increase in vibration, which is also taking place again right now. If you live in hot countries, you will automatically get tired if you are too exposed to the sun. In addition, you should always pay attention to how strong the radiation is outdoors. If you regularly place yourselves under My protective mantle through intimate prayer, you are protected and sheltered, My children. Do not worry if, for example, a "nap" is taken every afternoon, for in warm countries, for example, this has always been the case. Amen.


21 May 2021

Wish fulfilment

My children, more and more of you have certain wishes and also ask that these - if it may be - also come true. Peace on earth, the abolition of vaccinations, free travel, clean water, GMO-free food and that the children are well and carefree have been the main wishes of you. This shows that, unlike the majority of worldly-minded people, you do not put financial freedom first, as you know that you will get everything you need to live and often much more. Please remain calm, My children! I am always with you and also fulfil wishes within the framework of the respective life plan and time, because sometimes wishes are only fulfilled at a later time, when the time is ripe, so to speak. Amen.


20 May 2021

Drinking water and industrial water

My children, I have been asked by some of you in heartfelt prayer what you should do in an emergency when the electricity fails and therefore no water flows or, as happens time and again in southern countries, when water pipes are broken and the population has to switch to bottled water - at least until the pipes are repaired. Many of you, just like many worldly-minded people, drink mainly bought water from the supermarket. A few of you use permanent water filters, but these often only work if they have electricity. I also recommend that you stockpile water for domestic use, in addition to essential drinking water, if storage facilities allow. I know that some of you live in cramped conditions, but theoretically there are still possibilities to store water in bottles or canisters, which can then also be used as service water. Amen.


19 May 2021

People want to be free!

My children, what I had already indicated is now being developed more and more: People's urge for freedom is becoming stronger with the rising temperatures and they want to be free! Many are still wrestling with themselves whether they have to accept the injections for this or just wait patiently. A third group, however, wants to try the crowbar and that is not a good solution. Now you are increasingly "coming into play" again, as they say with you, My children: Remember that "bread and games" will soon go into recess and the distracted people will have no opportunity to vent their frustration, anger or even their joy. Your daily good deeds, of a voluntary nature, are so immensely valuable and important! I cannot say it often enough. All will be well! Amen.


18 May 2021

The centre of rest

My children, he who rests in himself in his centre is always protected and sheltered, for I dwell with My children, who are faithful to Me, in their heart and thereby you are also protected and sheltered. When you go about your worldly daily routines, it makes sense to place yourselves under My protective mantle again and again when you notice that you are not in your inner centre. Many of you also do intimate prayer in a short way before entering a supermarket, for example, in order to have the best possible protection there. This means: If you manage to come to your inner centre as often as you can, where nothing disturbs you and you remain free of judgements etc., you will realise that life is not as difficult as people are always trying to tell you from the other side - everything will be all right! Amen. 


17 May 2021

Discussions and conversations

My children, time and again you will find yourselves in situations where you have to defend yourselves, for example, why you do not want to be vaccinated. I had already told you a few things about this, but if you tell unprepared people on the head that you don't want any poison in the body and vaccinated people can also transfer the poison they carry in themselves to unvaccinated people through touch or breath, if they are not connected to Me through intimate prayer or My protective mantle, you will be taken for the biggest conspiracy theorists or even more. You should also handle sensitive topics sensitively and not jump in with the door. It is too easy to be classified as a "cult member" or something similar. Again today there were conversations with parents and relatives about this and that they have no understanding for the fact that you do not want to be vaccinated and also recommended to the relatives not to be vaccinated. Not to suffer demarcations, participation in social gatherings, travelling and much more are many reasons why people who are not connected to Me want to be vaccinated. They do not want to be seen as outsiders, nor as sceptics or even rebels. Their motto is to swim along with the masses and not to attract negative attention. They do not want to hear or cannot believe that their salvation could be in danger. As hard as it sounds, My children, you cannot save the whole world! Every human being is an independently thinking individual - with the exception of a few people - and must - whether he wants to or not - decide for himself which path he, as a human being, wants to take. Advice from you should be given gently, as I said, otherwise you will have left a pile of broken pieces after the conversation or telephone call. However, if such things have already happened, you can pray for the salvation of these people and ask the respective souls for forgiveness if you were too rough and direct with your words, because souls are sensitive beings that have a lot to cope with. Amen.


16 May 2021

The weather is driving people away

My children, more and more worldly-minded people are longing for freedom and good weather. They want to escape - even if it is only for days or a few weeks. The urge for freedom is innate and given to all human beings, and wet and cold weather makes people depressed, sick and sad. Sunny weather, on the other hand, lifts the good mood and also helps the immune system to strengthen the body. If you want to get away now but can't for whatever reason, you can - as you already know - trick your subconscious into thinking you're lying in the sun. With the help of a red light lamp, for example, and appropriate holiday music, this is quite possible. If you only knew what false illusions the other side has been working with for several decades to deceive, lie to and cheat people. The so-called "moon landings" were one of the bigger examples of how the whole film industry uses these possibilities. You can also use many negative techniques the other way round in a positive way, if you align the direction accordingly - instead of deception then align towards joy, harmony, happiness and contentment. Amen.


15 May 2021

May still has a lot to offer

My children, the month of May is a glimmer of hope for many people. But the further it moves into the country, the less many believe that anything will happen. However, it still has a lot to offer - both in the positive area and from the other side. That is why your daily good deeds are so immensely important and also your inner joy to be able to do good in a voluntary way. Amen.


14 May 2021

More and more people are waking up

My children, more and more worldly-minded people are waking up and noticing that something is wrong - with and in politics, with the laws, regulations and the ever more stringent prohibitions. Something like a rebellion is stirring in them when their freedoms and hobbies are to be drastically restricted. At a certain point - and the other side also knows this - people no longer put up with everything and fight back. For many worldly-minded people, this point has now been reached. All will be well! Amen.


13 May 2021

Pay close attention

My children, please pay close attention and also explain to your relatives and friends if they do not know and ask you what the catch is in certain offers. If cheap air travel, ship passages, ship trips, holiday offers of various kinds etc. are offered, it is very often a condition to be vaccinated beforehand. I can only ever recommend that you pay close attention, read the small print and keep your body clean. There are ways and means to go on holiday without vaccination or testing, but you have to look very carefully and inform yourself. Amen.


12 May 2021

Lightful thoughts

My children, just now when the light is becoming brighter and brighter, it makes a lot of sense that you also send this light in thought form everywhere inside and outside, because light is everywhere in the blink of an eye where it should or may flow. See it as part of your voluntary daily good deeds to also send this light full of love, purity and freedom so that all receptive souls can receive it. All will be well! Amen.


11 May 2021

Sufficient sleep is useful

My children, some of you and also many worldly-minded people are sleep-deprived or sleep-deprived at this time - mostly due to fears, worries or even problems. With you, My faithful children, it is very often because you are a little worried about your friends, relatives and acquaintances if they have been vaccinated or are also planning to be vaccinated. Well, you can tell them your point of view and why you won't get vaccinated, but it's up to them to decide what they do or don't want to do. Scaring is not a good thing and neither is worrying, because that often makes you toss and turn in bed. Tell them, for example, that vaccination has never been good and that toxins always get into the body. You have done your duty. Letting go also has to be learned, My children! Vaccinations very often separate the wheat from the chaff, to use the proverbial expression. Please remain calm and continue to do your so wonderful, voluntary deeds in My vineyard, which are so immensely important - also for world events. Amen.

10 May 2021

Where does freedom begin?

My children, this question is often one of the interesting thought processes of many people in this time in which you now live. Freedom in the mind and in the heart - in connection with the soul: your mind can help you to not only have a feeling of freedom in theory, but also to put it into practice. With the opening of Spain, many worldly-minded people want to escape the narrowness and constraints of Germany, for example, and drive or fly to Spain. However, they are often not interested in the fact that they have to make compromises in the process. Freedom is a feeling - something you can feel in your heart, soul and also in your mind. Yes, even the rest of the body can contribute to it. How free a person feels varies greatly. Minimal changes can trigger a feeling of freedom, just as something written, heard - e.g. in the form of a song - or even through movements if you were locked up before, to name just a few possibilities. Always try to feel as free as possible and then live out this feeling in any way possible - without hurting or restricting others. Amen. 


9 May 2021

It loosens up in parts

My children, as of today in Spain, there is loosening in other parts of the world - albeit sometimes with conditions attached. The other side is now trying to seduce people into voluntary vaccination with tasty treats that are really just further restrictions. I say it again: please do not get vaccinated and, as far as possible, do not get tested, My children! Always place yourselves under My protective mantle through intimate prayer. Continue to have complete trust and voluntarily perform your so wonderful good deeds in My vineyard. All will be well! Amen. 



8 May 2021

Listen to your heart

My children, I would like to give you once again the well-meant advice to always listen to your heart when you have to make decisions or even during the day when you are doing something. Your heart guides you through all difficult situations. Trust that you are always guided and protected - within the framework of your life plan - if you ask for it and stand under My protective mantle - through intimate prayer. Amen.


7 May 2021

A sigh of relief is happening

My children, some of you can already feel it in the subtle realm: a noticeable sigh of relief is going on there - through and over the world - and this sigh of relief, if it continues like this with the awakening of the people, will also be felt in the foreseeable future in the gross material realm on the one hand and will also have positive resonances on the other. All will be well! Amen.


6 May 2021


My children, the subject of nutrition is often a topic of discussion even among you, My extended arms on earth. Well, it is indeed the case that not all people have the same taste in food and that there are often great differences in tolerance and habit. I have often advised you to eat as healthily as possible and for many of you the vegan or vegetarian diet is the one you use. I do not judge, as you know, but the healthier you eat the easier it is for your body to stay healthy or become healthy. How you ultimately eat is your own free will and whether you skip dinner or breakfast, as some of you do, is up to each child to decide. But the fact is that dead animals carry a lot of negative information, e.g. through stress, killing, etc., and the human being who consumes it then also gets this vibration into the body. A lot of violence on earth comes from watching the public media on TV, newspapers, the internet and video films, to name but a few, as well as from personal experiences of a negative nature in the bodies of many worldly-oriented people and the consumption of animal products - mainly meat and fish products of various kinds.  If you now feel inside yourself, you will feel that it is actually easy, or was easy, to do without animal meat consumption, for example, and then, after a mostly incipient detoxification, you will also feel how your spiritual behaviour changes strongly in a positive sense. This means: Go according to your inner feeling, My children, and you will be guided in the way that is best for you - within the framework of what you allow for yourself. Amen.


5 May 2021

Days full of energy

My children, the days ahead of you are bursting with energy and you can use it. Those who are under My protective mantle of intimate prayer will notice that the energy in the world has changed and that you, My children who are faithful to Me, can now use much more strength, energy and stamina if you allow it. Be open to the surge of energy and it will flood through you. All will be well! Amen.


4 May 2021

Weather turbulence in May

My children, they have always been present and they are present again this year: the strong storms, severe weather and even snowfall is part of the weather turbulence this year in May. As you know, the weather patterns are manipulated by the other side, but humanity also contributes its part through its resonances. Your daily good deeds, which you do so lovingly and voluntarily, contribute to mitigating many things and to helping humanity to get through the severe scenarios so far without suffering too much. Amen. 


3 May 2021

Positive thoughts in many ways

My children, you spend a greater part of your day in many cases doing good, thinking good, sending loving thoughts and also expressing yourselves positively in several ways. But the power of singing, of the voice, of humming, of inner rejoicing and much more, you use only marginally for the most part. If you have the feeling that certain songs, texts, poems or melodies are particularly good for you, you are welcome to charge them with so much positive energy - when singing, dancing, humming, speaking along, etc. - that they also thereby contribute to sending a lot of good into the world. Of course, lyrics or melodies that you compose/text yourself or suddenly experience as an inspiration are also part of it. All will be well! Amen.


2 May 2021

There is much happening on earth

My children, there is a lot going on when you look at all the changes that have now begun and are still continuing. Changes in the subtle realm automatically entail changes in the gross material realm. Whoever firmly believes in Me and places himself under My protective mantle - through intimate prayer - receives the optimal protection that is possible. All will be well! Amen. 


1 May 2021

May sets you free

My children, in the month of May many things will be easier and freer in many people's minds, but those who hold on to old habits will also have a hard time in May - at least with important things from these people's own point of view. Yesterday and today there were more and more enquiries from you about the heartfelt prayers on the subject of vaccination. It is indeed the case that vaccination contains toxic substances and in many people these change the body in such a way that the poison affects it more and more and the immune power weakens. Yes, the poison can also be transmitted through the skin, the breath or even through personal touch and caresses, so that the unvaccinated people can possibly also become infected with this poison. Those who are now constantly under My protective mantle are protected within the framework of their own life plan - but should nevertheless very carefully avoid vaccinations, personal contacts of any kind with vaccinated people and also the so-called "PCR tests" and their variations. You see, my children, how perfidiously the other side puts its long-term plans into the world step by step and many people do not realise this at all because they are still subject to the sweet smell of seduction and the deliberately chosen seduction language and "lulling technique" without ever noticing what kind of life-threatening dependency they are catapulting themselves into. Who now says: Why don't you intervene, beloved FATHER?   To this I say: You have the free will and the gift to also research on your own and to inform yourselves independently of the so-called public media. I help every child to find its way if it asks Me for it. Bear in mind that what is happening now is also partly encoded in the Bible. Scepticism towards the public media has been suggested to you by Me again and again in dreams and that you should only listen to your heart. Indeed, even vaccinated people will be saved by Me if it is written in their life plan or through your heartfelt prayers. Always remember that it is in your own hands to control and live your life, even though you can always ask Me for help and advice through intimate prayer. How strong the advice or help then turns out is different in each case and depends on various things, such as your life plan. So avoid skin contact with vaccinated people, be careful when shopping, wear the mask for your protection, as well as e.g. disposable gloves and only enter houses or shops when you are under My protective mantle via intimate prayer. My writing channel here will tell you some supplementary things on the subject at My request, otherwise this FATHER'S WORD would be many times longer. Remain calm, keep to the recommendations, always place yourselves under My protective mantle and you will master this crisis - within the framework of your life plan. Amen. 


30 April 2021

Smoothing the waters

My children, a new energy of time is coming upon you with the month of May, which is so very different from the changeable and moody April. Today you may once again send much good from the dawn, for with the "Dance into May" or the so-called "Walpurgis Night" the other side is again playing its tricks on the people, some of whom are naive and unworldly. But since your "government" has imposed curfews, the other side is annoyed, because they are now often missing the fun in the evening and at night. Your good deeds also help to a great extent in keeping the activities of the other side in check. Smoothing the waters is one of the motives for the month of May - but there will be others. The so-called "merry month" can present some of its sunny side, if people continue to wake up and realise that they are in a big trap, but one that very well has exits - one of which is the path to My FATHER'S HOUSE. Amen.   


29 April 2021

First fruits

My children, the first fruits of your spiritual seeds are growing in many parts of the earth. The patience, the inner peace, the positive thinking and the intimate trust in Me and My healing power are firm pillars of My children who are faithful to Me and who, like you, do so much good in the whole world every day in a voluntary way. Since, as you know, every action causes a resonance, your daily good deeds naturally also have very intense resonances of a wonderful kind. Please continue to remain calm, My children! As My extended arms on earth, you contribute much to what is happening now in terms of positive and good things. Amen.


28 April 2021

When you are pressed

My children, time and again you place your requests and wishes before Me in heartfelt prayer that I should help you, because you are being urged, pressed or sometimes almost forced by your own family, relatives, circle of friends or also, for example, work colleagues or neighbours to finally have yourselves vaccinated. I can only repeat it again and again, My children: Do not get vaccinated and if possible do not get tested! If a test is necessary, saliva is enough and not this torture with the "nose torture". Tell the people who want to get you vaccinated that you don't want it. Your faith does not allow it, if you read the Bible accordingly, and I have already told you many times that it is not good for the body and can also be dangerous to have foreign substances introduced into it. Just as one should not receive foreign blood, any vaccination is also harmful to the body. Furthermore, almost all of you have at least one allergic reaction to certain things and allergy sufferers are not allowed to be vaccinated. Furthermore, the vaccinations are not sufficiently tested, have only emergency approvals and you have no confidence in such vaccinations. If your relatives or friends threaten not to want to see you anymore or want to forbid you contact with the grandchildren, for example, come to Me in heartfelt prayer and present it to Me for transformation. Within the bounds of possibility, there will then be solutions. However, these can sometimes take a while, since I do not interfere with free will, as you know. Always remember in which time you live and that every human being is responsible for his or her own salvation. All will be well! Amen.


27 April 2021

Fatigue in April

My children, due to the extreme changes in the weather of various kinds, the body of many people also needs more sleep than it is actually used to. Some of you have also felt this phenomenon several times and have given in to it as far as possible. Your bodies signal to you quite precisely when they need additional sleep and when they do not. Amen.


26 April 2021

What you can also do...

My children, again and again questions come from you about the heartfelt prayers, what you can do as self-supporters in these times when there is no garden. Well, window sills can be stocked as well as balconies when it is frost free days. There are some of you who do a lot of tinkering and experimenting, for example with small, homemade greenhouses, for the windowsill or balcony and also in bright, light-flooded rooms it is possible to get some things to grow and thrive. Some have stored preserved potatoes so cleverly in the cellar that they last for several months. But canning and preserving, as you say, is also feasible. Even sauerkraut and other important foods can theoretically be made yourself if you have the necessary ingredients and tools, or containers. If you are interested in this subject, you can produce it on a small scale even without a garden. All will be well! Amen.



25 April 2021

Sunday energies

My children, Sundays used to be used by many faithful people to go to churches to participate in services. You, My extended arms on earth, who joyfully pray and do good every day in a voluntary way, use every day of the week to do positive things. However, you can spiritually support those people who are used to going to church on Sunday and who now pray from home. Their prayers will then help to send positive thoughts, help and light wherever they are needed. Amen.


24 April 2021

There is a rumbling on earth

My children, it is boiling and rumbling in many corners of the world! That is why it is all the more important right now that you, My extended arms on earth, are so strong as a pole of calm and do not allow yourselves to be brought out of your inner peace and so lovingly carry out your so immensely important good deeds, done in a voluntary way, in My vineyard. This - and I like to repeat Myself - cannot be compared to anything else, because your heartfelt prayers, light transmissions, shouts of victory and other good deeds have a power that you cannot imagine. Amen.


23 April 2021


My children, I have told you many times, but especially now, in this critical time, cohesion is very important. Whether in person, by telephone or via the internet, just to mention these three possibilities, it doesn't matter. What is important is the cohesion and that you can also feel yourselves as My spiritual family - through the subtle energies and perceptions. All will be well! Amen.


22 April 2021

Do not worry

My children, you are always connected with Me through intimate prayer and also through your heart energies. Do not worry, My children! If you allow it, I will lead and guide you in the best way possible within the framework of your life plan. Your FATHER, who knows exactly what His children, who are faithful to Him, need. Amen.


21 April 2021

Positive foresight

My children, I have often pointed out to you how important it is to think and act with foresight. This does not only mean road traffic, but life in general. Often, messages from the other side, which they have to publish, are put very small or hidden at the end of a text. Very often, however, it is the headlines that say everything important. This means: If you read something like this or are told or sent something like this, you should always think and act with foresight, because this can be important under certain circumstances. You know that you should have enough provisions of all kinds and, as far as possible, only go shopping if you have to, because those who have made provisions through clever planning are naturally at an advantage over people who have not thought and planned ahead. I have often pointed out to you how important it is to have not only basic foodstuffs and clean, preferably blessed water, but also everything else you need to live. Some of you, My beloved children, through such wise foresight, have managed to travel to appropriate countries without taking these so-called "PCR - tests", because there are always loopholes open through which you can slip quite legally. Please continue to stay calm and do your voluntary good deeds, which are so immensely important. All will be well! Amen.


20 April 2021

Thought Hygiene

My children, as you know, it is very important to try to keep the thoughts free from disturbing influences of any kind. Many worldly-oriented people unconsciously watch a lot of television and thereby also absorb the energies that the other side consciously sends in order to keep them away from spiritual awakening. Conscious control of the masses is an important goal of their politics. However, because more and more people are awakening from their "slumber" and are beginning to see through the whole scenario, the number of those who no longer allow themselves to be suppressed is growing and often thereby also find their way back in the direction of My FATHER'S HOUSE. Through your voluntary good deeds and prayers, which you do so lovingly every day, you also reach these awakened people on a spiritual level and support them in their further development. Amen. 


19 April 2021

Words as consolation

My children, whoever manages to find the right words in loving gentleness in appropriate situations or occasions can thereby give a great deal of comfort, for the healing power of comforting words in particular is almost underestimated in its effectiveness. This is also something that you, as My extended arms on earth, may carry out very sensitively. Amen.


18 April 2021

Oases of well-being

My children, the word "oases of well-being" is a collective term for places, places or other things that are good for you and where you can regain strength and energy. I have named the FATHER'S WORD in this way today because time and again questions come from you about the heartfelt prayers, how and where you can find a place of strength, of leisure, of peace and contentment. Well, first of all it is important that you are at peace with yourself, in harmony and as balanced as possible. If you have this only partially or not yet, try to find inner peace again and again every day. Places that are good for you - no matter where they are - can be such "oases of well-being", because your soul does not judge, but signals to you, just like your heart, where it feels good and where it does not. Therefore, let yourself be guided or inspired to find such a place or to create one yourself. You will get help if you ask for it. Amen.



17 April 2021

I am always with you

My children, even if you do not always feel it or expect it: I am always with My children, who are faithful to Me, connected to you through the energy of the heart. Many worldly-oriented people are often sad that I don't seem to help them when they ask for help, but help always happens - within the framework of the respective life plan of the person seeking help. Sometimes the help is just of a different nature than the person thinks. Continue to remain calm, My children. All will be well! Amen.  


16 April 2021


My children, today is an important day for Germany, for a decision is being made on the Enabling Act by which you, as German citizens, are to lose a large part of your freedom. Freedom is something important and precious and you should protect your freedom as far as possible.  You are welcome to ask Me in heartfelt prayer to help you keep your freedom or to regain lost freedoms. You still have your spiritual freedom in you for the most part, but with physical freedom it is almost a dance on a hot volcano, symbolically speaking. Send the energy form "Freedom for Germany" or just for the country in which you live - out into the world every day and afterwards, if you wish, also: "Freedom for all forms of life - within the framework of the respective life plan", because in this way you do not interfere with the individual destinies.  Freedom is a very high good and must be protected accordingly - but without violence, but with the power of love, of words, of reason and partly also with logic and all feasible, legal possibilities. If you are in danger, call upon UR Archangel Michael for help and protection and you will be helped within the bounds of possibility. All will be well! Amen.


15 April 2021


My children, you know for the most part how important oxygen is, and I have already said it many times. Whoever wears the mask too long now suffers from oxygen deficiency. Most of you take the mask off immediately when you can and lift it again and again in between to be able to breathe oxygen unfiltered. My children, I know that it is inconvenient for you, but those who rebelliously walk around without masks often feel the long arm of the law, even though it is against human dignity. Just try to get through this difficult time with Me by your side as best you can. Everything will be all right, My children! Amen.


14 April 2021

Joy comes from the heart and the soul

My children, today's FATHER'S WORD is very important for the worldly-minded people and also for the few among you who cannot really rejoice from the heart. The joy that comes from the heart and the soul is immensely important especially in such times! Be happy about the little things in life and smile at yourselves in the mirror, because this is balm for the soul and the psyche.  All will be well, My children! Amen.


13 April 2021

Transform dissatisfactions

My children, the many dissatisfactions of your friends, relatives and acquaintances often get on your nerves or burden you and your connection with them. You cannot tell them the truth without being called a "conspiracy theorist". However, if they ask you questions about certain topics, you are welcome to answer. For My children, who are faithful to Me, it has always been a difficult life to live together with worldly-minded people, which is why you have often separated or segregated yourselves from the worldly family and lived your life with like-minded children of Mine. But it also happened and happens again and again that My children incarnate into the same family or that My children find each other and find each other again in the different lives. I guide it as it is possible within the framework of the different life plans. Please remain calm, My children, do not let yourselves be infected or carried away by the unrest and discontent, for that is the way of the other side. If, however, despite everything, you discover dissatisfactions in yourselves, I recommend that you give them to Me for transformation, for only with Me in the forefront can you always go your way safely - under My mantle of protection, which is so immensely important for My children who are faithful to Me. Your FATHER, who would like to help you more, but who observes free will and the law of resonance. Amen.


12 April 2021

Waiting for spring

My children, many people are longingly waiting for spring and the end of the cold season. Some of you have often asked Me in heartfelt prayer how long this XXL winter will last. Well, I have only recently told you something about the weather. But you can symbolically bring spring into your heart, My children, and anchor it there, just as some of you have anchored midsummer in yourselves and for whom every day is a summer day - regardless of the weather. This means: the power of spring, connected with the energies of growth, light, joy, peace and the realisation that everything positive is possible if you let it into you and lovingly share it there in connection with inner peace. The power of spring also allows spiritual forces to grow in you that you have not thought of for a long time, but which are still very present in you. All will be well, My children! Amen.



11 April 2021

Heart Energies

My children, through your daily good deeds done in a voluntary way, heart energies are also reached in the people who are open to them and even animals and nature benefit from this. Of course, your hearts will also be strengthened and invigorated and those who have physical ailments may gladly bring them to Me for transformation in heartfelt prayer and as far as it is possible - within your life plan - you will also be helped. Amen.


10 April 2021

The Power of Positive Thinking


My children, due to many despairs and fears, I would like to once again lovingly put it to your heart how important positive thinking is in general. Those who always see everything positively do not allow anything negative into their lives and I can work much better with these people, guide, lead and also support them. In the meantime, there are also many worldly-minded people who have not yet really found Me, but have taken the first step in this direction by rediscovering positive energy and thinking. Amen.


9 April 2021

Water is an elixir of life


My children, once again the subject of water is in the foreground, because far too little of this important elixir of life is drunk. Even some of you do not take it very seriously and drink such harmful drinks as coffee, black tea or alcohol. You know that it is not healthy to drink these, but you have free will and can do as you wish. Nevertheless, I would like to point out once again, since there are always new readers of FATHERWORDS, how important it is to drink pure, preferably blessed water, every day. Whoever drinks at least one litre of water without additives per day, already fulfils a large part of what the body needs for health maintenance, cleansing, detoxification and other things. Bear in mind, My children, that in order to eliminate coffee, to name just this one drink, you need twice the amount of water. Also carbonic acid is not there to be introduced into the body and by belching, the body wants to expel this gas as quickly as possible. Those of you who now - ideally by drinking single sips of pure water - take this in the conscious vibration, will notice in a short time how your body thanks you. Amen.


8 April 2021

The weather as a mirror

My children, the current weather events are a good mirror for the behaviour of people on earth and of course the other side also plays an important role through conscious weather manipulation and also as a resonance to everything they do. While it is regularly summery warm in the south of Europe, snowflakes keep falling in your area and the wind is unpleasantly cold. If you change your way of thinking in relation to the weather, this will also have a positive effect on it. That is to say: If you first accept the weather as it is, symbolically embrace it in love and then allow My healing power, purification and divine justice to flow into the worldwide weather events through your heartfelt prayers and light transmissions, you will already see results after a short time. Amen. 


7 April 2021

Questions upon questions...

My children, in the last few days your questions about the intimate prayers have multiplied. I would like to go into this briefly, because most of your questions related to the time that is now coming. I like to say it again, My children: Whoever likes can go demonstrating, but it is better to come into inner peace instead and do your voluntary work in My vineyard, because that is much more important for you and also for the overall events on earth. There are very many people whose task is to protest or demonstrate. Your tasks are more subtle. Every human being has at least one important task, many of you have two or even more. This means: No matter what happens out there, My children, you are protected, sheltered and above all lovingly wrapped in My protective mantle within the framework of your life plan - which has often already been extended or prolonged due to new tasks or responsibilities - because you receive the strength you need for your voluntary tasks from Me when you concentrate fully and lovingly on Me and are thereby in your inner centre, from which you draw so immensely much strength and energy. Amen. 


6 April 2021

The thoughts of My children

It is a pleasure for Me to inform you that you, as My children who are faithful to Me and My extended arms on earth, for the most part consciously resist temptations, fear-mongering and other negative influences and remain calm, for only in this way can you complete your daily work and good deeds in inner peace. Always bear in mind that the other side is losing energies every day and they are shouting and threatening louder and louder. All will be well! Amen.


5 April 2021

Where is the limit

My children, how far do worldly-minded people still allow themselves to be bullied, intimidated, imprisoned and deprived of their rights given by Me? In the meantime, two large groupings have emerged. Those who do not put up with it and the other group of people who believe and follow the lying stories in the public media. At the moment it looks like it can get even more intense in your country - or it can go bang. Both variants are possible at the moment. The law of resonance does not stop at politicians and other people in powerful positions, only they are protected by the other side and therefore the resonance can sometimes come later. Please continue to remain calm, My children, that is the most important thing and so you can continue to do your voluntary good deeds, which are so immensely important. Amen.


4 April 2021

Easter 2021

My children, this year's Easter is sad and lonely for many people because relatives, friends and acquaintances are not allowed to come. Nevertheless, many set out to meet their loved ones, as it is also part of celebrating Easter, just like Christmas, in the company of their loved ones and friends. Well, I have said before that the spiritual work in My vineyard is so immensely important, that it is a milestone on the path of transformation from the dark to the luminous, and you are doing so much good through your voluntary, loving service. Those who cannot see their loved ones now, for whatever reason, can however be spiritually connected with them - or also through the modern possibilities via telephone, internet, etc. Your FATHER, who is always with you and is always your contact for all questions and worries. Amen.


3 April 2021

Spiritual Purifications

My children, spiritual cleansings are not carried out by most children who are faithful to Me to the extent that it would make sense. However, it is extremely important at this time to cleanse oneself not only physically, but also spiritually. Regular grounding is also part of it and foot baths contribute to giving the feet, which are often neglected during baths, showers or other ablutions, their cleansing. Whoever places himself under My protective mantle every day through intimate prayer and then says, for example: "Thank you, thank you, thank you, beloved FATHER, that I am under Your protective mantle, wrapped, protected, blessed, grounded and cleansed. For JESUS CHRIST IS THE VICTOR, JESUS CHRIST IS THE VICTOR, JESUS CHRIST IS THE VICTOR!" does everything right and so is also energetically and spiritually enveloped, protected, blessed, grounded and cleansed by it on a regular basis. You see, My children, through your love, faithfulness and sense of duty you can not only help other life forms, but also yourselves. Amen.


2 April 2021

Good Friday 2021

My children, the year behind you since the last Easter has truly been filled with many hurdles and limitations. This year's Good Friday should be all about rest, peace and good deeds, for these are important as never before. If you now say that you also have to take care of family, friends and acquaintances and your job, I say to you: With good and efficient time management, everything can be done together, as long as you want to continue to do this voluntarily. Remain in love and give me your sadness for transformation, for love heals everything. Your FATHER, who is always with you, if you allow it. Amen.  


April 1, 2021


My children, together you are strong, you know that. A minimal preponderance of spiritual forces has now arisen on earth and if you consciously put energy into it during your daily, voluntarily performed good deeds, the scales will gradually tip in favour of the light side. Amen.


31 March 2021

The end of March

My children, the gruff and somewhat robust March is coming to an end and with it the picture on earth is changing. April, which is often portrayed as capricious, according to the motto: "April does what it wants", will partly live up to its name this year. That is to say: From the 1st of April, a lot of things will be turned upside down - but: within the framework of what you, My extended arms on earth, accomplish. You continue to be the so-called "tip of the scales", My faithful children, and the more you voluntarily do good, the better it is for humanity and all life forms on it. Your power will increase as the sun's rays grow stronger. All will be well! Amen.


30 March 2021

The preparations are underway

My children, during Holy Week people are usually very busy - in terms of behaviour. In the past, people used to get together with their families on Easter days, and nowadays only on a small scale. Nevertheless, preparations of a different kind are going on in the world. Both from the spiritual side and from the other side. Your daily good deeds and voluntary help in My vineyard are also very necessary now in Holy Week, because the other side is working with all kinds of tricks and deceptions. Please do not believe it when certain things are presented to you for days on end in the worldly media programme. These are deceptions! Nevertheless, I repeat once again My advice to take sufficient precautions on all levels. Amen.


29 March 2021

The inner peace

My children, during Holy Week it is important to do as much good as possible in inner peace. This can also be done in between when you take breaks, when you are in the bathroom or bedroom, or even anywhere where it is possible for you to be at rest for at least 30 seconds. Everything is a little different this year - also in relation to last year - and you, as My extended arms on earth, are in the fortunate position to go through everything together with Me, because I am always with you. Amen.


28 March 2021

Purification of the body in a short time

My children, time and again questions come from you in heartfelt prayer about a quick cleansing of the body. You should know that there are ways to cleanse the body quickly or to use a more long-term system. However, since toxins and pollutants are now used everywhere, it is advisable to use something that works like a cure and a cleansing at the same time. Some of you remember that a few years ago I recommended you to disinfect drinking water with vinegar, which is not easy to drink because it has to be purified first. Some of you also drink a glass of water with vinegar every morning. Some add honey to it. This recipe has been around for a long time. But if you now permanently add as much organic apple vinegar as possible to your drinking water, in the quantity that you can tolerate without sweetening it, the pollutants and things from the other side that they have added to you through contaminated food and otherwise will have to give way. In other words, vinegar, preferably organic, in combination with water, even if you have asked for the blessing, penetrates the cells and can thus cleanse, purify and clear up throughout the body. Some of you also spray your masks, which still have to be worn if you don't want to get into trouble with the authorities, with a concentrated vinegar-water solution or hold them regularly in front of their ozone device with built-in UV filter. As you can see, there are ways to prevent and react. But the most important thing is always your strong TRUST in GOD and the certainty that everything will be all right. Amen.



27 March 2021

Mastering life

My children, again and again questions come from you about the heartfelt prayers concerning mastering life. I cannot give a general answer to this, because everything on earth is far too multi-faceted for that. Every human being has his or her life plan, which also changes once in a while, but then mostly through spiritual growth of this human being. Of course, an age is not limited to a certain number and it is quite possible to live to be well over 100 years old, but then the corresponding circumstances must also fit. Rapid ageing has also not been provided for by Me. The other side has its fingers in the pie. As far as the profession is concerned, it should also be the person's vocation, if possible, and then it is also carried out with joy. More and more of you do not attach importance to a good income, but are frugal and pay much more attention to leading a good, fulfilled and blessed life. It used to be like that for a while, until the other side got the upper hand, because many worldly-minded people let themselves be blinded by the glamour and the worldly radiance of the sand. But those who manage to turn their backs on all luxury or useless excess and live simply, humbly and modestly will get all that is needed for true life and still feel the inner fullness everywhere. Amen.


26 March 2021

Energies flow

My children, you know that people have different energies and vibrations. You, as My faithful children and extended arms on earth, usually have a higher vibration and a higher energy boost than worldly-oriented people, because on the one hand you deal with spiritual issues and thus the low vibrational things of life do not come to you, unless you consciously allow it, and on the other hand, all people who consciously walk the spiritual path with Me, your FATHER in JESUS CHRIST, are already charged with higher energies by this alone. This means that if you live in a family where there is a lot of destructive or generally low vibrations, you will automatically be an outsider or often the so-called "black sheep of the family" because you are different. But you also attract people into your life via the law of resonance who suit you - even if they are "only" internet or telephone friendships. My children, who are faithful to Me, are a large family that differs from the worldly-oriented people in that you consciously walk this path of life together with Me and also consciously renounce many worldly things because they are not productive for your spiritual development but disturbing and blocking. You are not power-oriented, but want peace, harmony, love and many other positive things in life and also try to implement this with peaceful means. Of course, some of you suffer from this heavy burden, especially now, in these so-called "end times", to endure this martyrdom that the other side is pushing as intensively as possible. But be sure that you are the shining lighthouses who voluntarily hold up My light, My love, My divine power and everything else that is positive in every raging surf and defy everything that the other side brings up in adversity, because one thing is certain: The light is always stronger than the darkness, My children! Thus you are the shining pillars by which people can orientate themselves who want to take the path from darkness to My FATHER'S HOUSE. Your good deeds of a voluntary nature every day are milestones on the path of holistic purification up to healing. All will be well! Amen. 


25 March 2021

Reading between the lines

My children, many people only skim the headlines on television, the internet or in the newspapers and do not bother to "read between the lines", so to speak. But there are also very many people who cannot or do not want to do this, My children, because a large percentage of worldly-minded people are not interested in politics and think that the "elected" politicians are already doing everything right - for the good of the people! Many of you, My children, have also been brought up in this way, but have realised at some point that this is truly not the case and have also learnt through their heartfelt faith to separate the wheat from the chaff - as far as world events on a small and large scale are concerned. They often throw something into the room to test how people react to it. If there are protests, they take a step back, only to move forward again after a certain time - with decrees or bans. This is psychological warfare on a very mean and low level, some of you keep saying in prayer. Well, it is even more than that, My children. It is precisely for such reasons that your daily good deeds, done voluntarily, are so immensely important. Amen. 


24 March 2021


My children, when you read or hear what your so-called politicians are again inventing for scaremongering horror stories and thereby also planning further confinements or restrictions for the people, you should always have the important recommendations ready in your mind: Enough food and good water for a longer period of time, enough possibilities to keep yourselves and your families busy, to exercise your body and mind regularly and of course to get fresh air as often as possible, to go for a walk and to use the healing power of the sun where possible. My recommendations to you, My faithful children, to continue to do good in a voluntary way every day has helped and continues to help avert the worst things on earth. If you knew what you have already prevented, you would truly be amazed. The power of heartfelt prayers, light transmissions, shouts of victory, good thoughts and deeds, heartfelt laughter and natural cheerfulness are such immensely valuable things. Amen. 



23 March 2021

It goes on

My children, there are many different opinions, speculations, rumours and much more, in which worldly-oriented people and also some of you try to find out what is coming to humanity in the near future. Remember, My children, that you are in the so-called "end times" and that these are by no means a "sweet spot", to use a common expression among you. But whoever prays regularly, sends light, does good etc. will naturally receive many times more in return. This means: All children who are under My protective mantle are protected and sheltered - within the framework of their life plan. Amen.


22 March 2021

An interesting week ahead

My children, this week is very interesting - from a spiritual as well as a worldly point of view, for once again the energies will collide and there will be repercussions in world events. If you look closely at what is happening in the world, you will feel that the other side is losing ground and if you, My children who are faithful to Me, continue to do good every day so intensively in a voluntary way, visible successes in the worldly sphere - even if only small at first - will soon be seen. Amen.


21 March 2021

Spring Fever

My children, even though the weather in many parts is anything but spring-like, winter has officially ended and spring is first of all entering the hearts of people in a subtle way and still has a few teething problems in a gross way. The poets and writers among you will be "kissed by the muse", if they allow it, to use this expression for this year's beginning of spring. Whoever lets spring into his heart will be radiant and happy in all weathers, My children. Amen.


20 March 2021

A special day

My children, today is an important day from many points of view, which also carries special features. It is very important for you to know that the light forces are once again very strongly bundled today and all the receptive souls of people receive all the good and positive that is sent. Your help in this is, as always, very important and significant, for only those who voluntarily perform this service of love in My vineyard can build up this high energy and send it out lovingly. The fact that you will of course also be supplied accordingly is also a part of the law of resonance. All will be well! Amen.


19 March 2021


My children, I would like to remind you once again how important cohesion is in the family, group, circle of friends or your other groupings, because especially in these difficult times, it is very often an important task to also be there for the people who are suffering from these confinements. Motivating and uplifting conversations are very important and if it is possible, pray together with these people. That you can include them in your daily prayers is possible anyway. Always remember that something will change in the near future and your daily good deeds, of a voluntary nature, in My vineyard, will contribute much to this. Amen.


18 March 2021

Things are happening

My children, there is much movement in the world. Not only the demonstrations planned for the weekend, but in every country on earth something is in motion. Much of this, as long as it is small and only bubbling a little, does not usually appear in the secular news. Don't forget that the other side also has to abide by certain rules. No one should normally be vaccinated against their will, for example. Please continue to remain calm, because your voluntary good deeds, which you do so lovingly, are the best thing you can do. Amen.


17 March 2021

Divide your strength well

My children, some of you sometimes overdo it and do a lot in one day, which could be divided into several days. This means that your bodies may have to exhaust themselves because they have not been used to working or doing much for a long time. Also, when you go shopping, it is extremely tiring to wear your mask for several hours and go from one shop to the next. Your bodies will signal to you when they are exhausted. Please listen to them as much as you can. Amen.


16 March 2021

Common Sense

My children, if you do not question what is being broadcast every day since the invention of the television, you need not be surprised if you are kept small from a spiritual point of view and cannot develop very much spiritually. You, My faithful children, have good common sense and question everything that is broadcast or said in public. You examine everything with your heart and immediately sense whether the person is sincere towards you or not. The same applies to politicians or people in public life. But you also use your common sense in all things in life and some of you regularly fiddle with your meals, on the one hand to be prepared for crises and on the other hand to try something new.  I can only recommend you to be attentive every day and, besides your, so wonderful, voluntary work in My vineyard, also to be so open to life - and also to notice and also partly experience the small moments and moments. Amen.


15 March 2021

Cessation of fear

My children, with this day, the fear of uncertain things, fateful past events and the apparent supremacy of the authorities should be dissolved. The fact is that originally the so-called "representatives of the people" were there to represent the interests of the people and not to subjugate them with threats of punishment. That is to say, your so-called politicians who seem to be leading the country are there to serve the people and not the other way round. Also, people should shed their superstitions and if, for example, on so-called fateful days, as 15 March was, you simply surrender everything old and disturbing to Me for transformation via intimate prayer, the old patterns and worries will quickly become a thing of the past. Let go of your fears, My children! Hand over to Me in heartfelt prayer for transformation everything that weighs you down, worries you, frightens you or otherwise burdens you. All will be well! Amen.


14 March 2021

Light and shadow

My children, wherever there is light, there is also shadow. But the light is becoming stronger and all the dark corners are becoming brighter and more and more illuminated, through the wonderful, voluntary work of My children, who are faithful to Me, all over the world, and it will come to pass that through this more and more people will awaken and realise what is really going on on earth. All will be well! Amen.


13 March 2021


My children, it is very important that you, My children who are faithful to Me, stand together worldwide. Not everyone agrees with each other's opinion on everything, but the main goal is to help together to dissolve this juggernaut of the other side. Even though I repeat Myself often, it is so immensely important that you voluntarily do so much good every day. Your FATHER, who knows what you voluntarily do every day and is always with you. Amen.


12 March 2021


My children, in the alternative circles on the Internet there are the wildest speculations as to what will happen from the beginning of spring. It is indeed the case that some things were and are planned - from the spiritual side, but the fears of the majority of the population have so far thwarted this. In other words, as soon as a certain percentage of the fearful worldly-oriented people have woken up, it goes like a jolt through the respective country and, similar to the dominoes that are lined up one after the other, it then proceeds very quickly worldwide. The other side has great respect for this and also a certain form of fear, because if a large part of humanity worldwide no longer puts up with anything, the game is over. Therefore, please remain calm and the very best thing you can continue to do is your voluntary, daily and so wonderful work in My vineyard, for without it the whole thing would not be possible. Amen. 


11 March 2021

What you can do

My children, again and again questions come from you about intimate prayer, what productive things you can do in your free time, which you now have in part in greater quantities. Well, apart from good deeds and work in My vineyard, you can do handicrafts, for example. Be it a swimming pool for the garden, which you can buy at a reasonable price and with a bit of craftsmanship you can turn it into a place of well-being, or you can embellish and repair your house or garden. These are just a few examples, My beloved children. Think also of your children or the rest of the family, that you have zones or areas where you can retreat and recharge your batteries in these difficult times. Man always needs opportunities to come to rest and, as I said, to recharge his batteries. Amen.


10 March 2021

Thoughts fly around

My children, if you could see what thoughts are sent back and forth on earth every day. It is pure chaos! But even chaos can be cleared up and sorted. In other words, start with yourself and try to sort out your thoughts and make sure that you don't send anything trivial or accidentally negative out into the world. Above all, when reading books and texts, make sure that you don't adopt the author's energy without checking it and, if possible, read everything in the third person, because then you haven't spoken it. I know, especially now, in this difficult time, thought hygiene is very important, My children. Amen.


9 March 2021

When tiredness overtakes you

My children, it can happen that without much warning you suddenly become tired and want to lie down. Follow this urge if it is possible, because what is happening in the subtle world also has its effects in the gross world. This means that there is a lot happening on earth - as I said, first in the subtle and then in the gross. Your bodies are much more sensitive than the bodies of most worldly-oriented people and therefore react much more readily to changes. Amen.


8 March 2021

Patience is needed

My children, it is in many cases the case that the patience that you and also the worldly-minded people are exposed to is not as pronounced as it could be. Well, to have patience is a subject that many people are very reluctant to hear, because they often do not even know the background or even guess why this or that takes so long. Healing of fractures, sprains, bruises or circulatory disorders naturally also take longer in winter to be completed, as the missing healing power of the sun is missing. Being patient is also very difficult for many people during this "C" time, as they are not used to staying at home and cannot follow their usual rhythm of work and life. Having the children, who are usually at school, at home every day can also be very exhausting for many people's nerves. The fear of being compulsorily vaccinated after all is also on many people's minds, as is the uncertainty about what to do next professionally. The fact is that now there is the possibility to find Me and to go the way of the heart in the intimate connection. But the person must find it himself, there is no compulsion or demand, My children. You may only ever give impulses, impulses and hints when you are asked. Every person is the architect of his own happiness, you know that. There are many remedies that alleviate pain, make it easier or take it away completely, which I have told you about, as has My writing channel here. You also need patience when taking them, because what has to be corrected in the body did not happen by chance, which, as you know, does not exist, but was a result of resonances or carelessness. Whoever walks through life like a "Hans looking into the air" does not have to be surprised if he stumbles or falls. On the other hand, it is often adverse circumstances that can lead to a fall, for example. But there, too, patience is needed so that healing can flow. You have often asked me whether it is easier to live in countries that are not cold or wet in autumn or winter. Well, that depends on the individual, of course. Some of you, My faithful children, live in such countries and are overjoyed because they no longer have the strains, aches and pains that used to plague them every winter. But in order to initiate such a project, you need a good portion of courage, self-confidence and the certainty that you are always under My protective mantle. Overcoming inner blockades also plays an important role. A solution for both sides would be to stay in the warmth in winter and then return home. But this also requires a strong will and the financial means to accomplish it. You see, My children, that it always depends on patience, the will to persevere and the certainty that you, as My faithful children, will receive help within the framework of your life plan and often beyond. This means: The life plan can change for the better. Amen.  


7 March 2021

Weather Impact

My children, the events on earth have an effect on many things. You see it most in the weather, because you don't often see as many extremes as there have been in this, still relatively short year. That is why it is so immensely important that in your voluntary good deeds, which you do so lovingly every day, you also envelop the weather events, so that at least in part a normal weather event can take place and not only the predominantly manipulated event, which the other side is forcing more and more. Amen.


6 March 2021

Sleeping place

My children, a very important subject is your sleeping place. You should make sure that it is not located on a water vein or other disturbing factors. It also makes sense not to have electricity in the bedroom at night, because this also disturbs sleep. A mobile all-rounder does not belong in a bedroom anyway, and neither do alarm clocks or radios with electricity. For those of you who say, "But I have a TV in the bedroom," I say: If you switch off the electricity completely at night, it is a possibility. Mirrors that are not covered are also a nuisance, because the other side can get into mischief through them. If you write JESUS CHRIST IS VICTOR on every mirror surface, or even just JCiS, mirrors are dejammed. The worst mirrors are those which hang on the ceiling above the bed. These are very irritating to the soul when it travels at night. Those who cannot sleep should take a hot water bottle to bed or drink soothing tea before going to bed. The intimate prayer and the celebration of the cries of victory in bed are a good way to fall asleep quickly, because then you also renew your standing or lying under My protective mantle. It can also be due to the mattresses or slatted frames that you do not sleep well. There are many possibilities that should only be investigated if you are having problems sleeping. Since some of you had questions about this important topic, I am now happy to go into it again after a long time. Amen.


5 March 2021

He who abides in tranquillity...

My children, things are coming to a head on earth and it is coming to light more and more what atrocities and more have been caused by the other side. I can only continue to recommend to you, no matter what may come or be uncovered, to remain in your inner centre and calm and to continue to celebrate your so wonderful voluntary good deeds in My vineyard, because that is the most important thing you can do at the moment. Amen.


4 March 2021

What is good for the body

My children, any kind of cleansing - both internal and external, is good for the body and often also for the spirit and soul. Even rearranging the rooms, the flat, the house or even the garage, to name but a few, can bring great results. It is extremely important that you feel good at times when you only have a limited need to go out, and this can also be achieved by tidying up, rearranging and "clearing out". Eating the foods you like best - if you have them, can buy them or create them yourself - is also an important factor in feeling good. Taking full baths, showers or even Kneipp cures - depending on your feelings and impulses, these things are done at home to do something good for your body. Meditation, relaxation, pursuing hobbies and much more can also contribute to feeling good inside and out. Those who now manage to do their voluntary good deeds every day with joy and heartfelt love can then, in most cases, go to bed in the evening overjoyed, because you know: Even if it doesn't look like it yet: Everything will be all right, My children! Amen.


3 March 2021

Giving and taking

My children, he who gives from the heart also receives again from the heart. Life consists partly of voluntary giving and freely received things. This means: Whoever gives from the heart and can also let go of everything that burdens him, as a human being, or seems superfluous, will also receive what is important and is needed at the moment or in the near future. Many people worry about this and that, but most of all about their health and their finances. If you hold on to money too tightly, your health will progress sparsely. You should always remember this when you have a lot of money but your health is not really working. With letting go, momentum and energy comes back into life. Amen.


2 March 2021

Fluid intake

My children, the topic of fluid intake - and predominantly water - is a very important one, as a large proportion of people drink too little. In addition, many worldly-minded people do not drink pure water, but rather coffee, sugared juices, soft drinks and alcoholic beverages. The optimal elixir for you is, as you know, water, which has been blessed by Me and thus contains everything that the body urgently needs. You may, as you also know, bless the water in My name, for as My extended arms on earth, you are under My protective mantle and if you pray intimately before blessing, the energy is also permanently present with you, for as long as you are under My protective mantle, you are, as I said, protected and sheltered. Please also try now at the end of winter to drink more blessed water and you will notice how much your body rejoices in this and thereby also goes into a vibration that begins to repair aches and pains where a repair in a short time is otherwise only possible with difficulty. My blessed water, which I give you for this purpose, has everything in it for this. You only need to drink enough of it and ingest it in sips with the right energy and then let it benefit the body. Amen.


1 March 2021

The Struggle Within

Meanwhile, my children, in many people there is a battle raging within. They would like to rebel against the seemingly overpowering construct of the other side and begin the process of cleansing, but they dare not, feeling that they are alone or in a very small minority. The mostly worldly-minded people, are almost in despair because they no longer know what to do. When you send your daily, voluntarily spoken prayers, light transmissions, shouts of victory and good deeds/thoughts out into the world, remember all the people out there who are struggling inwardly and thereby send them My spark of love into their receptive hearts, so that this inner struggle is transformed into a spiritual bulwark that no longer allows anything negative and only lets out positive energies in concentrated form. That is to say: These people learn to recognise that not much can be achieved with brute force and that instead the art of spiritual energy is to be applied, which, with the power of love and divine justice, builds up such an immensely strong energy that the other side cannot oppose. Amen.   


28 February 2021

February ends

My children, today is the last day of February and with it this softer vibration also ends. March presents itself upright and with a harder pace - both and. This means that in March many things will come up and some things will be decided. How strong these will be depends on various factors. You, My faithful children and extended arms on earth, continue to be enormously important in My vineyard through your daily voluntary work. Amen.


27 February 2021

It's high time

My children, things are getting very busy - first in the subtle realm and then also in the gross material realm! When I say that things are heating up, you can only guess what is coming. How strong the effects will be in the physical realm is also up to you, My faithful children, who voluntarily do so much good every day all over the world. I have already told you that in the ethereal realm it happens quite differently than with you on earth, My children, but there are still intense conflicts that happen so differently than with you and of course then also have their effects on the worldly earthly life. Amen.


26 February 2021

Keep up your strength

My children, in these times it is important that you, as far as is always possible, eat as healthy and nutritious food as possible. Your bodies need energy to function properly. Therefore, keep up your strength, My children. That means: sufficient food, sufficient, if possible blessed water and your good deeds, thoughts and prayers, which also provide you with subtle strength, which can be quickly transformed into gross strength in emergency situations. Nourish yourselves in such a way that it is sufficient and you feel strong without overeating or going hungry, as long as there is enough food that you also like and that is compatible with your attitude to life. My children, you will always receive help from Me in difficult times. Amen.


25 February 2021

When world events take you away too much

My children, some of you are so taken up by worldly events that you have difficulty sleeping, problems with bowel movements or even with eating. Since everything is connected with everything, very sensitive people - and some of you are also among them - sense many things that happen in the world and let them get out of their daily rut. Do not be afraid, My children! You are protected and sheltered! Try to distract yourselves or supply your thoughts, for example, with memories that have brought you joy. All will be well! Amen.  


24 February 2021

People want change

My children, more and more worldly-minded people want an end to confinements and restrictions. They are not only dissatisfied but also ready to fight for their freedom and take to the streets if this situation they are currently living in continues. With the onset of spring, spring feelings of a different kind also awaken in most people. Just as a tree or a plant gets sap, grows and also has strength to pull it through, so it is with people in many cases. I know it is not easy for some of you to stay at home to do good for some time every day without going outside. But who says that you should do your daily voluntary good deeds in the parlour? You can also do it outdoors, only it is still absolutely important to keep your inner centre in order to do these precious spiritual works as effectively and valuably as possible. Amen. 


23 February 2021

The inner strength is the strongest

My children, even though many worldly-minded people think that the outer, physical power is the strongest of all, this is nevertheless not so! Your heartfelt prayers, light transmissions, shouts of victory, good deeds and thoughts are many times stronger, more intense and more effective than physical strength.  That which you accomplish daily in a voluntary way cannot be compared to any physical power, because it happens in balance and equilibrium - in the inner centre. It is quite difficult for many of you, My faithful children, to witness how apparent injustice on earth continues to increase. But first a point has to be reached where the majority of humanity will wake up and then everything that has been erected as a shaky structure of lies by the other side will topple. Therefore, continue to have complete trust and carry on your wonderful, daily work in My vineyard in voluntary joy, with the certainty that everything will turn out well. Amen. 


22 February 2021

Those who look closely...

My children, many of the worldly-minded people also see through the lies and false statements of the "political actors" all over the world. With few exceptions, these "actors" are forced to do and say what their superiors from the other side tell them to do. So if you look closely, you will see the contradictory statements and opinions of these actors, who sometimes talk their heads off, as you say. Just continue to stay in your inner centre and do your daily, voluntarily done good things and be aware that by doing so you are helping to make everything brighter and more positive on earth. Amen.


21 February 2021

Strengthen self-confidence

My children, many people who actually had a natural self-confidence before this "home-made scenery" have been robbed of their natural strength by the many restrictions, confinements and prohibitions and often doze off like a heap of misery and lose more and more courage in life and in themselves. You, My faithful children and extended arms on earth, are in the greater majority still full of confidence and know that everything will go well, even if it still seems to take "forever" for many people. It is now also part of your voluntary task, if you wish to do it, so to speak, to send self-confidence and self-awareness out into the world - via your light transmissions - so that all people who are open to it can receive it subtly and thus rebuild their bodies, minds and souls. For example, simply say, "I am now sending to all souls who are open to receive the divine power to receive the FATHER-approved energy of self-awareness and self-confidence to rebuild their own strength in their bodies and come into the power needed to do positive things in the end times. Amen." If you put this in your words in this way or in a similar way, you are doing another important task in My vineyard. Amen. 


20 February 2021


My children, connections of all kinds exist on earth. Many of you are telepathically connected to Me and feel it on the heart level. But there are also strong connections among you. For example, if one of you thinks of the other, the other will call, to give just one example. The connections you have at night are also very diverse, because your souls are usually travelling at night while the body is asleep. However, this strong connection that you, as My children who are faithful to Me, have with Me through intimate prayer cannot be compared to anything, for that is the very strongest power! This means: Whoever trusts Me completely, prays intimately, does good and also always places himself under My protective mantle through intimate prayer, is always protected and sheltered - within the framework of his life plan. Amen.


19 February 2021

Letting go of old habits

My children, many worldly-minded people find it very difficult to let go of old patterns and habits. You, My extended arms and helpers on earth, will find it much easier if you experience the spiritual, mental or other background. Those who, for example, smoke a lot or consume alcohol, thereby also feed many souls whose bodies have mostly died and who, due to their addictions, have not managed to find their way into spiritual realms or have consistently refused to do so. These entities urge and force the addicted person to continue to indulge in addiction, because they want to continue to be nourished ethereally. This is why smokers and alcoholics, for example, find it particularly difficult to stop their addiction, as the clinging souls do not want to lose their nourisher. But those who are iron-willed can let go of any addiction. But it may be a hard and stony path. As far as food is concerned, My children, who are faithful to Me, and just as many health-conscious people are also willing to try experimental ways with food once in a while, if they are healthy and vegan. Since every country has its different products, even in modern times it is still possible to eat healthy things that are not readily available in the supermarket around the corner. Please let go of everything superfluous, My children, I recommend this to you and you will see how well you will then feel. Amen. 


18 February 2021

What you can do

My children, the world is seething because the light side is fighting against the other side and it is similar to a volcano that is about to erupt. Only here it is so that the eruption of the other side is cushioned by the many prayers, light transmissions, shouts of victory, good deeds and thoughts. It is a bit like a trampoline. You, My faithful children, are now in the fortunate position of being able to do as much good as you can and want to. Your voluntary works are more valuable than all the jewellery of this earth. Amen.


17 February 2021

Turned Up

My children, the other side does not give up so easily and tries everything to once again turn all its levers to the full. However, you are only exposed to this "being wound up" if you physically and mentally get into this situation and vehemently resist it. But if you remain calm and do your good deeds daily full of joy in a peaceful, voluntary way, you will find that the other side loses energy every day. The more people do good deeds in inner peace, the weaker the other side becomes. Amen.


16 February 2021

Things are coming together

My children, not only the unrest in the world, no also the exhausting carnival time comes to an end today, because during this time the entities of the other side have also been busy playing mischief and doing bad things. With tomorrow's Ash Wednesday, more tranquillity will once again be radiated from the spiritual plane to Earth. Continue to be at peace and do your voluntary work in My vineyard so wonderfully, My children. All will be well! Amen.


15 February 2021

Recharge your batteries

My children, again and again you ask Me through intimate prayer how one can gain strength in these cold and difficult times in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Well, recharging your batteries can be done in many ways, My children! Some of you go out into nature and enjoy it. Others sing songs from their childhood or youth, which they associate with something joyful and positive, and through this, forces, energies and feelings of happiness also rise in the body and help to do good. Those who are injured or handicapped - in whatever way - are welcome to say, hum or sing "JESUS CHRIST IS VICTOR", "HEALING IS NOW" and "I AM PROTECTED AND BOTH UNDER FATHER'S PROTECTION MANTLE". You may operate and act completely freely. It only depends on your own heart energy. Think positively, hand over to Me everything that burdens you for transformation and you will find that it frees you if you do it from the bottom of your heart. Amen.


14 February 2021

The awakening process goes on

My children, more and more worldly-minded people are realising that what is being presented to people by politicians, scientists and other "experts" is nothing but a farce. Accordingly, they are angry and pissed off when their existence is slowly but surely put in existential distress by numerical values taken out of thin air, which have no hand and no foot, as you say. You will see that this will not go on for long without creating resonances. How quickly resistance grows depends in each country on the extent to which people can bear "pain". When the subsistence level has fallen below the minimum and hunger is growing stronger and stronger, those responsible will have to think carefully about whether they want to provoke a civil war. Then it is your task again, My children, to prevent the worst through your daily voluntary good deeds, because there is also a rethinking in the minds of awakened people that there can also be peaceful changes. Amen.


13 February 2021

Energy flow

My children, since yesterday, Mirror Day 12022021, the energies are flowing even stronger, if you allow it. The worldly news should not bring you out of your inner peace. Whether borders are now open or closed does not matter at the moment for your spiritual growth, because from within a child who is voluntarily faithful to Me can grow and learn spiritually. In other words, immerse yourselves in your heartfelt prayers, light transmissions, shouts of victory and good deeds or thoughts and you will find that a tremendous surge of subtle energies will flood through you in the near future and help you to grow spiritually and receive even more energy to accomplish everything that you have undertaken or would like to do. All will be well! Amen.



12 February 2021

Clean up and declutter

My children, many of you have time now to declutter and tidy up your lives, your homes or whatever. Some of you are doing this with your computer right now. But also letting go and surrendering fears, worries, programming from childhood, youth and the rest of your life are part of it. Fears of scenarios that have been invented by those in power, so to speak, in order to keep people symbolically small and in fear, do not belong to you and may gladly be transformed with Me through intimate prayer. Think about what you should be afraid of, My children. You are protected and sheltered by Me! Avoid the vaccinations and the so-called "PCR tests" and also ask Me for help if you should be cornered in this respect. There is always a way out! Never forget this, My children! Amen.


11 February 2021

As long as the weather remains like this...

My children, since there have been these "hyped up winter problems", which in reality are nothing unusual in winter, there has been a deliberate effort to ensure that there are also food supply shortages. Not only has there been no replenishment in a few towns, but it is planned on a larger scale. Trucks are reportedly not arriving because the weather does not permit it. This shows how good it is to have made provisions and only leave the "four walls" at home when it is absolutely necessary in the cold and wet. Amen.


10 February 2021

Think and act with foresight

My children, you see from the almost weekly changes in things that are again permitted or forbidden how important it is that you not only think ahead but also act. You should also make use of things that you are legally allowed to do in the short term, and most of you have a larger supply of food and drink at home. There is still a certain phase to be bridged, but then something may change, as long as there are no upheavals in the great morphic field of the Earth, when the worldly-oriented people, through extreme fears, again deviate from their hopeful way of thinking. Here you come into focus again, My children: Your daily, voluntarily performed good deeds are for some people, who are fickle, the saving "straw" to which they cling ethereally, like a person who, full of desperation, grasps for every lifebelt symbolically held out to him. Amen.


9 February 2021

More and more comes to light

My children, this is meant both symbolically and literally. Many dark activities of the other side have already been exposed and will continue to be. If you want to do something properly, brilliant logistics and much trust and sensitivity in this regard are required. Stay calm. All will be well! Amen.


8 February 2021


My children, well, the effects of a worldly nature can hardly be overlooked at the moment and also snow catastrophes, ice slickness, but also Sahara winds, earthquakes and much more, are present on earth in many ways at the moment. Everything is in upheaval, My children. Because the other side does not voluntarily retreat one millimetre, the transformation will take longer than many of you had hoped. Indeed, it is a great trial of strength on earth. Remain calm and do what you do best - voluntarily, with humility and love. Amen.


7 February 2021


My children, I have told you many times that everything is connected to everything else. Just as it is in the micro realm, it is also in the macro realm. This means that when world-shaking things happen, many people feel it. These things happen and should not worry you if, for example, they suddenly happen in the middle of the night. The most important thing is always that you know that you are protected and sheltered, and it would make a lot of sense if you went into intimate prayer immediately after such an event and then also made the immensely important light transmissions that you make on a voluntary basis every day. Amen.


6 February 2021

Under and over

My children, the world is going haywire in many places. Of course, this is also reflected in the weather. Therefore, I can only give you the good advice again and again to remain calm, to do your voluntary, daily good deeds and to help the people who ask you for help or advice. Amen.


5 February 2021


My children, whoever is open to it will now be able to have more meaningful conversations. I bring My children, who are faithful to Me, together in various ways, and it is not only spiritual topics that are discussed, but also health, healthy nutrition, gardening and much more that can help to become healthy and stay healthy are topics of these conversations. Amen.


4 February 2021

Detoxification of the body

My children, it is a good exercise for possible hard times and a sensible measure to detoxify your body regularly. Most of My children do not think much of diets in the conventional sense, but fasting for hours is useful and can help the body to let go of excess ballast and other disturbing things. Some of you have told Me in heartfelt prayer that it was or is a joy for you to have an early supper and then to have a kind of fast overnight until later in the morning, whereby you do not strain your body but give it the opportunity to detoxify and cleanse itself in a very pleasant way. How you detoxify and what steps you need to take is a matter of your own free will. But remember that it is easiest if you do it in consultation with Me through intimate prayer, as you will receive promptings and help from Me through your ministering angels. Also remember that anything extreme does more harm than good to the body and should always be done in harmony with your life and diet. Amen.


3 February 2021

Healing thoughts

My children, now it is important that this high energy that you and all the others, My children who voluntarily help Me, have built up, can be held. Healing thoughts are also needed for this. Imagine your village, your city, your country, even the earth healed and peaceful to live on. The more people imagine and firmly believe in these healing thoughts for people, animals, nature and the earth, the faster change and healing will happen. But first a cleansing must take place on earth. How hard or soft this is carried out is also up to you and the behaviour of the worldly-oriented people. Amen.


2 February 2021

Candlemas 2021

My children, as in the years before, the spiritual light will be anchored more strongly in the earth again with today's day and as a side effect it will also be brighter and more flooded with light on earth. Today is an ideal day to voluntarily do even more good with all your strength, because through the spiritual anchoring of the light, your good deeds will once again be strengthened. All will be well! Amen. 


1 February 2021

The energy softens

My children, with the beginning of the month of February softer energies are flowing onto the earth and the very hard January energy, which was also important, must give way to the softer February energy. You will see the effects of all this. Rejoice that you are once again one step closer to spring. Amen.


31 January 2021

Your Thoughts

My children, watch your thoughts and what you say. If you wish to give joy to someone with loving phrases, cheers and the like, it is allowed within reason, as long as no one is offended or hurt. If, for example, in addition to your good deeds on a voluntary basis, you also send good and healing thoughts into the world every day in between and also check yourselves again and again if something angry or annoying comes into your thoughts because, for example, injustices are taking place in the world again, it makes sense to give it to Me directly for transformation via intimate prayer. Purity of thought is very important, My children. Amen. 


30 January 2021

When help is needed

My children, many worldly-minded people are energetically drained, weak and tired. They have hardly any strength left to defend themselves against the arbitrariness exercised by the other side through the state. But if a spark of My energy of love is ready to leap over in their hearts, in order to gradually let My fire of healing and My energy of love flow, these people now have the chance that your daily good deeds and prayers can bear fruit with them. That means: Whoever is open to this in their heart can now, through the help of you and My other children who are faithful to Me, receive the important impetus that is needed so that this person can go their own way and learn to leave the great cycle of dependence in order to then also be a child of Mine who voluntarily does good and naturally also receives this back as a response. Amen.


29 January 2021

When the earth shakes

My children, some of you have told Me in heartfelt prayer that they have also felt earthquakes, some of them more often, recently. Well, the earth is always in a certain kind of energy and movement. Earthquakes can happen through this, as well as through manipulations from the other side and as an effect on events, behaviour and catastrophes. Remain calm then, My children. Best behave as you do when you pray fervently, send light or otherwise do good. Should the quake be so strong that it has an effect on people, animals and nature, it is best to go immediately into intimate prayer with Me and I will then guide and direct you in the way that is best. Amen.


28 January 2021

If you knew how strong you are

My children, most of you, My faithful children and extended arms on earth, do not even know what power and strength of a spiritual kind they carry within themselves. Only in exceptional situations or dreams do My children often realise what they can achieve with the power of faith, trust and heartfelt love. You know that you are allowed to bless, cleanse and disrupt in My name if you are connected to Me through intimate prayer, and in this way you can not only cleanse, energise and bless food and drink, but also do much good in nature, for example. Do not think long and hard about what it can be, but let yourselves be guided, My beloved children! Amen.


27 January 2021

Your Health

My children, the subject of "masks" moves you more than you sometimes like. Since more and more of My children, who are faithful to Me, want to speak to Me about this worldwide in heartfelt prayer, and I also help them within the bounds of possibility, without interfering with their free will, I am speaking about this subject once again today. Forced wearing of masks, which on the one hand are or can be harmful to health and on the other hand considerably restrict freedom, are not according to My divine will! That is to say: You may, within the bounds of what is feasible, provide yourselves with relief. My writing channel here told you some time ago that there are masks with filters that can be used in such a way that you get good air. I recommend that you wear the masks only when you have to. Limit your purchases and then buy specifically for a longer period of time and also decide what is more important for you: earning money or your health. Furthermore, many masks can not only be washed but also disinfected and, as I told you earlier, whoever writes "JCidS "* on his mask and asks Me for protection will also get it. These are well-meant hints from Me! All will be well! Amen. 

* JCidS = Jesus Christ is the Victor


26 January 2021

It is boiling

My children, you also feel it - partly even in your own bodies - that it is boiling on earth. I cannot say often enough how important all the voluntary works of My children, who are faithful to Me, are, because without you, who do these good deeds worldwide, the other side would have won. Keep calm, all will be well! Amen.


25 January 2021

Why peace of heart is so important

My children, many of you have realised that much of what is presented on the world stage is just show, distraction or lie. I guide and lead you, if you allow it, through the heart power with which you are connected to Me and your daily voluntary works in My vineyard are your good deeds and shares to make this world more light-filled and peaceful. Amen.


24 January 2021

Human Behaviour 

My children, much of what happens on earth is only understood to a fraction by worldly-minded people and their way of thinking and acting entangles them even more in areas and opinions that were and are cleverly guided by the other side. Only those who trust Me are, on the one hand, protected and sheltered as My child who is faithful to Me and who voluntarily does good and, on the other hand, as a child who knows much of what really happens on earth through My regular transmissions, trainings and, of course, also the school of life which every human being is allowed to go through and live through himself. Have understanding for your fellow human beings, friends, relatives and acquaintances who are not yet so far advanced in their spiritual development that they can accept what has often been self-evident for you for many years. There are old souls, younger souls and very young souls, never forget that, My children. It is usually the case that with the years and also the various incarnations, knowledge and wisdom come to people - if they allow it and are willing to turn to Me of their own free will, in order to be able to walk this path of truth and love in humility and joy, in order to help many people who are already open to receive My help and My training - at first in very small doses, which then become larger and larger until they also walk the path of the heart in voluntary love. Amen.


23 January 2021

Worldwide weather events

My children, the worldwide events - not only in the USA - have a great influence on the weather events. If you, as My extended arms on earth, would not do so much good every day in a voluntary way, the weather events would look a lot worse. You see, My children, that you do good in many ways when you work in My vineyard full of joy and love. Amen.


22 January 2021 

Your health is important 

My children, many of you are getting very involved in certain situations, even though I have told you that the other side is having their political puppets put on badly performed "plays". Please remain calm, My children! I give you this well-meant advice again and again! Your health can suffer if you get too involved in something or get overly excited. There have often been dicey and seemingly almost unsolvable situations on earth that are not recorded in your history books because they happened too long ago and only exist in part in traditions and fairy tales. Often the turning point comes and came only at the "very last minute", a point in time no longer considered possible. It has to do with trust and loving devotion and the knowledge that everything will be all right. Do not forget, My children: You live in the so-called "end times" and much of what is happening now in these years is partly encoded in the Apocalypse and was also partly shown by seers. But you must always take into account that through free will many things can change - both positively and negatively. Please remain in your inner centre and joyfully perform your daily, voluntary good deeds. In this way you will help most of all - in these difficult times. Amen.


21 January 2021


My children, I have told you many times that the other side is very good at acting, irritating, confusing and deceiving with the mask of innocence. They are brilliant at perfidiously driving humanity into fear and deception. This is happening again, but this time a larger part of humanity is wide awake and has seen through the game. Be patient, remain calm and go about your so wonderful voluntary work in My vineyard. All will be well! Amen.


20 January 2021

The whole world is watching

My children, today the whole world is looking to the USA. You, as My extended arms on earth, may do as much good as you can today and continue to do your voluntary work in My vineyard with joy. I have already told you that there is a final battle between light and darkness and this will also gradually show itself in the gross material realm. All will be well! Amen.


19 January 2021

Listen to your heart

My children, many can no longer wait to see what happens in the USA and are also upset that stricter confinements are also planned in your countries. Because more and more people are waking up and also want to open their shops - despite government prohibitions, because otherwise they will soon be bankrupt - the situation is slowly changing in the world. Many more people are also refusing this vaccination than the other side had imagined. Therefore, listen to your heart and let Me guide and direct you through your heartfelt prayers. All will be well, My children. Amen. 


18 January 2021

Trial of strength

My children, what is happening right now in the physical world has long been a special kind of trial of strength in the ethereal realm, whereby the other side has still not given up in the physical realm, although it has already lost in the ethereal realm, if I express it in your language. What you are seeing now on earth is the final trial of strength, whereby the light side uses fair means and the other side does not. Continue to remain calm, My children, everything will increase - both on the light side and on the other side. Know deep in your heart that you are protected and sheltered as My children, faithful to Me and extended arms on earth, who do so much good every day in a voluntary way. Amen. 


17 January 2021


My children, the confinements of people and also foreclosures, are taking on harsher features. Nevertheless, you should continue to remain in inner peace and continue your good deeds, which are so immensely important and which you do voluntarily full of joy, as usual. The stronger the pressure from the other side, the more important are all the help and good deeds of My children who are faithful to Me. Amen.


16 January 2021

The play goes on

My children, numbers are numbers. They can be changed quickly with computers in this day and age and everything can be adjusted to suit the politicians. The play still goes on, but I say to you: Keep calm and know deep in your heart that all will be well and all My children, who are faithful to Me, are protected and sheltered - within the framework of their life plan. Amen.


15 January 2021

What is healing

My children, you ask Me again and again in heartfelt prayer how especially now, in this difficult and drastic time for many people, the body can remain healthy and fit. Well, the trust in Me and My healing powers is an important pillar of your life - connected with the knowledge that you can do a lot for your health and everything that happens in, on and around you. Be helpful, think of other people who are in need, be generous to yourself and also to others if it is possible, always think positively, be cheerful, laugh if it comes from the heart, avoid stronger contacts with people who are not good for you and, if necessary, always try to increase your life energy. Always try to steal your life energy, eat healthy and if possible vegan food, drink mainly blessed water which you regularly receive from Me through intimate prayer or bless it in My name spoken in intimate deepening, let good thoughts come to you and send away everything destructive and energy-robbing - e.g. you can do this in intimate deepening. For example, you can hand this over in heartfelt prayer with Me for transformation, avoid extreme situations and also do not watch such films, go out into nature and enjoy it, read good books that do your soul good, have stimulating or uplifting conversations, help people in need - e.g. via the telephone or the internet, pray for people who ask you to help them and much more, My children. These advices are always recommendations from Me. Add to this your daily voluntary work in My vineyard... All will be well! Amen.


14 January 2021

Healing happens from the heart

My children, many of you are surprised that with some people healings happen very quickly and with others it seems to take forever. Well, it depends on different things: The path of life and the so-called karma to be worked off are partly responsible for this, but also the intimate belief in a quick recovery - combined with trust in Me and My love and healing power. Furthermore, patience is also immensely important, because if doubts arise now and then in the person who wants to get well, this immediately throws him back again, because then the resonance programme starts immediately. In other words, if you have a niggle, a little ache or something else that burdens or affects you, you should first of all feel into yourself and forgive yourself for what has happened to you as a human being. When this has happened, you or the person in question are welcome to talk to Me about the issue in heartfelt prayer and symbolically hand it over to Me. I will then help to the extent that I have just explained to you. Amen.


13 January 2021


My children, it is important in these times to observe basic things: First of all, you should not let yourselves be vaccinated in general, because vaccinations always do more harm to the body than good, since every vaccine is provided with substances that are not good for the body's own immune system. I have created human beings and also animals in such a way that no vaccinations of any kind are necessary. Back to the vaccination against something that on the one hand does not exist and on the other hand has so many side effects that only bodies with a fully intact immune system can cope with it at all, given certain factors. You are also welcome to say that you are (Original) Christians and that your faith forbids you or that you have no confidence in a vaccine that has hardly been tested, has many side effects and where many vaccinated people have already become seriously ill or even died in a short time, as was reported in secular media. Furthermore, as I have often advised you, it makes sense to take precautions in all areas, including sufficient blessed white candles, matches or lighters to light the candles and, of course, torches, because if the electricity suddenly fails in the evening or at night, it makes sense to take precautions. The trust in My love, My help and My protection is very strong in almost all of you and therefore also the voluntary willingness to do good as often as possible in order to also participate in this important process of transformation, which brings about wonderful things on earth. Amen.    


12 January 2020


My children, there will be some surprises in the next few days, or rather in the near future, mainly for worldly-minded people. You, who are My faithful children and also as extended arms daily do your spiritual work in My vineyard in a voluntary way full of joy, do not be too surprised by this. All will be well, My children. Amen.


11 January 2021

Good preparation

My children, it makes sense to be well prepared in the near future. I have already told you quite a bit about stockpiling. Just as regular power outages have happened and will happen in some parts of the Earth, it is indeed wise to take precautions in this regard. There will be intense energies flowing on Earth over the next few days and also cleansings of various kinds. Continue to be at peace and do your voluntary deeds in My vineyard, which I continue to be pleased with every day. Amen.


10 January 2021

Helpers within and without

My children, as I have already told you: nothing is as it seems on the worldly stage and all My children, faithful to Me, are inwardly or outwardly especially busy now! Your good deeds, on a voluntary basis every day, are just as much a part of it as the outer deployments of My, to Me faithful children, there. Remain in peace, all will be well! Amen.


9 January 2021

The knots will be untied

My children, the spiritual entanglements and symbolic knots that abound in the world are now being gradually loosened, first in the subtle realm and then in the gross material realm. That is to say: The great entanglements are being decoded and gradually flooded with My energy of love, so that they can no longer serve as placeholders and "bugbears" of the other side. As I said: Remain calm and joyfully perform your daily voluntary good deeds. I am very happy about that! Amen.


8 January 2021

The heart level

My children, many of you are very agitated worldwide about the conditions in the respective countries or even continents. You can see from the fact that the so-called "virus" is rampant everywhere, that the other side is working together worldwide and has its fingers completely in the big web of lies. If you study world events carefully, you will notice that all the so-called "flu cases" of the past years are now being declared as "C", as if the "flu" had suddenly become obsolete. I recommend to you, My children, do not get carried away in any way with anything and always remain connected to Me on the heart level through intimate prayer, for this is the only way that keeps you constantly in inner peace with Me, yourselves and everything else. I do not tell you for nothing that everything will be all right - it just takes a corresponding amount of time. If I continue to recommend that you do not go outside - or only if you have to - there are good reasons for this. Your voluntary, daily work in My vineyard is so immensely important and I am always very pleased anew how much good you do, out of your inner heart, full of joy, voluntarily and in humility. Amen.


7 January 2021

The world is full of excitement

My children, things are hot in the world at the moment and much of what you see and hear is once again a clever game played by the other side. Very many people have already seen through the fact that through vaccinations the numbers of so-called infections are going up, because there is nothing in these vaccinations that is good for people. That's why it makes sense to stay at home as often as possible. Please do not get vaccinated! Instead, your voluntary work in My vineyard to do good for the earth and all life forms that are receptive to it is not to be paid for with gold, to use a well-known saying for once. Amen.


6 January 2021

Epiphany 2021

My children, there are areas and countries where Christmas is celebrated today. In your countries the children have been on the road again for a few days, where it is permitted, collecting money and sweets. You, My children and extended arms on earth, may gladly do a little more of your voluntary good deeds in My vineyard again today, for the other side is also always very active on such holidays. Keep calm, My children, all will be well. Amen.


5 January 2021

All is coming to you 

My children, I have told you many times that everything has a resonance and through your mostly daily good deeds in My vineyard, your resonances also come back to you in a wonderful way. If you need or are looking for something specific, there is a great probability that this wish will soon be fulfilled - of course, as I said, within the framework of your own life plan. Please remain calm, My children, all will be well. Amen.


4 January 2021

Pay attention to subtleties

My children, please pay attention to subtleties in politics, in people and in all the things you encounter. Changes will happen. Very little at first, but then more and more as time goes on. Pay attention to what the politicians in your country say, how they behave and always remember that you are the true strong people - energetically speaking - because you do your good deeds in My vineyard every day, in a voluntary way. Amen.


3 January 2021

All is not as it seems

My children, to state it clearly once again: Most news in the world is controlled, financed and predetermined by the other side. Those who wish to succeed in the public media must comply or very quickly lose their jobs or, if they refuse, will be publicly denounced, exposed or implicated in worse things. Behind the whole concept of the other side is an ancient plan to enslave humanity. But what the other side also knows is that My plan for the earth and its inhabitants is far more elaborate. But since I take into account people's free will from the very beginning, this "game", for it is nothing else for the other side, is often very lengthy if you only think in terms of a "human lifetime". Understand, My children, that it is almost impossible to understand the overall concept only approximately, since you yourselves would only be able to glimpse and understand a fraction from the very top. Therefore, whoever doubts My plan or cannot understand this and that is not yet so far advanced in his development. That is not a bad thing, My children, for the respective level of development in a spiritual way is naturally very different among My children who are faithful to Me, as you can naturally imagine. Each of My children, who are faithful to Me, should only do what they want to do of their own free will. If one of you stops doing something because he does not understand it, or only understands it in part, it is also good as it is. Only do things out of joy and voluntariness, My children! No compulsion and no pressure should weigh you down. If something moves you too much, disturbs you or burdens you, hand it over to Me in heartfelt prayer or let it remain worldly. I am very grateful for every voluntary, joyful, heartfelt labour of love in My vineyard. Whoever says that, as a child of Mine, he is too old for physical work, can, if the inner attitude is there, pray, send light and do other labours of love in My vineyard voluntarily every day, full of joy. There is always work for every one of My children - but only voluntarily and with joy and love! Amen.